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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Skirata before InfNight



Skirata after InfNight



 His energy color changed back to green when he was brought back from Eris by another Tenno.  Lotus assigned him to the Gradivus Dilema, followed by making him join Aequitas.  Energy color reverts to red-orange in certain situations. 

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And now, being the hipster that I am, Az will not be fighting Berserker. XD



Az sat still in a corner of the bar in the hall she was in, watching more than half of the pathways of the dojo being closed off in the HUD. 'No matter. They don't need me this time... I would just kill him, wouldn't I?' She thought as she finished her glass of Zsar (60% alcohol, 40% fruit juice) in a single swig, letting the liquid burn as it went through her insides, clouding up some of her memories of the past. Not that it mattered, every memory of her brother's radiance, warmth and kindness were flaring through her mind, making her silently weep as she took a swig from the bottle itself, letting her hair fall over her face as she slumped over the table, crying.




Just a very, very short one for me to explain what Az is doing while everyone else is fighting Kris/Berserker.

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Acantha didn’t get more than ten steps away from her snub when she received an emergency broadcast over her warframe’s comm system, "To all residents of this ship. Berserker is awake and hunting. Initiates are to move behind the barriers or lock themselves in their rooms. Safety Mode is active. Available Council Members and Tenno... prepare for Infested-Style Counter-Hunt measures. Research Labs and Foundry are in lock-down. Take what weapons you have with you and fight. End Transmission."


Immediately thereafter, her map of the dojo on her HUD updated, highlighting both routes of safety and a fairly straight route of what could only been termed a funnel for this “Berserker” to be herded down. Notes that came along with the update to her map of the dojo indicated that anyone of Initiate rank or lower was to head to these safe areas and avoid the Main Hall, Drum Hall, and nearby areas at all costs, and that any medical or support personnel as well as Tenno called in to fight should make their way with all haste to their appropriate locations. Sprinting back to her snub, she gathered her weapons and careened across the docking bay. By this time, smaller corridors were already locking down, their thick steel doors sliding ponderously from the ceiling to seal off areas and create havens for any in need of shelter. Only the largest main corridor was left open as a direct route to the “funnel”.  Without hesitation she ran for it.


As she began racing down the hallway she pondered the fact that, as a guest, she really had no business heading into a battle uninvited, but as a full-fledged Tenno in her own right she couldn’t sit idly by while others put themselves in harm’s way. She’d walked this dojo’s halls and observed the many people who called this place home. Quite a few of them were only Initiates, and would be helpless against any enemy strong enough to elicit this kind of lockdown from a clan like Aequitas. She might be a loner, but she couldn’t let those who were defenseless get hurt because she was too proud or foolish to lend assistance where it was needed.


Skidding around a corner a short time later, she came across a portion of the dojo that was completely dark. Cautious, she slowed her pace, allowing the light on the end her drawn bow to illuminate the area before her as she advanced. Several wary paces into the darkness, her spotlight illuminated a Tenno collapsed against the wall, his blood smeared across the normally pristine surface. Hastening forward she was met with a shock as she crouched in front of him and got a better look at him. It was the bone colored Volt. Shaking her head, she put her surprise out of her mind and anxiously checked his condition. Outwardly he seemed stable, if unconscious, but she didn’t have the medical expertise to examine his injuries too closely. His warframe was also clearly drained of energy, although it appeared to have had enough emergency power to stop the bleeding from a large wound on his shoulder, and was likely the reason his condition wasn’t worse than it was.


Holstering her weapon, Acantha took a look around. The hallway was empty, although she could hear noises of fighting coming from farther down the passage, which worried her. It seemed that any medical staff were either holed up in the Medical Bay or were dealing with injured in a different part of the dojo. She looked down at the Volt, thoughtful. She couldn’t leave him there, but carrying him would be tough, and leave her entirely defenseless if they were attacked before they got to safety. Furthermore, moving him could be risky, since she didn’t know if he had any internal injuries that could be made worse by moving him. On the other hand, she couldn’t move on without at least securing help in getting him medical attention and to some sort of defensible position. Not to mention that if whoever had hurt him this badly came across him again, there was no guarantee they’d leave him alone simply because he was helpless, and judging by the noises she heard from somewhere farther into the dojo, that person wasn’t far away. She chewed at her lip while she considered her options. After a few moments she made her decision, she would have to risk it and try to get him out of there.


As she moved to stand up from where she was crouched in front of the unconscious Tenno, she spotted what had to be his blade lying on the floor a good distance away. Retrieving it, she walked back to the collapsed figure and replaced the weapon in its sheath before hoisting him onto her back with a grunt. Small as she was, it was only with her warframe’s assistance that she was able to carry him, and she couldn’t move very fast while she was burdened with his weight. Luckily, she didn’t have to go too far. Somewhere around halfway back to the Docking Bay, she ran across the Trinity she recognized from the infirmary, as well as several other Tenno who were also obviously on their way to assist during the lockdown.


