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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Figured I'd try something out. Doesn't interfere with anyone's story and it's a good warmup. based off the first boss run of any kind I did with Miss Valkyr last night. :D




"A half hour in and we're still no closer" the Excalibur grumbled, feet gently tamping across the metal floors.

It had taken an absurdly long time to get to where they needed to go. He was traveling with the new stranger to their organization, a Tenno that, for the time being, was known simply as Valkyr.  The Lotus had apparently found some sort of poetic meaning in it, since they'd first found this woman screaming incoherently in an immobilization apparatus within a Corpus lab on Jupiter. There'd been a dampening field around her to muffle the noise and even then she had been audible from all the way down the hallway. They'd calmed her down enough to release her and she'd passed out, carried from the lab by a Rhino.

Recovery for her had been unexpectedly quick, and the Lotus had sent her out with Ekadao, the Excalibur in question, on a trial run, to assess her performance. She wasn't much of a talker. The few times Ek had tried striking up a conversation, all he'd gotten was a quiet yes or no, with very little beyond that. They were on an assassination mission, to kill Councillor Vay hek, yet again. This wasn't the first time Ek had been sent on this mission. They kept cloning the bastard and he always seemed to end up needing to be eliminated. This run, however, had fewer frames than he was used to. Normally a squad of four was sent to ensure success, but this time around it was just the pair, and he was a little nervous about the situation.

Turns out he didn't need to be.

They'd arrived at the massive interior chamber that Hek seemed to favor, with the raised platform in the middle. The chaff they ran into on the way in didn't stand long, and Ekadao was impressed by his counterpart's efficiency in slaughtering Grineer. The only thing that disturbed him was the screaming. Whenever she got into range, she would let loose these... cries. It was hard to describe them, beyond the word 'anguish'. He'd heard stories about her, about the Zanuka project, about the things they had done to this woman.

Torture didn't even begin to cover it.

They found Hek cowering up on his platform, a line of Riflemen immediately opening up when they crested. Heedless of the rounds coming in, Valkyr immediately opened fire with her Strun Wraith, a powerful shotgun looted from this very conglomerate. her shields didn't last long, but the rounds that impacted on her didn't seem to phase her, and Ek joined in with his Braton. The Excal could SEE the rounds punching through her suit, and his team monitor flashed as he saw her take hit after unshielded hit. The riflemen were quickly silenced by the pair, but Councillor Hek chose that moment to wheel around the corner of a large crate and let loose with his legendary shotgun. The heavy round hit center mass and Valkyr was lifted from her feet, chest pockmarked with holes from the pellets of the multibarreled firearm. Ek wasn't entirely certain which was more impressive, that the tall woman had actually been knocked prone, or that, according to his monitor, she was actually still able to function. She was still prone though, and as hek chambered another round, the Excal felt he had to act. he opened up with fully automatic fire, spraying downrange and forcing the Councillor back behind his crate as Valkyr stood upright.

What happened next took him completely by surprise. The shotgun, her Viper pistols, and the mighty Scindo that had been strapped across her back all clattered to the floor and he could visibly see the frame quaking. She screamed. This wasn't like any scream he'd heard before though. This scream was the kind you might expect to hear from the bowels of hell, or someone eviscerated with a blunt object. This scream was absolutely terrifying. Bright claws of energy sprung from her hands and, before he could even think about moving with her, Valkyr sprung at Hek's hiding place. Of course, the cheeky politician-turned-murderer decided to come back around, and unloaded another round into the female Tenno's chest. This round, however, did absolutely nothing to slow her down. All it seemed to do was make her angrier. Her first punch cracked the armored chestplate of the Grineer officer, causing him to stumble backwards. he started to fall over the guardrail, but with a jerk of the Frame's hand, a white ripcord shot forth and imbedded itself in Hek's abdomen. A mighty jerk brought him back towards her and a second punch clotheslined him to the ground. A flurry of punches followed on his prone form and his vital signs dropped to zero. She kept punching.

For nearly a minute she continued to punch, screaming the entire time, that terrifying wail that was felt as much as it was heard. by the time she was done, what remained on the ground was nothing but crushed entrails and chunks of metal that used to be armor. She had reduced him to a shapeless mass, and only the now-empty reserves of her power stopped her from continuing. Given time, the Excaliber was certain she might have dug a hole through the decking and into the asteroid.

Ek could only think It's a damn good thing she's on our side...

