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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Sooooo here is more of my back story and also a reply to that Ash in my foundry!

oh yea....got any primed chamber that you dont use?? :D


edit: i do not know how to portray your ash right now soooo :D take it from here.



The cold metal which bumped against his skin broke him out of his trance just in time. He had almost run into a merchant carrying boxes. Dodging that catastrophe, he walked into the square and saw a small crowd of people. 


“Please get in line!” A clear a crisp voice almost yelled above the square’s noise. The people almost immediately got in line, next to the few who pushed and shuffled about. When the crowd moved about, the apprentice caught a view here and there of who he was looking for.


“Joanna!” He yelled and began to walk towards her. He could see her hair swirl about as she looked for who ever called her name. Smiling to himself, the apprentice decided to sneak up on her. He was able to slide and twist between the people and get behind her. Leaning he looked over her shoulder. 


“How is the bread today?” He asked, right in her ear. Jumping she turned and punched him right between his eyes. Shocked, she didn't do anything as he almost fell backwards. She began laughing as he caught his footing and stopped himself from crashing into a bunch of crates. 


“What was that for?!?” He asked with mock innocence. She smiled, grabbing his hand and pulled him into a hug. 


“Is this a good enough apology?” She asked him.


“I don’t know...” He replied still hugging her. Pulling away she smiled at him with a deceptive look in her eyes.


“Ok then, after i’m done selling this bread and your done with your chores, meet me at the bakery.” She said, then turned and began to sell the bread again. Raising an eye brow he watched her for a few moments.


“What do you have planned?” He asked suspiciously. Turning just enough to catch his eye, she smiled, deceptively.


“Your going to treat me to dinner.” She said then made a shooing gesture, “Go go go, i need to sell this bread and you need to do your chores. If not, then we cant have dinner.” She smiled innocently as he looked at her. 


“Fine...” He gave in, rolling his eyes, “Ill be back later!” Rubbing the small bump between his eyes the apprentice went off to finish his chores. 




Looking up from the bottle of vodka, Quinn watched the monitor flash a warning that someone was in the Foundry, and it wasn't Crowley. Setting aside the half empty bottle Quinn got up and made sure that Crowley’s project was mostly covered then let his helmet cover his face up again. He grabbed Juliet who was floating near and stuffed him into a drawer.


“Sorry buddy its just for a bit, please be quiet.” He said to the draw and heard Juliet make his beeping noise, “Ill take that as a yes.” Making sure he didn't knock the only bottle of vodka he had over, Quinn walked to the entrance to the not so secret foundry. An Ash with a Shade sentinel were slowly making there way over. A small frown creased Quinn’s face as he noticed they weren't part of the clan. The Ash noticed him finally and straightened up. 


“Hello there” Quinn said as the Ash approached, “Do you need something from me?”  



Quick side note: i have contacted a site called OrokinTech, you know?, the founder of the site is looking for fan work soooo i sent an email asking if he,they, would be interested in our collaboration of stories for the site...... :D

Edited by QuinnsWing
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Ok, let's see what i can do:


Think, think, think, thought the Ash, as the Vauban, whom he assumed to be Quinn, asked him that.


He shouldn't have been so dumb as to think they'd keep it in plain sight. Back to Plan A it is. Shade'd be laughing in his face, if it was paying attention. And it'd do so as soon as it came back and browsed it's recordings, anyway.


-Well, i am here on an investigation, and i am sure you could help me-he started-You are Quinn, right?


-Yes, that's me-the Vauban answered-So, what's that investigation of yours about?


-Well, it's about the Stalker. I am looking into who they are, and who might give them their orders, their equipment, and their information-Ash explained-I came here as soon as it was possible for me, after hearing the news. This is the first reported death of a Stalker, at least to my knowledge. And might be the only one for a long time, since the Stalker's attacks have become far more vicious and lethal, as of late, getting to destroy entire cells.


-I intend to get DNA samples and a photograph, so we can run them through Lotus data bases-he continued-Since they have warframes and training, it's not too far fetched to think that we could find some record of who they are. I imagine that we could also find out something by examining their warframe's components, but you probably know more about that than i do.


-I also plan on adding the Stalker's information to the Codex system, as in-depth scans have been impossible to achieve since it was released. All of this, of course, if i get a chance to-Ash concluded-for i do realize this is a major discovery, and you might not be ready to share it right away with the first person who walks in.


-Well, you are right on that last part-Quinn answered him-While i have recovered some information, i am not easily going to hand it over to someone who isn't even a part of our clan. And in any case, if anyone is to conduct any operation against the Stalkers from here, it'd have to go through the Council first.


-Guess i might as well consider joining you-Ash said, as he started walking away-By the way, since i had forgotten... You can call me Akinos.



So... That's that. Gave a little introduction for the idea of the Council, and found a name for my Ash.




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Can't think of any funny comments... nope, so enjoy Zel's 2nd Session:



*  *  *


Zel was walking briskly down the corridor to Skirata’s private training room, her elbows every so often grazing the handles of her dagger-blade Zorens.  She was a little nervous, actual weapons were usually not allowed in the training rooms.  She pondered raising the subject with a senior clan member, but decided she could wait to see what he was going to do first before possibly causing him trouble.  So she kept quiet and hoped no one would notice her heading to the training section of the dojo.  Although, the thought of causing him trouble was awfully pleasing after he had used her to practically dust the long unused room.


She arrived at the training room and reached for the chime button on the wall panel beside the door.  Pausing, she pulled her finger back and pressed her ear against the door.  She could barely hear some odd scratchy noises, then silence, then a deep thunk.  Straightening up, she tapped the chime.  A second later the door slid open on its own.  She stepped over the threshold.


