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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Here we go.




The Mag entered the abandoned base on the small asteroid through a ventilation shaft, one she had just blown open.


"Remember, we are being followed. Get the target and get to extraction as fast as possible. ETA to Corpus arrival, ten minutes." The Lotus said, her voice echoing through the Mag's mind.


"Ten minutes, got it." She said, more to herself than to the Lotus, as she dropped down to the top-level of the base, using the walls of the ventilation shaft as brakes just in time.

She looked around where she had landed, seeing the tell-tale signs of the infection. "Beautiful." she said sarcastically as she drew her twin LATOs, taking the safeties off right before opening the unlocked door in front of her.


Inside was a long hallway, the roof lined with windows. 'The overview on the way here showed that most of this place is like this.' she thought as she took note of the two chargers that hadn't noticed her yet, as they were too busy munching on something in the infected 'bushes', she didn't want to find out what they were munching on as she walked inside, raising her left arm and using the magnetic generator to pull the two towards her, breaking more than a few bones. She then fired two quick shots for safety, one directly into each charger's head.


"Anything else here than fresh infected?" She asked the Lotus, already opening the next door.


"The scanners show......" The Lotus said, her silence not helping the Mag.


"You don't have to tell me now... I think I see it. Just keep an eye for the Corpus that are coming." She said, the sight actually making her gulp. 


She had dealt with numerous infected before, but what was in these labs was something impossible, something that the Corpus had been too arrogant to fear as they made it, and that something was now sizing her as its next meal. 

Edited by Pyjamalama
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I've posted this before, but we had less than a quarter the number of people we have now, so i feel i need to post it again. Please forgive for repeats :)


   The Tenno Creed


Skirata would disagree on a few points there :P


Warframe. The movie

It has to happen, people...

Or of ash and fire movie. Think about it...let it sink in...and give me a cookie for the amazing idea.



And now for an extremely long post.  I advise you to grab a few snacks and read this in the bathroom, it could take a while.  Enjoy...


*  *  *


The hanger was busy.  Cruisers were being repaired or refueled for their next leg.  Another vessel, larger than a snub but still rather small compared to the Tenno station, approached the entrance to the hanger.  It's cargo were two important beings.  They had recently returned from a hard fought defensive battle in the Void.  Awaiting them were two of the leaders of this dojo and the Tenno they mentored.  As the leaders of this particular dojo, it was their job to ensure all the passing allies were either ready for their onward journeys, or welcome them back from distant corners of the galaxy.


The three figures' heads were the only exposed part of their bodies.  They all had lived since before the collapse, and all of them had their choice weapons equipped when on duty.  The Warlord of the dojo was on the left of the trio, a Grand Master, covered by his Prime Vauban warframe.  The other leader, a Master, was a dark colored Nyx standing between the Warlord and their apprentice.  The apprentice was a lightly colored Excalibur of the rank of Hunter, his impatience expressed by the way he stood with his arms folded.


The vessel slowly and perfectly entered the hanger through the force field.  The ship obviously had some upgrades, the additions standing out as they were of Orokin origin, not Corpus manufactured like the rest of it.  The spacecraft turned 180 degrees before landing onto the deck with a loud clunk.  After a moment, the rear hull panels pulled apart, letting a ramp extend down to the deck.  Even before the ramp had made it halfway, two fully covered Tenno strode down the ramp, stepping onto the deck soon after the ramp lip.  As the arrivals walked towards the three awaiting them, their frames and weapons glistened; the gold trim catching the hanger’s lights from all directions.  They were about 5 paces from them when DeQuaste, the Vauban, greeted them.


“Welcome back from the Void!  I trust that your mission went well?”


“Pfft, of course it went well.  We are Masters with Prime warframes and weapons, not to mention the forma, catalysts and reactors.  How could any mission give us trouble?”  It was the Excalibur Prime that spoke first.


