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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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i have no inspiration for tonight, except for a mission i am planning on making Kris go on after he has met Sandal...can someone write the Sandal meeting for me so i don't have to worry about that?



Hint: Mission includes Kris recovering an old weapon of his.

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You don't have to worry about meeting Sandalphon, if it benefits a majority it's okay to skip minor happenstances. (If we wrote EVERYTHING our Tenno did this thread would be filled with menial actions, repeated missions, and possibly x-rated things on occasion. And the pies...so many pies and cookies...)

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It's really okay Viking, time skips and events happening at different periods along the timeline of aequitas are normal in the thread. For a while we had some stuff going on where one thing had already happened but while said event was happening something else was going on or some such...not descriptive is not descriptive.

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Guillermo sighed forlornly as he skulked into his quarters. He unsealed his Warframe, removing his helmet with the rest of his armour quickly following suit, leaving him in nothing but his circuitry suit. 


Things haven't been the same since Alex died. But anybody could tell you that. He sighed again before walking out the door, still in his circutry suit - to the mess hall.


He might as well do something productive while trying to keep his mind off of the biggest loss their little Warband has seen yet.


Hours, and many filled Tenno stomachs later, he returned to his quarters to find the pieces of his armour gone, and a package on his bed with a note addressed to him from it.


"This came to you via shipment, with no return address or sender info on it. It's scanned so we know it's safe - but no idea what it is. 




Guillermo quickly opened the package and his jaw dropped at its contents.


A fresh, potato'd, brand spanking new Latron Prime.


Well, sweet pacific rim job, someone's looking out for him today!


As he immediately looked it over and tinkered with it, he completely forgot to ask himself just who could've sent it to him...




Hmmm, I wonder who sent that to him. /s


Also, you guys got yourself a cook/bartender package deal now, just saying.

Edited by CommanderCorgi
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nice, but stop posting poe-try and post stories :3

It is a simple request so I shall try to abide.


Expansion; To Ruk from Valkyr.


"Blasphemy! How dare the council treat me as a lesser being! Cowards, they do hide behind their walls of words."

Pacing back and forth, a Valkyr Warframe contemplates her dilemma.

"I shall prove my worth, Lotus, set me up a transport. The target is General Sargas Ruk".


Without haste or prejudice the Warframe quickly and mindlessly tears her way through hordes of Grineer troops that guard the ship Ruk is on. With her head full of anger she ignores all warnings from the Lotus until she finally reaches where Ruk resides. Staring in awe at the arena that has been prepared for their battle.


Before the battle commences the General waves his hand to allow a private audience with the Warframe.

"You Tenno, Forget the Lotus, Grineer are your masters. Submit for mercy."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you Ruk but I have to decline. I am here for your head and I am not leaving without it."

"Are you just mercenaries? Fighting for scraps? Where is this so-called Tenno honor?"

"No, this fight is for myself and as for my honor, well, the council denies me even a moment of their audience."


As the two converse both sides grow increasingly aggravated until the general aims and quickly fires a napalm blast towards the Warframe.


Shrugging off the intial blast the two go at it like feral cats and dogs. The slow powerful hits of the Grineer General weigh heavily into the nimble Warframe but the quick and precise strikes ultimately bring the dog to his knees.


Stopping her advances, the Warframe allows time for the General to recover. With a smug grin Sargas Ruk places his cannon arm towards the ground taking in deep and heavy breaths.

"You shoot well. You cut well. You fight well, your death will be glorious!"

Without warning a torrent of flames escape from the cannon blasting back all in the quake bringing the General back to his feet. With the Warframe blasted back off her feet the General gloats and allows her the same courtesy of recovery.

"Too easy, I expected more! I deserve a challenge!"


After surviving such heavy blows and having the wind knocked out of her the Warframe rests herself on her rear. Her body took substantial damage but she was not out yet. Building up what little energy she has left she hops back up to her feet. As she nears the General she unleashes a bellowing cry from within causing the heavy General to stumble and seizing the moment to viciously slash at Ruk with her energy blades, tearing deep wounds into the General's armor and causing him to fall back down on one knee. Reaching deep within the glowing gashes in his armor she rips out what bits she can before being tossed back by the General.

"Rraaahudd Tenno! What flesh is within that Warframe? I will crush it. I will fill my lungs with your death!"


Seeing the General fall to his knees once more the troops within the background start taking aim and laying down suppressing fire. With ease the Warframe dodges the bullets escaping the line of sight of the troops awaiting in the shadows to deliver the finishing blow to the General.


