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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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I've totally forgotten anything about Khi's husband....i remember him being mentioned before but that was a long time ago and my memory isn't very good to begin with. Will we ever see him in the dojo, or is he the "Supporting The Mountain From Afar" type person?

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Weeks later, I've finally had the time to be fully caught up with your plotline, i.e. the whole Berserker debacle and the dojo being in shambles.


Now I finally present my full character list!



Clan: Their actual clan name is unknown, but they operate under the moniker "Venator", which means hunter in Latin. Venator is the name assigned to the Tenno assigned to Aequitas, comprising roughly 1/10th of their nameless clan's forces. They basically are tenants in the Aequitas dojo, but instead of paying rent through credits or platinum, they all occupy a second task in the dojo in addition to their combat duties.


Hadrian: White Vauban. He is the commander of all of Venator's origin clan, and as such, doesn't actually reside at Aequitas. As such, you will rarely ever see him. 


Alex: Black Rhino. Former Squad Leader of Venator. He is officially MIA, but assumed KIA after having been at the centre of a huge explosion while fighting off the Stalker, allowing the rest of Venator to escape. In reality, he survived the blast and has been running black ops missions for the Lotus, personally, under the moniker "Coyote". As squad leader, he typically carried a balanced loadout into battle, suiting his adaptive nature as he didn't want to overspecialize in case unforeseen circumstances arose during a mission. When he was at Aequitas, he was a combat instructor for the Initiates, with an emphasis on improvisational tactics and strategy. A skill he's not so proud of is his aptitude for interrogation and torture.


Guillermo (Guy): Gunmetal Frost. Current leader of Venator in the wake of Alex's supposed demise. Currently not combat active as his Frost was damaged irreparably by Berserker (off-screen), while protecting some Initiates. He held Berserker off long enough for the Initiates' quarters to be sealed off from the rampaging juggeraut. He has made a full recovery from his injuries and continues to be both a cook and bartender, providing comfort food and nourishment to the Tenno as well as being an earpiece for their woes over some drinks, or in extreme cases, even a shoulder to cry on. He's a bit of a joker, as evidenced by the 'robo doge' incident, and he is very popular with the ladies. In combat, he is Venator's designated marksman, using the accuracy of the semi-automatic Latron to deadly effect. He carries a Lex as his sidearm and uses an Ether sword as his melee weapon.


Keiji: Silver Excalibur. Combat active as he was off-dojo during the Berserker debacle. He is kind, but has become silent and laconic in the wake of all that has happened. He is currently being overworked as he is not only helping with the continued repairs, but is taking on many combat missions as he's the only combat-capable member of Venator at the moment. In combat, he fights in close quarters, using Shotguns and Blades to devastating effect. He typically uses a Sobek to clear rooms in mere seconds, as well as carrying dual Broncos and dual Skana for close quarters combat. He is also a combat instructor for the Initiates, with an emphasis on room-clearing tactics.


Akio: Midnight Blue Volt. A speed demon and adrenaline junkie, he is a very energetic individual, and a huge flirt - despite being not nearly as good with the ladies as Guy. This is in stark contrast to his position in Venator's squad composition as a sniper, requiring him to be calm, level-headed and patient. He's a damned good sniper, using his Vectis with devastating efficiency, as well as a Magnus and a Pangolin Sword. He is currently undergoing physical rehabilitation, as a result of trying to take on Berserker with his twin brother, Akito. Needless to say, it did not go well, and although his Volt was salvageable, his body itself needed to be mended. Despite his rehab remaining an ongoing process, he is still able to resume his post as a combat instructor, with a specialty in marksmanship and long-ranged combat.


