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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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This place seems to be a bit cramped, how about another characterized Tenno?



The Ash moved through the Grineer Ship. Sure, there were plenty of them around, but that was the least of his troubles, with his trusty Shade behind him. That day, he was in a rush, and with good reason.


The assassination target is here, spoke the Lotus.


They really haven't updated that thing's dialogues, the Ash said to himself, Am i supposed to assassinate that?


Indeed, the twenty tons of mining equipment that laid in front of him would prove hard to kill, since they were never alive to begin with.


Just break it while no one's watching and let's move on, appeared as a message in the Ash's HUD.


I know Shade, i know, he answered as he charged a strike from his Galatine.


Indeed, this was one interesting Shade. If by interesting you mean smart, talkative, and annoying. The overclocked stealth Sentinel couldn't help but to be cautious to the extreme, as it was in the base of it's programming.


The machine was torn to bits as the Galatine struck with great force. Some Lancers came to investigate, but the Ash and the Shade were back in stealth, and heading towards their next two targets.


They soon located those, but there was a problem.


Darn, the shade said, we are in trouble now, they really packed this place up.


The large room made it almost impossible to get through undetected. And the fifteen or so heavies would make being detected a most punishing experience.


You say, fifteen heavies?, Ash said, as he had an idea.


I just want to state i disagree with this idea, the Shade said, anticipating what his master planned.


Remind me, when did you last agree with one of my ideas?, the Ash responded.


Point taken...


Then, Ash came out of his hiding spot and, at once, activated his Ultimate ability.


He became unaware of everything else, as he performed the tremendously fast sequence of movements required to perform a Bladestorm. It's a technique based of an ancient style of combat, far older than Tenno themselves, which was later adopted by the first users of the Ash warframe.


He moved between the enemies in a matter of a few heartbeats. With each stab of the wrist blades, he shifted his entire stance for the next execution as he relocated. He barely felt as he sliced and stabbed through steel, flesh and bone.


When he again became aware of his surroundings, he was back where he was before, the corpses that remained of the enemies being the only proof of his success, of his mere presence in the area.


I still hate that, the Shade said, interrupting what would have been a much deeper, existential thought.


Are all of you really so dependent, or is it just you, smartypants?


Didn't hear you complaining when i felt compelled to hide your rear...


The Ash and his Sentinel moved on, through the Hangar, up the cargo lift, and they arrived to where the two machines were. Then, the lights flickered, and they went off entirely.


Shade, offline, now, the Ash ordered, and the sentinel obeyed, shutting down all systems.


The room was pitch black. Only the warframe's energy, and the Galatine, as the Ash drew it, gave away some tiny flashes of blue light.


And right in front of him, within reach of his Galatine, a figure appeared, or so it was revealed by the dots of red energy that were present. This figure drew a Galatine as well, one lit by red energy.


The Ash closed his eyes. He disconnected the visual feeds of his HUD entirely. The fight was to be in the darkness, unseen.


Both of the figures, barely defined by their energy colors, advanced at once, as if obeying to a silent command. 


The greatswords clashed, the warriors struggled and then they went back, to clash again. Mirrored in every strike, in every block. Neither of them saw one another, but they always met at the same spot. The sparks created by the metal were but another unseen light, briefly illuminating the struggle for no one to see.


They were evenly matched, and stood their ground with ease. Each action had an equal, and opposite reaction. A perfect balance that could not be disturbed, as they fluently transitioned between combinations.


Then, at once, they made a move. Flashes of red and blue intertwined, as they teleported towards one another, and turned around, slashing at the place where the other one stood, the tips of their blades barely touching. They stood still for a second, and they they kneeled, respectfully.


As the Ash reactivated his warframe's vision, the lights came back, and where his opponent had been, was what appeared to be a series of containers. He picked them up, and his warframe's systems quickly identified them.


Fang Prime, huh? Not really my thing, but considering how long it took you to get these, i might as well...He said to himself.


Shade, get back up, we have to go, he said then, and the Sentinel responded immediately, initiating it's systems.


He didn't need to hear the Lotus as she told him the ship was self destructing. After all, his brother was always like him in some things, like not leaving any traces.

As for the other things... Keeping work and family separated always seemed like common sense as far as the Ash was concerned. Not that it was easy to do, not by any definition.


Edited by 065tdsa
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F***! NO! Three hours ago, I went to sleep. Apparently, fifteen minutes after I went to sleep, Banshee Helmet was on Alert.

"You can only imagine the joy I feel in my heart right now." -Head Pixie

You can get the Banshee Helmet BP from regular missions at random.

And I mean candy. After all...we got an interesting look at an idiot's decision to give Nova-quinn Pixie Stix.

A good place to get the Banshee helm is from xini rewards. I got mine after about 4 runs.