Badly beaten the General grimaces and admits his silent defeat for only the Warframe to hear. Exposing his weakened vitals to where the Warframe was hiding, the Warframe quickly leaps out of the shadows and turns the two so the General soaks up the suppressing fire for their final words.

"It saddens me to do this...I truly enjoyed it; killing you."

With a simple grin and the life quickly passing the General delivers his final words.

"Regret will be your legacy."




To Ruk from Valkyr.

If I could I would commit this moment to the void. Forever, longing to forget-

For the happiness that brought weighted heavily on my heart. The happiness that I regret-

I enjoyed it {Killing You}. From our romantic rendezvous.



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Heres the second installment to my post here (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/74088-of-ash-and-fire-how-we-envision-our-tenno-submit-your-own/?view=findpost&p=1638044)




Chapter 2



                EARTH: In an area known as Eurasia

                The pain is all too real. It’s the only thing that my mind can grasp for now. Memories that can give you comfort in times like this are nonexistent so this is the only thing I know. I now know what five slugs of high-caliber rounds slamming against your chest feels like. In fact, it’s the only thing I’m recalling at the moment. It seems like everything was in slow motion. Looking back, there were other ways for me to live through that without me getting shot. I also know that I should stop beating myself over it.

But that pain. Caused by broken ribs caving in from impact and piercing through skin. The Warframe managed to take the damage but my body could not.  They told me I was in a 3-day coma and have been sleeping for a week. I wasn’t surprised that I survived that, I wasn’t even surprised at the fact that I healed that fast. Somehow, I wasn’t. What surprised me was the “first time” I looked myself in a mirror. I was hoping to at least remember something. To see a feature or a birthmark that might trigger a memory.

 What I saw, however, was something that no one could be prepared for. My skin was pale. So pale and semi-transparent that musculature and blood vessels could be seen in some areas of my body except my face.

That face. That reflection could not have been mine. Sharp features in an otherwise normal face, devoid of one important feature. Where I know a mouth should have been, there was just skin. No scars. Then, it hit me. I also don’t have hair anywhere. Logically, I think that could have attributed to cryostasis, but you don’t lose a mouth in the process.

The next thing that I notice is that my body doesn’t have any scars as well. Even my recent surgery has been healing rather fast these past few days and you could clearly notice it getting smaller without ever leaving any blemishes. I know I am Tenno. But what ARE the Tenno? So many things I don’t understand and it is apparent that we Tenno are not all the same. In the past days or so, all the Tenno I have met have something “wrong” with them as well. For example, there have been reports of violent tendencies, sadism, seclusion from communities, as well as other things. Meeting a Tenno though, even if being one myself, you would never suspect such things of them. Composed, disciplined, hardened, and honorable. It made me feel that there was a time that we were great.

                But who am I?

A messenger came in the night. Requesting my audience with Lotus. I had the impression that Lotus is not human as well. Not Tenno either. In fact I don’t know WHAT the Lotus is. From its structure it seems like an organization. Well-funded, private, and full of mystery. But how the people here talk about Lotus, it’s as if that ‘she’ is an individual.  That she has a purpose for gathering us. She keeps hinting at that we were “forced” to cryostasis in the height of the great Orokin War centuries before. What exactly does she know about us? For now I will cooperate. It seems that she alone has the answers…for now.

                The starship Nelumbus

 Estimated number of people on board: unknown


                It took ten minutes of a cart ride from the medical wing to the meeting place. It was around nine am in the morning when I reached the venue. When I entered the room, the stimuli that assaulted my senses me took me by surprise. Lights mimicking natural sunlight reflecting on the green and red of plant life on a wide makeshift garden. The sound of trickling water and moving plant life from unfelt winds, filled the echoing walls. The temperature, normally regulated by the Warframe, was raised to comfortable levels that warmed my skin. In the middle of this all was a Chasitsu (a small tea house), barely big enough for 3 people, standing amidst a rock garden with the Lotus symbol perfectly etched onto sand. A lone bridge over the rock garden and stream connects the hut from the walkway.

Inside the small space, there was a futon for kneeling, across was a screen made up of wooden blinds and behind, you could see the outline of a woman kneeling. The smell of sweet incense filled the room. I took my place opposite the figure and waited.

“Tenno. I see you are well. Well enough for a task at least,” came the beautiful but emotionless voice of Lotus.