“What happened? How badly is he injured?” the Trinity hurried up to them, her attitude concerned but professional and unflustered, “You, over there, bring me that stretcher.”


Acantha gratefully slid the Volt off her back and onto the offered stretcher, “I don’t know. I was on my way to the fighting when I found him. That whole section of the complex is blacked out, and I could hear fighting further down the hallway from where he was collapsed. I think he must have overloaded the electrical system fighting against that Berserker. Can you get him somewhere safe? I’m going to head back in.”


The Trinity nodded, “I’ll get him behind the barriers and into the Medical Bay. Be careful though, we’ve already seen injuries from this, more than just his, and some of them have been severe.”


Acantha only nodded and tore back down the hallway. As she ran, she drew her weapon, nocking an arrow. All too soon, she re-entered the darkened part of the dojo, and slowed her pace until she was still moving swiftly but not recklessly. Hearing the sounds of fighting growing louder, she turned towards a dimly lit cargo room, where the noises seemed to be coming from.


Drawing back the string of her Dread in preparation for a fight, she stepped around the corner and through the doorway, only to see another face she knew. Excalibur, dueling fiercely with a Tenno that looked disturbingly like Kris, along with another Tenno she couldn’t make out in the gloom laying down covering fire. The enemy X was fighting had to be Berserker, and he seemed to have already injured the Prime. She didn’t pause for longer than the moment it took for her to realize that, from the way the others were fighting, they were trying to capture this Berserker alive, before she entered the fray herself. Knowing she would be unable to get a clear shot with her kunai or bow in the darkness, she drew her Orthos. She might not be the best fighter, and she didn’t want to get in the way of the older Tenno, but at least she could be a distraction.


Her blade readied, she ran at the crazed Tenno, her warframe’s bright white lights shining in the deep shadow of the cargo room.

Edited by Jeahanne
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Doing something for Quinn really quick like.....




Having, literally, weapons shoved at him, Quinn was still confused. But he didnt have much time to think about what to make or do with anything. An alarm went off on his personal computer. Part of the dojo had lost power and was currently being locked down. A deep sigh filled his room as he picked himself up, taking the last gulp from the bottle of vodka which was starting at him and picked up his gear. Fingering the pendant which was around his neck, Quinn left the his room, forgetting to lock Juliet down stairs, so the osprey followed him. Having memorized the dojo, Quinn walked without looking at his HUD, his steps were heavy and sounded tired. 


Reaching a locked door, Quinn closed his eyes, and listened. The sound of battle was inside. Inputting a code into a keypad, Quinn unlocked the door and walked into the darkness, letting the door lock behind him. Helmet closing around his face, his grey eyes were weary yet sharp. Drawing his sobek shotgun, and loading it with high velocity/impact non lethal rounds, Quinn joined the fray. The darkness which surrounded him was suddenly cut by a light, Juliet.


“At least someone has stayed with me.” Quinn said reaching up to pat the osprey. 




The enraged screams filled the room and Quinn walked forward peacefully. Before him, he saw the battle, his eyes sweeping the field and identifying all allies and foes.  Raising the shotgun, he shot a round strait into the raging tenno, knocking him clean off his feet, sending him flying a couple feet. Walking up and reaching down, Quinn helped Acantha up letting Juliet light the area. Looking up coldly, Quinn walked forward with weapon at the ready. He knew X was ready and that the sniper was ready also. The the odds were in their favor.

Edited by QuinnsWing
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F*ck! lost electricity just before i was about to post something. here is the rewrite.



Berserker was often said to be beast-like and not very intelligent by people who managed to beat him. Those would often be surprised that when the next rampage occurred, he was always the one with the advantage. This was different however, As he was in new surroundings, new foes were attacking him and new tactics were being deployed. However, Berserker wasn't really a tactician as his instincts warned him of attacks and his heightened senses allowed him to keep track of his enemies via sight, sound and smell.


A new smell, a Nova had entered the combat and was running straight at him. Smiling, he jumped over her as she reached and used her body as a shield for a strike from X's blade, disrupting the latters focus just enough for Berserker to grab him and hurl him at the invisible one, ending with the collision of the two. Still holding the Nova, Berserker turned his head to face her as she struggled in his grip.


''What should i do with you? knock you out? KILL YOU? FEAST ON YOUR FLESH?'' He asked maniacly as he smiled, revealing his silver fangs to her.


''Let go off me!'' She screamed at him.


''WILL YOU RUN? will you make me HUNT you? IF SO...then sure.'' Berserker said as he dropped her, watching her land on her rear. A small chuckle escaped him as he turned his attention to the 2 Tenno lying on the ground. ''Time for you to die, WEAKLINGS!'' He said as he walked towards them, only to turn around as a Dread arrow lodged itself in his back.


