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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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This thread is always at full steam.


I saw what you did there.


Hah...now, what reference is it? You get a cookie and possibly traded plat if you do get it right (no promises)


Ah, but what WILL Ein do? I know I sort of interjected, but I see Heus being an instructor at this point, at least at certain times, so that's why I used him. I'm actually under the assumption Zel, Nova-Quinn, and Issachar are in the class along with the normal gaggle of NPCs.

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the reference is warhammer, Ork faction


Edit: i are not giving a f*ck if i gave the answer away, because now everybody will know! muahahahahaha :3 also cookies and plat, my favorite things


Edit 2: i am also leaving Kris in the memorial hall for now. be nice if someone were to bump into my depressed excal.

Edited by FatViking
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hahahha maybe, maybe....well see viking >_>


so adding some more of my volt, just need a name....maybe when he meets some people he will introduce himself.


He left Aequitas a few hours after dropping the sleeping Nova off at the medical wing. He had surprised himself by doing that, he never really liked others, though he was very good with them. Sitting in his small cargo ship, the Volt was cleaning his very unique weapon.  It looked like a simple blade but it was sharp enough to cut through armor plating, without bending or breaking. It was kept in a sheath at his side and was used for quick, accurate, cuts. He had asked the Lotus for specific old world information on its use. He learned the old world technique called, Iaido, of drawing, cutting, removing the blood from the blade, then sheathing. It had taken him years to master and many more to perfect. Sheathing the blade carefully, the Volt locked in into place on the wall in its case. 


Sitting down on his small cot and removed his Storm helmet, the Volt sighed deeply. What an odd day he had. Actually helping someone who he didnt even know. Setting aside his helmet and laying down, he drifted into an uneasy sleep. Old memories flashed behind his eyelids, of the people he had once trusted, had once cared about, and what they did to break that trust. Eyes snapping open, he sat up abruptly. A few hours had gone by and his alarm had woken him up, it was time to dock and gather the weeks supplies. Getting up he taped a few buttons setting his ship on course to the nearest dojo or station.


The nearest Dojo was Aequitas. Shaking his head the he, just accepted his fate. This dojo wanted him and it wasn't going to let him go that easily. He had to admit though, the dojo was peaceful and many of the Tenno living there were kind and caring, including their council. Maybe he could join, and enjoy the peace again, at least for awhile. Setting his ship to auto pilot, he sat down again and got his gear around. Strapping his sword to his waist, and began gathering up the random credits which littered the floor and when he was done he had arrived at the docking station of the Aequitas dojo, again. 


edit: page 100....so close you are! XD

Edited by QuinnsWing
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