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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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The forest was alive, Kevin mused as he walked through the shrubbery with his rifle in hand. He covered Emm's back as the Trinity began her scan of a plant sample to find an anti-toxin. This operation was all about keeping the trees intact. Kevin wondered why Vey Hek would base his theatre of operations in a forest that had everything the Tenno needed in order to stop it was beyond him.


Still the Nekros was not complaining, the forest around him was a change from the deserts, the gas cities, and the interiors of ships. And yet...he felt a certain connection to the place. It reminded him of a home he could hardly recall. Interesting...


Grineer chatter made Emm stop and raise a fist. Behind her Kevin crouched while Janice and Levi did the same. Kevin heard Janice breathe deep before calming herself down. Kevin kept his finger off the trigger of his rifle as a Grineer patrol passed by. Kevin's Shade cloaked him while the others did their best to stay hidden.


"Hit them hard, hit them fast." Was Emm's order. "Pick your targets and kill them quickly. We can't afford to be delayed here."


The team gave their assents. Kevin raised his Boltor without hesitation and fired on the rear guard. The barrage of spikes killed the Grineer instantly. Team Emm opened fire on the rest and the ensuing gunfight lasted for no longer than a few seconds.




They didn't find much other than pine cone extracts so this mission was a bust. Still no Tenno feared the slow and steady road. Kevin crouched down to take a scan of another pine cone when something white appeared at his peripherals. Kevin whirled around, a Despair throwing knife in hand. He scanned the area around him then checked his HUD. No red dots and his teammates were way ahead of him.


"What...?" Kevin narrowed his eyes as he kept looking around. The white thing he saw was...gone. It was like a dress or something. Kevin would have laughed at himself. Ghosts? Really? He was Tenno for-


"Kevin?" Emm asked "Are you alright?"


Shaking his head the Nekros sheathed the Despair and switched to his Boltor. "I'm fine Emm, just...just thought I saw something." He moved to keep up with his teammates.

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Alex grumbled to himself as he pushed through the foliage, using a Machete Wraith to cut through the brush, leaving cooling Grineer corpses behind him.


"Lotus...why am I looking for a bunch of plants?"


"Because we need to save the forest by using these plants to make an antitoxin, now move it!"


"Yes, mother," He rolled his eyes.


"You know she's listening in on our transmissions, Coyote. She's telling you to behave," Came the AI's response.


Alex groaned in response, "Mooooooooom, why are you taking her side?"


His mother's voice chimed through his earpiece, "Because the forests are nice! Before the Collapse your father and I used to go on midnight walks through these woods, and --" 


"La la la la I can't hear you mom, I don't want to know where this is going!" Alex interrupted, "I'm resuming my mission, over and out!" He cut the line.


Back at HQ, Alex's mother started laughing and you could hear the digital voice of the Lotus joining her in laughter.


But back on Earth, behind the Rhino, Operative Valkyrie shook her head, unimpressed with Alex.


"What did I ever see in him? You'd think that fighting a four-way war after coming out of cryosleep, immediately after fighting another war would've made him a bit more mature," She muttered to herself.

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The Corpus force was in ruins. The ones that didn't surrender either died or tossed back to their ship. Jrogar had proven himself a much more capable fighter that she expected, mostly because he was a DIPLOMAT. Jrogar had gotten less than basic training, and out shined Kril by a landslide. His Ogris had broken during the fight, and he never pulled out his Bronco Prime. It was very obvious that his claws needed to be reinforced, as one shattered against a JACKAL's armor. It was time to head home, and get a set of armor for Jrogar.


The sound of a face palm echoed through the ship, with a shout of "YOU IDIOT!". Jrogar had just received Hek's message to all Grineer, proving that his "operation" had removed most of his brain cells. He knew that the Forest would not just die out, it would destroy the entire planet! The Cicero Toxin was a fools gambit, and Hek knew that. Jrogar had been given permission to leave the ship, if he had a group of Grineer with him.

"Gear up. We're going to end Hek, and his chain of foolish plans."

