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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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we can hope!


edit: i cant get on yet....2 more hours of school -_-

Its noon here now, i gotta go get my kid at 2:20....and i've not had any sleep in a LONG time...but im going to try to be on as long as i can today. For the helpings of other players mostly.

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O.O Nice.


I've been having issues finding good parties since the PS4 launch. I keep getting teamed with beginner frames in anything Earth level or lower, and on a low ranked frame with no AOE, like my Nekros, I can't carry, so the defenses I do end up failing giving me no exp.


I try doing high rank stuff, but I hate just dropping in on a pug and expecting to be carried...

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shut up! 


and my laptop is going to die soon :c


edit: before laptop dies!!



The town the he lived in was large by most standards, it had 3 districts, The Market, The Working and then The “Rich”. He was part of the Working District so he had access to the Market all the time while having restricted access to the “rich” district, for deliveries. Running through the streets the apprentice was yelled at multiple times, but no one really tried to stop him. 


He launched him self up a set of crates and climbed onto a roof. The Market District spread out before him, the light smoke of bakeries, the sounds and smells of animals, hundreds of people walking, buying, selling, trading, a place that he loved. Though those were just a few reasons. A laugh echoed close by. Looking around the apprentice saw the person he was looking for. 


Gold hair flowing in the afternoon breeze, shone in the light, and a kind face, always smiling. He grinned like an idiot, ‘there she is!. Jumping down he ran through the market. Sliding and dodging the crowds of trades and merchants, he hurried to the last place he had seen her. ‘Where did you go this time? he pondered, for she was not where he had thought her to be. Looking around quickly he searched for a merchant he knew. ‘The Baker’, he turned and looked for the older man. The smell of bread caught his attention first. The smell of rye bread. No one else was able to make rye bread like this “old” man for it was his families secret. 


Running through the network of streets, with its winding turns and sharp corners. After a few moments of running the apprentice came upon the shop. The smell of bread wafted through the square that the shop was located in. Walking over to the shop he entered the door. The “old” man was busy baking. 


“I have no time to talk, daughter. I must complete this order quickly.” The baker said without turning. 


“Well I never thought I would be called someone’s daughter before in my life.” The apprentice said with fake astonishment. Turning slightly the baker saw who it was, a smile spreading across his face. 


“Well well, lost are you young man?” He asked mockingly. 


“Not at all, im just wondering where your daughter is” The apprentice said turning away slightly, blushing from. 


“You are always looking for you my girl, aren't you?” The baker asked. 


“Of course i am!” The apprentice said, looking the “old” man in the eyes.  There was a strange gleam there, a knowing look. 


“hmmmm, fine, she is a couple squared south, selling the bread.” The baker said turning to continue his work.


“Thank you,” The apprentice yelled as he turn to go, “Old man!”


“Watch it!!!!!” The baker yelled without turning, a sad smile on his face and a knowing look. He knew his daughter was growing up, but not this fast.


Running as fast as he could the apprentice dodged and turned constantly to avoid the crowds. As he made his way south, he remembered going to that shop for the first time. 


About a year ago when he began his apprenticeship.

It was a somewhat cold day, no snow, just cold, and windy. He walked with the Foundry Master, he was being shown the route to pick up the food and things that were needed each week. They were almost done, they only had to stop the bread shop, then to the winery. The Foundry Master pushed open the door and slipped inside with his apprentice hot on his trail. The bakery was warm and the aromas which wafted through the room were amazing. The baker noticed us and motioned us farther into the shop. 


“Welcome back”The baker said while kneading some bread, “What is it toady?”


“Nothing much, just showing the new apprentice the route for things.” The Foundry Master said, motioning to the apprentice. He nodded at the baker but kept looking around the shop. Something caught his eye, gold, gold strands of hair? His eyes widened when he saw a beautiful girl around his age close the door she was peaking around, quickly.


“Come on out, Joanna” The baker motioned to the door, “They wont bite, well not the apprentice, this old brute might.” He continued, pointing to the Foundry Master. He chuckled and went into the back. The girl slowly opened the door again, and slid out into the light. Her gold hair shone, and her face was somewhat sharp but her eyes were soft.  The apprentice stood there and stared, the foundry master looked at him and laughed. 


“Love at first site?” The master asked laughing. The apprentice shook his head, blushing and looking down to let his hair cover his face. The girl, laughing spun on her heals and walked to the back. 


“The same as usual?” The bakers asked from the back.


“Yep.” Was the only answer from the master. 


A few moments later they were on their way to the next stop. A few second after they left they heard the door open behind them. The girl ran out with something in her hands.


“Here....” She said shyly, blushing holding out the package, to the apprentice.


“...Thank you...” He said, taking the package, then the foundry master grabbed his collar and began to drag him away. She looked on smiling and laughing at the apprentice.  

Edited by QuinnsWing
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Very very nice~ I'm considering skipping the rest of the Osprey gathering because that requires me playing someone else's character, something I've never enjoyed much because me, being on RP forums a lot in the past, I've always held the principle that controlling others' characters is a bad thing so it's new for me to play other's characters in here. ^_^;

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I do not have an Nvidia Card and i have completely different hardware on this computer, different virus protecting, graphics card, harddrive, everything. It's maddening because I think I've completed maybe 3 Derelicts since it came out. If it happens again i'm gonna raise a massive $#*(@ fit ticket in response :I


Edit: AND I'm extremely ill too, now excuse me while i go lose my lunch.

Edited by KittyShark
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I am trying D: i might have to call out on my shift for my second job tonight... headaches, back pain, stomach cramps, dry heaving,  abdominal pain, over all pain, sensitive eyes. I donno what the hell i caught but it needs to bugger off.


EDIT; Fever of 103 yeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah *dies*

Edited by KittyShark
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I am trying D: i might have to call out on my shift for my second job tonight... headaches, back pain, stomach cramps, dry heaving,  abdominal pain, over all pain, sensitive eyes. I donno what the hell i caught but it needs to bugger off.


EDIT; Fever of 103 yeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah *dies*

I believe that is the Technocyte virus... Have you taken your Enferon pills?
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I believe that is the Technocyte virus... Have you taken your Enferon pills?


Dude, maybe kitty just needs to let the Technocyte work its magic and turn her into a real Tenno :3 i'd pay to actually see that.


Edit: i should throw the next chapter of my tale out....but nooooo, i got Zerg to kill!

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