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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Never really took off as I hoped it would. Piranha and I am both busy, and no one else seems to want to write it. I will continue Tyranthius' cookie escapade when I have the time, but it's not big on my priorities. That Void Mission's been sitting stagnant for some time now.

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Just so you all know, Im just taking a series of long breaks. Im not dead, and i have been reading everything happily. I'm currently trying to come up with something big enough that Aigloblam would be actually needed. As much as HE wants to stay in CryoSleep forever, Thats not what i want for him.

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small inspiration.



''Are you sure, Will?'' Joker whispered as they approached the red Rhino.


''Absolutely. Lotus wants us to infiltrate this clan.'' Will whispered back.


''Who are you?'' The Rhino said, looking as intimidating as a rock used to bludgeon a Grineer to death. ''And what do you want?''


''Hi, My name is Will and this is my twin-brother Joker. We are interested in joining your clan, the Sons of Darkness.''


''Twins? Huh, never mind. If you want to join, you need to prove your worth. You will be helping me with an extermination on a tower.''


''Really?'' Joker said, excited. ''I gotta go get my Gorgon!''


''A Loki with love for heavy weapons?'' The Rhino said, obviously surprised. ''Now I've seen everything.''


''Yeah, sorry about that. It is something that our old mentor taught us. Never use a weapon your enemy might expect. No one ever expects a Loki carrying a Gorgon.'' Will said to the Rhino. ''So when will we be going?''


''Now.'' The Rhino said as Joker Returned, carrying his Gorgon.



''So, can we join?'' Joker said as they returned to the Station.


''Yeah! I mean, of course.'' The Rhino said, adrenaline coursing through his veins. ''I've never seen two Tenno so in synch. What is your secret?''


''We told you already.'' Will replied. ''We are twins.''



The last Grineer Lancer had no idea what happened. One minute he had been patrolling his area, the next everybody stopped responding to their radios. What made it even worse was the fact that the ship had experienced a generator failure, causing the ship to become dark as all hell. This was the reason the Lancer did not see Kris's new Glaive heading for his face. 


Kris picked the Glaive back up from the floor where it had embedded itself. ''I should've dropped the Ether Reaper off at the foundry for repairs.'' He said to no one in particular. ''Yes, you should have.'' A voice echoed around Kris before an Ash dropped from the ceiling.


''And you should not have put my clan leaders son in the hospital.'' The Ash spoke again.


''Oh god, not one of you guys. how many are the Sons of Darkness going to send after me?'' Kris said, obvious annoyance in his voice as he slotted his Glaive into the holster on his arm. ''I bet I can even take you down without my weapons.''


''Hmph. Arrogant, aren't you? No matter, I will present your head to my leader.'' The Ash unsheathed his Ether sword and charged.


''Big mistake.'' The Ash flew at Kris, leaving himself open to a counter-attack as Kris sidestepped and grabbed the Ash, flipping him over and raising him above his head. 


''Sorry about your back.''


''Wha..?'' Kris dropped the Ash down onto his knee with enough force to break his back.


''Rookie mistake, charging at me like that.'' Kris said to the Ash who was laying on the ground, writhing in pain. ''But that is just small mistake compared to the mistake you made by coming after me. I could've done worse things to you, for sure, but I guess the broken back will make sure you won't come after me again. Are we clear?'' Kris finished.




''Good, now let me help you back to your Snub.''




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     Hassun sat cross legged on the floor of his meager quarters, meditating, a holographic projection of Earth in real time in front of him. Barren, smoldering, ash heavy in the air and oceans of acid. It was once such a beautiful planet. His planet. The Lotus had informed his that, due to the primitive cryopod and the length of his sleep, most of his memory would remain lost. However, he did remember that he had been born there, had trained there, had seen the Ivory and Gold of the Orokin in all of it's glory. That world was gone now, the only other thing he remembered was his name. Deciding that enough time had been spent sitting around, he stood and decided to see if he still remembered his training.


     Before going to the dojo, the decision to go to the foundry was made for Hassun when the handle of his Jaw sword separated from the tang. Bringing up a map in his newly updated HUD, he saw that he was only 40 meters away and walked in to see (as he expected) a Vauban running the place.