''YOU CHEEKY LITTLE VIXEN! I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS!'' He screamed as he charged at her once again.


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Zel sat cross legged on her bunk, casually reading the new Codex information that had been sent by her new teacher. When the lights flashed and the Lotus started broadcasting her emergency protocols, fear exploded in her mind. What could cause the whole dojo, a base of hundreds of Tenno, to go on this kind of lockdown?


She ran out of her room, locking her helmet into place as she ran. When she had only half crossed the west wing, the ground shook as two giant forms burst through the reinforced concrete and trans-steel wall in front of her. The titanic Igilblix had charged directly at Berserker, putting every ounce of his amazing strength into the bullrush, and pushed the fanged beast through the wall and into the Hall Of Heroes. Zel took one step toward fight, her body starting to heat up quickly, turning the air above her into a shimmering heat haze. Just as she was ready to dive in, Skirata's words chimed in her head.

"If you can't control yourself, You could do a lot of damage, Kill many of our friends and Ally."


In a far off Asteroid or Corpus base, that would be terrible, but here, in the Dojo itself? She could kill ....everyone. She was shaken out of her thoughts by the horrendus impact of Igilblix, thrown like a pebble against the statue of Ajkrumen. His bulk pushed the Monolith over, and during the fall it somehow managed to twist, trapping the now unconscious Rhino beneath its now broken arms.  Zel powered down and ran out the door, down the hallway, and through tears of fear and anger, screamed loudly "AIGLOBLAM I NEED YOU!".


The lotus scrolled through security logs of the day of Ajkrumen's funeral, And watched with hope in her eyes as the image of Aigloblam on her screen walked into the storage section behind MedBay. With a series of furious key strokes, she set her plan into action. She could only hope it would be enough.



In the bowels of the storage area, a dead silent cryo-pod's status light blinked from blue, to bright crimson.

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This is how Igilblix ended up unconscious under the statue from Aigloblam's story.


After cooling his anger by killing Infested in the Eris sector for several days, Igilblix decided to return to the dojo for a quick clean up and some much needed rest. He disembarked from his transport and began his walk back to his room to begin his cleaning ritual so nothing remained of the infested that had served as his training dummies. Before he got more than 15 steps into the first hallway, the Lotus came over his intercom with an urgent message. "Tenno, we have a problem. Berserker has been freed and is currently working his way through the dojo, killing indiscrimately. I need you to slow him down long enough for reinforcements to arrive and help deal with the problem." Igilblix looked up in a start. Berserker was no laughing matter Knowing that Aigloblam was under cryosleep, he feared that Berserker wouldn't be able to stopped but as a Rhino, he had to try and slow him long enough for reinforcements to get there. As he ran through the Dojo, he looked over his mini-map looking for a place to intercept the raging Tenno but, the Tenno seemed to be avoiding places that would allow for an easy interception. He realized that he was standing directly over where Berserker was currently fighting another Tenno. Slowly, an idea formed. Taking his Scindo from his back, he ran up the nearest wall and back-flipped off it, turning so he could pull off this risky move. Slamming the Scindo into the floor, he watched as cracks formed and pulling his foot up, he put all of his weight behind this one Rhino Stomp. As he stomped, the floor gave way under him and sent him down on top of Berserker. Picking him up by the scruff of his neck, he then began running through walls headed for the biggest area in the Dojo, the Hall of Heroes. Dashing through the last wall, he threw Berserker with all of his strength as far as he could. What he didn't expect was for the berserking Tenno to grab his arm at the last second, plant his feet, and laugh as he reversed the throw. Igilblix could only brace himself as he was hurtled towards the newest statue, the one of Ajkrumen. The last thought that ran through his head was how screwed up that this was before he was buried under several tons of metal and knocked unconscious.

Edited by Igilblix
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Aigloblam's dreams slowly faded into darkness, Then into glaring light. The door of his pod opened slightly, then stopped as its edge knocked against another pod. As his senses returned to him, Aigloblam first noticed the emergency lights flashing, the power in a dimmed state. After a few groggy seconds, the power to think returned. Taking a deep breath, Aigloblam stretched his arms and legs, feeling as though he had been asleep for eons. He took his Pendragon helmet from its hanger in the pod and locked it into place. Just as he started to push the door all the way open, very faintly, as if from his only half remembered dream, came the voice of Zel, obviously terrified. "..blam...need you".


