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What do players want to see added to the game over the two years?


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I usually skulk around the Warframe subreddit, but I actually want the devs to have a chance to see this topic. I want this topic to serve as a place for players to state some of the more 'ambitious' additions.

The key word here being additions. A lot of people, including myself, want to see older weapons brought into the meta, or this or that frame or focus school reworked or re-reworked, but those are changes to existing content. I want to focus on additions, new content, big or small, so that DE can have a better idea on what the community wants as a whole.

Another thing I'd like to add is that this topic will add 'how soon do we realistically expect to see these things?'

What I would personally like to see added:

- 2-6 Months:

-- More Syndicate Content: Presently, while some syndicate weapons are some of the strongest or most useful in the game, syndicates themselves are, in my personal opinion, kind of bland. The ones who hate you do nothing but send the occasional hit-squad a few times a week, and the ones who like you do nothing but act as a store for various mods and weapons. The syndicate quests are a step in the right direction, but some small things that I feel would add a sense of progression (in addition to the new emblems we already have) would be new, reusable specter blueprints available with every rank - something that would help bring a little bit of life into the syndicates is seeing unique specters for each rank, sort of like the helpers we already get, with the max rank bringing a specter of either the syndicate leader themselves, kitted out in their syndicate's gear that they sell us, or some unique character from the syndicate. Another nice addition would be additional syndicate cosmetics, like armor and weapon skins/models. Some of them more general (IE, Steel Meridian 'Shotgun' model, or Arbiters of Hexis 'Heavy Blade' model) and some more specific. Although, at that point, those may as well be new weapons entirely.

Over the LONGER term, I would love to see more quests like Nidus and Titania's quests - quests given by syndicates for a larger reward than just standing. Each syndicate should eventually give everyone a warframe, and that shouldn't be locked, but maybe more stuff like the current syndicate weapons, and still tradable - something faction-specific.

-- New Orokin Enemies: I've always thought that slapping some gold onto an existing mob's head and calling it Orokin was a bit weak. It's fine for 'Corrupted' enemies, but fissures, if I understand them correctly, are kind of like portals through time - why not throw some ACTUAL old Orokin and Sentient stuff at us? I'm not saying that Conculysts and Battalysts should start showing up in Lith fissures, but some new Corrupted Orokin and Sentient trash mobs wouldn't hurt. Seeing them mixed in with the current corrupted mobs in fissures, the void, the derelicts (even if some of them are just miscellaneous corpses, here), and Lua would throw some much-needed flavor into these missions. Perhaps toss in the chance for Conculysts and Battalysts to spawn in fissures beyond Pluto? (One/One set per mission, maximum, with like a 5-10% chance of occurring, just to add flavor and give us another exciting Stalker/Juggernaut-like occurrence)

-- More Lore Stuff: This one is less specific, but just adding a bunch of new lore nuggets, either by filling out the codex properly (there are some lackluster entries in there) or adding in some new easter-egg hunt a-la the Cephalon Fragments and the Kuria, or even expanding Cephalon Simaris' Synthesis list would be much appreciated. These seem easy, especially the codex entry and Cephalon Simaris

--Visible Progress on, if not the completion of a new Cinematic Quest: I know many of us are still aggravated over 'The Wait Within', especially because of the sour note it initially ended on with the release of Riven mods, but I feel that the quest itself, once all the bugs were worked out, was extremely good. Perhaps the next cinematic quest could include or unlock the focus integration into our spoiler form? (For those who have somehow yet to complete War Within)

-- New Tiles: This can really fall under 'Ongoing Forever', but as the art teams touch up existing tiles, I would very much appreciate NEW tiles as well. Especially for the endless game modes, where you're stuck on one tile. I'm not sure if the devs are trying to keep it as 'this location name MEANS you're playing on this tile' or what, but there's a reason my favorite defense tiles are ones where the objective moves - because the fight moves. Stephano, that Orokin defense one where the pod falls through the floor... Heck, even Helene and that early grineer defense (the shipyard?) where the pod is on a tram going back and forth are decent examples of this. It keeps things fresher, longer.


6-12 months:

-- More Characters, More Characterization: Some, if not most of these can fall into the 2-6 month category, but personally, I want to see more characters, and more fleshed-out characters. I, personally, want the Origin system to feel more alive, not just in adding new tiles, but new characters, new voice clips, different voice clips for the same situations, more variety! Ordis is a reasonable example of this, but just having more than one or two or three voice clips for a situation does WONDERS for extending how long said clips wear out their welcome.

More (read: any) interactions between your character and Ordis while in the Orbiter (post-TSD, obviously) would also do wonders, especially now that there's an alignment system, though I can see this one causing a fuss if there's some character lines that players don't think their character would actually say.

On the topic of new characters, this would be more along the lines of new cinematic quests (at least at first), but I would love to have more NPC frames and Tenno! Introduce new friendly and rival characters in cinematic quests (either by having them save your arse or interfere with your mission, just as examples), have NPC frames milling about in syndicate rooms while wearing that syndicate's emblems and/or armor/syandana. This could also be a way to individualize relays - by switching around the unique NPCs that may spawn there. Higher relays would have more kitted-out Frame NPCs. For example, more prime frames casually hanging around.

