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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Ghost walked through the halls and corridors of the Aequitas dojo, digesting the news she had been given by Jerry, Fenrik's carrier sentinel. She felt incredibly restless now, but not in the mood to do a mission. She pondered the dueling arena, and shrugged, why not maybe she could relieve some stress upon another Tenno. She would head over there, curious to see if anyone was currently dueling.

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i am chill, im just wondering since, well, the last few days you guys haven't been posting as much. like, normally i would wake up 15-20 posts since my last one but now its down to like 5 at most o.o and although it may be because you guys have some things you need to take care of in life, i get a lil bit anxious waiting for new episodes. (this thread is like cocain, addictive as F***)

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Going to make a continuation of my Valkyr post, here goes:


The Rogue Tenno lashed out with its enormous claws, aiming for Rhino's throat. Summoning his energy reserves; Rhino throws up an arm to block the blow. The resounding clash creates a shock wave; blowing back stray ice and dried blood. The Rogue snarled in confusion as Rhino's arm; and entire body, remained intact. 'Thank the Orokin for the Iron Skin module' Rhino thinks. Knowing the surprise block won't last; Rhino quickly raises his Sobek and empties its entire clip into the chest of the Tenno. The Rogue flies back by the sheer force of the shells impacting her body and lands harshly on the ground.


This whole interaction takes a period of three seconds.


"What the Hel was that?" Loki asks, as he and Ash both look confused by the very fast occurring events. Rhino deactivating his Iron Skin and breathed a sigh of relief. That was a technique he had used against many enemies in close quarters; but he never dreamed he would use it on a fellow Tenno.

"Stay alert." Rhino said, and began slowly approaching the still form of the enemy; reloading his trusty shotgun as he went. The other frames followed suit.

The Tenno Rogue was no longer moving; however when Rhino inspected the vital signs of the frame; she was still completely healthy.

"That's impossible." Ash said; reading the same life readings as Rhino had seen,

"Tennos, I have received news, the enemy was a previously unknown type of warframe named the Valkyr." The sound of the Lotus's voice clicked into their audio receptors.

"It is deactivated now Lotus." Rhino replied, slinging his Sobek over his shoulder once more. "We're bringing it home."

"Did it activate its Berserk mode."

"It's what?"

"When the Valkyr grows claws, it becomes feral and becomes impervious to damage, it will stop at nothing to-

Did she say impervious to damage? 


This confirmed Rhino's suspicions that the enemy was still live.

And very, very, angry. 


As if in slow motion, Rhino watched the Valkyrs' body flash a bright orange as its energy sources burst into life; the raw power of it catapulting them backwards. Valkyr rose, seething with bright energy. Rhinos' weapons had been thrown from him, scattered all around. Valkyr stared into him, and shrieked once more in the horrible duality before launching herself at Rhinos' defenseless person; aiming to rip him to shreds once and for all.


Sorry its much shorter than my other ones but its because I want you guys to choose one of two endings.

Here is the situation; Rhino no longer has any energy to save himself, and without assistance will surely perish.

Both Loki and Ash have the potential to save him, but will be putting themselves at extreme risk.

so the question is; which one do I... Sacrifice?

you guys choose!

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No more sacrifices D:

*edit: btw Viking, sorry for not posting anything the past few days. I haven't decided what to write next. I am outlining some things, but I don't have anything finished yet. I'm sorry :x

Edited by Jeahanne
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i almost sacrificed a Rhino in the Legendary Important Mission of Utter Importance (aka, when Kris punched through the head of a Grineer diplomat), but i let him live, even though he had no limbs at the end of the mission. (relax, the limbs were recovered and re-attached on the Station)

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Well Kitty, if you don't mind I'd love to take this opportunity to have Ein duel with Ghost. Since Fenrik is already on a voyage (one that will take some time by the way) to Vis we can entertain ourselves this way.


On another note, perhaps we can make a series of 1 vs. 1 dueling stories if we're low on muse. Some part of me enjoys doing small stuff like this now and then and I'd like us to rank how Tenno's personal statistic by letter grade. ^_^ We all know we can look up what the warframes can do, so let's try something different. (Just an idea, disregard if it ends up being boring/silly/undoable)

Tenno Name: Name, derp.

Stamina: Basically endurance, health, general defensability and ability to run and fight over periods of time.