Looking up, the Vauban eyed Hassun's sword "I see.....just got out of the pod. I'll have it ready in a few hours" It was as if he didn't want to spare any energy to speak and it was obvious that something was weighing heavily on his mind.  Hassun merely thanked him and left to find an empty training area. It was only after he had been walking for several minutes that he realized he hadn't caught the Vauban's name. Deciding he'd properly introduce himself when he picked up the sword later, Hassun turned the corner into one of the many training rooms.




This was going to be longer, but I have finals so bleh.

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Eventually Fenrik regained control of his senses and body enough to sit up and shake his head to clear it "Gawdamn that felt like hell. I can only imagine whats going to happen next..." He muttered and he worked out the kinks in his body. He felt... different, his movement was more fluid,his body felt more at ease now that he had bonded with his warframe. Nodding slightly he looked over to Faust who seemed to be having a little more difficultly, Fenrik pushed himself to his feet with a grunt before grabbing one of Faust's arms and pulling the other Nekros to his feet as well "Up ya go!" He exclaimed with a smirk evident in his tone as he straightened up and looked towards the Coffin chamber. "I suppose we head down there?" he mused aloud.

Faust stared at the black and gold Nekros, wondering where his strength and determination stemmed from. He decided to voice his previously unspoken question "Why help me? Why do you seem so fearless and determined?" The bone colored Tenno asked, a bit of steel finding it's way into his voice for a moment, almost as if he was demanding an answer instead of asking. Fenrik looked over at Faust "Because even though we are rivals, we can still be friends, pillars to hold each other up and shoulders to lean on. As for fearless? I am far from it Faust, but I don't let my fear rule me. I acknowledge its there but I also set it aside, using it to remind myself to be cautious and thorough. And Determination is something you have to have in order to succeed. Never be the one who sits idly by, unable to decide on what to do. If you want something done you tell yourself that you're damn well gonna do it and to hell with anyone who gets in your way. I want to prove to Crowley I can be a worthy Master ranked Nekros and maybe even become Grand-Master, I'm not gonna let anything stop me and you should feel the same! These trials maybe be hard and punishing but if we survive or even succeed then we will come out far stronger for it" Fenrik had said more in this moment than he had since his husband had died though he didn't realize it. Having a new goal, something to set his eyes on really helped the black and gold Nekros. It allowed him to begin to truly move on past his pain. He held his hand out to Faust "One way or another we're gonna get through this. Got it?"



(whew... the words... they just poured out x.x  Also Khi if anything is out of place or wrong then let me know so I can edit)

Edited by KittyShark
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Alright here's the first bit.  It's simply an additional piece to show how the bad things started, not recalled or retold by anyone.  Please give me some feedback and point out any grammar stuff I need to fix if you see it.  Thanks, enjoy!


*  *  *


An Infamous Night:  Prelude


A Loki was walking towards a Vauban in the main hangar of their dojo.  Both of their helmets were retracted at the moment.  As he neared the Vauban, he yawned and said, "Uhhh. Why do I have to help ya with this again?"


"Rule of two."


"Good one. But seriously?"


"I wanted to have a straight talk with you, Ben."


The Loki stretched out his back, his voice straining slightly.  "Welp, go on, hit me."


"Have you talked to Skirata about his rank?"


"Yep.  Hasn't changed his mind.  Why don't you try convincing him?"


The Prime Vauban sighed. "I am his direct superior, his hardest instructor, and like a father to the boy... in other words, he doesn't listen to a word I say on the topic.  I was hoping you could persuade him, being as you two are always together and up to mischief."


"Huh, so he’s kept that from you?  I'm not always with him, but Vyn on the other hand..."


"Actually, I do know about that, he told me during a mission aboard one of those Derelicts we discovered last month."


Ben raised his eyebrows and grinned while saying, "Aw, is Diehard-DeQuaste going soft all of a sudden?"


"Like I said, he's like a son to me almost, even if he does break reg's constantly.  Besides, even I cannot ban love.  I will be keeping an eye on their field performance though."


"Speaking of breaking the rules, I have the data you requested from Lotus.  And I made a second copy just in case."