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soo here.....im going to go curl up because of the feels





Quinn looked out the window as he readied his weapons. The trade district was active, light were everywhere, and fire, fire was also present. Concerned for Joanna, Quinn packed less ammo then he usually would of. He quickly modded his fangs with fire, the purge the infested, he had learned about those abominations. Brought back to “Life” by the Technocyte virus. The horrors they brought, the horrors they are. Looking out the window 1 last time, Quinn walked down stairs with his sobek on his back, the twin vipers at his hips, and the fangs leaving a burning trail behind him. At the bottom of the steps Quinn say the Foundry Master. He was stooped over, in his chair looking at his hands.


“I cant stop you, can i?” He asked quietly.


“No, you cant, no one can, this is something i must do.” Quinn replied. 


“Then so be it,” The Master said, standing, “May your gun never run out of ammo and your blades always be sharp.” Extending his hand the Foundry Master looked at Quinn. Taking his hand slowly Quinn shook it, then letting go walked towards the door. Right before he opened the door, it burst open and a guard stood there, breathing heavily. 


“Your both needed in the “rich” district, immediately.” The guard said when he had caught his breath. 


“HAHAHAHHAHA!” Quinn let his warframe activate, covering all but his head, “Who said i would help them?” he asked the guard.


“Ummmmm...ummm” The guard mumbled trying to find an answer.


“EXACTLY!!!!” Quinn yelled pushing the guard forcefully out of the way, throwing him almost 6 feet. The Foundry Master watched with sadness but said and did nothing.


“You have to!” The guard who had gotten up grabbed Quinn by the shoulder. He was promptly thrown to the ground and faced with a burning blade.


“What do i have to do?” Asked Quinn, staring at the guard with cold, calculating grey eyes. 


“ummmmmmm....nothing.......” The guard scared S#&$less mumbled and looked away. 


“Good” And with that Quinn ran, fast, hard, and with purpose. Through the working district into the trade, the screams and fear of the people could be heard and felt. He ran past burning building, dieing people, past infested, past ancients, past everything. He was after Joanna. Nothing stopped him, he charged through the infested shooting, cutting destroying the Virus with everything he had. By the time he made it to the square where she lived, he had ran out of shotgun ammo, and was dangerously low for his VIpers. His warframe abilities had no effect on the infested, they were resilient to electricity. He slowed only a little and when he did he noticed what was happening in the square. The baker was trying to fight. As Quinn ran forward ot help the baker was overrun and taken down.


“NOO!!!!” Joanna’s scream echoed across the town, she was watching from the second story of her house. Looking up Quinn saw her tears, her sadness, and with that in fueled his rage, his anger, his hate for these abominations these horrible THINGS! Running forward he used what was left of his viper’s ammo and throwing them to the side ran in fangs spinning.


The baker was dead, along with the infested. Quinn was cover in the stuff the infested had as blood, the fangs sizzled as they burnt away the flesh and blood. Looking up, Quinn saw Joanna watching him. Then she was gone from the window. Shocked Quinn ran to the bakery and kicked the door in. The door blasted off its hinges killing the infested behind it, who had gotten inside from the back. Her scream echoed off the walls, sending chills down his spine. Running up the stair he was confronted with a horrible site.


She was pinned to the wall, a Toxic Ancient held her. The blazing fangs spun, cut, burned, destroyed. As the Ancient fell Quinn caught Joanna, as she fell limply to the floor. Looking down at her he knew, he knew he could never have the life he wanted. She smiled at him as she opened her eyes. Her beautiful green eyes. She reached out and placed her hand on his bloody cheek.


“I love you,” She said quietly, taking shallow breaths.


“I know,  i love you too Joanna” He said as tears began to trace divots out of the blood dried on his face.  She reached up wiping away a tear, and placing her hand on his cheek. 


“Goodbye, Quinn.” She said as her hand fell away, her body going limp, her green eyes closing, her life slipped away. He held her like that, he didnt move. Then standing with her in his arms he walked her to the bed. Laying her down on her bed, he arranged her hands nicely and make sure her eyes were closed, then covering her with the blankets, he took a step back. Tears were streaming down his face, but that did not stop him. Leaning over he kissed her on the forehead, leaving a few tears on her face. Turning away, his eyes were cold, and senseless yet filled with a deep sadness. 


He could not be stopped, they tried, and failed. His warframe was pulsing electricity which lit anything it touched on fire. His anger and sadness fueled his attacks, his life, the only purpose he had now, Revenge. The Infested fell before him, burning, shriveling, exploding. Their twisted screams filled the trade district. What was left of their twisted corpses, filled the streets, the squares, the buildings. 


