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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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I like it.... and this Alad V - Valkyr relation... I think it is a bit in BDSM stuff... =)


Not what I had in mind at the time, but I guess I can see how one could interpret that.

But no, no that would imply that both parties are getting a certain type of pleasure from this, neither of them are.


EDIT: But Alad does watch the recordings for his pleasure, just not THAT pleasure.

Edited by Dalimir
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Some more of my starting stuff



"Alright, that's the last anti-magnet. How are the harnesses?" Vuryan asked Daran, having attached a couple of grey, metallic devices onto the Mag's magnets, preventing any pulls or crushes any time soon.


"There we go, strong enough to hold a rhino." Daran said, smiling as he took his helmet off.

"Put that back on yourself." Vuryan said quickly.

"Relax, it's just you and me and the helpless mag here." Daran said, looking around the infirmary in the ship. "And speaking of helpless..." he then added, placing his hand on the inside of the Mag's left thigh, looking greedily at her.


"Take your hand away now. You know the price for a 'used subject' is infinitely lower than for a pure specimen." Vuryan warned him.

"You're no fun." Daran said, slowly running his hand over the Mag's thigh as he pulled it back, right before putting his helmet on again. "It's a safely restrained female Tenno. Come on, tell me that it doesn't excite you at all." he added as he sat down.

"Maybe so, but remember our business. We might even get to take part in removing the warframe and examining the tech in it as long as she stays in pristine condition." Vuryan told him, sitting down by the other side. "You're lucky that it really is only you and me in here." he then added.


A few moments later Vuryan got an announcement. "They found the base's research." he told his 'friend'.

"I downloaded the last one. It's your turn, Tenno-bait." Daran said, smirking under his helmet.

"Alright then." Vuryan said calmly, downloading the data and opening it up in his HUD. "Wait... what is this?" he wondered.

"Dirty secrets that we're not high-ranked enough to look at it, close it." Daran told him hastily.




A few minutes later, a strange message went through their comms. "What the hell is-.... *broken mic sound* "


"Tenno?" Daran wondered, a bit unnerved.

"Can't be, he would have reported Tenno." Vuryan told him, going through the comms and which ones were open. The sight didn't encourage him in the slightest, as one by one, the communications links were shutting off.

"This is not good. What were they making here?" Daran said nervously as he stood up, walking a few steps away in his thoughts.

"I don't know.. let me look through it." Vuryan answered him, opening the research again on his hud, only taking a portion of his field of view, not distracting him enough for the Mag to decide to show signs that she was awake.


'What's going on here? Out-of-frame comms off.' The Mag thought before she said "Lotus, report on everything."

"Tenno, glad you're awake. You have been captured by Corpus forces. Rescue is ETA in ten minutes. There has been something hunting down the Corpus while you were unconscious." The Lotus answered her.

'Not good at all.' She thought as she looked around. Two corpus crewmen, no MOAs, really weird, must be an infirmary.


Suddenly, a loud thump could be heard behind the locked door leading out of the infirmary.


"What was that?" Daran said, almost jumping back in panic, but slowly walking towards the door.

"I'm almost there... what were they doing...?" Vuryan said, sifting through the data.


"Untie me now if you value your life." The Mag said panicked, pretty sure she knew what was on the other side of the door.

"Wha-..." Vuryan almost stepped back, but then he saw what the data said was there, and then almost instantly went towards the harnesses on the Mag's right hand, opening them and tearing the anti-magnet off, but it was too late, too late for Daran that is.


Daran opened the door and the last thing he saw was an axe-blade heading towards him, then the Mag used her powers to seal the door to prevent the thing from getting in.

Edited by Pyjamalama
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Not what I had in mind at the time, but I guess I can see how one could interpret that.

But no, no that would imply that both parties are getting a certain type of pleasure from this, neither of them are.


EDIT: But Alad does watch the recordings for his pleasure, just not THAT pleasure.


Hehehehehe, just pulling your leg here =D



Some more of my starting stuff





Nice, got me curious.



EDIT: DING!!!! post N#2050 and personal 45 =D

Edited by FrostOmega
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You want writing Viking? Here, have ALL the writing! A dump truck appears and buries Viking under tons of paper. (Note that this takes place in the past, when Anya is still about 14 years old)





"Did you hear who our teacher is?" "I heard it's gonna be a Prime!" "No way! Aren't they legends?" "Why would a Prime teach a bunch of recruits?"