P.S. although that is assuming you mean the standard ban helm. which one do you mean?

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I read some people had a "Banshee helmet" alert pop up in their alert tracking apps, but it was actually the Reverb helmet (since banshee's helmet, as in the frame part, doesn't drop from alerts).


EDIT: Sending you here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/119431-reverb-banshee-helmet-alert/ 

It just happened (again).

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Hey, guys, a question. Do any of you transplant traits of your own into your characters? I tend to do this quite often in my writing. Ty's reaction to first seeing Lucid unmasked is a fairly accurate portrait of my own awkwardness when dealing with women. Ty is introverted and antisocial, as I am. He has periods of insanity, and I... well. I have multiple disorders, though none of them turn me into Jigsaw.


How about you guys?

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I implementeqd tons of traits of my own in Aj. He won't take any crap, but he is sensible and normally tries reason first. S**t, I even described his appeaarance being akin to my own. Also, I HATE posting from my phone.

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I integrated a few traits into Khimera. Mainly how irritable I can be around people who act like idiots and how in-game I really hate rushers, especially when I'm trying just to relax and enjoy the game.


Crowley gets some of the more philosophical and intellectual parts of me I guess, knowing when things need to be done and often taking things onto himself he doesn't have to.


Nova-Quinn is...Nova-Quinn...I can be crazy sometimes but not that crazy.

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Interesting... my english is pretty limited, so I'll post a little text here ~ Judge by yourself if I should write more! xD

It was cold. He had been warned that the cryogenic generator of this ship had malfC***ioned, but he never got used to the cold. Even as he punched the ventilation shafts soft metal grill off and landed to the ground with a soft "thud", the open space only gave off silence and promise of freezing death. Two more "thuds" sounded behind him and he knew who they were, though not by name. Rising up, he flexed his cramped muscles and shook his head to clear off the dizzyness. Crawling through tight spaces was not for him, for he had accustomed to running free without bounds. But the Lotus's wish was the law and he was here to do her bidding. Looking back with his mortis mask, he saw his companions looking at him, weapons cradled and ready to unleash death. One was flimsy in shape and boasted an bright orange crest over its head. He sensed its inner mechanics powering up, the pyromanic "Ember" pattern readying itself to counter the cold away. The other one was broader and possessed an cloak like armor,  edged with gold and boasting higher and more intricate system than others of its kinda. An prime variant of the "Frost". One of the originals and most powerful ones, though still tied with bonds of trust to him.

The looked at him and nodded simultaniously. His frame was slim and had exoskeleton like qualities on top of it, looking like he was wearing an deceased foes remains on himself. "Nekros", was what his suit was called. He raised his assault rifle to his arms and turned around to face his objective. His muscles tightened and killer instinct flooded his mind. The other two behind him pulsed warm emotions to him, saying that they were ready, without a word spoken. He hunched and launched himself forward, his brother and sister following close behind him. The "Djinn" pattern sentinel flew close to him, its dragonic features well known to him as an sure promise of death to those who would defy its master. The rusted and crude hallway rang from his footsteps and he knew that they wouldnt be left unnoticed. "Enjoy the moment of peace", he pulsed into his fellow warriors minds, receiving similar tides of emotions back. The female like one was eager to kill. He had no doubt of it. Today would be an good day to shed blood.

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Quote of the year.


We need a good meme image for the quote. Quickly, someone with photoshop skills go make one! X3


Just as well, Nova-Quinn could also partially represent what I fear I could be like if I ever got amnesia. -shivers- God I'd hate to get amnesia.

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Tyranthius ran, his integrity compromised. He had taken a surprise tentacle from a Disrupter, and now he was running Shield-less through a slavering mob of Infested. He was on an elevated section of a former Grineer asteroid base, long since taken over. He saw light at the end of the hall. He paused for a split second to look at the horde behind him. Then another to see the Infested littering the walkway below. He jumped.


I seriously hope I don't miss the walkway.


His feet landed with a sickening squishing sound. He jumped from his elevated position, again to another, then another. Just then, his Siphon gained him enough energy, and he vanished.


He laughed as he imagined the Ancients scratching their heads about the LOKI who used them as jump-points.



This is a story about the possible glitch I encountered. I jumped, and suddenly I was on top of a Disrupter. I saw more Ancients, and I tried jumping on their heads too. It worked. I have not been able to replicate this since.

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This is a thread for people to post short stories about how they envision their Tenno as they go through missions. It was originally just for a short story I wrote, but as I have had a reply, why not continue the trend?


Here is mine!




The Ash turned the corner, his feet catching the metal floor and as he fell low to slide under the stampeding feet of the Moa he had just passed under. His hand met the metal surface and shifted his position around as sparks were thrown up in a shower that illuminated the dimly lit, sterile passage. In the back of his head, he could feel the confused, digitized soul of the Corpus chief engineer he had just captured. His knowledge of the prototype engine system would be invaluable in figuring out their next move against his people; the Tenno.