Akito: Crimson Ash. Despite his obviously vibrant and bright paint scheme, he is proficient in remaining unseen, as Venator's infiltration specialist. He's best used for capture or spy missions, he is capable of operating solo, although he is not the best combatant in a straight up fight. He used a silenced Braton, a silenced Vasto and Fang blades, befitting his nature as an infiltration expert as well as an occasional assassin. He was severely beaten by Berserker while trying to fight him alongside his twin brother, Akio. He was beaten so badly that his Ash was beyond repair, and he remains in a medically induced coma inside a regeneration tank, slowly mending his physical wounds as the dojo's resources were stretched to their limit. When active, he worked with the armory master as a supply officer, helping take inventory and keeping track of what weapons have been assigned and to whom.

Edited by CommanderCorgi
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Ok my follow-up to Aigloblam's post is ready, but it will be two-part. The first part takes place well after my last story post. The second part will be an explanation of how she got to where she is. I hope it's alright, if I got anything wrong, let me know, I'll edit/rewrite.




“Don’t let his words get to you Aigloblam. After all, he’s only speaking in half truths.”


Acantha stepped out of the shadows where she’d been watching the pair, her eyes focused on the warframe-less Tenno, Kris. She saw Aiglo pause on his way out of the complex, his whole body spoke of disapproval as he stared at her.


“Leave him be. Half truths or not, it’s over.”


“Hunting for him might be over, but dealing with him is not,” she looked squarely at the Excalibur as she strode farther into the room, to stand slightly behind and off to one side of the Council member, whom she could still feel disapproval rolling off of, “Peace, Aigloblam, I won’t harm him. I won’t go against your edict about clan members leaving him alone, at least so long as he doesn’t attack anyone else. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t have my own piece to say to him.”


She stared coolly at the rogue Tenno, her anger simmering in the back of her mind as she directed her next words at him, “You say you had no control, that your actions were wholly his and not your own. That may be true, but it is not the whole of it. You knew about Berserker before you came to Aequitas; you knew of the danger he posed. He’d done this before. He’d killed, hunted, rampaged, and massacred before. Don’t deny it. I’ve seen the files that prove it to be true. He’d been quiet for a long time, but he was still there. You knew this, did you not?”


Not getting an answer from the Tenno who stared at her like a cornered animal she continued, “And yet, from what I’ve heard, one, maybe two high ranking members of the clan knew about this danger, if any did at all, and none of them learned about it from you. You made no contingencies; you put up no barriers, constructed no safety nets, made no plans to combat Berserker should he return to rampage. No, you just hoped there would be someone out there strong enough to stop him. Instead of taking responsibility for your other half, they half that was the personality subordinate to you, if uncontrollable once released, you avoided it. You passed the burden off to others, without even doing them the courtesy of informing them of their enemy. An enemy you knew intimately from the inside. Even if no contingencies could be made, or no preventative measures or emergency procedures could be put in place, you could have at least warned the right people about their danger, and informed them of how to take down Berserker, which I’m sure you knew, even then, how to do.”


She watched as Kris flinched, his face showing guilt and pain for the first time since she’d seen him after the fight.


“Berserker’s actions may not have been your own,” she continued, “but that doesn’t mean you’re blameless for his crimes. You aren’t innocent. You say we have no honor; that we hunt one who is alone and frameless in the wilderness, and that we give you only oaths of revenge and bring you only pain. You say we don’t know justice. So was it justice that you hid Berserker instead of revealing him, when lives might have been saved had you overcome your shame and spoken up about him? Is it justice that you live when so many innocents and brave warriors died and were injured because of your inaction? Was it honor that you stayed silent, and let Berserker rampage without lifting a finger until battle was joined and you were forced to confront him?


“You’re lack of a warframe is your own doing, as is your pain and your solitude. You are the one who fled the dojo, when none of us lifted a finger against you while we worked tirelessly to repair the damage you caused and you did nothing. In fact, some of us defended you when people like Venefica did come for you; I wouldn’t call that something those without a sense of honor would do. Furthermore, Berserker required no frame to fight, nor, apparently, do you anymore. I’ve heard the Grineer whispering about the ghost in these woods, it seems logical to me that the one they speak of is you. If you can take out entire groups of Grineer without a warframe, you are hardly defenseless, and therefore posses no right to accuse us of hunting down someone who is powerless. As to pain, you have no right to speak of pain, not after what you inflicted on others. Especially Khimera.” Her eyes flashed angrily, remembering seeing the Tenno lying on the floor of the Memorial Hall, nearly dead.


