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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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To those of you who thought that the last story about Igilblix was too short or just straight up carnage, a little backstory is in order.

Igilblix was raised by no one and was often alone, until he met Aigloblam. This lead to him having a very Spartan-ish outlook on life. Live for battle, love battle, and die in battle. Often times, the other Tenno would call Igilblix slow or stupid because he was the first to jump into the fray, heedless of the number of enemies he was facing. Igilblix was far from stupid, but more often than not he chose to let instinct guide him in battle rather than training. He was a warrior, born and bred for battle, ready to take down the enemies of the Tenno and the spear and sheild of his allies. He got his Scindo shortly before he met Aigloblam, during a mission that others would have called suicide. He was ordered by the Lotus to go and rid the Venus system of the Jackal, a quadrapedal mech that was devastating Tenno on the battlefield. He and three others walked into that fight. Only he walked out alive, a Scindo on his back and the head of the Jackal in his hand. No one but him and the Lotus know exactly what happened in that room, but it left him with the burning desire to dive into combat and to rarely speak. To his allies, he is the unstoppable force. To his enemies, he is a juggernaut. He, on the otherhand, just wants to find peace in battle and perhaps, one day, to see his old comrades again.



This is the spartan as he is now.


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i Just found out something interesting, DE will probably Fix it soon...but for right now its awesome. Im running Rage on Valkyr, and when she Ults, of course she doesnt take damage, but she DOES get Energy from the damage that would have been dealt. So as long as there are enemies, she can pretty much Ult constantly.


I just might have to. I've gotta finish reading the huge amount of writing though. Last thing I wanna do is start up a post with zero continuity to the story already established.

Yeah....it is quite a bit of reading. It started slow but we picked up a lot of people and kinda exploded from there. Luckily, it was lots of good people.  :)

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i Just found out something interesting, DE will probably Fix it soon...but for right now its awesome. Im running Rage on Valkyr, and when she Ults, of course she doesnt take damage, but she DOES get Energy from the damage that would have been dealt. So as long as there are enemies, she can pretty much Ult constantly.

>_> now you make we want rage.........baaahhhh!

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i have decided to let go off some small personality traits that are extremely important to unserstand how Kris works.


1. Kris has a feral side to his personality, where he practically regresses to a beast-like state and can no longer make the difference between allies or enemies. This side of his personality is the result of years of ridicule and only comes out when he goes over the edge (aka snaps). Thankfully, this side rarely comes out.

2. His only contact with people in clans is from missions when those people ridiculed and bullied him for getting shot down. This makes him not want to join clans because he thinks that his clanmates would make fun of him.

3. His depression is what causes him to isolate himself and to not talk to anyone except Lotus.

4. He likes cookies and coca-cola (to bad coca-cola no longer exists, which adds to his depression, being without his favorite drink.)

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i Just found out something interesting, DE will probably Fix it soon...but for right now its awesome. Im running Rage on Valkyr, and when she Ults, of course she doesnt take damage, but she DOES get Energy from the damage that would have been dealt. So as long as there are enemies, she can pretty much Ult constantly.


Yeah....it is quite a bit of reading. It started slow but we picked up a lot of people and kinda exploded from there. Luckily, it was lots of good people.  :)

 You found that rage trick too? :D I don't think they should fix it at all. It's pretty fun and considering she's built more or less with a "don't bother with shields on this one" design, it might make for an interesting combo. Valkyr is an interesting frame in that her dynamic is that health damage isn't as big an issue. I've found if you have a buddy running a Necros or Trinity, she's absolutely outstanding on survival missions.


I'll keep reading and get an idea of what's happening, then inject a little Valkyr goodness and see what happens.

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so much writing today! XD



Walking back to the foundry, Quinn was not at peace. His thoughts were at war with each other his instincts telling him to stay and protect, but he knew nothing was wrong. By the time he got to the foundry it was cold and he was glad for the warming furnaces. The master was still asleep so Quinn threw away the note and went up stairs. He wasn't tiered, so instead of just laying in bed and doing nothing, he got out his weapons to clean and take care of. The sobek shotgun was shined and loaded, his twin vipers the same. Pulling out his fangs, Quinn began to sharpen and hone them. Doing all of this took close to an hour and by the time he was finished, he collapsed into his bed. He dreamed, but he dreamed of the past. 