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Dalimir got out of a transport that had landed in the Aequitas dojo, but the moment he stepped foot inside, he froze.  The tension in the air was different, much different than when he left.  He quickly asked what he had missed, and why he missed it.  It was explained to him that someone had gone rogue, and had done a great deal of damage to the dojo and its inhabitants.  Dalimir balled a fist in anger, not only at the person responsible for this, but also for not being there to help, despite being on a lengthy assassination mission which required multiple interrogations and information surfing.  He told himself he would join this clan, and be a better participant in its dealings.  But that would have to wait, as the Lotus played back a message from Councilor Vay Hek of the Grineer Empire, explaining his plan to poison and destroy the strong and nearly indestructible Orokin plant life on the ruined Earth.  Now he had something to direct his anger at other than himself.  He quickly went to the training room to finalize the feel of the weapons he would be getting from the Forge master, and selected his choice of Bow, Kunai, and Ether blades.  He set a course of hard-light projections, matching a standard attachment of Grineer forces, and mentally gave himself the orders to slay them without alerting any of them to his presence.



Yay! Dal's back!  Later I'll work up something lengthy to get Xenthia caught up to current events.  If anyone wants to interact, now's your chance.

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"I don't know what to tell you Kevin," Levi said as he handed the Nekros his helmet. "It might have been a glitch, your HUD's working fine. You sure you saw something?"


"I did." Kevin answered looking at the eye of his helmet. "But nonetheless I might be a bit out of sorts. Thank you for checking up on my helmet."


Levi just gave a nod and smiled as Kevin stalked from the tech labs. The Nekros headed back to his quarters. "Recording: Play." He sat down to review his mission in the great forest a few days ago looking for any sign of the white object he had seen. He had asked everyone, even John and Ivan. Everyone said no, they hadn't seen anything. Kevin exhaled and rubbed his forehead as he paused the recording at where he had seen the white object. Looking at it more closely now he saw that it resembled a white dress.


"So someone died there, I guess." Kevin said as he stretched his limbs.




"Ah Kevin!" Janice waved the solemn Tenno over as she sat with Emm. The Trinity's Carrier Sentinel gave a beep. Kevin took a seat next to them, he felt the sand underneath him shift. The garden was peaceful at this time and Kevin was surprised that John had allowed its construction. Still it was nice to finally have a place to relax.


"Janice told me that you saw something down in the forest." Emm spoke to Kevin.


"Yes, and I believe it may be something dead. I don't know yet if it is benign or malignant." Kevin answered. "And no, I don't think I'm hallucinating. It may just be the memory of someone that died there."


"Ah I see, your Nekros must have interacted with something." Janice said.


Kevin could agree to that. It was said that the Nekros was given to those who were particularly sensitive to death. Much of Kevin's memories hadn't returned, so he didn't know why he had the Nekros warframe when he was awakened all those months ago.


"Yes and I hope I can find out just what I tripped over."

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I haven't found moonlight Jadeleaf yet, but that's all I need for a Lapis Antitoxin at the moment. I have no problem finding lillies but threshcones have eluded me a little. I actually found the sunlight jadeleaf for the one mission it appeared for the team. I was so happy. ^_^


Anyway, Khimera needs an Oberon now (I have one in game so now it's story justified!)




The surgery had been painless for the most part, he hadn't even been awake for it, but the healing process was truly agonizing without a Warframe to speed it along. Not only was Khimera now essentially prohibited from even training at the moment but he'd been stuck in a wheelchair and blindfolded to prevent further damage to his legs or eyes. Zel's 'gift' had been most useful and Khi didn't regret taking it and pushing himself beyond his limits in order to defeat Berserker. Well...'defeat' was not the right word, he had been able to stall Berserker's rampage long enough for Kris to regain control. Khimera had been told Kris had left and that the damage to the Dojo was extensive even after lockdown. He had tried and failed to prevent damage in some places but many lives had been saved in the end.


Still, for all the good he'd done with his actions Khi felt sadness, a cold chill of anxiety settling over his slim shoulders and making him shiver.  Everyone now could see him without his Volt, see him powerless, less than a shell of his former self even just after awakening for cryo-sleep. Though no one had come to talk down at him yet, he knew he looked pitiful in his state. Even worse for one who prided themselves on their aesthetics outwardly, if only for his lack of belief in his own appearance, his body was now dotted with scars from the surgery. Even around his eyes were a few small scars because of his own powers at the time. It didn't help Khimera's confidence in himself or his healing. He'd also heard that the forests of Earth were under attack, a place he held precious in his heart that he could no longer defend. It was torture, but he'd known there would be a price to pay...just not one so steep.