I simply nodded and Lotus slid something underneath the blinds towards me.  It looked like a thin block of wood with a lotus symbol on both sides. It seemed that you break it in half-as indicated by break-off points in the middle of the block. Upon closer inspection, there seems to be energy emanating from it.

“Your transport will take you to a small Grineer installment in the Cambria sector. You will meet an undercover agent there. Deliver the message within.” Nodding, I proceeded to leave. As I was leaving the door, Lotus uttered a warning, “Expect heavy resistance.” Nodding without looking at Lotus, I closed the sliding door.

There was a moment of anticipation as I was preparing for this mission. Gathering my gear, Skana and Gorgon, I leave for what seemed to be a start to a long journey.

Chapter 3

                                                                                                The Message

                                                                                             to be continued...

Edited by Kagemonshi
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''It is beautiful.'' Kris thought as he stood before the giant golden door. He had stood before similar doors before, yet they had been two or three times smaller and had usually been what kept the vaults of Orokin Derelicts safe. Remembering that fact, Kris started examining the lock. It was unlike the standard vault locks for the fact that it didn't require a key, but instead required an entire person which made Kris wonder what person belonged to that lock. Deciding to remember the design of the door so that it could benefit the clan, Kris picked up his notebook and started drawing. After all, he was on Earth, in a cave on an island formerly known as Iceland, a place that not even the Grineer wanted to go to. apperantly, the Grineer thought of this island as haunted due to the black sand, mountainous areas and the fact that, even after 3000 years, this was the only area with ice and snow. Kris shook his head and continued drawing the door, thinking nothing of the tales Grineer told of this place.


''What is this?'' Kris remarked as he examined the door more closely. finding writing carved gently into the door. He transcribed the words onto his notebook and started translating the ancient Orokin writing. After an hour of translating the text he found a message. 


The message read as such: ''My dear beloved, by the time you are reading this, I will be dead. I will have died from the disease that almost destroyed our life together, but in case you won't remember me after the long sleep I shall introduce myself. I am Elena, your wife and partner, and I have created this vault to store some of the things I would like you to have. I do not have long for the world as i write this, so consider this my will. Everything in this vault is yours, Kris.  Although I will no longer be with you in body, I shall always be with you in spirit. Thanks for the best years of my life and remember that I will one day meet you on the other side. Until then, I want you to love, live and get out of that depressive state you have been in for the past few days by my bed. I love you. 

Your Wife.



Kris had to read over the message several times and each time he read it, a wave of emotions and memories washed over him. The emotions he felt, the memories, the flashbacks to a time long gone. His wedding day. His wives diagnosis. Her funeral. All these memories, just showing up in his mind. All Kris could do was sitting down and remove his helmet, tears flowing like rivers down his face. He cried for several minutes, safe yet vulnerable in the cave.


It took him several more minutes before he could even look upon the vault door again, but Kris knew he had to find out how to open it. After several hours of examining the door, he found a button near the lock. Pressing the button caused the picture of a person to disappear and a shaped cavity, similar to those on the snub-fighters, to appear. Kris entered the cavity and felt the magnetic locks seal him inside it for several seconds before releasing him.


As he stood up from his sudden release from the lock, the door opened to reveal the inside of the vault.  Kris couldn't believe his eyes. Inside of the vault was a white and golden snub-fighter which stood out the most, along with several items lined up against the wall. Picking up his notebook was his first priority for him as he wanted to draw and record everything in the vault instantly. Several hours went into drawing everything as the vault was filled with statues, containers filled to the brim with old Orokin technology, spare parts for several frames and the white/golden snub-fighter. Looking inside the Snub, Kris found it filled with even more stuff which took even more hours to finish drawing. Finally, after drawing the entire inventory of the snub-fighter, Kris went to sit in the pilot chair. He felt tired, having spent over 24 hours drawing what was in the vault and about 7 hours doing other things, including regaining his memories of his wife, and he just couldn't go on without some rest. Getting comfortable in the chair, his eyes started to feel heavy and his breathing slowed until he could no longer keep himself awake.


Kris woke up several hours later after dreaming of his life before the death of his wife, just to discover that he had cried in his sleep. Deciding to go back to work before his melancholy started up again, he explore the rest of the snub, finding only one thing he had forgotten to draw. It stood in a small closet in all of its glory, an Ether Reaper with a name carved into the hilt. ''Elena, was this the Reaper I gave you? And now you are giving it back? This is one of the reasons I fell in love with you in the first place. You always thought that I would like the things I gave you back one day.''