"Ah yes, how was infiltrating that hive for you?  I'll take the copy."


"Took some digging, but no problems.  I'm transferring the original copy to you now, already decrypted.  I gave the second copy to Brad."


"I told you not to involve him!"


"Calm down, Louis.  He doesn't know a thing, it’s buried in a bunch of audio files, music to be precise.  From how I’ve set it up, he won't stumble upon it for at least a month or so."


"It is still imperative we keep this amongst ourselves. This could get dangerous for anyone who’s come into contact with us, let alone us.”


“I know, I know, but I still think it’s a decent back up plan... Look.”


“Ah, they finally made it.  I will investigate the data after they leave, until then, mum’s the word."


They had been waiting on a late arrival, a full standard day late at that.  Its size grew as it neared the hangar.  Once it had passed through the force field and set down onto the deck, it took up half the hanger.  From the outside it looked like a large cargo freight, probably filled with raw materials to be used in manufacturing.  It also had condensed liquid containers on the bottom and top of the hull.  Louis DeQuaste and Ben Kerik walked up to the ramp that had dropped from the side.


The ship’s doors slid open.  Black mist poured out from where the doors parted, until the whole threshold of the side entrance was obscured by this thick atmosphere.  The black smog clung to the surfaces as it crept outward and fell onto the deck.  Louis’ left foot shifted backwards an inch, his helmet starting to grow over his head as he opened his mouth to speak, but stopped short.


A soft thud could barely be heard as a dark figure dropped from above the doorway.  This was the source of the unnatural, acidic, black fog.  The shadowy figure stood, and took two steps forward, the lights of the hanger just now reaching him.  His warframe resembled that of an Excalibur’s, but the helmet was wrong, so wrong.  The helmet was deformed, covered in old scars where the suit couldn’t fully restore itself from previous inflictions.  Louis and Ben were both now in complementary defensive stances, their warframes fully powered and ready for the impending fight.


When he spoke, his voice cut through their helmet’s audio filters, despite them supposedly being on a secure channel.  “You may not remember, but I do, and therefore I am obligated to help you atone for your malicious actions.  This will be yours, and all-who-are-present-here’s reckoning.  Good bye, DeQuaste.”


The two Tenno were both tense. Ben spoke softly, “How does he know your na-”


Before Ben would finish, the pitch black Excalibur look-a-like disappeared with a loud crack!  Now they could see through the thinning smoke, the shadows began to stir, several things just out of sight moving.  A screech sounded, and then the liquid containers tilted away from the middle of the craft.  The inside of the craft was alive; more snarling, and screeching, and rough barking followed by pounding and scratching.  The first things burst out into hanger, several mutated masses.  All with the same intention, to kill, to absorb, to grow.


DeQuaste kept his stance and spoke swiftly with authority, “Ben, raise the alarm.”


Ben turned and ran towards the main terminal of the hanger.  Just when he was merely eight meters away, several small explosions and a large object knocked him off his feet.  The Loki landed next to the object, it was one of the liquid containers from the side of the freighter, and one side of it had a gaping hole.  As he recognized the infested spores, and even more infestation creeping forth from the opening, he was suddenly jerked away.  It was a Vauban’s bounce that had sent him away.


Louis caught him, “Go!  I will slow their progress, warn the rest of the dojo!”


Louis shoved the dazed Master Loki towards the exit.  Ben looked at his helmet’s rear video feed as he ran.  Louis was using his powers to send infested flying.  But his selfless efforts were ultimately useless against the vast number of infestation pouring out of the cargo ship.  The containers that were launched into the bulkheads and overheads released the spores, spreading the mutation into the structure of the dojo.  No matter what the Grand Master did, the infestation would spread throughout the dojo, he simply would hinder its progress by a few minutes.  If he lived through the night, Ben knew he would never forget the scene behind him after the hangar door slid closed as he continued sprinting down the corridor to the nearest terminal.



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have to write, urge becoming too great!



