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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Got home a few hours ago and after seeing all of this, I might as shared what happened today.


I got into it with that loudmouth I talked about a few weeks ago. He tried to go into my bookbag and I yanked it away from him. He tried to fight but then a principal stopped him. He didn't let it go and we fought on the bus. When we were pulled apart he tried to talk S#&$ and make gang signs. But he was crying like a little $#*(@. I've never been someone to fight and it was on a bus so we were confined. The principal wants me to talk to the counselor. He said I had a lot of anger built up and I need a way to release it


Just something that happened to me. Needed to get that off my chest.

I cannot see someone talk sh*t and make gang signs while crying like a little girl. It just looks so...absurd.

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Never been a fighter myself, but I'm going to start punching my punching bag without gloves so I can toughen my hands. If i find  myself in that situation again, I'll want to be ready.

Try to avoid using punches, period. Without gloves, it's easy to break all the small bones in your hands (then you can't write or play Warframe D=). INSTEAAAD, work on using your knees and elbows. They're hard, singular bones so it's harder to injure yourself...and they're super-hard so you can reaaaaaally make someone's day suck by using them.


Okay, I'm done. >_>

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Try to avoid using punches, period. Without gloves, it's easy to break all the small bones in your hands (then you can't write or play Warframe D=). INSTEAAAD, work on using your knees and elbows. They're hard, singular bones so it's harder to injure yourself...and they're super-hard so you can reaaaaaally make someone's day suck by using them.


Okay, I'm done. >_>

True enough. But the bus us so @(*()$ small that I couldn't use my elbows effectively. Actually i was thinking of ways to take him down but it was to confined to do what I had in mind:Give him a massive concussion, break a limb of two, smash his face in....but it was too small a space.

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Ideally, you don't want to fight. Try to avoid conflict when at all possible.


But when you do have to fight, crush your opposition so thoroughly that not only will they never bother you or anyone else ever again, others will be deterred from trying to do the same to you, or others.


(Edit for grammar. Hee~)

Edited by CommanderCorgi
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I wanted to throw his black &#! out the @(*()$ window. I try to avoid conflict but since I'm so quiet people think I'm someone to F*** with. Trying to avoid conflict while people think you can be #*($%%@ with is crazy difficult.


My mom always told me it was never a good idea to keep emotions bottled up. She said I had kept a lot of anger built up and today there was no room left. She tells me to never fight angry, I went and fought clouded by anger. Sucks not being able to control myself in these situations.

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Just relax and breathe, find peace in doing some type of exercise or some type of meditation. The point of both activities is self discipline and consistency. If you don't seek to continue it the next day, you should probably move on to something else. If you can't find something else, then continue what you're doing and you'll find it'll become your natural routine.


Oh right, story:


She couldn't see where it came from, but it didn't matter. She was shot, the explosive round made short work of her shields and armor. She mustered whatever power she in the form of a firey projectile of defiance in the face of the Grineer scourge. But one or two gone was nothing in the eyes of the enemy so long as she remained downed and vulnerable. She didn't know what to do; she couldn't rise to her feet. The heated rounds had met their mark countless times already, and her carelessness to be the cause for it. Grineer making squad calls to form up on her, she had no choice but to assum the worst. 5, 20, not even 50 downed enemies seemed to help in her mission to destroy the ship's reactor. The Lotus calls out to her, "E....mber.... F.....st will... shortly..." she can only focus on her fate at hand.


But, fate would turn its wheel in another direction... The lights dimmed, the Grinner drew visible breath as they became alert and called out formation. Ember's body grew warmer; she knew it was not of her own strength, but of another. The Grineer Grenadiers led the platoon in guarding their captive from escaping. This time the Lotus called out in clarity, "The core is destroyed. Get to extraction, Tenno." Ember looked behind her to see her companion Frost as he entered into the light. The Grineer gestured to fire but they were in standstill. It would be too late; the platoon began to freeze from head to toe until finally they were rendered immobile.


Frost executes basic first aid to help Ember rise on her own two feet.

"We must leave, this vessel is taken care of" said Frost in a reassuring tone.


"Thank you for coming back." Ember's swift reply.


Frost motioned towards a door which revealed the extraction point. Ember walked towards, but before that she would look upon the statues of her captors to be.


A pause... and then a single step towards the frozen soldiers with raised arms.


"Perish..." Ember's words echoed as pillars of flame overtook their sorry bodies.


This was kind of a reenactment of what happened today. My friend was downed so i rushed to her then used avalanche. after getting her up she used her fourth ability for good measure against other Grineer on their way while we ran to extraction lmao good? no? yes? THE!?

Edited by KuruKurtz
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Just relax and breathe, find peace in doing some type of exercise or some type of meditation. The point of both activities is self discipline and consistency. If you don't seek to continue it the next day, you should probably move on to something else. If you can't find something else, then continue what you're doing and you'll find it'll become your natural routine.

Welcome to the thread and thanks for the advice.

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The Leaper tried to get up but Kevin stomped it to death with his boot. "That was the last one...Val?" Kevin saw the Valkyr just standing there as she stared at the device. It was in the shape of a Tenno. The Nekros was not concerned about that. He was more concerned about his female companion who began to tremble in traumatized rage.


