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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Yeh, I just kind of made that up on the spot. I like to make my characters akin to myself, if that makes any sense. I can relate to them better that way. Probably will describe his appearance better when he meditates right before he recalls before he got put in the Cryopod.

Edited by Ajkrumen
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No, I meant when he's not in 'Frame.


Wait, I thought old-gen NEKROS couldn't take off their suits.

You are correct sir!


Crowley has never taken off his SUIT but he has removed his HELMET. Helmets are one of the few graces Tenno have for personalizing themselves so it makes sense that even the old-gen Nekros thought of such a thing. There are a couple instances in Kalenath's Madness Fanfiction that Crowley reveals his face. Surprise, surprise, he hasn't outwardly aged a day since donning his warframe.


So seeing as I invented Nova-Quinn, I figured I had to make her ingame.




Yours looks much better than my Nova-Quinn. She's mainly red and her sleeve, knee-socks, and turtleneck parts are black. ^_^


Ah, to note: I edited my post on the previous page to explain my thoughts on the 'cell' idea and interaction.

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Is NQ still looking for Vor's cookies? 


Also, I know she likes cherry flavored things, but has she ever had a real cherry? 


Yes, the collaborative collection of posts still has yet to  have all people gathered at ship bay thirteen though.


And yes, she has, but she does not remember. Avoiding all spoilers, it has to do with the past she does not remember. Besides, she's tasted cherry things before anyway. In particular she is quite fond of the cherries that people get on top of sundaes.

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I realized that my stories are on the shorter side, so I'll try and begin something over the weekend. Rather than forcing myself to upload it as soon as I run out of ideas, I'm going to force myself to wait until Sunday/Monday to see if I have any really good ideas in the meantime.

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All righty~ That sounds good to me! To make Sandals/Sandy more unusual his load-out shall strictly be melee-type weaponry for thread purposes. (I do, however, already see him pining to use Crowley's special Soma) I'm tired and have work tomorrow so I'm off to bed but perhaps after work I can begin a greeting post for Sandalphon meeting the clan. I don't like using others' characters so it'll be up to everyone who meets him when and if they meet him at all ^_^ If anything, the worst I'll do is reference someone else' s characters.

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With a thud, the last Corrupted fell to the ground. The four looked around, and not daring to hope, looked at the display. There were no more Corrupted in the Tower. Menoetius yelled profanity at the top of his lungs, and Alyssa and Tyranthius sighed. It had taken quite the long time, but they were done, and they could go home. Calladus, however, did not join in the celebrations. He was cocking his head to one side; the universal sign for listening to a transmission.


"Guys, you aren't going to like this. I received a transmission from the Lotus. Have you heard of a reported anomaly in a Tower?"


They all had, though it was far from their minds. Several Tenno had been reported to have entered Orokin Towers, losing all communications, and never returning. It had been occurring sporadically for several Earth-months now, but had increased in frequency in the last few weeks.


"What about it?" Alyssa asked, confused.


"Apparently, the Lotus has reason to believe that this Tower might hold information on the anomaly. We've been tasked to investigate it."


This was met by justifiably vehement objection. Menoetius raged, Alyssa asked if the Lotus expected them to survive much longer without adequate supplies. Tyranthius was silent.


"Calm down. Hisser, you know perfectly well that there aren't any Corrupted left here. We'll just go to the orange blip on our maps, check things out, then we can go to extraction."


"What's this new information the Lotus received, anyway? Any specifics?" Tyranthius asked.


"You know, the Lotus was rather vague in her instructions. But it doesn't matter; we do it, we go home."


They grudgingly agreed, and set off for a deeper section of the Tower.




"Well, we're here. What's there to see?" Alyssa complained.


"I honestly don't know. Anything strange, I guess", Calladus replied.


"That certainly clears things up."


They looked around that particular section of the Tower; checking rooms, objects, hidden passages. After perhaps half an hour, nothing significant was found.


"Colossal waste of time", Menoetius whispered in what for other people was an outside voice.


Tyranthius suddenly noticed something. "Hey, guys? Wasn't that the same door we took to get here?" he said, pointing towards a door.


"Yeah", said Alyssa. "Why?"


"It's unlit."


They looked at the door at this; sure enough, the door was unlit. In terms of Orokin-based construction, green was operational, orange was security lockdown, and red was non-functioning. A door was only ever unlit if there was no power, which in an Orokin Tower was quire impossible.


They checked the others. No lights. They didn't budge. They checked all the doors. All the ones that led out of that particular section of the Tower were unlit.


"Guys, what's-"


Tyranthius was interrupted as the Tower went dark. All the light seemed to flow out of all sources, slowly, if light could be said to travel slowly. It gathered and began to coalesce at a point fifteen feet in front of them. The light grew unbearable to look at.


"What is that thing?" Menoetius said in outright fear.


With an almighty blast of light, they were knocked to the ground. Tyranthius looked up, and saw the light appearing to gain physical form. He began to see the vague outline of a figure in the light. Another blinding flash, and the light changed. It seemed to flow out of the figure. The figure appeared to be a Warframe, but not any model Tyranthius had ever seen before. Ivory mirror-scales almost too bright to look at, trimmed in gold. Golden horns crowning a helmet whose jawline suggested the jaws of a great reptilian beast. Wings, which Tyranthius found strange, as no idiot would ever design a Warframe with wings, of feathered appearance; a translucent emerald tipped in gold. It's design suggested Orokin origins, but there were other influences, ones unknown to any of the four  In its hands, it held what might be the largest, broadest, most impractical-looking sword ever made. It was taller than the Warframe, which by estimate was 2.4 meters tall, and was easily was broad as Tyranthius.