Pounding his fist on the arm of his wheelchair Khimera squeezed his eyes shut behind his blindfold, tears trickling down his cheeks like droplets of ice compared to the heat burning on his face. "I'm so stupid..." He mumbled, slowly wheeling himself out of the Mess Hall to get to his room. He knew the way well enough and refused any help, even from Ein who could only hold good intentions. "What made me think I'd ever be fit to find him after that?" Self-pity was not something Khimera was known for, and his usually irritable personality being gone had a couple people on edge around him. However the Volt found himself stopped just in front of his room by an unfamiliar Tenno. "Please move...I can't get to my room with you in my way..."


"It's just a delivery. You're Khimera, aren't you? I was told to deliver these to you." The Tenno placed three heavy objects on Khi's lap before leaving, having left the once-Volt rather confused. Who would deliver anything to him? There was Lodestone, of course, but they hadn't had correspondence in a long time. Getting into his room was a chore with the three packages weighing him down but Khi managed on his own, stubbornly refusing any sort of aid in the process. The Warframe-stripped Tenno was glad when he could set the packages aside, glad that he still had enough strength in his arms to lift them by now. Sadly without his eyes there was little Khimera could do relating to his old job of keeping tabs on the Dojo's systems and he was due to keep the blindfold on for a few days more. Even though it was the orders of the surgeon that he stay off his feet Khi still managed to get up from the wheelchair and walk to his bed, letting his hands hang at his sides. This feeling of weakness and powerlessness was just so...unnatural after being a proper Tenno for so long. Being made to rest in this way was...new, or it felt like it. Having brushed his hand on something left attached to one of the packages Khimera paused, feeling it for a second before the familiar sound of a recording starting up hit his ears.


"This thing working?" The voice was more than familiar, it belonged to Canis! But how had Canis found him? "Look...I heard about what your Dojo did during Gradivus...er...if you can hear me now...god I hope this is working." While he couldn't see the image in the recording Khi could already see the silver and gold Rhino un-helmed rubbing the back of his head nervously like he normally would. "Anyway...I heard something happened and you're Voltless...it's hard to picture you without that waspy armor covering you actually. I hope the helmet I made for you's still intact, it's made of some tough stuff but I figure while we're apart...it helps, you know?" There was a pause, and for a moment Khimera thought the recording was over until a sigh broke the silence. "Hunny...I miss you, I really do, and I want you to know I love you. It's been ages since we saw each other...and I had to beg the Lotus to get this to you. It's an Oberon Warframe, a new one. I don't know what's really happened but I get the feeling you're really hurt and that's upsetting. Just remember I'll always be there for you, even if I'm not by your side. I hope to be with you again soon...my moonlight." The message ended there, leaving Khimera filled with a storm of emotions. Relief, sadness, hope, love, the will to go on. He could not see the packages but Khi could now tell they contained the helmet, chassis, and systems of an Oberon.


Instinctively the Warframe-less Tenno reached up to activate his comms but realized he couldn't do that anymore. "S#&$...how do I get Quinn on the line without the PA system...stupid blindfold..." Facepalming, Khimera began to muse on the gift his husband had given him from who knows how far away. Oberon...he knew nothing about this Warframe, it had only recently come to light with the new missions into the forests of Cicero. Could he get it built in time to help? Screw recovering completely...even crippled in an unranked Warframe Khimera could do something!

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That's not good mate... I may be able to help you later today, or tomorrow. I'll just need 1 sunlight jadeleaf, and they're easy to find if you know where to look for them (they only grow in or right next to water, and the scanner can pick them up easily).