Anya sat quietly in the sea of whispers, not wanting to single herself out as unruly by talking. It had taken a lot to convince her parents to let her try this and she was not about to jeopardize her chances by speaking out of turn..However, as she looked around the large training room, she couldn't help but be acutely aware that she was the youngest one there. She leaned forward to study a small plant that seemed to grow out of the very floor of the room. She had read once that they were called flowers, but this was the first time she had ever seen one.



A hush fell over the room, and she quickly straightened as the doors hissed open. The group of would-be Tenno murmured excitedly as an Excalibur Prime strode into the room.




Excalibur's eyes narrowed as he surveyed the group of hopeful recruits. There was always one, he knew. One who stood out, who had a certain spark that set them apart. It was his job to find that spark, and nurture it until it became a shining star.




The order was almost inaudible, but the authority it carried silenced the room immediately.


"You are all here today because you have chosen the Excalibur as your first Warframe. But know this: I will personally make sure that less than half of you make it to your Initiation Day. Because you do not have what it takes. Can any of you tell me what sets an Excalibur apart from the other Warframes?"


A tall boy spoke up. "Is it that we rely on melee more?"


"Not necessarily." X replied. "I myself have a rival Frost Prime who defeats me in melee combat more often than not. We do not have the strength of the Rhino, nor the cunning of a Loki. We cannot stop bullets like the guardians of ice, nor burn everything in our path like the daughters of flame. Our power lies not in our Warframes, but in our determination."


"When we face odds that seem impossible, we fight harder. When others train for hours until they learn a skill, we train for weeks until we can perform it flawlessly every time. Where others would be broken, we stand tall. Do you have the strength to keep going long after your friends have been killed? Can you keep going after everything you knew about the world has changed? When the very thing you fought for is gone?"


"If not," And here he paused to look each Initiate in the eye. "Then leave. Now."


There was a long pause, before several students rose and walked out the door, unable to meet the Prime's eyes.


"Good. Now that they are gone, we can begin. First let me say that I will not be your regular teacher. I am here for another purpose. To pick an apprentice."


This caused quite a stir among the class as everyone began jostling for a position at the front where they might be picked, each one bragging about this or that relative who was supposedly some great rebel against the Grineer. Anya slipped quietly off to the side, watching. She had recognized the Tenno the moment he first spoke. He had been the one to save her family, and she knew then and there that she would fight as hard as she could to be picked.


The elder Tenno raised one hand, and the noise died down again. 


"Now is not the time for talk. My decision will not be swayed by what some distant ancestor of yours has done, but by your own merits. Now pick your weapon of choice and we can begin."


Each student picked a weapon they liked the look of, from Kogake to Glaive. Anya chose a simple Skana, figuring she should master the basics first. 


Excalibur's Warframe clicked, then retracted, revealing the face of a weathered old man.


"You will each fight me one at a time. I will fight you until you yield, then choose. I will be unarmed, while you will use any weapon you wish. You first. Begin."


They came at him, and one by one they were disarmed almost instantly. Even those who at least had some prior training lasted only seconds longer than the rest. Any who tried to fight hand to hand were put into painful locks that threatened to break bones until they gave up. It wasn't long until Anya was the only one left.


She nervously stepped forward and bowed. X raised an eyebrow, as none of the others showed this kind of respect, then bowed in return.


Anya took a deep breath, then began with a hard vertical slash that X caught between two hands, before flinging her blade out of reach. Thinking quickly, Anya snatched a Kestrel out of a protesting students hands and tossed it at the old man, missing by a mile but surprising him enough to not only grab her sword, but a second Skana from the ground. 


This time he did not wait, but dashed forward, ducking under her clumsy swings and hooking his leg around hers, grabbing her shoulder and throwing her to the ground. In an instant he had her on her stomach with her arm wrenched painfully behind her back.


"Give up. You've already lasted longer than anyone else here." He pulled her arm higher, almost to the breaking point.


Anya's eyes watered from the pain, but she managed to force out a few words that surprised him.


"No. You give up!"


Excalibur held the hold for several agonizing seconds, until she was sure she would pass out. Then he released her.


"Very well. I have made my choice."


Anya stood slowly, rubbing her aching arm. "Who did you choose?" The class leaned in hopefully.


"I have chosen you. There may be more skilled fighters here, or faster, or stronger. But like I said, that does not make an Excalibur. Others fight until they fall. You, I believe, have the will to rise when you fall, and surpass those limits. That is why I have chosen you. Now, what is your name?"