After that small moment of nostalgia to the day he made and gave this Ether Reaper to his wife, Kris started filling the snub-fighter with all the items in the vault. He would leave nothing behind but the empty vault. 



I think i broke my brain.


Edit: Kris will not speak of his returned memories to anyone when he has returned to the Aequitas dojo, nor will he speak of how his ''mission'' went to anyone (except Crowley and possibly Khimera (he has his reasons))


Edit 2: all of the Orokin tech (except the snub-fighter. that is Kris's personal snub) will be donated to the foundry.

Edited by FatViking
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At last, i am back and ready to write something.


Much to his own surprise, it had turned out that Akinos' mission records spoke for themselves. Going solo for most of his missions, he had not often compared himself with anyone. Not with any other Tenno, at least.

His mastery of a wide array of weapons, particularly in melee, along with his stealth capabilities, that had become a rare asset among initiates, earned him a place in the Clan rather easily.

He was unsure about this clan, Aequitas, as it was called, being the right place for him. But they knew what he needed to know, and there'd be no other way to get them to share it. Without bloodshed, that is.

Not that bloodshed concerned him too much, as he ruminated over his thoughts in a room filled with the corpses of Grineer.


It was a wide t-shaped room, with two large doors to come in from the sides and another, smaller one, at the end of it. It seemed to be used for drills, since it had a lot of empty space, and some lockers and boxes of equipment dotting the walls. Also, it seemed that it was being used for such a drill when he inserted from the ventilation area above.


One well placed Thunderbolt arrow, and the tight Grineer formation proved to be just as counter productive as one could expect. The fact that this arrows were oddly silent, for an explosive at least, always helped his cause, and no other Grineer had yet to enter that room, giving them plenty of time to assess their own task.


Shade, as annoying as he could be, always proved useful one way or the other. It's ability to read Grineer and to hack into Grineer consoles undetected, in that particular occasion.


-This guys are just so dumb-the sentinel manifested as he went through files-Their system is full-on idiot-proof, which isn't a good thing when you need to keep secrets. And the fact that they have such weaklings in charge of the Earth sector, their home world, only goes to show that they just aren't thinking. R for Rhaa-huud, Range, Ruk... here we are, R for Reckoning. And this isn't written in their awful glyphs, for some reason. It's almost got... This is madness! No, wait, it's proper grammar, and... You might have even gotten it right, for once, as incredible as that is.



-It's been known to happen every now and then-Akinos answered, already used to the Shade's humor, although knowing that it actually meant what it said-Now let me see those files.


A swarm of squares formed by numbers invaded his HUD. It was ones and ceros, a lot of them, and they swarmed into his view at complex patterns and shapes. Soon, it was completely invaded by them.


-What is this supposed to be?-Akinos asked, upset about the growing obstruction to his sight, as he stopped the files-What's with blocking my view with all of those numbers?


-"Those numbers", as you called them, are real master pieces of code, beyond what you'd possibly appreciate-Shade mocked him-They are highly complex, coded ideograms. Each sequence codifies for a pixel of a specific shape and color that goes on a 4-d model, that must then be decoded by aligning it to, at least, another three such pieces. Only under the condition that you know what the hell is the person who left the message behind trying to tell you. If not, then you get nothing, good sir. There's a clue attached though, talking about ruining the fun. "One of each, goes. The odd one out cracks it." Then again, i guess if they hadn't left this, you'd not be able to solve it, even if you did go all around the system looking for the parts, as it'll be required.


-And you can't decode it as it is?-Akinos asked, less than thrilled about the idea of some treasure hunt.


-Yes-Shade answered-But it doesn't make sense. In theory, i could brute force it, look for possible patterns... But the consequences would be terrible.


-What do you mean by terrible?-Akinos asked the sentinel, suspiciously.


-Well, for one, it would ruin the point of making a puzzle!-Shade answered him, laughing-Also, to offend a puzzle maker so smart... I'd feel bad about myself, and worried about myself.


-Screw this, i'll bring it to someone who gives a damn about something, for a change-Akinos said as he walked away to continue with the rest of their official mission-After all, i have clan mates now.


-Even if they manage to understand this from the technical point of view-Shade rebutted-They won't understand where you got this, how, or why. I am a super computer and i barely understand what's happening here. Why the hell you care so much about the Stalkers, and yet you seem to avoid them, and quite more successfully than those who do try to?


-You'll know when you need to-Akinos stated. Then he took off at full sprint, as Shade floated right behind him. They remained silent for the rest of the mission.

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