DeQuaste’s face was impassive, and replied smoothly, “I did not mean to insult you, just merely making small talk.”  He gestured to the Nyx and Excalibur beside him, “Anyways, I would like to introduce you to Master Scythel and Hunter Skirata.  Scythel will handle any issues regarding your vessel and help make your temporary living quarters more comfortable during your stay.  Skirata is here to ask you a few questions regarding Void raids, he is focussing most of his time preparing for the next tier of tower missions he will soon be allowed to partake in.”


The other visitor, a Volt Prime, spoke this time.  “Hahaah.  Well, Skirata, you have difficult road ahead of you.  You should probably look into another sect of missions for the Lotus.  Corpus capture missions sound about right.”


Scythel stepped forward, “He can take care of himself well enough.  You should show some respect and pass down some of your knowledge.  After all, we recognize you deserve rest after coming out of the Void, we are humbly giving you our permission to recover in our dojo.”


The Excalibur Prime chuckled.  “My, my, protective, feisty, and a fine figure.  I admire that, but maybe you should get back to your caretaker duties instead of hinting at having any weight over us.  Hmm, and I have a special request for my quarters, I’m sure you could make them more comfortable, personally.”


Skirata unfolded his arms instantly, but Scythel’s hand was already holding his forearm, a silent plea to keep him from acting against the obnoxious Tenno.  “You’ll want to apologize before I make you, tha’kaar.”


The Excalibur Prime’s head snapped back towards Skirata.  “What did you say to me, Hunter?”


DeQuaste stepped between the four Tenno, “Alright!  That is enough.  Scythel, you and Skirata go train, I will be along shortly.”


Scythel pulled Skirata around, starting to walk away.  They did not make 5 meters.


“HA! That’s right, go train little Cali.  Grown ups have to talk now. Oh and Scythel, I’ll come get you later!”


The Hunter stopped dead, and turned his head sideways to look at Scythel.  His Pendragon reformed around his head, and he turned back towards the Primes.


Scythel reached for his shoulder, “Brad don’t...”  He shrugged her off and continued.


DeQuaste stepped aside, staying close just in case he needed to interfere.  Skirata was now toe to toe with the Excalibur Prime.


“Take it back.”




“Fine.  I challenge you to a duel, melee only, no abilities, first to neutralize the other wins.”


The smugness in the Prime’s words was thick.  “I do not have to prove myself to someone like you.”


Skirata’s tone was even and measured.  “I’ll make it worth it for you then.  You win, I’ll take your orders until your scheduled departing, and you get my Bolto Prime.”


The Prime smirked behind his helmet.  “And if you win?”


“If I win... you apologize, then leave this station, and I get that lovely Lato Prime your hand’s been caressing since you got here.”


The Prime thought it over, “Hmm, bold, but stupid.  I accept your challenge.  I hope the training weapons here are well crafted.  Lead me to the dueling room.”


“Oh no.  We’ll be using our actual weapons, right here, right now.  Unless you’re afraid I’ll hurt you or break your Fang Prime...”


“Ohohhooo, letting me use my Primes against your Grinear assembly-line warframe and Skanas?  You asked for this, remember that.”  The Excalibur Prime Super-jumped straight up, his right foot connecting under Skirata’s chin, sending Skirata onto his back.


The others quickly backed away.  Skirata recovered before he hit the ground, using the energy from the kick to roll backwards and removed his Skanas from their magnetic sheaths as he regained his balance in an offensive stance.  Skirata dashed back at the Prime as he landed, both of their weapons clinging to each other as Skirata continued past the Prime.  As Skirata turned around he parried the Prime’s stab that was meant for his spine.  The Prime kicked out Skirata’s knee while he was distracted by parrying the blades.  Skirata fell, twisting onto the kicked knee, going to sweep the Prime’s feet out.  The Prime hopped backwards, then leaped back at Skirata.  Skirata rolled on his back and kicked his legs into the Prime’s torso after knocking his Fang Prime out of the way.  The Prime was sent flying over Skirata.  Skirata flipped himself up backwards, and turned to stab down where the Prime should have landed.  The Prime was already up and going for Skirata’s neck from the side.  Skirata rolled forward, swiping his right Skana across the Prime’s shin.


