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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Because I posted this on fanfiction.net, I can't actually copy and paste it here. My apologies for that.


I've been thinking of this story for well over 7 months now. I've got the entire plot figured out and I'v been thinking so much about it that I've actually got the dialogues and plot twists all done as well. I haven't had the time to really invest into this story mainly due to lack of motivation. And this could very well be my blessing. Obtaining criticism from you guys could seriously motivate me to keep writing.


The link I have shared is about a story I have regarding two brothers who use a Rhino and a Loki. I typed that bit out on the way back home from school (the bus was really empty that day). No major action, just experimenting with writing styles, since this is the first time I've ever tried to write something. I hope you guys like it.

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I enjoyed it bejoizb, and I know where you're coming from. With so little lore on Warframe, I've had stories making themselves up in my head for months, but just started thinking about really writing any of it down when I found this thread. I'm not experienced at writing anything like this either, but so far I'm enjoying it. I can only hope you'll keep writing for us, and enjoy writing this kind of stuff as much as I am.

Edited by Jeahanne
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They ran. The fled from the pillars of raging, red energy erupting from the ground, from the red and black hailstorm of death and destruction. Away from the pounding of the Brakks and Heks, from the deadly storm of steel and lead. They fled from the rage of the maddened warrior of ice, from the javelins and unforgiving lightning, the blades of those who have sacrificed too much. And from the rage of the shadows of those now dead.

'This time, you will pay for what you have done. You will not get away with this, you mangy dogs and greedy idiots.' Nyx ran through the waves of fleeing Grineer and Corpus, leaving their ruined corpses of the ground behind her to burn, rot, and lie abandoned. 'This time, you will all pay.' As she ran, and danced, and killed, some of those fleeing made the mistake of looking behind. They glanced at the storm of green metal, emerald light, and death behind them, and didn't live to regret it. Some stumbled at the sight and fell. They were not shown mercy. Some panicked, and ran off and away from the sight, only to be cut down by the storm of bullets around them. And some found some reserve of strength left in them and it gave them a burst of speed. It was not enough.

Nyx herself had not seen Ajkrumen fall, or seen his broken body, but she had felt the event take place. The death of a Tenno as old as the Frost, combined with the death of Stalker and the anger, grief and loss of those nearby had built up a psychic pulse more than big enough for Nyx to feel and understand. With that pulse had come a single overpowering thought. Kill them all.

Still she ran, cutting through dozens and dozens of those who had harmed her friends. Spinning through one group of them with her Orthos, she finally sighted her destination. She twisted the two ends of her weapon, still running, sheathing its blades and placed it on the mag-sheath on her back. She started to gather her energy from her reactors, gathering it and starting to shape it. "Lend me your rage." she said through a pulse of energy, sending mental links to her fellow Tenno. "Lend me your anger, and these transgressions shall not remain unpunished. They shall not escape consequences this time." Nyx felt the minds of her brethren stop for a moment, ceasing their fire on the scum who had caused this tragedy. Then, the links between them started to pulse. Pulse with the rage and loss of losing one of their own.

Nyx let out her energy, questing outwards with tendrils of thought and energy, seeking the glow of minds even as the fools within them tried to escape, in their battered hulks of once grand ships. She found them, hundreds upon hundreds on minds. From the lowliest Grineer lancer and Corpus crewman to the commanders of battalions, the directors of flaming napalm, and the cold minds of electronics and the dispassionate thoughts of the techs. And she surrounded their minds, gently, with the green tendrils of energy and thought.

Then, Nyx fed in the rage. The anger of the Tenno. And the tendrils squeezed.


She collapsed, her warframe's reactor coughing and dying, her mind ravaged by the power that had coursed through it. And, amidst what was now silent and still, her vision wavered and darkness started to creep in around the edges. Just before she fell to unconsciousness, she smiled sadly, and a single thought drifted through her mind. 'Finally, justice. Justice for those we have lost...'

Sorry that I haven't written for some time now, it's been very busy these last weeks - the year is finally coming to an end. I probably should have been doing some work rather than writing this, but after reading what you guys have written I was gripped by inspiration. I'm sad to see Ajkrumen go... In any case, I'll likely start writing more again in next weekend, after nearly everything has finished for the year.

Edit - Also, I had originally put in something between the gap and Nyx collapsing, but I decided that it would do better without it. It seemed to fit a bit better.