The medical room was cold, and the white lights gave him a headache. He was going to get a warframe. He was going to be a hero of the people. But something had gone wrong, horribly wrong. 


The “doctors” had said it was going okay, that nothing would go wrong, but they were wrong. His warframe was rejecting him. 


He lasted a few days after getting his warframe before collapsing. After being examined by the “doctors” they said it would be ok, but it wasn't. They knew he would be killed if they could not stop the rejection, and he knew this also this. 


His back hurt so much! But they could do nothing. No one could. He fell, into darkness, into pain, into despair. But there was light, be it only a pin prick, there was light. He didnt know it but he fought to reclaim his warframe, the thing that did not want him. He fought for what? A future, a past, a present.......a life.


Weeks........Weeks had passed since his collapse. His warframe continued to destroy his body, but he fought, with what little life and strength he could muster, he fought. 


Light, bright burning light. Opening his eyes, Quinn could see the white room around him, the bright lights. He could also see...that he was alive. 


No one believed it happened, know one knew how. his warframe’s rejection process had stopped. He had been accepted. But he was scarred beyond measure, almost crippled. They wanted to “fix” him, he declined, he would live with these scars as a trophy of his first victory over rejection. Because this was not the first thing to reject him.



He woke abruptly. Something told him to. Something dark, evil, dead but living, was here. He knew, but he didnt. It was here, to destroy everything they held dear, everything they knew, loved, cared about. It was here to take over. Getting up, Quinn looked out the his window which overlooked the trade district. Nothing was wrong, it was all at peace. His mind still at war, Quinn turned away and tried to sleep again.


He couldn’t. His mind would not let him sleep, let alone rest. Getting up again, he headed down stairs. The foundry was dark of course, except for the workbench. The Foundry Master was sitting there, taking care of his weapons. 


“You feel it also, dear apprentice?” The Master asked, not turning from his work. 


“What do you mean?” Quinn asked, somewhat confused. 


“You feel the horror, the darkness, the evil.” The Master said finally turning to face Quinn. The dark blue eyes were tortured and sad. 


“Yes” Quinn said turning away from those sad eyes. “But what is it?”


“Something you should not of had to worry about for years.” Was the only answer.


“What can i do?” Asked Quinn, turning to the Master again.


“You can do nothing, they will flood us, destroy us, we will fight, die and kill, but we can never win.” Said the Foundry Master sadly. 


“There must be something!!!” Quinn almost yelled.


“There is noth-” The Foundry Master tried to say but was cut off by an alarm. His eyes widening he looked at the monitor. “They are here.” He whispered


“Who?” Quinn asked desperate, he could feel the hate the evil the anger, “WHO?”


The dark blue eyes turned to the apprentice, sadness and despair deep within.


“The Infested.” Was all he could say. Shocked Quinn stumbled backwards. Picking himself up, he started up the steps.


“Where are you going?” The Master asked desperately.


“To save my future.” Quinn said coldly, turning to face the Master with cold eyes, “Because who else will?” 

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XD this is most of his back story, i, most likely, will not write about how he joined the clan and how he got to where is today. This is just something to understand what he really feels inside, alone, working in his foundry.....what it reminds him of every day. 

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Wow Quinn...just...wow...fff...all our hates for the Infested!


On another note, I shall be finally introducing the product of Project Einherjar...after Faust returns Crowley's Djinn.




Day and Night have no meaning in Dojos, the lighting within keeping everything at a set brightness. It was only by the Warlord's election that a Dojo might undertake a sort of cycle wherein the lighting would dim after a 12 hour period and after another 12 hours the lighting would once again become bright as normal. Aequitas did not -at least not yet- follow a Day/Night cycle but Faust felt like the corridors were unusually dim as he tried to discretely make his way back to the Foundry. Having always been somewhat skittish in social situations it was little surprise when both the Foundry-Master and someone he didn't know were talking so seriously then suddenly staring at him he chose to flee. Now the bone-colored Nekros was stuck walking back to his destination when most other Clan members were at rest or on missions.