She paused for a moment, collecting her thoughts and giving him a chance to answer. When he didn’t, she continued on, “Who do you think we made those oaths of revenge for, Kris? Ourselves? Out of wanting to hunt down a Tenno and cause him pain, cause us more pain? No, we made them for others, others who can’t get justice for themselves. Those like Ajkrumen who have passed, the Initiates Berserker tore through like rice paper, the permanently injured, the scarred, and the broken. I, too, am one of those people who made an oath of revenge Kris, but I didn’t do it because I blamed you for Berserker’s actions. I blamed you for allowing Berserker to take action to begin with. I still blame you for the inaction you wallowed in before the fight that allowed so many to die or be injured. I blame you for the inaction that allowed sacred memories of the fallen, like Ajkrumen, to be desecrated.


“Revenge and Justice aren’t always the same thing, Kris, but today they are. Neither demands your death, just your punishment. The way I see it, you have very few choices. You can keep running, and hide forever in the wilderness as you have been. Aigloblam’s generous gift, more than you deserve, will assist you in that. You can die; something many others want, but, in the end, will serve little purpose but their own personal satisfaction. Or, you can spend the rest of your life working to become a better person, and repent for your sins against others. Some have already forgiven you, like Quinn, the Foundry Master. Others may never forgive you at all, or will take many, many years to do so. Repentance will mean facing the wrongs you’ve done head on, as well as facing the people you have wronged. It will be the hardest road, and you will be working to pay a debt that, by all accounts, you will never be able to fully repay, no matter how long you may live. Others will get in your way and try to tear you down, perhaps even try to kill you despite you change in actions. However, if you succeeded, you could hold your head high again, and be a better person for it.


“The choice is yours Kris. However, like Aigloblam, if you let Berserker take control again, I will end him. If ending you is a consequence of that, then it will be a regrettable but necessary amount collateral damage to save the lives of others. However, if you mend your ways, and seek repentance, I will do more than simply stand out of your way, I will support you. However, I cannot promise the same from others. Like the two of us, they make their own choices.”


Turning, she smoothly strode from the darkened area into the tranquil forests of Earth. She let the peace sink into her like a balm, cooling her anger and lust for revenge. For better or worse, it was over. It was time to move on, and focus on things far more precious than revenge. Finally, she let herself forgive Kris. What he did from now on was his choice.

Edited by Jeahanne
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Closing down this arc for good, i guess.


-I wonder, who is NOT looking for this guy?-Akinos exclaimed, as he analyzed the forth set of warframe footprints so far-Where did he even meet an Oberon? Not like there were any going around back in the days...


-I went over records-the Shade said in response-Four snubs have landed, and left this area in the time we have spent tracking, give or take. Apparently, they all came with one passenger only. They all were linked to Aequitas Dojo docking manifests, they are members. They didn't kill him though, so no worries.


-And you know this... how?-Akinos looked at the Sentinel.


-No blood. To avoid getting blood on you when you kill someone that is specialized in melee, very agile and near impervious to pain, can be pretty tricky. Same principle as for infested Chargers. Chances are they didn't threaten his life enough for the Berzerker to arise, hence why everyone gets to go home in one piece today. Which includes us. Just leave a damn message, i think he's more than done with visitors for the day.


-Point taken-Akinos responded-I do have a pad here, so i might as well write a few words.


-Put it somewhere visible, he'll probably sweep the area at some point, checking for Grineer-Shade added as Akinos got the pad.