''S#&$, I should start seeing a psychiatrist.'' Kris mused to himself as he waited for the docking procedure to finish, running out the moment the notification that the docking was complete. ''After all, I have been getting more and more pissed off.'' He continued in his mind. ''A rampage here could be devastating to both the dojo and the Tenno living in it.'' He passed the Med-bay where his eye had been removed, stopping in the doorway and waving at the Trinity who did the procedure. ''There are strong Tenno here who can stop me, but the biggest worry is the initiates. I doubt they have been trained to handle a psychotic Tenno on the loose.'' He passed the memorial hall. ''And what the F*** are those inhibitors mentioned in that file Lotus gave me?'' His mind no longer on rampaging, Kris started just wandering. ''What are they inhibiting? Where are they located? And why were they placed there? F***, I probably need either a technological genius or a @(*()$ miracle hacker to find the information I need. My head hurts...so bad..''


Symphony number 5 by Beethoven started clouding his mind.



Blegh, so little inspiration tonight. 

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next one...




Zel was worried, Skirata had sent her a message telling her she had the next few days off.  At first, she was happy.  But by the end of the second day, she grew uneasy.  He had only given her two days of liberty in the past month, and now suddenly four consecutive days?  It stayed on her mind until she decided to see what he was up to.


Zel proceeded down the halls of the dojo on her way to Skirata's private quarters.  She arrived and tapped the chime on the panel on the wall.  Text was holographically projected from the panel.  Scrolling from right to left, it read, “If Needed, Training Room.”  Wondering what he could be up to, she walked away from his room, on the way to the training wing of the dojo...


She stood in front of the door.  It was unlocked. She opened the door without announcing herself, the door barely making a sound as it slid apart to let her enter.  She remained quiet, and dimmed her warframe’s lights to be as stealthy as possible.  The room’s ceiling lights were off, the only source of light being eight sets of red, yellow, and blue lights from the corners of the room.


She could see a silhouette of an Excalibur kneeling in the center of the room.  Suddenly, several 3D projections materialized around him, their shapes suggesting they were simulation Grineer.  Half leveled their guns at the lone kneeling Tenno, the other half closed in on him, brandishing machetes, cleavers, and one even had a flameblade.  A hologram from the right raised its machete above Skirata’s head.  If Zel blinked, she would have missed how the first three Grineer fell.


Skirata rolled to his left, as he did so, his feet extended and locked the hologram’s machete swinging arm.  Pulling the holograph over then under him in the roll, Skirata stood with his left foot crushing the throat, and his right on the crook of the elbow, of the first attacker.  He grabbed the wrist and directed the machete into the top of the thigh of the next holo.  He then yanked the cleaver out of the second simulated Grineer, and threw it across the room where it implanted itself into one wielding a Grakata.


Flowing with the holo’s attacks, Skirata dodged through the room.  Not a movement was wasted. He bent his body as needed to continue to react and keep up with the series of attacks the holos dealt him.  Several of the simulated guns ended up killing a third of the group.  Skirata maneuvered to deal with the remaining Hind wielding holo.  He threw himself legs at the remaining enemy, catching it from the side, his left leg in front of its throat, his right leg at the base of its back.  Twisting his body as they collided, Skirata brought the holo down beside him.  He had trapped the arm holding the handle of the Hind between his legs, which he now wrenched free from the holo’s grasp as he stood up above it.  He looked straight at Zel as he pointed the Hind into the face of the doomed holo.  In a burst of light, which quickly faded, the holograms dissolved into thin air.  Skirata made a slight gesture and the lights came back on, leaving no signs of the simulation fight that had just taken place.


“I gave you the days off.”


“I-I’m sorry... I just, was curious...”


He beckoned her to sit next to where he went to settle against the wall.  “Of?”


“You isolate yourself, never making any contact unless necessary.  You are supposed to be training me, and yet you tell me to not show up for nearly a standard week.  Not to mention the unorthodox ways you do train me when we actually have sessions.  And you never told me how you somehow are able to relate to what both Aigloblam and me are going through... I just want some answers...”


Skirata’s helmet withdrew from his face, he turned to look her in the eye.  His eyes were an emerald green with streaks of definite orange trailing from his pupils unevenly.  His left eye had larger orange streaks; possibly related to his scar that went up the length of the left side of his face which crossed the corner of his eye.


“Answers... well I could... you'll have to let me explain without interruption.  It’s not short either.”