"You seem afraid." Crowley's Djinn broke the silence, causing Faust to jump several inches off the floor in surprised before he resumed his walk. From the small flickers of the energy lights one might think the Sentinel was laughing to itself. Djinns were very uncommon as they were hard to create compared to the others, requiring research into the Infested biology and a great deal of materials. The creepy voice was just a touch added by Crowley, not that Faust enjoyed it any.


"Yeah well...that Ash might come after us...me...you...okay maybe his Shade'll come after you." The Tenno admitted, turning a corner and slipping past a Nova on her way to the docking bay. That was a rarity, considering after Nova-Quinn had become prevalent almost nobody wanted to try out a Nova Warframe because of her antics...mainly because they thought the Warframe induced insanity somehow which was completely ridiculous...it was obviously brain damage right? Musing quietly to himself, Faust could tell the Djinn hovering over his shoulder was already scheming of a way to get at the Shade...what had he called it before? "Heheh...know-it-all jellyfish." Faust mumbled to himself, trying hard not to snicker as he finally made it back to the Foundry. "That's odd..."


The lights in the Foundry were dark but the door wasn't locked...then again the defense systems were still shot. Still, normally the lights were on if Quinn was in and the door locked if he was out. "Unusual...but Master's signature is down below...along with an unknown signature. It matches no known Clan Member or Warframe signature in the Codex or Database." The Djinn remarked, moving around to the elevator shaft, forcing Faust to come with him.




Crowley looked over Einherjar critically, inspecting it for any sort of flaw in its design, any damage time could have cause it...him. "He looks perfect...and you did remember to use Plastids to help simulate muscle fiber, yes?" The ice-blue Nekros asked the Foundry-Master, though he had no doubt even now that Einherjar was as close to perfection as they could get with him without moving on to the next phase. "For now let's leave the drones non-functional, they might end up revealing his 'nature' to the others before the time comes."


Quinn stood to the side, his arms folded with Crowley's Hate leaned up against the nearby wall. "Yes, yes, everything I could do to simulate living tissues so the Technocyte might recognize it...er...him...as one of us. I still doubt it'll work...but I want to know what you're going to use to power him. A battery is problematic and even our reactors have limits..."


"Your expertise lies in science, my friend...mine...lies in the outermost limits of reality's spectrum." Crowley answered cryptically, holding up his right hand and letting his fingertips surge with energy, glowing a vibrant light blue. "What you see you must never let another soul know of...not even Lotus...I fear what she may do to Einherjar if she does..." Leaving Quinn further in confusing the Grand-Master of the dead suddenly pushed his hand into his chest, seeming to melt through Warframe and flesh as if it were naught but water. Gritting his teeth behind his Raknis helmet Crowley slowly drew out a small orb of pallid blue flames, a spark of life drawn from his own. Without releasing the energy poured into his hand the Nekros repeated the process in reverse with Einherjar.


When finished Crowley let himself breathe, panting for air as he went down on one knee, already feeling the Technocyte causing changes to his body beneath his Warframe...a highly unsettling feeling since he'd known his Nekros as if it were his skin for centuries. The feeling passed and the minor changes stopped...but already Crowley knew he'd started the countdown to his final day. "Awaken." He spoke in a deep, reverent tone, causing the spark of life to take hold, invigorating the creation with life wrought from an ancient, wise soul.


The four 'eye lights' of Einherjar's 'helmet' lit up as he awoke to life and sentience. His artificial mind had been imbued with basic knowledge, but now Einherjar was something far more than a machine or weapon or artifact...something more than Tenno perhaps. Tilting his head, Ein knelt down and held out his hand to Crowley. "Father?" Einherjar's voice sounded youthful, and surprisingly human coming from something that had been made.


Smiling wryly, Crowley took his creation's hand, glad for the assistance. Before he responded, however, the Nekros grabbed his Hate and sighed. "Goodness...Faust needs to get braver if he wanted to surpass me soon...you can't be anti-social at someone's mass when you're the one leading it." He joked, causing Quinn to chuckle a little too.


