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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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The rebuilding after the rampage of beserker was going smoothly, though several Tenno who left on missions found small audio files when hacking Grineer ships. They were incomplete messages, only bits and pieces of a larger story, but so far... What could be assumed from the text and voices was a terrifying thought.


"Nearly Ready.... Sisters will be pleased... Great --Ship.... Last of the Four.... Accursed Tenno scum... Blood Price...." These were the words from the last two files found in the same mission. It seems the Grineer were planing something already... though the time frame was unknown so perhaps they would have time to rest before a new hell broke loose.


(Yay Teasers!)

Edited by KittyShark
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Wow. You guys, all of you, are amazing writers. Let me just say, reading all 180 pages or so of this was NOT a waste of my time. Seriously. Now, I HAVE to join, or at least make an "Intro".


Rask didn't take chances. He didn't like guessing. He was taking a big risk following her...

I. Hard Beginnings ---
      Rask was always tall, blonde, and bulky. These factors usually left the poor child alone, his physical appearance intimidating the other village children, regardless of how kind he wanted to be. Rask was never a fan of the oppressive Grineer that ruled over his home planet, ever since he was 14. While he followed the tyranny set forth by the local Grineer commanders, after he turned 20 he occasionally broke a rule or two, for example, bringing sweets to the children of his occupied village, only to be flogged and tortured for breaking curfew.

    Rask wasn't much of a talker either, but after 3 years of occupation, he took the time to learn the Grineer and Corpus languages, not because he thought he could use it, but more because he was truly bored and depressed. Rask thought he would never leave, never have a fulfilling life.  
     Fast forward to Rask's 27th birthday. He was on his way home from giving out various items to his fellow villagers, if you could call a wood and stone shack a home, when he was caught by a Trooper patrol, once more for curfew violation. By now, some of the Troopers and Commander Sarich, the local commander, knew Rask Tarcel by name. The Troopers didn't even bother beating him, knowing that Rask would continue this behavior. The lead trooper decided just to take him to the cell they had reserved for when Rask went on his weekly 'trip' giving out 'illegal' supplies to other villagers.

     After the troopers tossed him in his cell, the usual windowless, mossy cave built into the side of a deep chasm a half mile from the village, the Grineer Warden, Lars, addressed him curtly in Grineer through a port in the prison cell door, "Really, Rask? You're more of a drain on our resources than our trainees. I suppose you know this, but we can't exactly kill you, as we still need good relations on this planet. You know, for the mining..."

    In his usual fashion, Rask didn't reply, but rather sighed deeply and stared at the door with his glazed over, ice-blue eyes. After confirming that Rask was "comfortable", the Warden shut the door port and began to walk back to his post when he was caught in the chest by a bright blue arrow, wedgeing him between two storage crates, snapping his spine and killing him, his face still showing the smug, triumphant look of having Rask back in a cell.

    Normally Rask would just count the steps Lars would take on his path back to his post, precisely 50ft away from Rask's cell, where Lars could eat and smoke as much as he cared for, since no one but Rask was ever really kept in the cells. Something was off. Something was wrong. Rask only counted 17 steps. Rising from his spot on the metal cot in the corner, he  quietly edged himself into an ambush position behind the left side of the solid prison door. Rask tensed as he heard... two... no.. three sets of feet land near his cell. No voices, just movement.

    Then the cells started to open, starting with the ones on the far right, Rask's being the last on the left, closest to the ramp leading out of the prison/chasm. As the doors opened, one by one, Rask was thinking, calculating, trying to make a plan of action. The moment his door slid open, he tried his best to meld further into the shadows, staying tucked in the slight niche against the door frame as best he could.

   Something humanoid started to enter, with a Braton Vandal rifle in hand. He gathered his strength, clasping his fists together in a ball, moved from his hiding place and swung his fist/mace upward in what should have been a jaw breaking uppercut to the chin of the female Warframe that walked in. Moments before Rask's blow connected, the surprised Tenno sidestepped and preformed an elegant sweeping kick,  ensuring only to knock Rask down to his knees. 

     The Trinity tilted her head slightly, almost with a hint of amusement, while contemplating who she just incapacitated. "Are you sure you'd hit a woman?" a soothing voice emanated from the helm of the female Warframe. "Come with me. And take this, you might need it." As she turned to the other Frames waiting, she tossed a Lato Vandal pistol over her shoulder at Rask. Stumbling up to his feet and safely catching the loaded pistol, he followed her out of the prison. Rask didn't take chances. He didn't like guessing. He was taking a big risk following her...

So this is really just a small background. I intend to fill this out this story and give Rask a Warframe within the next 2-12 hours. Can i get some feedback? Thanks for being so cool and entertaining guys.

Edited by IceBurnChaos
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btw what did you guys think of my epilogue? I posted it a few pages back lol

As I said, I felt quite emotional writing the end to my story, ironically I just started typing it, but my epilogue is based on the plot, and writing it made me set my plot in stone.