Edited by Piranah1
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The gray LOKI yelled near incoherently as he slaughtered innumerable foes. He fought and raged, obliterating his sense of self as much as his enemies. He did not know how long he had been fighting, had only a vague recollection of when and how he began - The death of yet another friend, another one he was powerless to save. He gladly surrendered to the fever, preferring the madness to the bitter sting of death and failure. And did the madness take him. His mind submerged, and all that was left was hate. Hate, and skill at slaughter. His name had been Tyranthius, but he had largely forgotten that at this point.


He waded through a flood of corpses and soon-to-be corpses, shrugging off hits and returning them with great usury. Each stroke lacked the sheer precision that was common to him. Instead, it appeared that a maelstrom of a butcher had passed through; jagged cuts, slices, limbs torn off and used to beat other foes with them.


He could not stop. He could not stop if he had wanted to, and he didn't. Every time a thought contemplating such managed to surface, he snuffed it out brutally with images of Ajkrumen's broken form. He yelled, tore out a Sawman's spine with his armored hands, and swiftly impaled a Crewman with it. He was not done.




From across the battlefield, Lucid heard the screaming. She recognized it at once. She was there when they saw the Prime. Tyranthius didn't have many of what one might term "friends", but he was fiercely loyal to those he had. She looked to Anya and X, and though duty called upon her to stay and await orders, she said, "Anya, X, I have to save him."


X nodded with understanding, and she ran. Tyranthius didn't need saving from the Grineer and Corpus; he was clearly visible even a great distance away as a whirling tornado of death, still cleaving through the retreating troops.

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so much death...so much....


something quick,quick,quick since im at school



The coms were alive with chatter since the battle had started. No normal Tenno could pull each separate conversation between squads, but Quinn was no normal Tenno, being the foundry master gave him some differences between most others. Working as the communications "officer" he was the one who relayed orders between squads.


"NOOOOOOOO!!!!!" An anger and grief filled cry rippled across all of the com systems. Looking up quickly Quinn tapped into Crowley's video feed, seeing the ancient frost laying on the ground.


"no...." Blocking out everything, even the radio chatter, Quinn looked around numbly. Cry's of anger and sadness floated through the radio and around the Dojo the news spread. Anger filled Quinn something that he had kept in check for many years and 1 though shot through his mind.


"BRING MY THE STALKERS CORPSE!!!" He yelled through the coms to every available Tenno on the battle field.

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(some music for this:  



This was no longer a battle fought in tactics and warfare. The Tenno had become beasts of war, even the most collected minds were lost to combat, tearing apart forces that had no hope of victory or survival. Far above the fighting the massive Corpus cruisers and Grineer frigates began to tear apart and explode, falling into a storm of debris that would not survive impact with the planet. The psychic storm that engulfed all of Mars left waves that reached so far even the ancient, twisted minds of the Infested Collective shuddered in fear. This blitzkrieg conflict was not of the Tenno's make and yet both Grineer and Corpus had seen fit to try and use them as pawns in their petty affairs and toss them aside as tools and materials. Even now Alad V was likely using his time to gather a few slumbering Tenno for use in his Zanuka Project. Sargus Ruk was likely using his own time and resources snatching up artifacts from the fallen. Both leaders in this conflict had won and lost, but here and now the Tenno would have a victory in their own war to take back the system.


On the right flank Khimera and Sandalphon were overshadowed by blazing spirits of an ancient Volt and Excalibur, leaving charred and eviscerated flesh in their wake. Bolts of crimson lightning ripped through enemies, leaving those who survived stunned long enough for blades to end their miserable lives. Words had left the Volt, only screams of rage and hate came from his throat. The feeling he had reminded him all too much of when he'd been forced to leave Canis behind during the Collapse. Never again had the wasp-colored Tenno wanted to feel this way...and nothing would stop him from tearing apart Sargus Ruk and Alad V the next chance he got. Every bullet Khi fired from his guns was accelerated several times the norm with his electrical abilities, making his arms handheld railguns in their own right. The kick-back was barely held in check by the Warframe's systems and he'd likely be left unable to enter combat for a while after this but Khimera still didn't care. Sandalphon was a silent paragon of vengeance, mirroring every move his phantasmal ally made down to the most minute turn of his Galatine's edge to match the ghostly Skana the spirit was wielding. No Grineer armor was left unpierced, no Corpus Crewman left un-beheaded.


