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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Ok, here's the second half. I'm posting it in a spoiler because it ended up something like ten pages, and I don't want to take up the entire page with one post. I hope it's worth the wait (and the length of the post).


Enjoy guys, and feedback is always welcome. Thanks.


“I see by the emblem you wear that you are in a clan. So why are we here instead of there? I assume they have their own foundry and facilities. Would they not be more suitable than what we will find here?” The Djinn was hovering by a small window, watching as the snub landed smoothly in the docking bay of the Station. He had been asking questions throughout the journey there. Not in a way that was annoying or incessant, as might be assumed. Instead, he managed to acquire an astounding amount of information by observation and deduction, only asking questions to clarify things he couldn’t observe directly.


Acantha sighed gently, “Normally you would be right. Quinn, my clan’s Foundry Master, is exceptional. Unfortunately he’s also always exceptionally busy, especially since we had a rogue Tenno destroy a good portion of the dojo some time ago. Ever since, he’s been overworked trying to repair it and keep up with his normal responsibilities at the same time. I’d feel bad adding to his workload. Also,” she paused, glancing down at a small box sitting on the floor near her feet, “Quinn always went out of his way to help me take care of my little Carrier. I feel I’d disappoint him if I brought it back to him in pieces. Besides, I told you before I won’t force you to stay with me if you don’t want to. If you do choose to go your own way, the Station is a far more central and heavily populated location than the clan dojo. Here you’re more likely to find someone to travel with, or at the very least transportation to where you want to go, than you would there.”


“Your logic is sound. However, maintenance and upgrades are my priority. Will any services I find here equal that of this Quinn you speak of?”


“Equal? No. However, that isn’t to say that services rendered here won’t be good. Quinn is just a master I’ve never seen the like of before. However, the nearest person to him in expertise, at least that I know of, is here. He has a fascination with sentinels, and specializes in them, which is part of why he stays here. A single clan can’t give him the kind of business or challenge that he can find at the Station. He’s well established here and I’ve dealt with him before. He’s the one I originally bought my Carrier from. He’s also likely the only person who can find a use for that box of sentinel parts I salvaged from the Corpus ship. I’m hoping to trade them to him for some sort of discount.”


She got up and opened the hatch of the ship. Not too long after both her and the Djinn were moving along the crowded Station hallways. It didn’t take them long to reach a hallway off of one side of the central hub. Some distance down it, Acantha turned into a large, cluttered room. Like all workspaces of its kind it smelled like oil and metal. Unlike other workplaces of its kind, crammed in among the parts, projects, and works in progress, were screens filled with lists of parts and overflowing with advertisements for the upgrades and wares the shop’s owner had to offer. It was an organized chaos, however, with most of the clutter confined behind a long counter that was mostly clear, at least compared with the towering masses of impedimenta that were packed among the shelves and on the floors behind it. The area in front of the counter had the most screens, as well as shelves and countertops filled with inactive sentinels of all kinds, examples of aftermarket technology like wings and tails, modifications, paint colors, skins, and design examples among a myriad of other things. Acantha moved into the room, seeing the Djinn out of the corner of eye as it flitted from place to place staring curiously at everything around it.


“Well, if it isn’t Acantha, I haven’t seen you around in quite awhile! How’s that little Carrier that I sold you holding up?”


The voice came out of a seemingly impenetrable wall of parts behind the counter until a Vauban appeared, extricating himself from behind it with a grace that his size and frame implied was impossible. His helmet was off, probably laying on a work counter or shelf half-forgotten by its owner and hidden in the chaos, revealing a handsome and surprisingly youthful face with a bronze complexion and messy hair whose original sandy color was obscured by oil and grease. His eyes were bright blue with a scar running through one of them that didn’t seem to impair his vision, and his smile was wide. He wiped his hands down his front, which was already smeared with grime, as he walked towards the counter to lean against it with a carefree attitude.


“Hello Tinkerer. I’ve got some work for you if you have any interest in it. I know how much you like… unusual jobs.” Acantha removed her helmet as she spoke, setting it down on the large crate she’d salvaged from the Corpus ship. “And the Carrier… well I’m not entirely sure even you can pull off the miracle it would need.”


“I warned you when I sold you that thing that it wasn’t meant for combat,” his grin got larger as he made his way over to peer in the crate, “This isn’t all for me is it? You keep giving me gifts like this and I might start thinking you’re interested in more than just my shop.”