The Volt Prime started, but did not get very far before DeQuaste and Scythel both stopped him.  DeQuaste wrapped his arm around the Volt’s shoulders,  “Now where do you think you could possibly be going, ol’ chap?”


The Excalibur Prime flinched at the slash on his leg.  Growing angrier and more desperate he sped up his attacks, causing Skirata to stay on the defensive for several minutes.  Still unable to find an opening on his opponent, the Prime resorted to his abilities.  He knocked Skirata’s guard after using his Blind ability, head butted Skirata, and Super-jumped away.


As Skirata got up and looked for the Prime, he heard a charging sound followed by a zip-woosh.  He ducked just in time to dodge the Prime’s Slash Dash.  The Prime wasted no time turning and doing another, and another, another.  Skirata lost his balance trying to keep up with the Prime.  Twirling around after the Prime’s Dashes, Skirata’s legs became twisted, his body lagging behind or going too fast for his feet.  The Prime landed several blows, tearing into Skirata's warframe and skin.  The Prime must have done about fifteen Dashes now.  Skirata was barely holding on, then regained his balance, but only for a split second as the Prime knocked him to the floor.  Skirata caught one of the Prime’s wrists as the hand connected stabbed down.  Skirata’s other hand still hand the Skana, now in a lock with the Prime’s other dagger.


“Give it up, Hunter... You will never beat me.”


“At least I can say I didn’t have to resort to verbal games to win.”


The Prime had been leaning into Skirata, pressing the Fang Primes in for the final blow.  So much, that he had barely passed over the angle needed to keep Skirata’s Skana from twisting out of the lock.  The talking had helped distract the Prime from Skirata barely adjusting his own blade ever so slightly.  Skirata twisted the blade in a snap of his wrist, sending the Skana and dagger several meters away.  With his free hand, Skirata went from the twisted position from the disarming move to punching the Prime while at the same time activating his own blinding ability just as the fist connected to the side of the Prime’s helmet.  The Prime’s weight shifted, Skirata’s right leg hooked over his waist, slamming the Prime down while simultaneously providing the leverage needed to yank the rest of his body atop the Prime’s back.  Between the flurry of movement and the Blind, it was easy for Skirata to wretch free the dagger that had just before been centimeters above his chest.  The single Fang Prime dagger was now piercing the Prime’s neck armor.  The blade barely breaking skin and started to trickle blood down to the handle and floor below the Prime’s face.


“Hope seeing your own blood drawn by someone of lower rank and supposedly a lesser Tenno opens your eyes to your faults.  Do you concede?”


The Prime’s arms raised, palms braced on the floor.  “Errah, f*ck y-”


Skirata pulled back the Prime’s head while also pushing both his knees into the Prime’s elbows.  “Sorry, didn’t catch that.”  He slid the dagger a little deeper into flesh, a lot more now blood streaming out from the wound.


The Prime’s voice was stressed and he gurgled a little.  “Yess - hhh - I concede!”


“Good.  Thanks for the new pistol.”  With that, Skirata removed the dagger from the Prime’s neck and brought it up and back down.  He grabbed the Lato Prime and holstered it as he stood up and picked up his Skanas, leaving the Prime on the floor gasping, his lung punctured from behind, only the hilt visible on his back.  The battered Hunter limped back towards DeQuaste and Scythel, who had let the Volt Prime go help his friend.  The rage finally leaving his veins, satisfied with the justice he had dealt.  His Pendragon folded in on itself, exposing his face, showing hints of the anger edging away, but mostly a emotionless, hard set, that people who did not know him well would only see.


DeQuaste reached out towards him, and they clasped forearms tightly.  “You fought well.  However, if that Tenno had been observant and not clouded by his pride,  he could have taken you easily.  You let your anger win over whenever you made a mistake.  And you took it too far at the end, Skirata.  That was unhonorable.”