For the longest moment, it didn't move. No one spoke, and there was no sound. Then, the wings beat the air, the Warframe moved, and Tyranthius dispelled any doubts of the Warframe's lethality. It moved so fluidly; almost seeming to levitate, and held the giant sword one-handed as though it weighed no more than a sunbeam. In its left hand, light began to grow.

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And so without further ado, i introduce my new characters!

Ill pull them into the dojo/clan sometime later, need to figure out how to introduce them in. 



Ice and Fire part: 1



He was angry, very angry, an emotion he had blocked out for decades but, upon waking he could not control his anger any longer. He burst from the cryo-pod, weak and slow, falling to the floor. His anger fueled his strength and he punched the metal floor leaving a large dent which was filled with ice, which radiated outward. 


Calm yourself Tenno, your fellow need you.”  A strange voice said into his com. Whipping his head around he looked for the source. He growled, a deep menacing sound filled with hate and it resonated around the room.


A fellow Tenno is in danger, help her.” The voice sounded again in his com. He stood slowly,still weak. He felt rather than remembered what it as like to need help, the despair, the pain of need but not receiving. He also felt that his past self, the one who as calm, was a protector and defender of the weak. He looked around, if he was going to help his fellow, then he would need a weapon. 


Inside the cryo-pod you will find your weapons.” The voice said, it was like this voice was inside his head. He slowly walked to the cyro-pod and looked inside. Reaching in he pulled out, a Sobek shotgun, un modded, Twin Vipers, un modded, and a Skana Prime, which was of no use to him in its condition, rusted and slightly bent. Turning with his weapons he walked to the door which slid open quietly. The ship was Grineer, how did he know that, he didn’t, he just knew. There were no sounds down the hallways as he walked, not know where to go, just walking, until the voice filled his coms again. 


You are near, be prepared to fight, Grineer are everywhere.” Now that this voice mentioned it, he could hear the Grineer talking among themselves ahead of him.


“DId you hear?!” The rough english of the Grineer irritated his ears as he listened.


“Yea, we’re here to capture a Tenno.” Said his “brother” in disgust. 


“It should be easy, its still in the cryo-pod.” A third Grineer said laughing.


“I heard the higher ups are planning to sell it to the Corpus.” one of the Grineer said.


 Their laughter continued for a few moments, until they went silent. His anger flared, to unimaginable levels when he heard that. The vents on the side of his arms started to produce more mist and as he walked slowly towards the Grineer who were standing with their backs to him. As the mist from his shoulders filled the room, the Grineer shuffled about.


As he got closer he raised his shotgun, one of the Grineer turned to its “brother”.


“Is it getting cold to-” But he was cut off mid sentence as his head was blown off his shoulders with a shotgun round. The other two Grineer turned and the second one was also meet with a shotgun round to the face, throwing him against the wall. The third Grineer having seen his “brothers” die turned and ran through the door catching a couple pellets in the back. Our Tenno still in the grips of anger, charged after his prey. But he was to slow, the final Grineer was able to activate the alarm right before he had a gaping hole in his side, blowing him to the floor. 


They know your here, prepare for a fight” The voice sounded over his coms, in a calm voice. He growled again, showing his displeasure of someone telling him the obvious. 





so......cold” was her only thought as she slowly woke from cryo. She had never been this cold, never even when faced with a planet of ice and snow, she was never cold. She was a lethal fire that burned for eternity. As her mind caught up she heard someone speaking outside her small container. 


“So, what are we going to do with this thing?” Said someone in very rough english.


“We are going to sell this, Tenno, to the Corpus.” Said someone else with the same rough english. When she heard the words Tenno and Corpus she started to remember who she was. A Tenno, a warrior and weapon. 


Good your awake.” Said a calm voice in her helmet. She tried looking around to find that she could not move her head. She was still locked inside the cryo-pod. She began to struggle, when emotions began to surface within her mind, emotions of feeling alone, and forever in the dark, alone. 


Calm your self Tenno, an ally is on the way.” The voice said calmly. But she did not calm she struggled harder, as an emotion took control of her, the feeling of despair. 


“Did you hear something?” The thing outside her cryo-pod asked.


“It sounded like it came from over here,” The other voice said, and she heard the sound of metal boots clicking across the floor, “ITS AWAKE!” The voice said sounding startled, but as her panic began stronger, an alarm sounded in the room.


“Whats going on!??!” Another voice asked, alarmed. The sound of a shotgun going off quickly followed by yells from somewhere in the distance alerted her that someone was about to make an entrance. As she thought, the sound of a shotgun blasting away in the room made her loose her train of thought. Then the sound of dieing, things, filled the room, along with the sound of the shotgun’s angry bark. Within moments the room fell silent again, and she began to panic. But as she started to struggle again, a hand landed on the top of her cryo-pod, scaring her. The hand slid down the side and fiddled around for a few moments.


The latches came undone and the cryo-pod opened. The hand reached in and pulled her out with ease. She looked up to see a Frost staring at her. He froze, holding her there in his arms then shaking himself he pulled her out all the way setting her on her feet. As she gathered her weapons from her cryo-pod she noticed she wasn’t cold anymore, she was warm, and getting warmer. Turning to the Frost which had pulled her out she looked him up and down. Something was familiar to her, like she had known him before, and that they used to be close.

Edited by QuinnsWing
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