“You’re incorrigible and a swindler. You told me when I bought that thing that it was the best one you had on the shelf, and not only was I getting it for a steal, but if it ever failed me in a fight that you’d give me a full refund,” she sighed, “Anyway, call the crate a bribe. I’m not entirely sure some of the work I need you to do should be widely known about. Besides, if you can save my Carrier, it’s going to cost me a small fortune. I could use a discount.”


He rifled through the crate and then rubbed his face with one grimy hand in a failed attempt to hide his wide grin, adding yet more dark streaks to his person, “Alright, I’ll see what I can do, since it’s you.” He winked at her and she flinched, “So what’s this super-secret business you have for me?”


She looked over at the Djinn, who was still amusing himself by wandering around the shop, peering at anything he found interesting. “The first half of your job is him,” she pointed at the Djinn, “and it’s the secret part. As you’ll see he’s not exactly the same as other sentinels. He needs a general once over. Cleaned up, basic maintenance, the usual. I’ve no idea how long he was crammed in that crate you’re getting as a bribe, so there could be internal or minor external damage that will need addressed. At the very least he needs a good cleaning. Also, I know his combat precepts aren’t enabled, which will need fixing as well…”


“And these,” The Djinn interrupted. He was hovering near a display of sentinel add-ons. In particular, a set of Chrysalis Wings and a Thorax Tail. “I rather like them. If it is not too much trouble, I would acquire them as well.”


Internally Acantha winced, knowing how much they cost. However, in a lot of ways the sentinel was like a child. It had no sense of the value of money and knew little about the world around it. She couldn’t bring herself to say no.


“Alright, and once the maintenance is done go ahead and equip him with the Chrysalis Wings and Thorax Tail.” The Djinn bobbed up and down excitedly for a moment at her words, obviously pleased.


The Vauban raised an eyebrow at the Djinn’s behavior, but only said, “And the other half of my assignment?”


Acantha looked forlornly down at a small box sitting on the hover trolley next to the large crate of sentinel parts. At the last moment she’d gone back and retrieved the remains of her Carrier, unable to simply leave it behind. “If you could do anything to bring this little guy back for me I’d be grateful. It will probably take a miracle though.”


“Not at all,” the Djinn interrupted again, swiveling to face the pair of Tenno, “During the trip to this place I examined the files stored in your snub. In doing so, I located that Carrier’s back-up files. A copy will be sent here shortly.”


Acantha stared at him, “You hacked my snub? You realize that that’s highly impolite.  It’s illegal, actually, although, in this particular case I’m grateful you did it. I didn’t realize my Carrier had a backup file. It wasn’t the most intelligent of sentinels.”


“I did not realize that exploring other databases to my full capability was taboo. I will refrain from doing so in the future, then. However, you wrong the other poor machine. It was not as unintelligent as you imply.”


“If it has a backup then rebuilding it shouldn’t be too bad. You’ll have to pay for the new body, though.” The Vauban grinned at the Nova, “But don’t worry, for a pretty girl like you, especially because you were so thoughtful and brought me a present, I’ll cut you a discount. Besides, it’s not every day you meet as interesting a sentinel as your Djinn. The only thing that would make this day better is if you went out for a drink with me after I close up for the day.”


“That would be far more flattering if you didn’t hit on every girl who walked in the door, Alistair. Besides, you know I don’t drink. Asking me for the umpteenth time won’t change that.”


“You wound me. I don’t hit on every girl who walks in, and you know I hate it when people use my real name…”


She just laughed, “You never will change, will you, Tinkerer?”


“Why change perfection?” he grinned shamelessly, “Now, let’s see what we can do for your two little friends.”




Several hours later Acantha made her way back to the Tinkerer’s shop to be instantly assaulted by the Djinn, who buzzed around her ecstatically, gleaming in new paint and equipped with his new accessories.


“Do I not look much more imposing now that I am back in the condition I should be? These accessories also add to my fearsome air, would you not agree?”


“Yes, they look very good. Those are my warframe’s colors though, aren’t they?”


“Yes. I admired them and thought they would suit me. Black and white are very stunning contrasting against one another. It was not something I had previously thought about, however, seeing all of the different sentinels and options that were available, Tinkerer and I both agreed that this looked best and was most fearsome.”


“I’m glad to hear you two are getting along so well,” she told him, a little worried about how taken the sentinel was with the trouble-making Tenno and what the naïve Djinn might have learned from him while she was away, “Speaking of Tinkerer, where is he?”


“He is currently at a worktable in the back of the room. This way.”


She followed the sentinel through the store, past the counter where most customers stop, around the shelves jammed full and overflowing, over and around the boxes equally stuffed with various bits of machinery, to a lit counter in a back corner where she could see the Vauban bent over a large magnifying glass, obviously intent on his work. He looked up as they got close, and motioned vaguely off to one side before going to back to working on what was in front of him.