Issachar was one of the few left with her clarity, using her lucidity to scatter swarms of already fleeing enemies into the ranks of Tenno that sought to rip them apart. When once they'd been only hundreds compared to thousands the phantoms now fighting alongside the Tenno evened the score. It mattered little for thousands could not hope to stop hundreds of Tenno. Now it would take an army numbering millions to even attempt to quench the blood-thirst that the Stalker had incited. From her vents came chlorine acid, the purple Saryn slicing down with her Kama and piercing the heart of her latest target without question or mercy. Those around her choked and coughed, trying to get away from her noxious gases that would burn them from within. 


Nova-Quinn no longer had identity now that she'd felt the ocean of pain and despair from Ajkrumen's death. What energy she did not have she ripped from fallen foes without a second thought to fuel her assault. Slamming her palm into the ground the Nova let out a feral cry as she marked a legion of foes attempting to run away. A sniper bullet was all it took to trigger the explosion that quaked the very surface of Mars, sending up a veritable tower of crimson antimatter flames. This was not enough...it could never be enough now.


In the center of the conflict stood Crowley, leaning on Lunasos to keep himself up even as he forced himself to fuel his power. Though the eyes of every spirit he brought up he could see the battle, through them he exacted a bloody and righteous justice. He could vaguely hear the voice of the Lotus trying to speak to him, talk some sense into him and urge him to stop. It was like a miniscule voice in the back of Crowley's head, like someone's conscious that was too quiet to make them realize their short-comings and faulty decisions. Every pulse of energy that the Grand-Master forced from his body through Lunasos brought a terrible rending pain. It wracked his flesh and bone and soul trying to tear him to pieces from within. No one, not even Lunasos' owner, was supposed to call forth so many spirits at once and give them such visceral pseudo-life for so long.


Unnatural quiet began to fall upon the battlefield as the last Grineer Lancer and Corpus Crewman fell, causing the Tenno and spirits to become still. There was no one left to kill here, no more vengeance to exact for the crimes against the system and the Tenno themselves. Collapsing by his fallen friend, Crowley allowed Lunasos to leave his grip and camouflage itself once more even as the Lotus' voice grew louder in his helmet. "Old friend...old fool..." He croaked out as his coloration began to slip into its normal hues. Closing his eyes Crowley could not even bring tears to come his body was so wrecked and numb. "You saved me once...would that I could only have saved you..." Across the field of death the spirits changed color from anger-saturated red to a sorrowful azure. They congregated around the Frost Prime's body and bowed their heads. The ancient warriors had not been so close to Crowley as Ajkrumen or Khimera or Nova-Quinn. This was the first time he had lost something near and dear to his heart. One by one the spirits became wisps of light that rose into the blackened sky like a thousand stars, shining clearing light upon the battlefield. Corpses of Grineer and Corpus alike began to burn away, clearing Mars of the rotting plague that were the conquerors and profiteers. Mars was not free...the system was not free...but they had shown here and now they would not suffer the transgressions against Tenno-Kind silently or deceptively any longer. The lights of the wisps returned to Crowley in a slow flow that almost imitated an aurora from ancient Earth's northern pole reaching down to the ice-blue Nekros.


Now they could weep.


Now the Tenno could tend their wounds.


Now...Tenno would begin to plan again.

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The feels are felt. I'm smiling like an idiot on the middle of class. That was just....amazing. I could never hope for a better end to this chapter in Tenno history.

Edit: You guys have really done our idea justice. :)

Edited by Ajkrumen
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All around them the bodies dissolve.  The air, heavy with smoke, vaporized blood, and emotion, started to finally clear now the battle was over.  Except for the emotion, the feelings in every Tenno remained.  They surrounded one of their own, a fallen Tenno, a Frost Prime, a fierce warrior, an intuitive teacher, and most importantly, a dear friend of many who now mourned his loss in the crowd that had gathered.


X stood near the center ring of the protective Tenno.  To his left were his apprentice, Anya, and their friend, Loki.  A dark colored Excalibur took his place to X’s right.  Crowley’s torrent of souls and power subsided.  He turned back to his normal coloring as he collapsed next to the late, Ajkrumen.


The dark colored Excalibur next to X retracted his Pendragon helmet, and then cleared his throat, “I am sorry for your loss, I know what it feels like to lose a fellow Tenno in battle.  Especially one so close to you…”


X glanced at the talking Excalibur next to him.  This Excalibur was mostly colored a dark grey-green, with maroon shoulders, and thin streaks of light green.  He noted a particular scar on the left side of the Excalibur’s face that ran from his jaw line up to his short hair line, curved and at least a centimeter thick in the middle.  Before speaking, X retracted his own helmet, “I thank you for your condolences.”