“I simply returned what we received, Louis.  If you have a problem with that, I apologize, but I do not regret it.”  Skirata turned to Scythel, who moved to support him, taking one of his arms across her shoulders.  “They can get their ship prepped, but make sure they hold up the rest of their end and leave right afterwards, Louis.”  DeQuaste nodded, and the Excalibur and Nyx exited the hanger.


He had realized he was dreaming of his past, but let it play out in his head instead of waking himself like he usually did.  He craved reliving those short moments with his old friends.  If it must be by dream so be it he decided.  However, it still did not make it easy when he woke up; alone, and now unable to continue sleeping.


He rose, sat at the edge of his bed, grabbing one of the pistols under his pillow as he did so.  He turned over the Lato Prime in his hands, scratching at the engravings he had etched long ago on the side of the barrel.  He hefted the gun in his right hand, before holstering it on his right thigh.  He stood, the lights on his warframe - which he always slept in since that infamous night - were the only source of light in the room.  He ambled over to his desk, activating his personal computer via hand gesture.  He could have programmed it to respond to his mental command, but he favored physical commands over lazy ones.


The holographic screen projected around him, forming a semicircle about his head as he sat down in front of the work space.  Before beginning his main work, he sent a message to Zel, telling her she had the day off.  Then, he disconnected his systems from all outside sources, including the Lotus’, the way that a dear friend of his taught him...


“Hurry up, Ben.  We don’t have much time left!”  Skirata grew anxious.


“Hey, can’t rush an artist, and we got enough time.  Now look, we gotta get past a firewall, this is what we have to do...”  He showed Skirata the complicated algorithms and other various code and processes involved.  After several minutes of explanation, Skirata understood.  “And you’ve still got the wireless signal inhibitor active, yeh?”


“Yes, but why are we even stealing from the Lotus? They’re on our side.”


“Louis said for me to make sure this trip was educational, and I’m doing it in my own way.  Here, download this data block, its got some old, old, Earth music in it.  Its amazing they even were able to salvage this.”


“Okay, I got it, and its installed in the hidden sector of my systems.”


“Good, now we can decrypt this back home after our official business here.  Remember to deactivate the inhibitor once we get back out in public.”  The Loki and Excalibur quickly and stealthily left the archives.


...Then he uploaded the files from his warframe by transmitting the data through his palm that was placed on a scanner on the desk.  He began using another skill that same friend gave him to decrypt some archived code from one of the Lotus organization’s HQ hubs.


The music started flowing, each 5 minute length of tune playing after he was done with it.  After about a half hour he had a decent length of music unlocked and streaming through his helmet’s audio.  He leaned back in his chair and relaxed, listening to what people, normal human people, listened to so long ago.  He was lost in the melody of another piece when it suddenly changed to a screeching sound.  He jumped, and immediately turned down the volume mentally.  He paused the stream, and went back to see what he had done incorrectly whilst extracting the data.  He skimmed over it several times, nothing was wrong with it.  Unless... he reformatted how the data was being interpreted.  He then replayed it in reverse, audibly and visually.  Several replays later, he isolated the segment of data involving the non-music information, extracted it, and copied it onto a data chip before locking the data away back in the ghost sector of his system’s data banks.  He fiddled with the chip, then hid it between his skin and his warframe near his groin.  He doubled checked that everything was locked down on his systems and the computer cleared before deactivating the inhibitor.


He grabbed his other pistol, the Bolto Prime, and locked his room before leaving to go to his private training room.  He needed to think on what he had just discovered.  Doing some exercises and room renovations would be helpful, his mind free to analyze the information while his body moved through the long memorized forms.


*  *  *


EDIT:  minor grammar touch ups, forgot a word here...another was needed there....


Edited by BRad_Skirata
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*slips a note regarding how Kris reacts to superiors*


the note says: Kris's actions when taking orders or listening to superiors are peculiar but easily over-looked. 