“Go ahead and sit down. You know, you destroyed this thing very thoroughly. You never do anything halfway do you?” He laughed. “Anyway, you did get a little lucky, the internal memory chip is intact, and so are a few other internal pieces. That plus the memory backup file your Djinn forwarded to me will be more than enough to put it back together again.”


Acantha looked around while he was talking, wondering where he meant when he said to sit down. Nearly every horizontal surface was covered with something, and the majority of vertical surfaces were too. Eventually, she carefully pushed some clutter aside on a countertop, and since there were no nearby chairs, sat on it, holding her helmet in her lap.


“That’s good. How long…”


“Until I’m done?” He interrupted her, looking up with a mirthful expression, “Not long. I just have to find a new chassis and reinstall some pieces.”


She watched as he got up and disappeared into the ordered chaos of his shop. He returned a few minutes later, his arms full of machinery and parts. He set them down at the worktable and deftly began piecing the bits together. Before her eyes, the stack of parts began to take form, slotting or otherwise being attached to one another until a completed Carrier sentinel took shape in his hands. Then, he attached a cable between the little machine and a terminal nearby, and shifted his focus to what was on the screen. She watched as his eyes flickered around the display and his fingers danced across an ancient physical keyboard as he input commands she didn’t understand. A few moments later, the Carrier hummed to life and hovered above the workstation, burbling in a happy-sounding manner.


“I took the liberty of repainting its chassis to match your warframe when I gave your Djinn there his own paintjob. I thought it fit you better than the stock colorations.”


Acantha grinned as the renewed machine flew over to her, “You really are a genius Tinkerer.” He smiled broadly at her words, and seemed about to say something when she continued, “So, how much of a small fortune is your genius going to cost me this time?”


“Nothing. It’s on the house this time, that is, if you’ll go out for a drink with me before you leave for your fancy new clan.” She shook her head and opened her mouth to object, but he just laughed, “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. Anyway, that crate of parts is payment enough. I’ll make quite a bit rebuilding what’s in it, even after I take out what your two little friends cost to fix up.”


Acantha was speechless for a moment. Alistair was charming, a flirt, an expert haggler, and a shrewd businessman, although not always in that order. His work was always exceptional, and his prices were fair, but he had been known to charge exorbitant sums to those whom he felt deserved it just as often as he was known to cut a good deal to his friends and regulars. However, as often as he’d cut her a deal, or talked her into buying something she probably wouldn’t have without his intervention, she’d never known him to do work for free. “Are you sure?”


“Of course.”


“Then thank you. That just leaves one last thing. Djinn, what are your plans? You said maintenance and upgrades were your priority, and that’s taken care of now. So where do you wish to go?”


The Djinn fidgeted for a moment, “I have no plans. I am a sentinel; it is my purpose to protect Tenno. I do not know what I would do on my own. It would go against what I was built to do if I were to do anything but fulfill my function. Therefore, if it would be acceptable to you, I would follow you. At least until I find reason to do otherwise.”


“There are other Tenno aside from me. You’ve seen them. You don’t have to follow me; you could follow anyone you wanted to. I’m sure Alistair would be ecstatic to have you join him, for example.” She was oblivious to the Tinkerer’s frown as she talked to the Djinn; her attention wholly focused on their conversation and not on her surroundings when she unconsciously used the Vauban’s real name.


“That is true. However, you are the one who found me. It would not be right to leave before repaying you for your kindnesses. That is, of course, if you would be accepting of my presence.”


Acantha smiled, “Of course I wouldn’t mind you coming with me. Besides, I think my Carrier would be happy for your company and relieved not to have to keep going out into combat with me. However, if you do follow me I’m going to have to find something else to call you aside from just ‘Djinn”. It isn’t a name, it’s a description.”


“You could refer to me by my serial number.”


“A string of numbers isn’t exactly easy to say,” she responded.


“Acantha has a point, numbers don’t exactly roll off the tongue,” the Tinkerer chimed in, “You are a Djinn, so what about calling you a name of a Djinn. You know, the kind from the old stories?”


Acantha and the sentinels looked at him curiously, “Old stories?”


“Yeah,” he said, looking a little embarrassed, “Old stories like the Thousand and One Nights, or stuff from some of the Old-Earth religions. There were a bunch of kinds of Djinn, which were spirits of some sort, I think. Some were evil, some were good. They had their own kings and princes and all that even. There were Ghul, Marid, Nasnas, Shaitan, Ifrit, and even a kind that supposedly everyone has following them around their whole lives called Qarin.” He looked at Acantha’s expression and laughed nervously, running his hands through his hair, “So I like to read files on Old-Earth stories and religions and stuff when I’m bored. It’s not like it’s a crime. Anyway, why not a name like one of those?”