Akinos didn't really know what to write, but he figured he might as well get to the point and hope it'd be found:




Came looking for you, but it turned out i wasn't the only one, or the first. So i decided to leave a message instead. Anyway, the reason i came looking for you is that the Tenno need people like you, even if they can't tell, even if precautions might have to be taken for your sake. You won't be the first or the last who has issues, war and cryosleep cause plenty of them. If we were to rid ourselves of all the Tenno with some sort of psychological issue, Lotus would wake up to find that she's severely understaffed, not to mention most of those that remained would be Initiates with little to no experience.

In short, i hope to see you back among the Tenno soon enough (maybe this time with a contingency plan? just saying...). By the way, there's a mad, and i mean really mad Nyx after you. Her name is Sophia, but also goes by Venefica, if this tells you anything. Be careful.


Akinos, of the Tenno.

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since the trials are being made after the circles of Hell in Dante's inferno, the order of the circles of hell is: 

1. Limbo (the honorable heathens).

2. Lust.

3. Gluttony. 


5. Wrath.

6. Heresy.

7. Violence. - is split into three parts: 1. Violence against people and property; 2. Violence against self and the means to live; 3. Violence against 'God'(might be replaced with Lotus or Tenno. XD) and nature. 

8. Fraud. - is split into ten parts, which represent: 1. Pandering and seducing. 2. Flattering for exploiting. 3. Escaping your sins. (instead of repenting). 4. Magic and fortune-telling. 5. Corrupt politics. 6. Hypocrisy. 7. Stealing. 8. Exploiting others through fraud. 9. Driving people against each other. 10. Falsifiers and impostors.

9. Treachery. - is split into four parts, representing: 1. Betrayers of their own kin(family). 2. Betrayers of their community. 3. Betrayers of their guests/friends. 4. Betrayers of their lords and benefactors.


This is the order in Dante's. I hope it will help you with making some of the trials, Kitty and Khi.



Also... I'm working on a little bit that involves the 'everyone going after Kris' thing, but my charrie won't be going after him per se.

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Kris is likely moving camp after being found so many times and pondering on Khis and Acanthas words. (he probably found the note too).


Easy to find, Easy to kill. the motto of someone trying to not get killed by Tenno after what he did.


Edit: he is also pondering the motive behind what Aiglo did.

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Since everyone else is making Cicero stories.




-------------------(a couple months earlier)-------------


"What is it you have against this arrangement? I thought you would like it compared to your reaction from the first rule after you woke up from cryo." The Lotus's voice rang in Az's helmet as she rode a snub on the way to Earth.

"Back then, yes, I would have loved this. But you put up a rule the day I woke up from cryo: No contacting the others unless through you." Az responded, fiddling with the red-trimmed brass-coloured Boltor she had gotten from Quinn and been training with. At her hip was a green Seer pistol and on her back was an Ether Blade. 

"Second and third missions: Get rid of the marked weapons and recruit ourselves into a clan that doesn't have one of us, to spread us around the current Tenno communities, with a full team of four always on the non-clan station." She then added, putting the Boltor on her back.


"That may be, Tenno, but in the chaos of the Cicero crisis, many Tenno that have thought about going rogue might do it, along with many more trying to track down and kill the Tenno named Kris. This chaos will also be working to your advantage, as I am in charge of the cross-clan teamwork and assistance. I have split you into two four-Tenno teams, the other team will be charged with keeping tabs on all Tenno that are suspected of even the slightest chance of trying to use this to get off the grid. Your team will deal with the other danger." The Lotus explained to Az for the second time in this trip.

"And of course I can recognize them, even though none of us are using the same warframes as before." Az responded, remembering the part from Lotus's speech earlier, not wanting to listen to more of it.

"So I'm going down there with three others of 'us' to protect Kris. This can't be to prevent casualties, what is it you want from him Lotus?"  she then added.

"That information is classified, Battalion commander, even for you." was the Lotus's only response.

"Just wonderful." Az said, relaxing as her snub was taken the safest possible route through the barricade on the way to Earth and her first mission could begin: Rendezvous with the other three, find Kris and set up a moving perimeter around him to keep other Tenno out.




