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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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No there are all the salty tears are all over the floor i must mop them up! They taste so amazing! >:D


and here READ IT!!!!! NOW!



Ans was sitting on his bed holding a small black box. it was nothing special, but it held his past. A dark, depressing, past. A deep sigh echoed through his ship as he stood and moved over to his monitor. Sitting on the floor, he opened the black box and removed multiple data disks. Sorting through them, he selected one and slid it into the side of the monitor. It flickered to life, slowly displaying the image. It was Ans, but he was disheveled and looking like he lacked sleep. Sitting back a little Ans hit the play button and went to re-watch his past.




Static slowly dissipated from the screen and a finger was tapping against the camera.


“Is it working” A voice mused to itself.  As the screen cleared a blonde haired young man stood before the camera. 


“Hmmm, well even if you dont work, i need something to talk to.” He blinked and looked about. “Well i guess i should begin from what i remember, that is if anyone finds this recording.” Frowning the volt walked and sat down on a torn seat. 


“So, this mess around me, is my ship, or whats left of it. Well, i when i woke up, because i had apparently been knocked unconscious , snow and ice was creeping through a large hole in the side of the ship. I was pined under a metal plate, it was pretty light so i kicked it off easily.” He was rubbing his leg a little as he continued to talk, “My legs are bruised now, and they hurt like hell. But that is off topic, i do not know what happened when i had blacked out, but before that me and my clan mates were traveling to a Grineer ship holding a major political enemy. We were sent to kill and extract the important information from the data core.”


The moan of the cold metal and shifting weight of the ship stopped him before he could continue. Looking about he stood up and looked at the camera again.


“Well i guess i should tell you my name. Im Ans, and too who ever finds these recording, could you at least bury my body.” and with that Ans hurried off to the disturbance. 

Edited by QuinnsWing
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So here's something continuing the bit following Acantha getting drunk. Quinn, if you're up to it you can continue this bit, if not, I'll make something up. I hope it's alright xP





Acantha woke up on her cot, staring at the dark low ceiling of her snub, with a splitting headache. Groaning, she rolled over and covered her face with one hand as her unready eyes were assaulted by the lighted console next to her. She wondered what the hell had happened to her the night before that had left her feeling like this.


I only had that one glass of Vodka… didn’t I? she thought, remembering the burning, clear drink she’d choked down in the Foundry. With that realization she wondered, How did I get here from there?


Her last clear memory was of saying goodbye to the Foundry Master and heading out into the dojo. She thought she remembered getting turned around in the large complex and taking awhile to get her bearings before… here her memory got fuzzy and fragmented. After awhile she forced the recollection from her aching, uncooperative mind. She hadn’t known where to go so she’d gone looking for her snub.


Unable to take trying to think though the pain any longer, she wrenched herself out of bed and lurched for the place she kept her spare painkillers. Not wanting to wait on a drink to dull the throbbing in her head, she dry swallowed a couple of the pills, making a face as she did so. Her mouth felt dry and sticky and tasted awful. Eventually, she summoned up enough motivation to rifle through the small amount of supplies she kept stashed aboard the ship until she found a bottle of water. Twisting off the lid, she downed half of the bottle in one long drink, before replacing the cap and collapsing back onto the bed. Feeling slightly better than she had a few moments earlier, she went back to trying to remember what had happened the night before. She’d remembered she’d gone looking for her snub, but then what?


She stared foggily up at the ceiling for a bit until the pain killers began to numb her headache enough for her to gather her unruly thoughts into some semblance of order. As her brain began to function more normally, she began to piece together a sort of timeline, albeit a timeline with a lot of holes in it. She’d gone looking for the docking bay and gotten lost. She wasn’t sure how long her finding the docking bay had taken, or what may have taken place while she looked for it, but she knew she’d been heading in that direction. She’d obviously eventually found it, since she was in her snub now, but she wasn’t even sure she was still at Aequitas.


Squinting her eyes in preparation for the ordeal they were about to face, she rolled over and pressed a few buttons on the terminal next to her, calling up her flight records stored in the ship’s computer. As the bright light hit her full in the face, she felt like shards of glass were being embedded in her skull, even through the painkillers that were slowly working their way through her system. However, she managed to force her reluctant eyes to focus long enough to read the last lines of the report. Having found the bit of information she wanted, she gratefully shut the screen down and lay back in the darkness. According to the logs, the ship had never been ordered to leave Aequitas’s docking bay, so she must still be there.