“The Qarin do sound interesting,” the Djinn commented.


“Yeah, they were guided by humans. They weren’t good or evil on their own, but sometimes they pushed people to do bad things. Or so I understand. Every person would have a Qarin unique to them that would follow them around their whole lives. I guess the fates of the Djinn were tied to the person they followed. So, say if their human guide did poorly and led the Djinn on the wrong path, the djinn would become a demon.”


“I have to admit the name does seem to suit, in a way,” Acantha said, looking up at the Djinn, “What do you say to being called Qarin?”


The Djinn was silent before finally speaking, “I would be grateful to accept this name from you.”


“Well I guess that settles it then.” Acantha said, sliding off the counter and brushing herself off, “I owe you Tinkerer, for the discount and everything else you’ve done for me today. If you ever need my help on anything not date related, just ask. Until then, I should be returning to the dojo.”


“See you around,” he told her, watching her walk away. “And hey! If you come back with that Carrier in pieces like that again I’m charging you double next time!”


Laughing, she waved casually over her shoulder without looking back and wove her way through the chaotic shop towards the door, shadowed by her sentinels.

Edited by Jeahanne
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That we do have (and it's a nice acronym, too).


It makes me wonder though... How will the DakkaCube and the GentleCube get along? Best friends, arch-rivals?

ehm..... no idea. Dakkacube would be obsessed with dakka (like regularly) while Gentlecube would.... bring up a second monocle? *shrugs*

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*walks in from outside, stiffly opens laptop and begins to type*


Soooo.....cold.....my...fingers....are so....cold.....


Edit: after warming up i learned that one of my cats is going to be fed raw venison from now on........... -_-.....but why the cat?!?!?!? Why?1??!?!?!?!


Why exactly would it only be fed raw venison? I mean, not that i'd complain...Give me some black pepper and i'd join in...but why?

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Aigloblam has had made sure that if any of his Sentinels ever had a voice synth to begin with, they are all removed. Out of all of them though, the only one with any kind of personality is his Shade, and it only communicates in angry buzzes. Its not very friendly and gets annoyed quite easily. He calls him Gadget. When its being irritating, he calls it a useless grumpy gadget.

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Why exactly would it only be fed raw venison? I mean, not that i'd complain...Give me some black pepper and i'd join in...but why?

Well apparently because it was being thawed and we  have a lot of it is my guess......im just like....why?!......why give the cat such food?!?


edit: also its called a raw diet, which is supposed to be better for animals.

Edited by QuinnsWing
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Welp, sitting in a study hall in thin, cold-as-balls dress clothes gives a man some time. So I'm going to use that time and apologize for lurking and not posting. Currently waiting on Kitty's part of the fomorian story (no rush c:) Yet nothing else has come to me. I was thinking of bringing another character into our little family, but meh. To many to keep track of already >-< Anyways, keep up the fantastic work, friends! :)

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Glad to see you are still alive AJ. I thought we would have to send out a search party xD


But yeah, anyways, I am kinda drained at the moment, no inspiration, nowhere to take the story so I guess I'll just leave Kris where he is currently. standard rules apply, Kris is fair game now.

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^-^; thanks guys.


And Quinn, that would be awesome. I'd like to keep up this streak while I'm on it. I've never written this much in my life, and it's rather addicting xD

You turned something fundamentally boring, into a story worth reading. Excellent as always! I only wish i could do that. If i don't throw in some action, my stuff tends to get extremely dull and far from worth reading.

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Well apparently because it was being thawed and we  have a lot of it is my guess......im just like....why?!......why give the cat such food?!?


edit: also its called a raw diet, which is supposed to be better for animals.

Specifically for cats, raw is always better. Cats have ...issues...with dry food. If they only eat dry cat food, theres a chance that they develp crystals of some sort in their urine, which for males can actually cause a condition to where their penis...has to be removed.

Personally, i like the opposite of wet and raw...Deer Jerky is some of the tastiest food i've had anywhere, especially when i make it myself. Steak, however...I want that as rare as you can get it, as long as the interior is warm, like 120*F or so warm.

Im hungry now.

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You turned something fundamentally boring, into a story worth reading. Excellent as always! I only wish i could do that. If i don't throw in some action, my stuff tends to get extremely dull and far from worth reading.

Thank you Aiglo, really that means a lot to me.


And I doubt your stuff gets boring. I've always enjoyed your writing. ^-^

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