He fell. His warframe was out of energy, he could not go on, why should he, he should die here, like her, the one he could not save. But that was not his fate. A Rhino landed before him, strong, and able. But who was behind the frame surprised him. Dark blue eyes looked at him with understanding and sadness. 


“I a sorry, but this is the only thing i can do for you now, i was useless, a spineless fool, i left you because of my fear, while you ran in blindly.” His Master said, activating Iron Skin, he pulled all of the infested away taking them away, being the bait, dieing for him. Quinn didnt want anyone else to die for his sake. As tears began to run down his face, Quinn knew that he could never be happy again.


He was saved hours later, by a group of Tenno, they found him propped up against a wall staring into space, battle worn and unresponsive. The lotus organization healed him of his physical wounds with years of cryo sleep, but they could do nothing for the mental ones. He took up the role a a foundry workman, working his way to the top, the Foundry Master. But no matter who it was who talked to him, working with him, they saw the haunted expression in his eyes, the expression of loss, of defeat, of death. Things changed when he left the lotus organization. He was a loner, a hand for hire, he worked for thousands upon thousands of dojo’s, until he came upon a single one, which called to him. 

Edited by QuinnsWing
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Ok, so i got the next tale of Kris ready, it is going to be a surprise to see what happened after the chat with Lotus.


Kris didn't know where he was. White walls surrounded him, his head hurt and the bright light was hurting his eye. After a few minutes, he could finally look around and try to discover where he was. He wasn't in Corpus custody, or in a Grineer cell and he certantly wasn't dead as he still needed to breathe. After a few more moments he managed to deduce where he was. He was in a holding cell on the Station. ''Oh god, what did i do now?'' Was the only thing Kris could think as the door to his cell opened and two Tenno, a Nyx and an Ash, entered the cell. Even though they still had their helmets on, Kris could feel their eyes resting on him.

''So, do you know why you are in this cell, Mister...?'' The Nyx spoke, the contempt clear in her voice.

''Is it related to the pounding headache? oh, and my name is Kris by the way.'' Kris said, his nervousness clear in his posture and voice both.

''As a matter of fact it is, Kris.'' The Ash answered. ''But we thought that you might remember what happened.''

''Remember what? the last thing I remember was going to the training room and then it is just blurred, blank, empty.'' Kris told the two.

''I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!'' The Nyx shouted as she lunged at Kris, her arms outstretched to choke him. Unfortunatly, she met with Kris's quick reflexes as he grabbed her left arm and redirected her into the wall behind him. She shouted and attacked again, only to be thrown into the ground by Kris.

''Why are you attacking me? I don't understand.'' Kris said frightened. The Nyx stood up and prepared to attack him, only to be ordered to stand down by the Ash.

''I am so sorry for her behavior, but you see, you sent her fiance to the hospital during your...uhm...rampage.'' The Ash told Kris. ''We have footage of what happened, do you want to view it in case it can jog your memory a bit?''

''Oh god.'' Kris said as he covered his face. ''Ok ok ok, I think I can deduce what happened from what little you told me.'' Kris told the pair as some of his memory started to come back to him. ''I went to the training room. That I know for sure. I was in a pretty depressed state and angry as well. Someone at the training room must have started harassing me. I guess I went over the edge...''

''THAT IS ALL YOU CAN DEDUCE?! YOU ALMOST KILLED MY FIANCE! YOU ALMOST KILLED ME!'' The Nyx prepared to attack him again. Kris had had enough.

'' YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT IS LIKE TO BE ME! SO STAND DOWN WHILE I F*CKING EXPLAIN IT TO YOU!'' He shouted back, taking the Nyx by surprise. ''I have to suffer everyday, I am ridiculed everyday, I AM HARASSED every day and sometimes I just can't keep all that built up anger and sadness inside of me. I go berserk and rampage. I know that because of the HUNDREDS of videos Lotus has of me in that state. I can't remember what I do while I rampage, because I AM NOT IN CONTROL! This is not the first time I've woken up in a cell because of this. Last time this happened I destroyed over 100 security drones and put over 50 Tenno in the hospital. Why do I know that? because Lotus told me.'' The anger and sadness Kris was feeling at that moment seemingly seeped into the air as the Nyx dropped to her knees. ''Can you understand now? did your little psychic head finally understand?''