From nowhere she recalled seeing the bone colored Volt in the docking bay the night before. She remembered her determination to talk to him, although what she’d intended to say escaped her. She knew she’d gone after him, and caught up with him, but her memory ended there.


“Great,” she muttered to herself, “I probably embarrassed myself in front of someone I should have been thanking instead of bothering.”


She lay back with her eyes closed for awhile, nursing the bottle of water and content to do nothing more while the painkillers did their work.  After awhile she idly sent a message to Quinn asking about meeting him to discuss what she owed him. She sent the message in text, still unsure if her head could handle the noise of hearing someone’s voice, but feeling like she had a responsibility to pay back her debt. If she was still in the dojo she felt she might as well finish up her business there, and it wouldn’t be right to leave the work he’d done for her uncompensated. Although, she had no idea what he might want as compensation. After all, she couldn’t offer him anything near what that other Tenno, Kris, had.


Before he thoughts could ramble off any farther she received a reply, “Whenever, I have too much free time, drop by whenever.”


She sighed. When she’d convinced herself she felt at least half normal, she prepared herself to leave the snub and make her way back to the Foundry. She hoped this time she wouldn’t get lost. A short time later found her walking down the ramp out of the small ship, squinting into the light behind her helmet and focusing on her HUD’s map of the rather ridiculously large complex. Her headache now almost completely gone, she swore to herself, That is the last time anyone gets me to drink alcohol again…

Edited by Jeahanne
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Introducing a brand new character!!!! I'll post a picture of him once i figure out spoilers


The bodies of Grineer lay around him, killed by blade and gun alike. He felt what seemed to be a pang of remorse. It was gone an instant alter, before he even recognized its presence. Preoccupied with his ruminations, he failed to realize the Scorpion that was stalking him. Suddenly, he felt a sharp impact on his back, and was being dragged toward the female clone, and the squad of Grineer surrounding her.

Enraged, he began teleporting to his enemies at random, letting his rage guide him, and stabbing them with the blades extending from his wrists when he arrived. He only stopped when they stopped their shouts of alarm. By then, there was another pile of bodies, the only recognizable one being the Scorpion who made the mistake of pulling him over.

As the carrier above him began to collect the ammunition that now lay strewn about, Entari began to reload his Soma, preparing to mow down anything that got in his way. Placing the Soma in its mag sheath, he took several Kunai from the holsters on his thighs, ready to hurl them at any Grineer that crossed his path.

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Okay Wrath, I have to beg of you to use people's actual forum names instead of nicknames and to please write something at this point. I feel like my Volt in need of anger-management classes again.




Unlike Fenrik, Faust shuddered in fear. It was the proper response to the rather vague description of the trials ahead. No one went through hell untainted, or through heaven unscathed. Still, such places didn't really exist, did they? Crowley had always advocated to Faust that spirits did not go somewhere to remain forever when they passed on, that they entered the cycle of rebirth. Could Vis really have such a vast training ground so difficult it had earned those names?


Neither apprentice's reaction went unnoticed, though Crowley did not respond to them. "Come, first I must bind you to your Nekros. The most mortal functions of your body will cease and all things will go to granting your body the energy to move." Motioning for the two young Tenno to come forward, patiently waiting for both of them to come stand before him. "You know...normally we have a machine for this...oh well." As soon as Fenrik and Faust looked at each other to exchange glances of confusion they were overwhelmed with a searing pain as Crowley dug his fingers into each of their chests. The energy lights on the two apprentices burned with a furious brightness as they became bonded with their warframes as if it were their skin. The agony could not be described in words, the searing power flowing through their bodies like molten magma. What took only a few moments felt as if centuries had gone by for the two so when Crowley withdrew his hands and the pain stopped it was like a shock of cold upon a warmed body.


The two gasped and writhed on the floor while their Master stood over them, eyes gazing indignantly down at them. "Getting the picture yet?" Crowley purred as he bent down so that Faust and Fenrik could hear him. "Welcome to your hell. If you survive me you are worth of being masters...if you can surpass me you will earn your place as my heir." Straightening up, Crowley gave no time for the two to recover as he moved to the Cloister of Passages, looking out to the other large entryway besides the one leading back to the Coffin Chamber he'd come from. "I wonder if they will make it out alive. Pass or Fail...surviving is good enough for now."

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