Strength: Brute. Strength.

Agility: Swiftness, speed, acrobatic ability

Adaptability: how adaptable are you in combat?

Intellect: again, derp.

Efficiency: How efficient is your Tenno in wielding their weapons of choice and their abilities?


Note on Efficiency: I mainly mean in ability usage. As we've shown, if our Tenno are smart they can use their powers in interesting and unconventional ways. Efficiency is a measure of that as well as being able to get the most effect for the least energy usage.



TN: Einherjar

Stamina: B

Strength: A

Agility: B

Adaptability: C (Still Learning)

Intellect: B+

Efficiency: D (Still Learning)/ S (Hand2Hand)


Ein, as you can see, is a fairly powerful Tenno in his own right physically. Sadly, he has a great deal to learn so his combat adaptability and power efficiency are quite low. His only proficiency is in hand to hand combat which is what he is currently restricted to instead of weapons.


Letter Ranking: D is lowest, S is highest.

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Well Kitty, if you don't mind I'd love to take this opportunity to have Ein duel with Ghost. Since Fenrik is already on a voyage (one that will take some time by the way) to Vis we can entertain ourselves this way.


On another note, perhaps we can make a series of 1 vs. 1 dueling stories if we're low on muse. Some part of me enjoys doing small stuff like this now and then and I'd like us to rank how Tenno's personal statistic by letter grade. ^_^ We all know we can look up what the warframes can do, so let's try something different. (Just an idea, disregard if it ends up being boring/silly/undoable)

Tenno Name: Name, derp.

Stamina: Basically endurance, health, general defensability and ability to run and fight over periods of time.

Strength: Brute. Strength.

Agility: Swiftness, speed, acrobatic ability

Adaptability: how adaptable are you in combat?

Intellect: again, derp.

Efficiency: How efficient is your Tenno in wielding their weapons of choice and their abilities?


Note on Efficiency: I mainly mean in ability usage. As we've shown, if our Tenno are smart they can use their powers in interesting and unconventional ways. Efficiency is a measure of that as well as being able to get the most effect for the least energy usage.



TN: Einherjar

Stamina: B

Strength: A

Agility: B

Adaptability: C (Still Learning)

Intellect: B+

Efficiency: D (Still Learning)/ S (Hand2Hand)


Ein, as you can see, is a fairly powerful Tenno in his own right physically. Sadly, he has a great deal to learn so his combat adaptability and power efficiency are quite low. His only proficiency is in hand to hand combat which is what he is currently restricted to instead of weapons.


Letter Ranking: D is lowest, S is highest.



Ok, so here are the stats for Kris.


TN: Kris

Stamina: B+

Strength: A/A+ (depends on mental state. has exhibited strength greater than Rhino during rampages.)

Agility: B

Adaptability: B

Intellect: A/C (again, depends on mental state as he reverts to a more bestial intellect during rampages, fighting by instinct)

Efficiency: B


Kris is average in most things but exhibits high strength and intellect while not angered. His strength is boosted due to the metallic skin on his arms and legs having altered those muscles. Taunts, or other means of angering Kris are not suggested in 1v1 combat due to his mental state and results (look for Station security logs #3378956, #1986740 and # 09867564 to understand why, as all contain video evidence). Kris is however very slow to anger at first and he has been noted to be able to fight against stronger opponents for quite some time while in passive or balanced mode. He however has always lost those fights in the end, due to his opponents having superior stamina. 


see, Kris is merely an average Excalibur (unless angered). His only advantage is the previously mentioned metallic skin which protects his arms and legs against blows that could break his bones (a kick from a Rhino is like the goggles. IT DOES NOTHING!). He considers the rampaging state as a disadvantage since ha cannot control it.

Edited by FatViking
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You don't HAVE to set up stats for your characters, it's just something I put up for, say, a Versus Match that could happen between two people. They'd just post up their stats and let the match commence. I only put up ein as an example because he's easy XP

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I was just going to use Kris's stats for referencing (if i would write a 1v1 match). after all, Kris is neither limited by his stats or ability usage, and lets just say, he always has an ace in the pocket....(oooh, i might actually write a small sparring match between someone and Kris) :3


Edit: 10-20 minutes of writing revealed that i have to learn how to write fights. soooo until i learn that,  feel free to use Kris in your stories (i am going to learn how to write combat)

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