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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Exactly. Plus, we have no idea when this meeting or anything else going on with the other characters is really taking place in reference to anything else, so there's no reason why it can't time out like that I think.



..or am I wrong? It is, after all, Quinn's Foundry. If he says no we can't exactly just barge in either xP

Edited by Jeahanne
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Yeah that's why I'm not sure the whole going to the foundry thing was a good idea.... unless we just leave a blank spot in the timeline and say something like we come in as Dalimir is leaving or something.

sounds like the best idea or we could wait, either way its ok with me


edit: you could try and barge in, but i would advise against it :3

Edited by QuinnsWing
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Sorry this took so long, my mind is flooding with what I have planned in the future (mwahahaha) anyway, here's my continuation:



Dalimir took in the sight of the workshop, memorizing the smells and surroundings.  He was then brought back by the Foundry master's question, to which he responded with an answer and a question.  "I was hoping you could build some weapons for me.  I feel... An odd familiarity with the Paris bow, Kunai daggers, and Dual Ether blades."  He hesitated out of feeling a slight awkwardness overcome him for a split second.  "I am also curious about the statue in the memorial hall. Who is that man, and what demented soul made that twisted helmet in his hand?  It sends chills through me at the mere sight of it."  The dark coloured Ash was certainly confused, but he knew enough that whoever that carving was of, he was to be respected.  He just wanted to know more, feeling like he missed a bigger story.



Agh, feel like I could write more, but my head's just not cooperating.


My swollen and puss oozing tonsils aren't helping at all.

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So I was banned from posting any comments unless I had a story to add, and here it is! Apoligise QuiinsWing. I also am not a writer.
"This is a rescue mission. You must find and liberate the hostage before any harm comes to them."
The Frost sighed as the Lotus stated the obvious again. It never seemed to realize that the Tenno could remember what they heard less than a few minutes ago. It was a standard Corpus rescue mission, where another one of the Lotus operatives had gotten themselves captured while spying on a new Corpus project. He wondered if they would learn from their past mistakes and not stand in the middle of a hallway where the entire ship could see them.
Ten minutes in and the Frost had yet to see any form of life. Even the flicker showing that HE was there hadn't appeared. As soon as he entered the familiar Prison Bay of the ship, the Lotus called in.
"Here are the holding cells. Search each one for the hostage."
He sighed as he began the annoying part of the mission, opening the cells. When he opened the first one, he barley had time to move as a Ancient Disrupter lunged at him. As he turned around, he didn't have time to move as the tentacle hit him in the ribs. As he rolled towards a wall, he loaded his Tigris, but he didnt have time to shoot as the Ancient was right in front of him. Right before it hit him again, he froze it, giving him time to study it. He noticed that its legs and spine had been replaced, giving it much more speed. Right as it began to thaw out, he fired both shells into its face, shredding its skull.
As he looked around, he realized that there was only one working cell in the Prison Bay.
"Do not let harm come to the hostage, track them down quickly."
The Frost nodded before re-entering the bowels of the ship.
"Alad V, we have found...something in a Cryopod near Venus. I believe it is an extinct Infested breed, and needs to be studied, What is your opinion?"
The Corpus Director groaned as another one of THOSE calls came in. He grabbed his script and began.
"Show me this new breed. I will have your head if this is a waste of my time, Frohd."
The camera swiveled to show an odd creature on the operating table, one that had yet to be cataloged. The Corpus Director grinned as he saw it. The only word going through his mind was "Operate".
"There is no telling what the captors are doing to our rescue target, find them."
The Frost entered a part of the ship he had not seen before. It seemed much more sterile than the rest of the ship, even with the large amount of turrets on the ceiling. He almost thought he heard someone faintly say Operate, solidifying his assumption that he had entered the Medical Bay of the ship. He smiled as he thought about finding his rescue target being a Grineer or Corpus turncoat.
As he went deeper into the Med Bay, he began to hear a mechanical saw start up, right before the sound of flesh being ripped apart. He cringed as he tried not to imagine the poor soul who was one that table.
"And the ribs are open! Lets see...lungs, two stomachs, a heart, what in the world is this?"
The biologist exclaimed as he examined a blue orb surrounded by bones, with only a few slots for veins to go through. He was about to start cutting it when the flew open and a Frost Warframe entered. It looked around before its helmet focused on the biologist, and it began to move towards him. A distinctly female voice filled the room.
"Here is the rescue target, Protect and Escort them to extraction."
Right before the Frost got to the biologist, the voice returned.
"That is not the target, you passed it."
The Frost looked back at the table before pulling out a double barred shotgun and removing the biologists head from existence.
The Frost stared at the bleeding mess on the table. It was not a Tenno or Lotus operative, or any race that he had heard of yet. It almost looked like an Infested, with the fact that it had green blood and was in no way Grineer. It had four arms, two of which ended with clawed hands while the other two ended in vicious blades. Its head had a split jaw and a long chitinous plate on the top, ending in three spikes in the back. The strangest part was that the creature had no legs, and just ended with a armored tail. He almost thought he could make out more chitin underneath the creatures back. What ever this creature was, he had to prevent it from bleeding out AND get it to the extraction point. A needle and thread were on the table next to the creatures tail, almost taunting him that he head to sow it back up. And the Lotus said that sewing lessons were a waste of time.
More? Stop it? Be banished? Imprisoned? Imprisoned in the place you banish be to? What do you think Tenno?