“I have the time, not like I have important missions lined up at the moment.”


Skirata turned back facing forward, his mind drifting, his eyes watching the scenes only he could see.  “Right, well, it was “night,” or whatever you want to call sleeping period in space.  I was asleep when....”



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Viking, chilllllll.

and finally...



Infamous Night


Waaam, Bleeb!  Waaam, Bleeb!




A strong jerk, and shoved off the bed.  Brad Skirata awoke as he fell face first onto the floor. “Oompfff.  What the sh!t, Vyn?!”  He got up saw Vyn Scythel across the room, grabbing and attaching her favorite weapons to their magnetic spots on her warframe.  Just her head was left uncovered by her warframe.


“Wake the fck up, and can’t you hear the alarm?!”


Oh yeah, there it is.  “What’s going on?”  He moved up beside her, his own warframe beginning to power up and extend over his skin.


“I don’t know, just get your kit together!  It’s the evacuation tone, we need to get to our snubs!”


They left with their gear, helmets forming around their faces as they exited the room.  A Mag Prime joined them as they ran down the corridor.  They all took an elevator up to the appropriate level.  The doors parted, what awaited them took their breath away.  The next level had infestation everywhere, and Tenno fighting through it all to get to the snubs.


“No... Aahhh!”  Skirata lept into the gyrating mass, unloading his Boltor at anything not attached to the surfaces of the corridor.  Scythel and the Mag Prime joined right behind him.  They and a few Tenno still alive fought their way down the halls of the once safe and spotless dojo.  After what seemed like forever, they made it to the snubs deck.  The small, agile craft meant to carry one Tenno each, lined up around the outside of the dojo’s hull.  Several were already gone, leaving force fields to keep the dojo’s atmosphere from being sucked out into the vacuum, that were quickly replaced by hull covers that covered the unoccupied holes.  Once the covers were attached, the force field would disengage, leaving just the slate of metal covering where a snub had been docked just moments before.


The Tenno in their group started peeling off, taking to their snubs and ejecting away from the doomed dojo.  Skirata and Scythel continued on, the Mag Prime with them.  Finally, they came upon their own snubs, and saw ahead another Tenno fall beside a Loki.  There was a continuous onslaught of infestation coming down the corridor towards the Loki and the now dead Tenno.


“Ben!”  The three joined alongside the Loki, pushing back the hoard of mutated beings.


“Private channel Vyn!”  Skirata heard Kerik say over their comms, then heard the faint blip as they both switched frequency.  Why now?  Shouldn’t we all figure out what to do?  The foursome continued beating back the infestation.  A minute later Skirata heard them get back on the group’s channel.


Scythel spoke definitively.  “Alright, Skirata you go with Kerik, he’ll explain the plan on the way to the reactors.  Mag, you and I are going to hold these mindless pieces of sh!t at bay until they get back.  Clear?”


“What? No, I’m not leaving you, send Mag!”


“Skirata, that was an order, now shift it!”


Kerik pulled on Skirata, who unwillingly obeyed.  They turned and ran down the corridor a ways before Kerik lead Skirata down a side passage and to a secondary elevator.


“We’ll need to stop by the Chem’ Lab on our way to the reactors.  The infestation are multiplying at an exponential rate, the few Tenno they’ve managed to overpower doesn’t help.”


“Where’s Louis?”


“Not important.  I need ya to focus on the task at hand, Brad.  Vyn and I decided we can’t just let these mindless assh0les steal our home.  You and I are going to set the reactors to go nuclear.  Hopefully with some delay as it would be nice to not be blown up, you know?”


“Fine.  Let’s do it as fast as possible, if what you say is true, Vyn and that Mag don’t have much time.”


Kerik continued on with the details of the plan as they got to the elevator.  They descended down to the research deck, where all their new technology and equipment were crafted.  Kerik ducked into the Chemical Lab, leaving Skirata to stand guard outside.


Skirata heard gunfire down the corridor and started running after telling Kerik.  Skirata turned the corner and saw two Tenno, an Ash and a Volt struggling against some infestation that were pouring out from a hole in the ceiling.  Skirata jumped in to help them, and tried to get them to retreat.  They were hesitant to leave: their comrade had just been killed by a crawler they had not noticed creep up beside them.  After some encouraging they ran back towards the elevator, finding Kerik waiting for them with two bags in his hands.