On Earth she went out of the temporary landing-base that the thousands of Tenno shuttles had formed, walking out into the woods with seeming carelessness. The snub's scan on the way down had revealed a clearing 2 miles to the east that was 'mysteriously' formed like their forgotten mark. She unconsciously smiled faintly under her helmet. The largest militant action of the Tenno regarding Earth for millennia was in progress, and not one of them had the slightest clue that a group of them were gathering with orders from Lotus, even with the authority from her to pull the Tenno back if need be. The punchline for this practical joke was that the group of eight Tenno gathering were mid-rankers at most in their respective dojos.


The other four-Tenno team had left before Az's shuttle had landed, but when she got out to the clearing, there were three Tenno waiting for her; A dark-green Ash, a red Rhino and a gold-trimmed green Oberon.

"Finally..." The Ash said. "we were starting to think you had been caught in orbit." 

"Nonsense. Now then, are you really who you say you are?" Az said, all four of their helmets retracting at the same time as they opened their mouths and showed the intricate mark that had been burned under their tongues.

"Good.." The Rhino said as their helmets covered their heads again. "I've missed you guys so much." he then said, grabbing the Ash in a bear hug and pulling him up before letting him down. Then he repeated the process with the Oberon and Az.

"Easy there Zack," Az said, Lotus having told her who her teammates would be. "we're here for just one mission, then we go our separate ways."

"We got your message about Yuri..." The Oberon started, the Ash finishing his sentence. "we're really sorry."

"Again, let's just do our mission." Az said, her voice strained.


The other three nodded before they shared all the data concerning the mission they had, each one having amassed massive amounts over the few weeks, over to Az, letting her sort through it all and look for inconsistencies while they caught up with each other about the last months.


Suddenly, Az sent them a large map on their HUD. "Somewhere around here." she said, highlighting an area on the map. "This will be our first perimeter. Dan, you are an Ash with a Shade, you will be our scout of the inside area, reporting on any findings."

"But.. That's almost a hundred square miles!" the Ash, Dan, replied, shocked.

"We don't want initiates wandering closer than that." Az said to him, a finality in her tone.




'Of course she chose the four of us for this.' Az thought in her cover in a large tree, nothing visible of her apart from the vizor of the scanner she had, monitoring the perimeter of their area, the three of them, her, Zack and Mike on three of the corners of the area, leaving the corner facing the direction of the grineer bases to Dan as he rested from scouting, scanning the inside of their perimeter completely invisible, barely moving an inch at a time in order to stay hidden in case their 'target' Kris was around. By this point he had scanned the entire area except for a one square-kilometer circle in the center, where they believed Kris's 'main camp' would be, having taken note of the small campsites that popped up here and there, suggesting that he moved around.




They had all taken the same precautions, along with the Lotus guiding Tenno away from this area, so Az wasn't that surprised when she heard the AI tell her to let the dark Oberon through, ordering Dan to keep a tab on him unseen.


Once the Oberon had left, Dan wasn't sure whether the warframe-less Kris had sensed his presence or not, but decided not to press his luck and moved to his post again.




The next Tenno that had gone to the area was a Frost that Az vaguely remembered from the dojo.

'Let him through.' The Lotus's voice chimed in her helmet as she kept her hiding spot, scanning the frost and sending a command to Dan to tail him.


Dan reported in the short fight that had ensued between the Frost and Kris, finding a better spot when they called in the approaching Nova.


When the two had left, Dan had taken note of Kris's wound, noting a lack of it in tracks a week later.




Some time later,  an Ash moved there as well, the Lotus's voice chiming in again to let him through, he had no intention of becoming Kris's dinner.

'Just what are you up to this time?' Az wondered as the 'resident Ash' made his way invisible like before.


Seeing the Tenno leave a note, turn around and go away. Dan read the note, then watched as Kris found it on his own. Letting his cloak down for a moment, Dan waved him before turning invisible again and making his way back to his current post.