“I would not normally talk business at times like these, Master Frost.  However, the Lotus has ordered me to return with you to your dojo.”


X raised his eyebrows slightly.  “You may call me X.  Go on.”


“I am officially Master Skirata, although I’d prefer it if no one ever used my title… Skirata is fine.  The Lotus is transferring me to your dojo.  You may read up on my file when you are able, transmitting it to your systems now... alright, it’s uploaded.  I’ll take my leave now, give you all some privacy.”


As Skirata turned to leave he felt a hand cover his shoulder, “Stay, please.”


He turned back around, clasped X’s own shoulder while looking him in the eyes, and returned next to the mourning Excalibur Prime.

*  *  *


EDIT: demoted Skirata, didn't fit well that he was a GM

Edited by BRad_Skirata
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I enjoyed it bejoizb, and I know where you're coming from. With so little lore on Warframe, I've had stories making themselves up in my head for months, but just started thinking about really writing any of it down when I found this thread. I'm not experienced at writing anything like this either, but so far I'm enjoying it. I can only hope you'll keep writing for us, and enjoy writing this kind of stuff as much as I am.

Thanks for the compliments. Means a lot to me. I didn't receive an ounce of feedback ever since I posted that tidbit, and it's been months since I did. That itself made me lose my ambition to finish my story. I plan to add all my future chapters here to share with you all as well as fanfiction.net, provided that it's okay with you guys. I noticed that some of you have been adding parts here and I don't wish to be a hindrance.

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Thanks for the compliments. Means a lot to me. I didn't receive an ounce of feedback ever since I posted that tidbit, and it's been months since I did. That itself made me lose my ambition to finish my story. I plan to add all my future chapters here to share with you all as well as fanfiction.net, provided that it's okay with you guys. I noticed that some of you have been adding parts here and I don't wish to be a hindrance.


I rather feel the same, I don't want to force my characters or ideas upon anyone else, even if I do find a lot of inspirtation in what others have been writing here. To be honest, getting told to keep writing and that my work was good feels awesome. The only thing better for me is reading what someone else has put a lot of effort into, like what you wrote, and being able to, in some small way perhaps, pay that constructive criticism, inspiration, and good feeling forward.

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So since reading about Ajkrumen's death and the massive epic battle you all had, I've come up with something else. I hope you don't mind me mentioning Ajkrumen either... I have no desire to drag other people's characters into my work or force my character upon anyone else, but at the same time it felt wrong to me that my charcter would be entirely unaware of the goings-on of other Tenno, especially one as well known as him. It seemed to me that by the time the fight was over, his deeds would be common knowledge, even to a character as far outside the circle of people in his clan as my character is. If I'm too far out of line just say something, and I can edit his mention out.The original drafting of this didn't mention him anyway, but he seemed like a good person to fill the gap and be an inspiration to my character to better herself. I do have other options available should his mention be removed. Like I said, I have no desire to cross any lines people might have in the use of their characters.


Furthermore, my character still doesn't have an official full name yet, although I'm personally calling her Acantha (latin for "thorn") in my head. Any suggestions/uses you guys might have for her are welcome.


Anyway, feedback is always awesome, be it good, bad, or indifferent. I hope you enjoy my little foray into my character's mind.




Explosions were fun, but doing the same low-level solo missions was getting tiresome. It couldn’t be helped, though. Her rank was still too low. The Nova paced in her appointed quarters on a station that catered to Clan-less Tenno. First to one side of the room, then to the other, she restlessly marched, chewing on her lower lip.


In her own mind, she was an average soldier, neither incompetent nor exceptional. She could wield any weapon with average success, and was a good shot with anything she had taken the time to practice with, but it wasn’t enough. Her rank among the Tenno was only a five, too low to even bear the new Soma or Clantech weaponry that many others were extolling the virtues of. She needed to get better. Her accuracy needed work, and her reliance on her warframe’s abilities made her cringe. The problem was, her Nova frame had her spoiled. It was both fast and powerful, only balanced by its comparatively weak shields and integrity. Trying to go to any other warframe that would force her to use her natural talent (if she possessed any, and she wasn’t sure she did) felt like fighting through molasses; slow and uncomfortable, without any of the flair and excitement that the Nova frame’s abilities afforded her.


She continued pacing, worrying at her lip while obsessing over her perceived shortcomings. She couldn’t even see her successes at driving off the dreaded Stalker as the victories they were. It was true, he had defeated her before, several times, and she had, in turn, driven him off, but so had many other Tenno now. It had been proven that he wasn’t invincible, and as such she saw her victories against him as little enough an accomplishment.