“Guess we can’t go that way to the Reactors then, eh?”




“Here, take these, we’ll need them to make the return trip easier.”  Kerik handed Skirata one of the bags and explained what they were and how they were going to use them.


“Got it.  These two were down the hall, they’ll assist us in blowing up the dojo.”


They went back up to the snubs deck and ran through, opposite from where Scythel and the Mag Prime were fighting the infestation.  Finding another elevator, the group of four descended to a level from which they could access the only way down to the reactors.  There they met with more infestation, and using the Volt’s Speed most of the way, they finally made it to the elevator.1  With hardly any ammo left and most of their energy expended, they waited anxiously in the elevator as it dropped down to the power source of the dojo.


The doors opened, and the reactors stood before them in the vast room housing the power sources.  Stepping out, Kerik and Skirata began to argue how they should rig the reactors to explode.  The hard point being to set something up to give them enough time to make it back to the snubs to escape before the chain reaction caused the whole dojo to be destroyed.


The Volt was shaking.  “Uhm, guys... Guys!”  Both Kerik and Skirata faced the young Volt.  “I can be the chain reaction to set them off.  I-I can harness what energy I have left to Overload the reactors”


Kerik just stared at the relatively new Tenno.  Skirata started, looking at Kerik sharply.  “No, we can think of another way.”


Kerik just kept his face level with the Volt.  “You know what you are saying you will do?  What that means?”




“Ben, we cannot.”


“Brad, we don’t have a choice!  And the longer we argue the longer Vyn is upstairs fighting a losing battle!”


Skirata looked down, then walked over to the Volt.  “We won’t forget this.  People will know what you did.”


With that, Skirata left them and walked back towards the elevator.  Kerik synced his crono with the Volt’s on the agreed time he would set off the reactors.  The Ash and Volt said their parting words.  Then they were in the elevator, leaving a Tenno behind.  This is wrong.


On their way up the Ash asked what was the purpose of the small packages.  Instead of telling him, Kerik pulled out a detonator, and triggered it, sending out a signal to each of the small packages they left behind.  When the doors opened, there was infestation remnants everywhere.  Whatever the packages had been comprised of, nearly all the infestation had been chemically vaporized.  The remaining stragglers easily struck down by Kerik’s Dark Sword and Skirata’s Prime Bolto and Lato.


They managed to get to the lift without injury and ascended to the level where their snubs were waiting.  Skirata and Kerik blasted through the just barely open doors of the elevator once it reached the right level.  Sprinting through the corridor to Scythel, they either lost the Ash with their speed or he found a snub and ejected as soon as he could.


Skirata rounded the corner leading to where Scythel would be fighting down the hall.  Using his enhanced vision provided by the helmet’s visual abilities, he could see Scythel slashing at the infestation with her Dual Ether, he thought he saw the Mag Prime lying on the ground under a Charger when his attention was snatched by another sight.  From the hallway that they had originally taken to get to the labs, a Disrupter came running, followed by several other infested.  The Disrupter came upon Scythel with no hesitation as it lunged out with its impossibly long arm.


The tendril struck Scythel in the middle of the back, temporarily paralyzing her.  She landed sprawled out on the floor behind the Toxic Ancient she had been controlling with her psychic powers just a few short seconds ago.  Now that Toxic Ancient, free of her psychic grip, turned and simply fell onto the poor black, purple and white, Nyx.  The Ancient secreting its deadly poisons as it tried to consume her


"VYYNN!"  Skirata seemed to hear himself and Kerik scream the name from far away, his mind enveloped by a terrible numbness.  Kerik finally got into range for his teleport ability, he switched with the Toxic on Scythel.  The Toxic was now in front of Skirata. Someone was still yelling between their comms.  Skirata Slash Dashed through the Toxic, and into the crowd that had emerged from the side hallway. Before he finished his attacks, Skirata Dashed again, costing him his dual Skana which he left embedded in two Chargers.