"Fascinating though...I would never had suspected-" Cut off by the sound of the elevator coming down, all three figures stared at the door as it opened. The first thing out was a Djinn equipped with Coltek Wings and a Coltek Head zooming up to Crowley beeping excitedly.


"Master! I'm so alleviated that you've returned unharmed! Being with Faust was...unproductive." The Djinn slipped into a modulated tone of disappointment, making the nearby Faust shake his head.


"I didn't expect there to be someone else here besides Qui- er...the Foundry-Master! I panicked! Besides, you almost duked it out with the guy's Shade!" Faust protested, folding his arms and generally looking agitated by the Djinn.


Laughing loud and long Crowley held his sides until he stopped, taking his time to recover. "You can't be serious? What are you a pigeon fighting over corn?" Crowley asked jokingly to his Sentinel, making the Djinn buzz frustratedly and turn to Einherjar. "Who is this? What is he wearing? Is it a he?"


Waving off his Djinn, Crowley moved around to place a gentle hand upon Einherjar's shoulder. "This, my apprentice and floating friend, is Ein. He is a new initiate testing an...experimental Warframe for Quinn and I under the Lotus' secret command. We ask that you not inform anyone this was her request, but for now he is to be treated with respect and trained in the field with the other initiates. Is that understood...Disciple Faust?"


Nodding, Faust knew better than to question his mentor when he spoke in that kind of tone. "So...will he be staying in the barracks? I would recommend putting him somewhere more amicable to newcomers if so because...I've heard tell some barracks are not so inviting."


"I am perfectly capable of handling myself." Ein spoke, folding his arms and shifting his weight over to one leg more than the other. "I look forward to learning with others." While there was no face to smile behind the helmet, somehow all the present Tenno could tell that Einherjar was smiling warmly. Even without a human body Ein was so expressive and already so gifted in his vocal intonations that it was impossible to miss his 'expressions'.


Grinning behind his helmet Crowley gave Quinn a knowing look and slipped off toward the elevator. "Ein, you are free to wander the Dojo under my authority and join in any training session you think you may. Remember to be polite, if you please, since I will be watching your behavior." Einherjar cringed a bit, somehow already knowing that wasn't entirely a good thing.


"So...when do I get to meet other Tenno?" He asked Quinn and Faust out of innocent curiosity, holding his arms out in a semi-shrug position.








This is Einherjar, you may recall the unattached head, arm, and leg I drew up earlier in the month.

Edited by khimera
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not at all, he is about.........19-20 ish, what i feel, in the backstory, so he started his apprenticeship when he was about 15-16 and as the foundry master he is...maybe ...30 ish.....that is if you dont count the cryo sleep years....i divulge more at the end of the back story :P


That feels right khi....i just feels right!.....i await more of our dear projec-....... no.......ummmm.....i lost myself X_X


NEVER bejuizb!!!!

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i see young Quinn as a boy 16-18 years of age, in an area of an Orokin citadel where it looks medieval but if you look close, the technology is way ahead of human science...its is the same kind of area i envision Kris having lived in (in an orphanage, his story is not happy. also, never talk or ask about his life before he was Tenno, he doesn't remember much and what he remembers is...not nice.) 

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(Rather Late but here is part two of TALES FROM THE SHARK! EPISODE ONE!)


Tales from the Shark

Episode One

Part Two: The Awakening


-The scene revels itself as part of the Shark’s Bridge, a Long corridor with a mass of sensors and lights, at the helm of the ship is Siren, the Shark’s pilot and Banshee coloured in Navy Blue and Brilliant Gold with Blue lights, slowly her chair swivels around to see the audience, like a queen on the throne, behind her is a mass of controls, all connected to Her uniquely built Warframe -


SIREN: -speaking with a German accent- “Guten Abend, I am Siren, The Shark’s Pilot and Reconnaissance agent, you are standing in my domain of the ship, the helm. Where I control the ship, where I hear everything, where I feel everything. The ship is connected to my mind and I control it with my thoughts, Simple No?”