"Who are you people?!" Kris called after him, clearly referring to the four that kept just outside his hunting grounds.

He could have sworn that that the words "We are friends." were brought back to him, but they were so faint that even he had a hard time hearing them clearly.




Az went over a few things in her HUD, nodding grimly as she read about two Tenno having gone missing during this crisis, well knowing that it hadn't been Grineer or wildlife, and that no one would find their bodies. Her comrades were too efficient in their duties. This was their grim fate, this was their purpose, she reminded herself, someone had to keep the solar system's strongest warriors in line.

'Now then.. three months. What are you going to do for the Lotus, Kris, and what does she see in you?' she wondered as she kept going through massive amounts of data, seeking anything from before the fall that could tell her.




Do you guys think this is good to show why only 5 Tenno ever went to Kris's general area in a few months, or am I Deus ex Machina-ing my characters?


And also, what's up with everything here happening while I sleep?

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well you see, since they live in a different country than you or I, they often post later in the night for us. time-zones man, time-zones


Edit: also, I doubt Kris really likes the idea of some sort of a stealthy Tenno group watching over him. He can take care of himself gadarnit.

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I beg to differ. An entire clan plus some people is after him. So unless you PLAN to take them single handedly, I say he needs some watching over. If not for his protection than for the protection of everyone else if Berserker pops out again.

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I have no plans of releasing Berserker again. that part of Kris is dead and buried (until something that won't happen for a long time happens because I got a plan that has literally just been realized (so, in other words, Berserker won't pop out again. If he does, it is because my plan says its time))


Edit: Kris will handle his ''wardens'' for now, or until he feels ready.

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The Rhino. Its design was simplistic, but brutally effective. Heavily armored and possessing both great offensive and defensive power every Tenno knew that they had to respect the strength of this Warframe. The Grineer hated and despised it, the Corpus desired its technologies and many a Rhino was often marked as a desirable resource to be harvested...A sentiment that sometimes ended badly for the wandering Corpus merchantman who had awakened Ivan in the first place. It was given to those who had the iron will and discipline to wield such power. Like some Tenno in the clan Ivan only remembered awakening already encased in the Warframe. He remembered, as he clashed fist to claw with the crazed Valkyr, waking to the sight of  a Corpus merchant looking down at him.


Ivan ducked another wild swipe that had every right to take off his head. The Rhino gave a grunt of exertion as his fist slammed into the Valkyr's face with monstrous force. Wailing in pain Valkyr lashed back with a kick that sent Ivan stumbling but the Rhino was charging forward matching her blow for blow. With an uppercut that would have made many a Tenno seethe in jealousy Ivan knocked the Valkyr backwards stunning her. That gave John and Levi enough time to shock prod her into oblivion. With Yuno watching in case the Valkyr displayed her alarming tendency to spring back to consciousness Levi injected the poor female with a specially created sedative to keep her asleep.


Everyone breathed deep after that.


"Good work Ivan," Levi commented as the Rhino shrugged. "She'll be feeling that uppercut in the morning."


"It's like fighting a demented house cat." Ivan said as his Iron Skin deactivated. He sighed. "There's nothing left of her, she would have been a formidable ally during these times."


"She's an even more dangerous enemy." Yuno's remark was cold.


"Which is why we keep her alive." John answered for all of them. "Levi, can you continue scanning for anything the Corpus left in her suit? I don't want them using her against us."


"Can do boss." Levi gave a sharp salute. "I'll find the bugs."

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The motive in giving him that frame was to make it finally Over. With no way to be tracked, the ability to go invisible, and the safety locks to keep the frame from being used against others....It was his chance to disappear, To be able to CHOOSE to have no contact at all with the rest of us. It was more for his protection than anything else. Aigloblam did something extremely strange for him...He didn't make a back door in this plan. He has no secret link to the frame, this gift was totally legit.

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