Hours later Kris was back in his room, sorting through his mail. His mail filled with rejection, except for one letter. ''oh boy.'' Kris thought. ''Lotus is going to be very happy. F*ck.''


that is a general response Kris has to anything that makes Lotus happy. surprise.

Edit: funny thing is, when Kris ends up berserking in the Station, he never kills anyone. It is mostly because of security drones taking the killing hits for the Tenno he ends up attacking.

Edited by FatViking
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That and frost and frost prime heads look like crabs a little...yeah...


Khi and Canis had a pet before all hell broke loose...it was a ficus. -badumtish- Okay, not really a pet, didn't want another pet-death story...personally I like the idea that once more wildlife becomes apparent to us (and scannable) we might keep some as pets...for now the Sentinels are pets...pets of mass intelligence lacking any sort of wisdom or logic to conquer the system while they go at each other's throats.

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Dalimir had just completed his initial training.  He equipped himself with a new Ash Frame instead of his old one, believing that as a Novice, he should start anew.  He equipped himself with the usual starting set of weapons, and decided to colour them shades of black and grey with red energy lights.  He then went on missions with various other Tenno at Mercury, disabling or stealing information from Grineer Galleons stationed in that sector.  He had made mistakes along the way, but he learned from them, as did others.  When he came to the final ship in the sector, he and the members of his Cell finished the mission flawlessly.  Dalimir couldn't help but think it was because they got lucky, but he appreciated the victory nonetheless.


Later, when he was back in the Dojo, he had just stepped out of the training room when he saw the news: A Corpus member named Alad V had found a cache of sleeping Tenno, and were using them as experiments for his "Zanuka Project".  This sent a hatred for the man through Dalimir's bones.  For a Tenno to wake up in a time of need only to find themselves on a table for another's gains?  It was wrong and unacceptable.  A Corpus named Frohd Bek had said that he would tell the Tenno where Alad lied in the Jupiter system, but the Tenno would have to clear all of his ships of the Infested first in exchange.  Dalimir knew that Frohd was using the Tenno to further his gains, but it didn't matter, the madness in Alad's experiment had to be stopped.


He signed on for missions there, and again, found himself accompanying various other Tenno, most more experienced than he was.  he watched them while he supported form the back, learned from them, but did not copy them, he would have his own style, in time.  He learned the hard way to keep his distance from the tall shambling creatures with red tendrils at the "mouth".  As he was knocked down unceremoniously by one and sapped of all his collected energy and half his shields.  During downtime in between missions, he would often go back to the training room, and select the Dual Ethers, sensing a familiarity with them, though he was still sloppy, he felt more comfortable with them than his Skana.  He also found he preferred the Akbolto style, he would keep his Braton, until he held a high enough rank to try some of the weapons reserved for those with more experience, not feeling all that comfortable with some of the other weapons, especially shotguns.  He was also drawn to the Paris and Kunai, and made a mental note to find his own in the future.  When he finally asked about the statue to someone else in the training room, the other Tenno said she didn't know, but had heard about a Foundry Master who knew him well.  This proved convenient for Dalimir, as it allowed him further knowledge on the man whom the statue represented, and he could potentially ask for him to build his preferred weapons.  Later that week, he stopped by the Foundry, and gave a polite knock at its door.



Meanwhile, a Tenno of no name laid still in a dark room, she wasn't holding herself up, letting her restraints and bonds do that for her.  She would save her strength until she met HIM again.  She looked up as the shutters in the grates above her opened, instantly getting used to the sudden light that invaded her pitch black prison, and stared with great hatred at the silhouette of the man that was behind it all...



Dun, dun, duuuuuuuuuunnnnn


Will continue on that note later, while I write down what I imagine, and cross off anything that doesn't quite fit.


No dialogue in this one, as there isn't a real need for him to speak in this, I feel.


I know I've said this twice before but: Feedback welcome!  I'm always looking to improve if I make any unseen mistakes or errors and would love it if you all helped me with that.

Edited by Dalimir
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That and frost and frost prime heads look like crabs a little...yeah...


Khi and Canis had a pet before all hell broke loose...it was a ficus. -badumtish- Okay, not really a pet, didn't want another pet-death story...personally I like the idea that once more wildlife becomes apparent to us (and scannable) we might keep some as pets...for now the Sentinels are pets...pets of mass intelligence lacking any sort of wisdom or logic to conquer the system while they go at each other's throats.

Lol, true enough.


I first thought of it as programming limitations, though. Sentinels probably must follow the Three Laws or some equivalent, when it comes to their Tenno masters. Hence why those buggers still do what we say.

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