The Moa behind him turned, spitting fire from the head-mounted laser, but it only found purchase on the outermost part of his shield, causing blue light to flicker up and degrade the shot. Swiveling in place, the Ash planted his feet and side-rolled behind cover, his stolen Dera finding its way off of his back and into his hands. It was odd that a Corpus weapon – of all things – had become the tool of his revenge. Still he felt a connection to the purity of plasma bolts. The lack of shell casings and hard ammunition made it hard to trace back. Being an assassin, it was the perfect weapon when he needed to spray down pursuers and leave no evidence of his passing.


Focusing his attention, the Ash rolled to the side, ducking laser fire and coming to a halt on one knee, raising his weapon up and blasting the Moa with a torrent of plasma bolts. As shields melted in moments, the Moa stumbled back, planting its foot down one last time before the top of its body erupted in fire and sparks. The shockwave of power came roaring towards him, but he was ready as the sight of Corpus crewmen came into view. With a shift of power and a warm sense of displacement, the Ash teleported next to one of the confused crewmen in a gout of smoke – just as the shockwave tore up the floor where he was once standing.


The Ash wasted no time in continuing with his mission;


As the crewman turned, he was greeted by a pair of daggers; Fang as they were collectively called by the Tenno. The blade turned and stabbed him in throat, followed by another stab to the chest which carved out a large chunk of his chest cavity along with it. Before the crewman even realized it was dead, the dagger had twisted, shearing off his arm and followed through as the Ash ducked to avoid the butt of a Dera being swung at his head. The second crewman barely finished his swing when the two blades sunk into the man’s thighs. As the cyberized creature screamed in pain, the Tenno withdrew his blades in a gout of blood then planted a heavy kick into the crewman’s ribcage, shattering every rib and puncturing his lungs. He would have finished the job if the charging sound of a rail gun to his side had not distracted him. He had little time to react, so instead, he lifted his blades to intercept the shot, his ability to process information beyond anything attainable by the other races.


The slug of metal crashed into his Fang as he wove it in the way, but it was not enough. The impact was only partially diverted and although it was enough to stop the blow hitting him in the head – an almost certain death – it hit him in the shoulder, destroying his armor and sinking into his synthetic flesh and engineered musculature. The impact sent him staggering back, but thinking quickly, he manifested his energy into a set of Shuriken in his hand and flung them, both blade finding purchase in the Rail Moa’s body, rendering it asunder with clean marks.


Holding his shoulder, the Ash examined the wound and shook the limb off. It was barely responsive and with a flex, he found he could barely hold the fang without dropping it. Placing the weapons away, he stood up and looked around the room. The alert was still going, but it seemed that his position was clear for now. Looking about, he turned and took in his surroundings. There were doors down the corridor, but the threat of more coming to kill him grew ever more intense if he waited around to investigate further. Moving to the side, he darted into a door and looked around. Although some locked storage containers greeted him, the maintenance hatches in the ceiling promised some form of escape. Effortlessly leaping on top of the boxes, he pushed upwards, gripping the edge of the hatch and vaulting into the duct with a silent flip.


Thankfully, the hole in his shoulder was closing and his shields had long returned to their ready state. It would only take a few minutes for his arm to regain functionality, but the crew had become alerted to his presence and were no doubt lining the corridors leading to his extraction route.


“Tenno,” came the voice of The Lotus. “…the rest of your cell is en route. Do you have the captive?”


The Ash gave a silent nod.


“Good. We shall interrogate him upon your return. Strength to you, Tenno.” She said, her voice calm and simple, a mixture of faith and a lack of compassion giving away her nature in his eyes. The Ash considered his next move and looked down the duct. There were the noises of mechanical pursuers searching for him and if he stayed in one place, they would find him.


Moving on, he would continue to elude his prey until the time was right.

+100 for creating this thread SilverBones, been reading through whenever I get spare time. Really cool imagery and stories in this thread. Will take a while to read them all, but very rewarding time spent indeed!


@SilverBones, In your OP story, while not a major part of the tale; I smiled when Ash explores his environment and slips into the duct... interesting to hear how enviros make the characters feel or act. :)

The atomized corpus capture target in his suit, very cool. (Have a warm spot in my heart for the capture crewman lol)

Some excellent word choices in here. Great stuff.

I nodded to myself, fully immersed as the Lotus gets a sitrep from him at the end. Gave me the Sam Fisher in the duct feeling. :)


Tiny constructive nitpick: The 'shook the limb off' wording made me think he detached his arm, til I read further, Removing 'off' may help.


Keep the stories coming folks! Definitely love poring over them.