He barely had time to raise his Skana when the Valkyr's claws raked across the blade. Kevin grunted as he stumbled sideways. His shields bled blue energy as he recovered in time. He slung his Soma and held his sword in two hands as he contacted John. "Warlord I have an extremely bad problem here..." He ducked and rolled another berserk strike as Val began to scream,holding her claws aloft. "Val! Stop, it's me I don't want to hurt you!"


Screams were only the answer. Kevin readied his blade as he met the Valkyr's charge the best he could.

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Wow... I know I say wow a lot, but I just want to say you guys are amazing and quite frankly, very strong. I feel like you all are dealing with or have dealt with situations that have really challenged you, and it seems like you've made it through as well as you could, keeping yourselves together. I was homeschooled through high school, so I never had to deal with bullies, or friends, for that matter. I guess as people go, I'm probably quite squishy. :P I think we all start out as weak, or sub-par, but we learn, and we grow, and we become more. We do the best we can with what we have, I guess. I'm kind of rambling, but oh well. I'm really glad I decided to join this thread. 


Kalenath, that was surprising, finding out about your weapon stash. :)


I think that if(and no experience here) a fight happens, one might find out that you have to give up humanity to win. To not be noble, or fair, and just. as Corgi said, crush them. Go for kidney punches, soft spots. I don't think there's such a thing as a clean or pretty fight. Even official sports like MMA, still people pounding on each other. Humans  can be both extremely weak and extremely durable.


And never give up. It may be hard, but we always should power through, stay strong. And never face something alone. I don't let people in much, even my closest friends. But leaning on those who are pillars can be all we need some days. I hurt a lot every day, waking up thinking the girls that have been sisters to me all my life are no longer close to me, distance-wise. Or the few friends that I haven't seen in years, I just want to be close, to hug them, to hear them, to see them, to have them as something tangible in my life, but I guess I sort of strive and live for the days I can see them, no matter how far off those days may be. I think we just have to move forward, no matter what tries to trip us. I mean, everything I've failed has been my fault, and no one else's. Maybe I'm out of my depth. Who knows...

After all if these years, I can only call 2 people true friends. I still have college and high school to go through before I'm out of these hellholes that passes off as "education centers"

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Try to avoid using punches, period. Without gloves, it's easy to break all the small bones in your hands (then you can't write or play Warframe D=). INSTEAAAD, work on using your knees and elbows. They're hard, singular bones so it's harder to injure yourself...and they're super-hard so you can reaaaaaally make someone's day suck by using them.


Okay, I'm done. >_>

Corgi speaks Truth. Punches to the face are for movies. A bare hand should only be used on soft tissue. (Throat, Stomach, Kidney Shots, stuff like that)

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Hey guys, while we're all feelsy and confessiony, I've got something I need to tell somebody. 



Alright. This thought kind of came coursing through me when Draiko wrote about bottling up emotions. Now, this is dangerous for me as well,  given the profession I want to make a successful career in. I want to join the Army, but I've been keeping anger bottled up for quite awhile now. I'm afraid that if this habit continues, I might become a monster. I don't want to enjoy doing what I do. I want to do this out of a patriotic duty of sorts, but if this persists I might enjoy hurting people. I can't explain it, but I never want to become a monster such as that. I like to think I'm a good, polite, and well tempered person. But when somebody rubs me the wrong way.... the thoughts coursing through my mind are malignant. I may need to seek some professional help of sorts, honestly.


Well, if you've read this far, thank you. I just needed to get that off my chest.

Edited by Ajkrumen
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You know... If I WERE to carry a sword... I wouldn't use it on bullies. It would be dishonorable to use a sword to kill fools.



But I do have several swords actually. And a naginata, an axe, 2 longbows and a mace. And yes, I  have trained how to use them all.

Very true Kal.


To be honest i would love to be train in some form of self defense with a weapon, but seeing as there is nothing like that around here, i dont think it will be happening soon. I also think it would be a great way for me to relieve some of the stress i have form going to school and hating most of the fool there.


Edit: and all the new stuff i have read. There is one saying im my house, that i will always remember, "If your going to fight, never fight fair, because the other person wont."

Edited by QuinnsWing
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The thing that's always made thing worse is that I have a serious aversion to talking about anything. Negative or positive. I refuse to open up to anyone else and I'm always being told I need some anger management techniques. The typically used one's like a stress ball or counting to ten or breathing don't help. If anyone could point out some useful tips it would be greatly appreciated.

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I have always attacked a large tree with rather large metal pole, but that just me. 


I dont have anything, i always bottle up emotions, control my reactions and become the emotionless person around everyone. I wont open up to anyone else, after being used and such by someone i believed to be a close friend .

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I have always attacked a large tree with rather large metal pole, but that just me. 


I dont have anything, i always bottle up emotions, control my reactions and become the emotionless person around everyone. I wont open up to anyone else, after being used and such by someone i believed to be a close friend .

My dad bought an axe from Lowe's. I could always attack a tree and then imagine it's a person who needs an axe to the head. What sucks is that people will  see me, then I might end up in an asylum for attacking a tree with a lumberjack sized axe :/.My punching bag helps but only to a certain extent. 

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