1. in the vicinity of superiors, Kris will become extremely polite and calm (with Lotus being the only exception. they are on friend basis now)

2. When talking to superiors Kris will often use thou instead of you and doest thou instead of do you.

3.if not given a reason to surpass a superior, Kris will not even try due to his belief that his superiors are superior in every aspect.

4. he is poor. doesn't really relate to his superiors but he only owns a Sicarus, a Latron prime he got as a gift from Lotus and a Skana.

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Welp, here's a continuation of the last bit, I hope it fits in ok. Props to Quinn's new character for managing to not wake my character up btw xP





Waking up, her mind still fuzzy and half asleep, the first thing Acantha noticed was that she was somewhere comfortable and warm. She rolled over, getting tangled in… blankets? She blinked, sitting up.


“Where…?,” she muttered to herself while she pushed herself upright. Taking notice of her surroundings for the first time, she was confused. She had been lying, and was now sitting up, in a simple but comfortable bed in a room with dimmed lights. She could see other, identical cots, around the room. It was a solid white and spacious area, with the not necessarily unpleasant smell of antiseptic and rubbing alcohol permeating the air.


An infirmary? She thought, still puzzling out her surroundings. She realized she was still in her warframe, and her weapons were nowhere in sight. With that realization came the memory of where she’d been before; the Memorial Hall in Aequitas’s dojo. But how did I get from there to here….? And where exactly is here?


Before her thoughts could go any further, a door opened at the end of the room and a woman in a Trinity warframe walked in, “Ah, I see you’re awake. I have to admit, I was a little worried about you when that Volt first brought you in. You obviously had just come from battle, and I was sure something had happened, but it turns out the only thing you were suffering from was exhaustion.”


“Where am I?” she asked the woman, “How long have I been here? How did I get here? I have to get back, the battles on Jupiter…”


The Trinity cut her off as Acantha went to pull herself out of bed, find her weapons and helmet, and launch herself out of the nearest door and towards the most available shuttle heading for the fighting.


“One question at a time. You, my dear, aren’t going anywhere. First of all, you’ve obviously pushed yourself too far. You’ve been sleeping something like twenty hours, and a good bit of that seems to have happened against a very uncomfortable pillar on the floor. You will spend some time resting before I intend to discharge you. A request was also put in to have you meet with the Council and word from them is due in shortly. It would be rude not to at least wait and see what they have to say.


“As to how you got here and where you are, you’re in the infirmary of Aequitas Dojo. A Volt carried you in, his warframe was painted almost the exact color of bone. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you his name. All I know is he found you in the Memorial Hall and thought this a better place for you to rest than the floor. He was also the one who requested that a message be sent to the Council about you. Is he someone you know, perhaps?”


“A  bone colored Volt? No, I can’t say that I do,” she went quiet for a moment, wondering at how she was carried here without her waking up, and what kind of person would go to such an effort for a complete stranger such as herself. Then, her sense of urgency returning, she said, “Twenty hours…. But the battles to stop the Zanuka project… I’ve been away for far too long already, I can’t let them all fight without me. I might be only one warrior, but even the smallest weight can often tip the balance in a war. I can rest when the fighting is over, when I’m sure everyone is safe. Where is my gear?”


The Trinity put a gentle, restraining hand on the Nova’s shoulder, keeping her from getting up off of the bed. Acantha was certain she had a smile on her face as she prevented her from getting to her feet.


“The battle is going well. From the news I’ve heard the fighting is already nearly over. Save your strength for now, you’ll need it for when the call goes out about where Alad V is hiding. You can afford to rest until then. Trust our brethren to hold the line for a few more hours. As to your weapons, I took the liberty of having them sent for cleaning while you slept, they should be ready for you soon. Judging by your reaction when you woke, I’m rather glad I did,” Acantha was sure by now the Trinity was grinning, “Your helm, by the way, is stowed beneath your cot.”


“Oh. Thank you,” she sat there for a minute, thinking. “If you won’t discharge me until I’m rested anyway, might there be a place I could wash? I know there isn’t much I can do to clean my warframe right now, but a shower would be heavenly.”