"...Anya. My name is Anya."




I think that is the longest thing I've ever written. Tiring, but rewarding.

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I like Frosty.


and here is the continuation for Dalimir!!!!




Quinn was busy sending a message to the council when this systems alerted him to someone at his door. Looking up to a monitor he zoomed in a camera on his visitor. An Ash, new to be precise. He quickly finished typing the message and sent it out. Hitting a button, Quinn activated a com link to the Ash.


“Ill be right there in a moment, i just have to finish somethings.” Quinn said quickly into the com while watching the Ash jump a little at the sudden sound of his voice. chuckling a little Quinn hurried up to his room. He rushed past where Ein had been, he would miss the quirky creation in the foundry. But he had Juliet right now, so he wouldn't be to lonely. Speaking of the osprey, it was following him, again. 


“Juliet, no!” Quinn said as he closed the elevator doors before the osprey could join him.  He hadn’t expected anyone to drop by the foundry, but he was used to it. Reaching his room, Quinn walked over to the door and opened it.


“Sorry to make you wait so long. Who are you?” Quinn asked inviting the Ash in.


“My name is Dalimir, nice to meet you.” Dalimir said politely.


“No need for formalities, so what do you need?” Quinn asked while beckoning the ash to the side room, which was meant for work. 

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I do believe, that i should write more about Kris's exploration of the dojo



After what seemed like hours and 4 pages of drawing a perfect replica of the Memorial Hall, Kris stood up and walked out. He had decided to roam around the dojo for a bit longer. His first destination was nowhere, as he decided to stop where he would find a subject worthy of drawing. his first stop happened to be one of the training rooms as it interested him greatly, seeing as it was near empty except for a few Tenno training in hand to hand combat. After about an hour, his drawing was complete as he finished putting the white color of the walls onto the picture.


Walking out of the training room, he started wandering again only to end up in the infirmary so that he could draw the Trinitys working and mending wounds. An hour passed again and Kris left, having managed to get the sanitized look down perfectly. 


Hours passed as Kris wandered through the dojo, but soon he had managed to draw the entire dojo into his notebook, with even the smallest details added into the pictures. He decided to head back to the Memorial Hall so he could meditate for a moment. Finally reaching the giant door again, he walked through and headed straight to the bench he had sat down on earlier. Sitting down, he closed his eyes and retreated into his own mind. He would meditate about his greatest decision at this time, although he already knew the answer. 


The answer was yes.



voila, a small chapter. and Kris is back in the memorial hall.

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Wow Viking...it looks better than my normal coloration for waspy-Khi. (I already have an alternate coloration for him as well by now) then again I also have all my special visual effects OFF so I can flipping play the game.


On a note to Wrath_of_Chrysalis: Please stop...really...a short story would be nice from you before you continue barraging the thread with random nonsense. If you want to write up something Tyranid/Lovecraftian make something involving the Infested. Seriously...an Infested character (even if a temporary one) as a main character of a short story would be neat to see.


Barry the Ancient...that has a nice ring to it actually.


I apologize for all the blargh stuff from real life Aj and Aigloblam. Life goes on and gets better. To be fair, I haven't used advanced mathematics in years so...yeah...half the stuff they test you on in school involving math doesn't go into real life in that kind of fashion. I have NEVER written down an equation since high school...so yeah...-beep- that.


I apologize again for taking Heus and Zel for Ein's introductory class, but now I have no idea what to make happen. Writing myself into a corner nuuuuu!

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It's all good, Heus may be used in any story as long as it doesn't contradict canon or his character. :)

Edit: As a random note, I love this thread and all in its little community. You're all an amazing bunch of people that have helped me nurture my inspiration to write every now and then. I love how this thread has grown and I hope it never changes. :)

Edited by Ajkrumen
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Yeah that's why I feel kind of stuck since there's supposed to be some kind of word/meeting/mysteriousness from/with the Council in my bit. I guess an easy way out would be just some informal meeting with a/some/all of the Council members or a note with no individuals named being sent to her about whatever it was they would say....


Until then I guess I could write some stand-alone peice about her wandering around, but I really don't know what to do there except maybe have her wander into the foundry looking for her weapons or something...


Blah. I don't know. ._.

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Yeah.... I know I should I just be patient and wait on the right timing, I just don't want to xP


Idk, maybe she could go observe in the training room or something. Isn't there something going on there that  Khi is stuck on?

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