There were several small tools lying on the ground along the opposite wall.  Next to them, a circularly cut section of wall panel, the hole from which it came near the top right of the same wall.  Skirata was up with his hands in the now exposed circuitry, fiddling with the usually unseen wires.  His legs were stretched out slightly behind him, feet twisted slightly to direct the force needed to pin himself up in the corner near the ceiling.


“Hello, Zel.”  Skirata, fully covered by his warframe, dropped down from his perch.  Landing softly, he dropped the instrument he had been using next to the others on the floor.  “Go ahead and place your Zorens on the floor there.”  He motioned to a space near the center of the room as he walked across to the weapons wall, which usually held blunted, training versions of several weapons.  Right now it was mostly bare, save for two Prime Ether swords.  He removed them from the magnetic surface, and rolled them over in his hands as he walked back over towards Zel.  She had done what he asked, the Zorens laying in front of her.


Skirata stood a couple of meters directly in front of her.  “Alright, you asked yesterday if you should reduce your ‘frame.  Now you will do so. Down to one percent functionality.”


Zel’s warframe started regressing, receiving her mental command to recede and power down.  “So what?  Are we both going to fight without our ‘frames’ enhancements?”  Her head was now fully exposed, her forearms and knees soon after.


“Nope, just you.  I’m in control of my ‘frame and power.  Which is why I'll be fully 'framed for these types of sessions.  You had your chance yesterday to leave a scar... or bruise I guess, but scars are more permanent.”  As Skirata spoke he went through some simple techniques with the Prime Ethers.


Zel’s warframe had now powered down to five percent.  The only parts now covered by the biomechanical material were her spinal area, mid-thigh to waist, and her chest.  The chest piece connected to the spine by a few centimeter wide strips leading up from the center of her chest and around her neck to the top of her spine, and also around her sides under her armpits to the spinal section.  “Seriously? You already whipped me up and down yesterday with a disadvantage.”


“Yes, however, remember that this is your training, and right now, I want you to focus on fighting me without the ‘frames’ distractions and... emotional triggers.  That way, I can continue to “whip you up and down” without fear of external spontaneous combustion...  I’ll even let you have the first move.  Ready?”


Zel winced at his words, but simply said, “Yes, systems are at one percent.”  She leaned over and grasped the familiar dagger axe handles.  She began to straighten up, looking up to face her opponent and -


“Just kidding!”


- Skirata had jumped and twisted his body horizontally, his blades slicing vertically through the air and down towards Zel’s face.  Zel brought up her guard, parrying the attack as she dove sideways.


“You’ll need to be faster.”  He held up a piece of her hair in his right hand. “Focus, react, do not think.”


Zel saw the dangling strands in his fingers. My hair!  She let out a guttural yell, engaging her mentor with ferocity.


The training went on like this.  The few days she did not train, she was either on a simple mission or Skirata had randomly given her the day off.  During the sessions without her warframe they worked on her emotional responses - channelling her anger, rather than letting it control her.  On alternate sessions she used her warframe, working on her power control.  Skirata let her leave her Zorens on the weapon wall between sessions.  Zel always left with her warframe fully covering her and operational.  She didn’t know why, but she did not want anyone knowing exactly how he was training her.  If they saw her heading towards the training rooms with Zorens, or leaving with the scars she got every other day, she was sure it would create unnecessary drama.


*  *  *



PS: check out the Ember preview in the codex... totally Zel's attitude w/ burning everything



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Question: What do you think of as your character's theme song?


This would be Anya's



and Loki's



Because he's Loki, that's why


I was a DJ for several years....so asking me this is pretty close to asking me to choose my favorite grain of sugar in the sugar bowl...but hey, ill give it a try :)



And Igilblix wanted me to post one for his Rhino. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WL5IRrhl20

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This is my first time ever actually putting my day-dreams to words, since this is the first time I've ever actually visited the fan-zone. I'll post the first 'chapter' to my little story, and I'll see if anyone thinks it is any good.

The Glaive dug into the guardsman's’ stomach, the boxhead sighing forwards against Matheis’s shoulder, any observers would simply note the crewmen leaning in close to speak to someone. With a subtle flick of the wrist, the Glaive withdrew and the crewmen staggered backwards into the shadows, took one grab to try to catch his falling guts, missed, and expired.

The second Crewmen simply stared blankly at them, Andreas Mind-Control working its magic once again as the two tenno stepped into the private, Corpus spacedock. In almost perfect sink they shrugged off the heavy, brown cloaks and hoods they had used to move through the city below undetected, but now was the time for more high profile actions. Matheis tested his Excalibur suit with a gentle flex of his muscles before sliding a full magazine into the receiver on his Soma assault rifle, checked the ammo indicator on his Broco, and flicked the last of the gore from his Glaive.

Andrea was going through a similar set up, checking the seals on her ‘Nyx’ pattern ‘frame, loading a fresh set of bolts into her Boltor and checking the satchel of Kunai throwing knives on her thigh. She cast her eyes to the top right corner of her HUD and blinked once, the Orthos on her back humming to life. She turned her helmet towards Matheis and nodded once, signaling that she was ready.

Matheis returned her nod, and together they set off towards their target, one of Alad V’s head specialists, a man named Tahran Fore...

Matheis :



Andrea:  http://i.imgur.com/XoPYamF.jpg



[Edited for weird coloring and font effects]

Edited by AarenMiridian
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