Edited by Wrath_Of_Chrysalis
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Samantha, wut. I just read that one about Darvo. Wut.


"Me." The NEKROS stood six meters away, still fingering his Galatine.


"You're the one from Ajkrumen's funeral."


"The very same. Can you think of another time you saw me?"


Tyranthius stood with his Ethers at guard, motionless. The NEKROS spread his arms wide. "I wasn't wearing a Raknis back then,  but I was the same color."


Tyranthius still didn't move, but he hesitated. "You mean... when I was in the Tower... and that thing..."


"Yes. We'll get to what that thing is in a moment. I saw you, saw your comrades killed by that thing, saw you kill that thing, and saved you with that thing's Core."


The LOKI's head snapped up. "What did you give me? Why did I forget?"


The NEKROS' tone was almost apologetic. "Lethe. It's common among NEKROS, you know. A draught of forgetting. Tragedy can do so much damage to people. Sometimes it breaks them, and I couldn't let that happen to you. No, you were too interesting."


"You mean this is just some sort of game to you?" Tyranthius raged, advancing with blades drawn. The NEKROS retreated step for step, unperturbed. "Oh, it's certainly more than a game. After all, you're here aren't you?"


"What do you mean? I'm here on a contract", Tyranthius said, still positioning himself. 


"Surely it's occurred to you by now", the NEKROS said, almost disappointed. "I sent that offer. I needed you here, and now you are."


"Well I suppose I am. What do you want?"


"Simple. Upon your friend's death, we lost a usable Artifact. Someone might be chosen later, but we need to recover from that loss. I found one, but I'm not the type to use it, and since the Lunar Scythe is not likely to pass to me, I'll content myself with leading you to the one for your kind."


"You mean, in that tree-"


"Yes. You feel its power, even when sealed. You have no chance of releasing it yourself, yet you must have it. As I said, the Artifact chooses the wielder. A carving on that tree, as you call it, depicts a horned knight defeating a dragon with a dagger he had found sealed within a tree. As I see it, we have our horned knight, we have our tree, and presumably, we have our dagger within as well." The NEKROS gestured, and the Tower doors' lights visibly lost power, turning from green to black. "You might recall."


Tyranthius actually took a step back. "You can't possibly be-"


"Oh, yes." Tyranthius slashed at him with great speed, yet the NEKROS somehow managed to jump backwards just in time to avoid impalement. He raised a Void Key he had been hiding in his hand and somehow elicited a blast from it, sending Tyranthius backward. As the LOKI struggled to rise from the Orokin laser bolt, the NEKROS raised his arms.


"Witness the power of the ancients!" A figure slowly began to coalesce between the Tenno, and all light was drawn to it. It gained form, solidified, and spread its wings. Tyranthius finally rose, and he found himself face-to-face with what he had seen in his dreams since re finally remembered. Something that no one believed actually existed.


"And now, we have our dragon."

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