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Please stop slapping me.


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It was one of THOSE moments that occur in all games.

The moment when an AI learns all the secrets of the universe, becomes a master of battle and life itself.

When this happens, one normal enemy gains the power to strike down a whole army.

Exaggerating ofcourse, but it does happen. An enemy inexplicably begins to slap you around easily.

I was fighting Arn Etina (Not a normal enemy, but w/e.) and I activated my two Overloads, because I don't feel like having a challenge.

It happened. Arny managed to survive the two overloads and suddenly became a transcended being.

In serious talk, it grapple-kicked me every second when I would try to move 2 inches, and proceed to scissor kick me every time I would try to get up.

I couldn't stand up ever.

I died.

I was playing solo.

Yes, I'm complaining about feeling underpowered.

I just felt the need to share this painful and embarassing moment.

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Riot Shielders are easily defeat by multiple things.

  • Groundslam. The AoE of your melee knocks them over.
  • Melee in general. The range is higher than the protection of the shield.
  • Puncture. Just ignore the shield.
  • Running around them. They turn slowly.
  • Slash Dash/Rhino Charge end them pretty much instantly.
  • The Bolto ignores armour, so you can shoot their kidneys and still kill them really fast.

Hope this helps.

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Riot Shielders are easily defeat by multiple things.

  • Groundslam. The AoE of your melee knocks them over.
  • Melee in general. The range is higher than the protection of the shield.
  • Puncture. Just ignore the shield.
  • Running around them. They turn slowly.
  • Slash Dash/Rhino Charge end them pretty much instantly.
  • The Bolto ignores armour, so you can shoot their kidneys and still kill them really fast.

Hope this helps.

Not trying to look a gift horse in the mouth here, but...

We're talking about those moments when no tactic can save you.

The AI has transcended the comprehension of mere mortals, and usually just stunlocks you to death.

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Fully agree with all the above.

My question is, where's my option to shot blindly over cover and have high accuracy?

Seriously though, they seem to have alot of "AH HA!" moments. Even when you try to flank them from above, they still manage to get you. Evil shield weilding demons of death. Curse you and your stunlocks!

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Riot Shielders are easily defeat by multiple things.

  • Groundslam. The AoE of your melee knocks them over.
  • Melee in general. The range is higher than the protection of the shield.
  • Puncture. Just ignore the shield.
  • Running around them. They turn slowly.
  • Slash Dash/Rhino Charge end them pretty much instantly.
  • The Bolto ignores armour, so you can shoot their kidneys and still kill them really fast.

Hope this helps.

The tip of their heads are also always explosed above the top edge of the shield and can be shot.

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We're talking about those moments when no tactic can save you.

The AI has transcended the comprehension of mere mortals, and usually just stunlocks you to death.

Let them hate as long as they fear. Make sure the AI never finds out how powerful it can be. Prioritize targets, fight from a distance, and use your best ability in the entrie game: Jump down and climbing up. AI has simple walk meshes they follow to get to you - you can save a lot of time and yourself a lot of trouble by jumping down a walkway and climbing up multiple crates.

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I've had Etina school me twice like that. I would hammer my slash dash key while standing up but always got knocked back down before it could activate. Now I make damn sure not to give him the opportunity to knock me down so that chain of humiliation can't start.

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Let them hate as long as they fear. Make sure the AI never finds out how powerful it can be. Prioritize targets, fight from a distance, and use your best ability in the entrie game: Jump down and climbing up. AI has simple walk meshes they follow to get to you - you can save a lot of time and yourself a lot of trouble by jumping down a walkway and climbing up multiple crates.

I had a near-death experience just now. I was doing Themisto (Jupiter) and I was regrettably not recording it.

I was in one of those supply-locker things that can have 3 exits to them. I was in the middle, fighting off infested when a leaper decided to /toggle noclip, and it leapt threw a wall and row of lockers at me. Thankfully I killed it before it could fully understand it's power.

Edit: I also use the crate-climbing to fight against Toxic Ancients if I don't have a sort of fire weapon. Never used it against anything else though, except for when I was new to the game and didn't understand how to kill Disruptors.

Edited by SpiderWaifu
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Same has happened to me and three Shockwave Moa... just took turns pinning me in the corner... :,(

I hate shockwave Moas on the premise of how sloooooooow their shockwaves move. It will stomp and then start shooting you while the wave is still expanding. If you are really close to them, you can get knocked down, get back up, and then run out to catch the edge of the wave to get knocked down again.

If the shockwave is literally supposed to just be a ground stomp and not some other sort of energy emission, then it needs to be adjusted and sped up to something that remotely adheres to the laws of physics.

Edited by Ryme
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I hate shockwave Moas on the premise of how sloooooooow their shockwaves move. I will stomp and then start shooting you while the wave is still expanding. If you are really close to them, you can get knocked down, get back up, and then run out to catch the edge of the wave to get knocked down again.

If the shockwave is literally supposed to just be a ground stomp and not some other sort of energy emission, then it needs to be adjusted and sped up to something that remotely adheres to the laws of physics.

But we're space ninjas. Even we don't listen to physics.

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Riot Shielders are easily defeat by multiple things.

  • Groundslam. The AoE of your melee knocks them over.
  • Melee in general. The range is higher than the protection of the shield.
  • Puncture. Just ignore the shield.
  • Running around them. They turn slowly.
  • Slash Dash/Rhino Charge end them pretty much instantly.
  • The Bolto ignores armour, so you can shoot their kidneys and still kill them really fast.

Hope this helps.

Fun thing to do: Mag frame "Pull" ability when used on them if their shield is up, strip their shield from their hand, and they are left with a pistol. Then you can laugh and shoot them to death. Maybe less efficient than other ways, but fun.

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It wouldn't really be a problem if we had a really short timeframe just before we hit the ground to press the dodge key and roll out of it. Tech rolls I think they're called in other games. At least that way if you got stunlocked, it would be noones fault but your own, and your teammates could stand around laughing at you while you get clowned.

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I once found myself faced with a Grineer heavy standing a short distance behind a Riot Shielder. Shield guys are annoying, sure, but the big guy's the threat, right? So I prioritise, start popping shots at his head, keeping him from returning fire. All the while the shield guy is gradually edging his way towards me, as they do.

So the heavy's shields drop, his hp vanishes fairly quickly, and I see him stagger. At about the same time, I see the shield guy put his head down and start to charge. Sure, no problem. I got room to move, this'll be over quickly.

So I charge right back at him, duck and roll to the right at the last second, with a view to dodging his shield and coming up on my feet in front of the staggered heavy, ready to finish him with a charged attack or two.

I spy the shield-swing animation start up just after I've passed the guy, and I think I'm home free, about to feed the heavy my fist, when suddenly, mid-way through rolling, I apparently hit an invisible wall and get knocked back on my &#! with a resounding thunk.

I then realise that I have somehow found myself lying on my face with a shield guy directly behind me, and Grineer heavy just about to recover from a stagger right in front of me.

Fun times.

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The new infected boss, Phorid, currently stands as the triumphant king of the ring in my books. Never before have I been so viciously manhandled by a single being.

And those green, swirling, heart-seeking lines of instantanious death aren't too nice either.

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