LEO: “Not exactly”


-LEO appears without his helmet, He's currently holding his helmet by his side, he has pale skin, ice blue eyes and spiky silver hair-


LEO: ­­­-speaking with an Australian Accent- “Well, I see you’ve met Siren, I couldn’t have asked for a better pilot more than her, The Neural connection between her and the Shark itself does have its drawbacks  but they rarely show…unless the CORPUS or Grineer decide to get clever, but I doubt it’ll happen for a while”


SIREN: “It will never happen for at least a few…Suddenly sits up straight and in a mechanized voice all of a sudden “Master Leonardo requested in the docking bay”


LEO: Blinking with confusion and wonder “The Docking bay again? Has Sovereign got himself stuck again?!”


SIREN: Still in her Mechanized voice “Negative, Unknown Cryo-sleep pod has been recovered”


LEO: Frowning again with confusion “Unknown? Where was it located?”


SIREN: Staying silent for a few seconds “A CORPUS Dreadnought from Mars, the Dreadnought was destroyed by Tenno Sovereign


LEO: Of course it was, I’ll head down there now, Get King and Nyx down there also, tell them to bring mag sticks, I got a feeling we've got a big one.


LEO quickly rushes to the Docking bay once more, SIREN looks to the Audience for a final time then swings around to view outside the ship…they’re circling over Mars.


The scene is set back at the Docking bay NYX, GHOST, KING and SOVEREIGN are all Present, in the middle of the docking bay is a Cryopod, but it is not of Oriken or Modern Tenno Design, KING is scanning the Cryopod with his data pad,  SOVEREIGN’s sharpening his Scindo, NYX is assisting KING and GHOST is PLAYING patience, LEO arrives via the lift and nods to all 4 All but Sovereign Nod back


LEO: “What do we have?”


KING: -Has a French accent- “We’re not sure, but what I can tell it has more Lead then a normal Tenno Cryopod, this was designed to survive space”


SOVEREIGN: -Texan accent- “So basically we got to open it?”


Everyone looks to SOVEREIGN perplexed and silent, SOVEREIGN looks back all confused




LEO: “Nothing” Looks to King and Nyx “Nyx, Open it, King, Monitor vitals and how long she’ll thaw”


NYX: -British Accent- “Roger


KING: “bien sûr”–“Of Course”-

SOVEREIGN Grumbles and returns to his axe sharpening, LEO rests by a wall and watches the Cryopod, Ghost continues his game of patience while KING and NYX monitor the Cryopod.

Minutes pass by and the Cryopod beeps suddenly, a hiss and a clanking noise later, the Cryopod opens, revealing a VALKYR Warframe, KING looks on bewildered, NYX looks at it with a expression of surprise, SOVEREIGN just looks at it dumbly, LEO looks on it concerned and GHOST is….watching…”


KING: “Mon Dieu….”

NYX: “Wow…”

LEO: “Hm…”


SOVEREIGN: “Who’s she?”


Everyone looks at SOVEREIGN once more, the VALKYR Suddenly punches SOVEREIGN right in the Jaw, sending him on his back, Everyone gets back and stands on the defensive, VALKYR suddenly jumps up and leaps at LEO who counters by flipping the VALKYR to the wall which gets dented by the VALKYR’s back, LEO quickly jumps to his feet and prepares himself, GHOST throws a mag-stick to LEO which LEO catches and manages to get VALKYR by the collar, SOVEREIGN brings up the next Mag-stick and restrains VALKYR’s Hands, the two bring the Berserker to her knees,


LEO: “You Okay Sov?”


SOV: “I'm fine, nothing takes down a Rhino that easy!”


LEO: “Not what I heard with Maggie” LEO Grins evilly


SOV: “She cheated!”


KING nods to LEO and takes over Restraining the VALKYR, LEO walks in front to see eye to eye with the VALKYR, kneeling down to her height


LEO: “I know you can hear me in there.  I’ve seen Valkyr Tenno before and they are reasonable, you’re no different

The VALKYR lunges forward at LEO with a roar, but she only gets a foot near his face due to the Mag-sticks holding her back. LEO looks at her un-phased at the VALKYR; NYX looks at her, holding the sides of her head together


NYX: “So much anger…She’s gone Hysteric, we’ll have to wait for a while


LEO: “No need”


The VALKYR gradually calms down, still filled with primal rage and the urge to hit something but gradually calming herself… She looks at LEO with a primal look, as if he was prey.