The Trinity laughed, “Of course, and I can have some supplies sent up for you to clean your warframe as well, if you like. As long as you’re at least taking it fairly easy I’ll be happy. You can even have my blessing to have the run of the dojo for the length of your stay if it would make you happy, but no sparring, training, or overexerting yourself. Is that survivable miss…?”


“Acantha,” she said, smiling, “My name is Acantha. Thank you, healer.”


She hesitated a moment, as something the Trinity said earlier finally sank in to her mind, “What did you say about meeting a Council…?”

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Welp, here's a continuation of the last bit, I hope it fits in ok. Props to Quinn's new character for managing to not wake my character up btw xP

hahah made me grin reading that. now its time for a someone to write about the council.


i figured since Acantha had come from battle and seeing as she was pushing her limit i figured she had almost passed out instead of fell asleep in the memorial hall, made it easy for my volt. 

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Alrighty then, continuing with what I had just started.



The Mag had barely evaded the thing, diving through an unlocked door and shooting the door's console, locking it. Her left arm was numb and there was a gash the whole way down it.

'Shields are no good with it.... lovely.' she thought as she recalled how the room thing was in looked like, there were two other exits, and no doubt one of them led to her extraction point.


"Lotus, terminate mission, the target is dead, rescue is out of the question." She said as she took a quick look of the room she was in now, a tunnel down to a mining area, the longest path to the extraction point. 


"Tenno, get to evac ASAP. This mission has been terminated, dispatching a full rescue team to your location now. ETA thirty minutes." The Lotus said in her usual emotionless tone.


"I'm guessing they will be a clean-up crew after the Corpus arrive. Lovely." The Mag said to herself as she made her way onwards, three of her weapons useless now, her Paris, her Orthos and one of her Latos. Her left arm hung lifeless by her side as her shields finally reactivated, casting a blue glow around her as they recharged and kept her from bleeding out.


Down the tunnel a small group of chargers... well... charged at her, only to be met by rapid gunfire from a single Lato. Her thoughts went to how she had got there, how she had been so eager to take this mission, how she had been ready to go on her own against the Lotus's consent, just because she wanted to meet the one she had been there to rescue. 


Back in the present, she barely noticed a leaper as it was about to land its pounce on her. She barely managed to fire one bullet at it, point blank, and thanks to the modifications she had done years ago to her Latos, the bullet shattered in the leaper's face, both freezing and puncturing through its skull. It fell dead, but landed on her, throwing her to the ground and onto the damaged arm. Thankfully the shield lessened the impact, but the pain still managed to make her black out for a moment.


"Come on, you can do this." she said to herself when she woke up again as she barely rolled the leaper off her with one hand in the clumsy position she was in, slowly rising up afterwards. "Work through the pain." 


"Tenno, the Corpus ship's ETA is down to three minutes. ETA for rescue is twenty-five minutes." The Lotus's voice beckoned in her ears.


"Five minutes gone?" She asked herself, going onwards down the tunnel, hoping not to have to deal with any more infested. Her arm was killing her and when she finally found a supply box she tore it open, almost laughing over having found a mending-nanite orb in there. She picked it up and ran it by the gash in her arm, watching the nanites sedate it, then sewing together bone and muscle, finishing with closing the real skin and her second skin before deactivating.

"That was all you little boys had? It's better than nothing, so that's that." she said as she put the orb down, moving her hand and clenching her fist, regaining feeling in the arm.


She holstered her Lato, picking up her Paris and notching an arrow on it as she went through the last door in the tunnel, opening up to a massive cave, the heart of the mining operation on this rock. And on the other side of the cave, a good two miles ahead and five hundred feet higher, she could see the evac zone and the evac shuttle's 'entrance'. Between her and it were a good amount of infected with a few Ancients.


"Lotus, this is going to be a close call." She said as she drew the string.

Edited by Pyjamalama
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