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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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So i figured i'd add a bit more on both sides of my characters....And give a chance for some lighthearted fun for anyone who wants to continue onto Zel's story...Lots of parts to share :)


One by one, the other Tenno filed out of the room and began the hunt. Heus contacted control and had them patch his helmet feed into the secretly embedded cameras spread out all over the inactive tower. A large smile spread across the noble tenno's face. He couldn't wait to see this.


Not to gang up on Zel, but what if everyone did a little part, each describing how the young ones try to take down Zel in various ways :3

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 Anyway then, enjoy, and the next things I shall work on (later) are the archive of the thread and Operation Cookie.



Do you intend to do the entire thread?  (If so, then it might be a good idea to distinguish from standalone stories, and those that are involved with the "main" storyline.)  Wouldn't mind helping you with that, also was thinking a character map would be very helpful as well

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Just a warning, I may be gone for a while. My router is old and has been dying more and more lately, so I may have to get a new one. May you all never lose your inspiration!

Frosty, we would wait on you till the end of time. Just  because you aren't a Valkyrne anymore doesnt mean you aren't still our brother :)

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Do you intend to do the entire thread?  (If so, then it might be a good idea to distinguish from standalone stories, and those that are involved with the "main" storyline.)  Wouldn't mind helping you with that, also was thinking a character map would be very helpful as well

Yeah, I intend to make a thread with one post by myself, use lots and lots of spoilers, and group the story arcs, series' and origins.

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here's a bit of a prequel for a upcoming submission I'm working on.



"Everything fades; Staues crumble to dust, men age and perish, metal rusts and corrodes. Stars grow and detonate. Nothing is forever, not even Love" These words rang through the Tenno's mind, a memory hailing back from when he and his lover had first come out about their relationship. most didn't seem to care, some were disgusted and others were happy for them. One older Tenno had come to them and asked them a few questions before saying those words as he looked through a window into space. It seemed so long ago now, so many happy times come and gone and now this. His dear Nekros... His longest friend, confident and bedfellow. The Rhino gritted his teeth and hoisted his Galatine once more as he faced down a horde of Corpus Moas "Guess this is it then... We had a grand run... too bad that old man was right. Well... I'll miss you and I know you'll miss me... Goodbye Fenrik" 

He whispered before letting out a warcry and charging into the incoming Moas, His galatine cutting through metal like it was paper, but it wouldn't be enough as there was too many, their plasma shots eating away at his shields, and then his armor and flesh. He knew he was dead but he'd be damned if he didn't make them work for it. Finally he collapsed, smoking rising form his body as his vitals flatlined, a grin on his face as died. His last surprise was the build up, compression and then release of all the energy in his warframe. A little addition he'd gotten that vauban in the foundry to cook up for him. It expelled veritable storm of pure energy tearing through the area, destroying what enemies were left from Malifex's last stand.

Edited by KittyShark
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A Nekros sat in his room, staring at a metal plaque that was hanging there. The words on it would appear completely indecipherable to anyone except himself and one other Tenno... well to be more accurate, Just the Nekros now. His long time friend had fallen in battle, the first friend he had ever made, the only one he had ever let see his heart laid bare was gone. Now he just felt empty inside, like there was a hole were his heart was. He knew what he was doing was unhealthy, sequestering himself away, locking his door so no one would be able to disturb him, though he didn't think anyone would bother him anyway. He looked over at the pictures next to the plaque, pictures of himself and Malifex being presented their suits, of their first successful mission together. Him in his Nekros suit and Mali in his Rhino, They had been inseparable, Every mission was done together, no matter how hard, as long as they had each other they had prevailed.

"Idiot.. you damnable idiot, If I didn't love you so much I'd probably hate you for dying" He said softly under his breath. They were preparing Malifex's body and warframe for the cryocoffin now, fixing the damages done by all the plasma. If only they could bring him back as well. A will had also been discovered and Fenrik was quite curious as to what it entailed, Mali had never said he had one made. He looked at the plaque again before standing up and grabbing his Dread bow. He slung it over his shoulder and headed to the firing range, he needed to relieve some stress and clear his head. Though he knew one thing for certain, he would never forgive the corpus. No matter what he hunt them down and slaughter them; he would crush them beneath his heel. While it would never bring Malifex back, It would damn sure make him feel better once he got started.

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