No, she thought, she had to progress. She had to gain ranking, at least enough to earn the credibility needed to bear the arms that would help her get stronger, help her defend her fellows still in cryosleep and the defenseless, if they still existed, that had no strength of their own. The battlefield brooked no weakness, and her inadequacies would only bring a squad down. She had to get better soloing missions where she could before she could trust herself to support others. If she died, there was little loss, but she would be damned if her mistakes brought harm to others. She only worked with other Tenno when strictly necessary, such as defense missions, or the war of the Gradivas Dilemma. It lessened the risk of her harming others through her shortcomings that way, even if it reinforced her reputation as an antisocial loner.


She hadn’t even had the self-confidence to join the large-scale battle against the Grineer and Corpus that many others had fought so recently in. Many had lost their lives, in particular a Frost Prime named Ajkrumen. She winced. He was one of the most powerful warriors out of all of the Tenno, what chance did she stand to protect others if she couldn’t even trust herself to fight alongside a legend like him? He may have been lost, but he had taken his most powerful foe along with him. In a way she envied him. He had been a true warrior until the very end, an embodiment of the Tenno in word and deed, something she wished so dearly that she could accomplish herself.


She sat down heavily on the simple cot in the room, holding her head in her hands. She had to make a plan, and stick to it. A plan to hone her true skill, and not give in to the laxness she’d fallen into since she obtained her Nova frame. A plan to make herself a better warrior, a more worthy warrior, someone others could rely upon in any situation.


… The explosions were just so addicting. Every death a domino effect conflagration of blindingly beautiful light, turning even the most wretched of enemy into something admirable, even artful, for that brief moment of destruction, and resulting in nothing more than wisps of energy once gone. No mess, no evidence of their pitiable existence, only one beautiful fireworks display, with its afterimage burning in her vision, flaring briefly against the dark before going out without a trace. The sheer destructive simplicity of it struck a chord in her, resonating with some deep part of her that no other warframe had matched.


But it was making her sloppy.


She wound her fingers into her hair and balled them into fists. Beauty, she knew, was no excuse for poor work. She was a Tenno, it was her duty to fight. More than that, it was her duty to fight to the best ability of her very being. Even the limitations of her own body were no excuse not to excel; she had her warframe to assist her in exceeding those. With the Lotus as her guide, she chose missions against her enemies by her own conscience, doling out justice and retribution as necessary. Growing lax in her discipline in her work was unacceptable. Her own mentor had taught her that: The will of the Tenno is uncompromising. That applied to everything, including the will to apply all of one’s abilities and focus to the task at hand. Her mentor would have mourned had he seen the sloppiness his apprentice had fallen into in completing her duties.


She sighed and rose, decided. She must train, and train hard. She would master all the weaponry she had at hand, all the warframes she had access to, and more besides. She would be uncompromising in the quality of her work and training from now on, and she would rise in the ranks of her fellow Tenno. She would get stronger. Pretty explosions would only be a side benefit. She grinned wolfishly. It was time to get to work. She may not ever become a legend like Ajkrumen or her mentor, but she would become a formidable warrior, she just had to have the will to pursue it.

Edited by Jeahanne
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A goal......is what we all need, something to push us to be better, to push us to become the best that we can be. 


P.s. hit up the Foundry Master sometime, there may be things you could use, or want him to build. Im currently collaborating with Khi on something BIG but i still am going to write short snippets here and there, especially when they get me whats left of the stalker.

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Jeahanne, you honor my character's memory. :)

Please, mention him whenever you see fit, I quite enjoyed a work of mine being an inspiration to yours.

Keep up the good work! Also, bejuizb, GREAT story! Very descriptive, please post more works on the thread. :D

Edited by Ajkrumen
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I'm glad you think so Ajkrumen, thank you.


By the way Quinn, I can't wait to read about what you do with what remains of Stalker. I can only imagine what things might come from such... interesting materials.

Edited by Jeahanne
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By the way Quinn, I can't wait to read about what you do with what remains of Stalker. I can only imagine what things might come from such... interesting materials.

When i am done there will be nothing left, only bits of data floating in the dojo's data center for all to read and learn.


edit: and before my laptop dies, this is what music i now will read when i re-read(which i will, many times over) the battle. 

and 2:13 to 2:29 (where the guy is fighting the masked enemies) i can see Ajkrumen there with the stalker. (FEELS!)  Edited by QuinnsWing
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