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btw what did you guys think of my epilogue? I posted it a few pages back lol

As I said, I felt quite emotional writing the end to my story, ironically I just started typing it, but my epilogue is based on the plot, and writing it made me set my plot in stone.

My approach is the complete opposite. I quite literally pull my plot out of my arse as I go along.

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My approach is the complete opposite. I quite literally pull my plot out of my arse as I go along.



Ok that's not exactly true... I have some idea of where I want my character to go, but 90% of the plot just happens. The only exception is her back story and anything that directly relates to that...

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Ok that's not exactly true... I have some idea of where I want my character to go, but 90% of the plot just happens. The only exception is her back story and anything that directly relates to that...

Yeah, I'm the sort of guy who plans out everything beforehand, so that I don't get surprised (I bloody hate surprises). I've realized that I'm not as good as writing action sequences as I hoped, so I kind of skewed my story to play around with the emotional sides of the Tenno. I wanted a definitive end to my story, so that I can develop the characters and add plot twists and WTAF moments accordingly.

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Yeah, I'm the sort of guy who plans out everything beforehand, so that I don't get surprised (I bloody hate surprises). I've realized that I'm not as good as writing action sequences as I hoped, so I kind of skewed my story to play around with the emotional sides of the Tenno. I wanted a definitive end to my story, so that I can develop the characters and add plot twists and WTAF moments accordingly.

I can write an action sequence, but it's a bloody long, tiring process, so I, like you, just focus on the characters themselves, especially in their downtime.

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Ok then, most of the Christmas rush is finished (phew), so I'll now try to crack down and get in some more work on the archive. Maybe I'll manage to get all of the non-Aequitas stories in up to page 100... By the way, for those interested and lost, this is the link https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/142739-of-ash-and-fire-how-we-envision-our-tenno-archive/


There is a lot of stuff on there already, and I'm only up to page 45 non-Aequitas stories... (I divide the Aequitas stories when the potato-chip era begins). As a warning, I will continue to work on it, but as someone got me Civ 5 for christmas, I will be fairly distracted.

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Since you asked for a reaction to the smoke signals.....



Aktos was on a recon mission on Earth, picking up ingredients with his best Valkyr friend. He let her handle all the killing while he scanned threscones. Her screams of anger echoed through the forest, "Well someone's having a good time" he said to himself. When he found all the threscones he could find, he ran to where he last heard Valkyr scream. He came upon her kicking a Grineer soldiers head around, all the while keeping it in the air.


"That's a nice trick there."


Startled, Valkyr jumped on him, her claws raised. When she saw who it was she stopped and helped him up.


"Sorry" she said quietly


"No problem" he said, dusting himself off. He looked around at the forest and froze. He saw smoke signals, about 10 pillars of it, coming from the same direction.


"You seeing this?"




"Let's go check it out, there might be something valuable there"


They ran to the smoke signals and what they saw was definately not pretty.


"Holy crap on a cracker, what could have done this?" They came upon the aftermath of an absolute massacre. Grineer soldiers missing most of their bodies, some with deep claw marks across their chests, others with entrails tied around their throats, and some were sliced into ribbons. Blood and guts soaked the ground and colored it crimson, their feet stuck to the ground as they walked.


"Did a Valkyr rage through here? If so we need to report this to the Lotus and get some inhibitors placed on you guys. This is just....scary."


"Agreed, but this was not done by a Valkyr, for if one did rampage through here there would only be claw marks." She said this holding up a piece of a Grineer Butcher's leg, the stump of it had what suspiciously looked like teeth marks, serrated ones at that.


"Holy Orokin, then what did come through here?"


"My guess is an animal of some kind"


"Then we really need to report this to Lotus. Let's head to extraction, and tell Lotus about this in our mission report."


"No need for that Tenno that issue has already been resolved." The Lotus said, her voice seething with anger. "On another note both of you are going to be joining a clan."


Aktos was shocked, he never wanted to join a clan, he had Valkyr and that was all he needed.


"W-what? i don't want to join a clan. Me and Valkyr can hold our own." He said defiantly. However Lotus was not in a good mood and this served to anger her further.


"THIS IS NOT NEGOTIABLE!! YOU AND VALKYR WILL JOIN THIS CLAN WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!" She took a deep breath and then said "They are rebuilding from an attack from a rouge Tenno, they could use your help. It also might be of some good for Valkyr to make friends, i'm sure she's tired of looking at your ugly mug all day"


"Heeeeeeeey! that's not nice!, whats the name of this clan anyway?"


"Aequitas, now go." 


"Well she's pushy today isn't she?"


"She is not in a good mood" Valkyr agreed.


"Well let's get out of here and to that clan, i'm running out of space to store my stuff anyway. The Station can only provide so much."

Edited by DraikoHunter
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