LEO: “Do you understand us?”


VALKYR: Stays silent for a few seconds then finally responds “Yes”


LEO: “Are you one of Zanuka’s escapees?”


VALKYR:  Just Looks at LEO, jumping towards him for a moment in anger but then looks confused, her head twitching “Zan….Uka….”


LEO: “Are you?”


VALKYR looks at LEO for a moment and twitches her head a few times She then looks back to LEO


VALKYR: “Don’t know”


LEO: “Do you have a name?”


VALKYR: “…Zanuka….Zanu….R….Ro….” VALKYR’s head twitches rapidly and gasps for air suddenly then finally looks to LEO “R…Rogue…”


LEO: Nods slowly then looks to KING and SOV “Get her to Ana, have her give Rogue a full medical check-up” LEO looks to ROGUE as her hands and neck are released. ”We’re going to send you to our Doctor, don’t worry she won’t perform any experiments on you…she’ll just make sure your alright”


ROGUE looks at LEO for a moment then nods, Following SOV and KING to the Medical bay, LEO looks to GHOST and NYX


LEO: Have Siren know we have a new passenger and get Lotus on the line, We’re about to get in some serious stuff I think”

Edited by Drakeardian
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Tyranthius woke up. He woke at the same time almost every day, at thirty minutes before Earth's sunrise. He had decided on it himself; he found that he had much more free time that would otherwise be wasted on sleeping, and waking before "dawn" was a time-honored tradition. Or at least it was in the old-Earth novels Lucid liked so much.


He looked around his quarters. He didn't like being in the Council too much, but the enlarged living space was certainly much appreciated. He had enough room to sleep eight people, though he sometimes wondered why it was so. It wasn't as if he was bringing people into his private space. The things they might find in here. He found himself wondering off-hand if the other Council members had a similar situation. He knew X shared his space with Loki, but that was only because everyone wanted someone to keep an eye on him. It doesn't matter; the Dojo's so large we're actually renting parts of it out.


He rose, went through his morning routine in his very own lavatory, then went right to work. These days, this meant looking through his inbox and checking whether Frohd Bek had anything to offer him. He didn't, but there was a new message all the same. Sifting through the sexual enhancement advertisements that he suspected Loki was sending him, he saw a message tagged under job offer. He opened it, and it read;




Details: Reports have been received of unusual energy levels in certain Orokin Tower. Tenno required to investigate, document source through Codex, and report findings. Key to be provided upon acceptance.


At this point, Tyranthius nearly refused it. He hated these missions. More often than not, there was simply a simulated energy nexus there - a  completely natural occurrence in the old Towers - or a misreading of an instrument. But then:


Will reward completion with: One (1) Orokin Reactor, fully completed; Three (3) Orokin Catalysts, fully completed, 500,000 Credits, and all obtained artifacts and modules during course of mission.


This gave him pause. This can't be right. Even Sargas and Alad never offered this much, and they had economic reserves to call upon. For a simple investigation? He checked the source; often, some enterprising hack decided he would cheat a Tenno, offering bogus rewards and attempting to vanish when they were called to pay. It never worked. There was no listed source, which threw its credibility even more into question. He almost decided to ignore it, but he checked official notices. The Lotus had nothing for him today. No official duties. He had plenty of spare time. This could work to my advantage. The Lotus compensates even unofficial Void journeys, so I won't be unpaid. I don't even have to use my own Key.


The reward if he did get it, though, was what he was interested in. His equipment was supercharged - each and every piece - but he had his heart set on a Vectis. Besides, he could always give them to Lucid. The Credit sum was also impressive. Though Tyanthius was by no means poor - two million Credits in dispensable wealth - he could do much with extra cash. He could give more prizes to the LOKIs that participated in his convoluted tournaments, create his own potato garden, and maybe even take - No. Be professional. Nothing will come of it. What would the others say?


His finger hovered for a moment over the display, and then he pressed on accept.

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