Kerik had deployed three decoys, the four of them seeming to all fight off the infested mob.  What was really happening was his decoys were moving as if they were fighting, him switching places with them to deal the killing blows or to keep them from being destroyed too soon.


Skirata broke through one side, and fell on his knees beside Scythel.  Her warframe was breaking down, parts of her skin and flesh already exposed and oozing pus.  She retracted her now dissolving helmet, and raised her arm towards Skirata.


Skirata’s own helmet pulled back from his face and he grasped her forearm as she did the same to his arm.  “Vyn... no.”  Two thin streams formed under his eyes, leading and dripping off his chin.


Vyn looked into his eyes, her own beautiful violet eyes turning red as blood started leaking out of the corners.  She strained to raise her head towards him.  Skirata leaned in, she spoke her last words in a barely audible wisp, Skirata the only witness of them.  Her grip on Skirata’s arm slackened.  He leaned back on his heels.


Skirata looked down from her eternally staring face.  He stared at their arms still joined, glued by the sticky toxin that covered her.  He peeled her arm from his, set it down beside her, all the while blankly observing the acid marks on his right hand and forearm.  He looked up at her face again as he stood.


“Brad, we have to leave!”  Skirata could hear him, but couldn’t understand what he said.  Kerik had a lull in the fight against the infestation and looked at Skirata.  Their eyes locked, one full of sorrow, the other of animal insanity consumed by anger.  “Brad, we only have a minute...”  A decoy was destroyed.


Skirata grabbed Kerik and flung him against a snub.  “GO!”  Skirata then walked back over to Vyn’s body.  Another decoy was canceled by a Leaper. Skirata picked up her Dual Ether swords, and began fighting off the hungry infested reaching for her body.  Kerik watched with sad eyes as the snub went through its usual protocol before ejecting.  The final decoy fell.  Skirata was flying from infested to ugly mutation slicing everything in arm’s reach.  A Disruptor came up from Skirata’s left, he spun to confront this new danger when its arm slammed into the side of his head.  Skirata was sent to the opposite wall, his face now gushing blood.


Only able to see out one eye now, feeling the blood and energy drain from his body, he rose and was poised to stab several infested as they lunged at him.  He braced himself as the virus ridden monsters came crashing down on him.


Only - Only he never felt the impact.  His point of view was completely different, his arms and legs were now bound by the safety latches of a snub. He couldn’t disengage the snub, it was already ordered by another Tenno to eject.  “What the-”


Kerik stood, giving a short salute, and then the infested started ripping through his warframe and body.  The hatch started to close over Skirata as he pulled against the binds.  Kerik had said something over their comm channel, but it was drowned out by the screaming of Skirata as he cursed Kerik every way he knew.  “NO!  WHY BEN?!  YOU FCK!  WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?!


Skirata dropped his head, his chin banging on his chest, the weight of defeat and loss bearing down on him.  He whispered to no one, “Damn it Ben.”


The force field activated and the snub carrying Skirata pulled away from the hull of the dojo.  Its engines activated and it blasted away from the doomed space station that had been his home.

*  *  *


“... I felt the blast through the hull of my snub, and I knew they were gone.”


Skirata fell quiet.  He had not shed a tear and his voice had remained even throughout the tale, simply relaying the past events without emotion.  He looked down at his arm, he never repaired or recolored his warframe since that night.  He traced the acidic shadows of Vyn’s fingers etched on the warframe’s surface.  Zel just sat there, tears trailing from her eyes slowly.  Her wet eyes followed Skirata’s fingers tracing the acid marks.


After a little while Zel stood up to leave.


Skirata spoke softly, “Zel...”


Her voice cracked, “Yes?”


“Could you keep that to yourself for now please?”


She nodded curtly, “I- I’ll see you in a couple days then.”


“You’re welcome anytime.”


Zel walked out slowly, still dizzy from what she had been told.2



1My “Teaser” post goes here.  To reread it, click this: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/74088-of-ash-and-fire-how-we-envision-our-tenno-submit-your-own/page-54#entry1558761

2Zel does not know any first names besides maybe a slip of the tongue by Skirata when he explained Vyn's death.  She does not know what Vyn’s last words were either.




Edited by BRad_Skirata
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