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thanks for the feed back DE Skree, more is on the way but come coordination is in the works for some major parts but it is all a waiting game now,f or me that is seeing as i was called into "action" by a few of these writers after i joined so i wait!


Keep coming back, i look forward to feed back!

-The Foundry Master XD

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I'd go into fan-squee mode because one of the DE likes this thread but I think long ago I realized that we're likely tracked anyway XP Glad you like the stuff in the thread DE_Skree!


On that note, I shall bring in further entertainment with Issachar at the firing range! -woopwoopwoopwoopwoop-




Khimera stepped into the training room, looking around sharply for Sandalphon's location. Thankfully he was struggling intensely with a reach-build Galatine trying to wield it in one hand. Knowing it would take a fair amount of effort just to train such a feat for a Rhino, the Volt was eased by the struggles of the Excalibur Prime. "Okay, this way." Khi motioned for the purple Saryn to accompany him to the firing range section of the training room. Picking up a practice Braton Khimera tossed it to Issachar who just barely managed to catch the rifle in both arms.


"Ah...uh...sorry." Issa stumbled over her words as she fumbled with the Braton to get it pointed down the range. "It is heavier than I envisioned, sensei." The Saryn admitted as she focused on her target down the range, a simulacrum of a grineer lancer.


"It's fine, I don't know who trained you before but they should have taught you about primary weapons first. Melee and Secondary Weapons don't see as much use unless you specialize like the romantic blunder over there." Khimera jerked his thumb over his shoulder, pointing in Sandal's direction. "Regardless, keep yourself steady as they tend to have a great deal more recoil than secondary weapons."


Nodding as she widened her stance a bit the violet venom-maker aimed down the sights of the practice rifle. "Breathe...aim...fire." She mumbled to herself as she took a breath and squeezed the trigger, sending a spray of bullets at her target. The simulacrum reacted violently, head getting blown apart and a trail of crimson markers down from the destroyed head region to the heart where the red markers overlapped until the spray ended when the trigger was released.


Snapping his fingers, Khimera touched a panel by Issachar to bring the simulacrum closer for inspection. It was clear Issachar had aimed to kill her target early, but the fact she'd continued to unload even after blowing away the head meant she'd not been paying attention after the first fire. Shaking his head, the Volt pulled his Braton Vandal from his back and reset the digital duplicate. "You cannot afford to close your eyes after you fire." He scolded, taking aim as the upper-grade simulacrum started running down the range at him. One quick burst of fire later and the simulacrum was downed, flickering with a mass of red where its head and upper torso had been. "You got lucky firing toward the heart. Repeat exercise."


Nodding, feeling ashamed, Issa reset the program on the lowest level and took aim once more. She had not expected the sound in her ears or the shock of automatic fire. Regardless, the Saryn stood her ground as her instructor watched her take aim and fire. Not so lucky this time, Issachar had only just managed to clip the stand-still target's shoulder. Given it was a great distance away, but that was little to no excuse. "I am sorry sensei." She apologized before the next reset, taking aim again before firing.


"Excuse me, my dearest object of affection, but may I help?" Sandalphon poked his head over Khimera's shoulder, causing the wasp-colored Volt to jump and freeze up. There was a stupid grin behind the Excal's helmet, though most other Tenno were now backing away from Khimera's position at the range.


Before Issachar could voice the question in her head she witnessed a most swift and savage take-down ever performed by a caster-type Warframe wielder at leisure. Khimera slammed the back of his fist into Sandal's face and threw his arms back, swinging forward and slamming the melee-oriented Tenno onto the counter that served as a barrier between the firing range individuals and the simulacrum targets. Once finished downing the object of his fury Khi raised an open palm and charged it to brimming with red electricity, crushing it up against Sandalphon's chest. Though impossible, some of the onlookers believed they could see the Excalibur Prime's skeleton for several seconds due to the electric shock. A few seconds passed before the Volt sighed in relief, dusting off his hands while he left the charred, unconscious body of his fellow Tenno laying on the counter-top. "Sorry about that."


"T...gly...khe..." Sandalphon coughed out as he twitched, earning another punch to the chest though un-charged by electricity this time.


"Continue training, and please do not converse with this half-wit when he awakens." Khimera commanded of his new apprentice, stalking out of the training room to go take a migraine relief pill or something to help with his headache.

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I hate to double-post but here's how I see the breakdown of teaming with my guys.


Khimera: Team Corpus (Because he hates the hell out of ospreys enough, to have them serve his needs is pleasurable)


Nova-Quinn: Team Grineer (For obvious reasons relating to her awakening)


Crowley: Team Corpus (Logic is appealing, and Grineer are too pitiable to fight beside)


Sandalphon: Team Grineer (Another bet: if he wins Khimera owes him a date...)


Issachar: Team Corpus (Following her sensei's)


Let the madness commence!

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