Empty pods flew away like bowling pins as the Excalibur kicked his own pod door with all his strength. He became a blur of motion as he shot from his pod, leg actuators screaming in protest. He nearly flew as he he homed in on the disturbance in his dojo. Tables, Chairs, Weapon Racks, even frightened initiates were knocked aside as the vaguely tenno-shaped blur rocketed through the hallways. As he ran, he forced himself to pay attention to the Lotus' broadcasts, getting as much information as possible while still keeping speed. When he finally reached the main hallway of the wing, he heard Zel's terrified crying, and also a Roar of enormous power. He knelt down beside Zel and tried to get more information, but she was Hysterical. "Well at least she isn't melting everything" he thought to himself. He drew his hand back and slapped her face, Hard. He was almost taken aback by the sudden angry glow of her eyes, but the slap did its trick. Her face tried to show too many emotions at once, but he didn't give her time for that. "Whats going on?" he asked in a firm voice.


"Kris...Something about Berserker, All i know is that thing is hu-" she replied, but before she could finish Aigloblam was off again, this time headed straight for the hall of Heroes.


He was just coming into the doorway when he saw the monster through billowing dust and flashing lights. It drew back a foot and kicked. Aigloblam barely got out of the way before Acantha, followed by her Dread, came flying through the doorway. She flipped mid air, caught her Dread, and came to a skidding landing, an arrow already knocked and ready to fire. She gave him a quick appraising look and said "About Time" before she rushed back into the room, firing 6 arrows in the couple seconds it took her to get back through the doorway. Aigloblam heard the sounds of impact, and a following grunt, but it was obvious the beast shrugged off these mighty blows like a minor annoyance.


Aigloblam dashed into the room, and came to a halt when he saw the gleaming form of Berserker. This wen't beyond anything he had ever seen, or been told. He knew about the "issue" that Kris had, but was also told he had it well under control. Aigloblam hadn't known fear like this since his first encounter with Lephantis.


After a quick scan of the room, Aigloblam noticed Igilblix under the statue of Ajkrumen. He slash dashed that direction, finishing the lunge by grabbing the Rhino's arm and yanking as hard as he could. The massive tenno was jerked out from the statue's embrace and slid across the floor. Aigloblam kept pulling till his friend was out in the hallway, All the while feeling Dread bolts rain down upon his back, each had penetrated the beast no more than a few millimeters then tumbled away. Acantha kept raining projectile's anyway, buying Aigloblam time to deal with Igilblix.


Aigloblam heard footsteps behind him, and recognized several faces. With a line of his friends at his back, each a deadly tenno in their own right, Aigloblam drew his Zorens and waited, the beast staring at the group of Tenno, Aigloblam at its head.

"BRING A THOUSAND OF THE WEAKLINGS, I DONT CARE! NOTHING BUT FRESH MEAT!" the Monster bellowed, As he charged at the group.

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Skirata was placing another order of weapons when the alert sounded.  He submitted the request, and got up to leave his cell.  Studying his HUD as it updated, he picked up the pistols next to him and holstered them.  Following the HUD’s instructions, he jogged to the last known position of the “Berserker.”


This should be interesting... how to kill a monster but save a Tenno at the same time...


The hallways lights were off, he didn’t hesitate running into the darkness.  His HUD updated again, showing a hall as the danger zone now.  He adjusted his course, doubling back towards the hall.  The passages were pitch black now.


He could hear noises as he neared.  Fighting noises.  He arrived at the first hall that was left open in the lockdown.  Several Tenno were trying to subdue the Berserker.


Shouldn’t have given it a title... just encouraging its existence and influence...


He skirted around the edges of the fight.  He then turned and used his Super Jump to get up to the ceiling.  He pinned himself in a corner where there was a lip for him to rest slightly on.  He watched the activity below, waiting for the moment to strike if needed.


Acantha jumped back from Berserker’s swipe.  Aigloblam came in from the side, he knocked the arm Berserker had swung further than he had wanted to, and twisted into a hook kick that made contact into Berserker's temple. Dazed and off balance, Berserker shook his head and shifted his footing.  Quinn threw a bounce trap under Berserker’s foot, sending it up meters above the Tenno’s heads.


Skirata saw his chance as Berserker was launched into the air.  Tilting his body at angle, his feet against the ceiling in the corner, Skirata used his Super Jump powered legs to propel him straight down at Berserker.  Skirata’s foot connected with Berserker’s head just as the latter was about to start falling back down from Quinn’s Bounce.  Berserker was sent flying across the hall, banging off the wall beside the door.  Skirata landed nimbly next to the other Aequitas members.  Berserker let out a guttural growl and, after straightening back up, fled from the losing fight.


The other Tenno followed in pursuit.  When they reached the next hall they stopped short.  Khimera and Berserker were standing in the center, a few meters apart.  Berserker was breathing hard.  Strange, quiet laughter came from Khimera.  Everyone that had been fighting already formed a semicircle around behind Berserker.




“Oh, this is going to be soo much fun.”  Khimera grinned manically under his helmet as his hands and arms began to be covered in several arcing electrical streams of different intensities.


*  *  *



commence with the @ss whooping everyone!

Edited by BRad_Skirata
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