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its almost 10 pm for me but i should have those 2 soon im just running around in the first couple areas and if there isnt anything then i quit and run again.


edit: holy S#&$ stalker so stronk! X_X *goes and crying in a corner*

Edited by QuinnsWing
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Actually, he had not attacked me in a month and a half, and then yesterday as I was playing my newly forma'd Nova(Quinn), who was level 3 at the time, he decided to come for me. Fortunately, I had two friends with ogris's and another friend with an ignis to help me out. He died less than a second after spawning. He only dropped another dread bp though.


Edot: And yes, I have gotten into the habit of whenever I play Nova I colour her and all of my weapons black and red

Edited by Piranah1
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Am I the only one here who prefers the Original colors of the warframes? 


Also, I wonder how long Kris will hunt down Grineer...oh wait. He will continue until he becomes the Apex predators and rumors of a monster start. >:3


he is also no longer wearing a warframe (reason in Video Log #002).

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Ghost made her way to the general Area of Khimera's room, sensing his thought before extending her mind to ever so gently touch his. "Khimera... I feel your anguish and your determination to not become useless. If you would like I can contact Quinn for you so he may build that strange warframe you were given. And... Thank you. Both for your sacrifice and everything you've ever done to help us. Should you ever require assistance, I will be at your disposal" She telepathically told him. She felt his surprise and his sharp mind threw up defenses, not that it mattered since she had no intentions of actually entering his mind. "Who are you? I know that voice from the fight with Beserker... but I don't believe we're met."

Ghost let out a tinkling laugh "I am known as Ghost in the Machine. A pleasure to meet you. Now then, You have yet to give me an answer to my offer."

Khimera paused for a moment, her name bringing up images of electronic disturbances throughout the dojo. He knew who she was now, and knew she was beyond loyal to the clan and those in it. "Very well. Third door on the right, Take them to Quinn and see if he can get them built quickly"

"Very well! It shall be done" She walked over, pausing at the door before retracting her helmet. She knew of his distaste with being seen out of his frame, much like her own. She felt it only fair that she give him the same courtesy as she then retracted her entire frame. She wore a simple light blue tube top and shorts, skin tight so as not to interfere with combat. She couldn't remain out of her frame for too long but she could give her respect to this brave Tenno she was about to show herself to. She steeled her nerves and opened the door, the two Tenno seeing each other face to face, expressions blank even as their eyes scanned, analyzed and tallied everything they saw about each other.



I donno felt like being nice to Khi... I like him xD and her appearance was detailed in previous posts at the end of the fight and just after it.

Edited by KittyShark
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Actually, he had not attacked me in a month and a half, and then yesterday as I was playing my newly forma'd Nova(Quinn), who was level 3 at the time, he decided to come for me. Fortunately, I had two friends with ogris's and another friend with an ignis to help me out. He died less than a second after spawning. He only dropped another dread bp though.


Edot: And yes, I have gotten into the habit of whenever I play Nova I colour her and all of my weapons black and red


Mwahahahahahaaaa welcome to the Nova-Quinn club!

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Kitty you have no idea how sweet/nice that is. Seriously.




Khimera, sadly, could not see Ghost, but he could tell she was there...out of her Warframe. He was clothed in simple, black clothing that was meant to cover a majority of its body. Long-sleeved shirt and pants, his white hair framing his pale face nicely. Surprisingly, however, for a Tenno Khimera was quite thin, enough so one might speculate he could fit into a Nekros without configuration...though that could be slightly exaggerated. "There." He spoke softly, pointing to the stacked packages, feeling around the top for the recording device. Snatching it up Khi held it to his chest, his face lifted enough so Ghost could see his black ribbon blindfold. "Your presence is different from a clad Tenno. Your consideration is welcome, though...so thank you for bearing to me your 'self'." He said quietly, moving shakily to get under the blanket of his bed. Even with the message from the one he loved most and this gift he could never repay enough Khimera still needed time to heal. "Ghost...if I may beg one last favor of you...there is a Saryn here by the name of Issachar and a young Initiate named Ein. Please look after them when you can spare the time."

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ok.......got trolled and my lapis anti toxin was wasted....... next time i get it....i want a party with some of you

If i had a Lapis, i'd be totally fine partying with you. Ive got Cone things falling out of my &#! at the moment, but not ONE of the rare ones. But any time you want to do anything while im on, just let me know. I'm here for 'ya :)

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