- 1+ years and on:

-- New Factions, New System: Let's be honest here, this one is not going to come easy, and may even be more reasonably done in 18+ months, simply because of the lore setup required. There's going to need to probably be a proper cinematic quest for this concept alone, on principle. Something I would LOVE to see Warframe undertake is new factions entirely, possibly coming from a place outside the Origin system. Perhaps they may look disturbingly similar to the Orokin, but with a twist, or perhaps they look entirely alien, but if we're being honest, Warframe needs more enemies. New high-level content for veterans, beyond sorties. This will be a gigantic undertaking, and honestly probably best done in one huge release, like War Within was originally supposed to be, but that's why you start working on it on the back burner now. Occasionally let us see some of the concepts in a devstream just to know that it is being worked on, but don't give us a release timeline. This would be a huge back-burner project, just to allow a constant stream of other content, changes and tweaks to be worked on in the foreground while something bigger lurks on the horizon. There would be a wave of new weapons, new cosmetics, potentially 3+ new frames, brand new mods, all tied around this new system, just as a good head-start toward a new endgame, because by this point there would have probably been a number of balance reworks.



So, thoughts? Additions? I tried to keep the timing of things realistic, and most of the requests somewhat reasonable, just trying to mentally juggle getting in voice actors to record lines and whatnot, allocating funding for said projects, and keeping a good stream of much-needed reworks and content tweaks and fixes in mind, too. After all, they still need to keep releasing new frames, new primes, rework outdated stuff, crush bugs, and all that other stuff in the meantime.

Thanks for taking the time to read through all of this, if you did, and feel free to post your own hopeful laundry list of additions.

Edited by TheTrueDeraj
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2 hours ago, TheTrueDeraj said:

Introduce new friendly and rival characters in cinematic quests

Stalker is our Rival and Friend......

Image result for warframe stalker

2 hours ago, TheTrueDeraj said:

New Factions, New System: Let's be honest here, this one is not going to come easy, and may even be more reasonably done in 18+ months, simply because of the lore setup required. There's going to need to probably be a proper cinematic quest for this concept alone, on principle. Something I would LOVE to see Warframe undertake is new factions entirely, possibly coming from a place outside the Origin system. Perhaps they may look disturbingly similar to the Orokin, but with a twist, or perhaps they look entirely alien, but if we're being honest, Warframe needs more enemies. New high-level content for veterans, beyond sorties. This will be a gigantic undertaking, and honestly probably best done in one huge release, like War Within was originally supposed to be, but that's why you start working on it on the back burner now. Occasionally let us see some of the concepts in a devstream just to know that it is being worked on, but don't give us a release timeline. This would be a huge back-burner project, just to allow a constant stream of other content, changes and tweaks to be worked on in the foreground while something bigger lurks on the horizon. There would be a wave of new weapons, new cosmetics, potentially 3+ new frames, brand new mods, all tied around this new system, just as a good head-start toward a new endgame, because by this point there would have probably been a number of balance reworks.

[DE] Steve at least really wants us to move out to the Tau System in the future. The Tau System is the home of the Sentients and I remember him saying he that he wants it to be a high level, challenging, and alien place for us, and especially veterans, to visit during either a livestream or over time through many. He has said however that this is probably going to be far in the future. He has also said that when we get to this system, it will really flesh out and diversify the Sentients' ranks since we only have 3 types right now.

Edited by thewhitepanda1205
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Lotta good stuff here. Just a few things I wanted to touch on.

38 minutes ago, TheTrueDeraj said:

-- New Orokin Enemies: I've always thought that slapping some gold onto an existing mob's head and calling it Orokin was a bit weak. It's fine for 'Corrupted' enemies, but fissures, if I understand them correctly, are kind of like portals through time - why not throw some ACTUAL old Orokin and Sentient stuff at us? I'm not saying that Conculysts and Battalysts should start showing up in Lith fissures, but some new Corrupted Orokin and Sentient trash mobs wouldn't hurt. Seeing them mixed in with the current corrupted mobs in fissures, the void, the derelicts (even if some of them are just miscellaneous corpses, here), and Lua would throw some much-needed flavor into these missions. Perhaps toss in the chance for Conculysts and Battalysts to spawn in fissures beyond Pluto? (One/One set per mission, maximum, with like a 5-10% chance of occurring, just to add flavor and give us another exciting Stalker/Juggernaut-like occurrence)

I'd like for this to happen too, especially this in particular. However, in terms of lore there's not really any good reasons for Conculysts to be popping out of Orokin fissures... maybe they show up? I'd love for Oculyst spawning to become a more common thing in the upper tiers of the game, especially since then it would shake things up and give a whole new raid-ish feel to the game, kind of like an attack by the Grustrag 3 in particular feels like. It's always felt odd that the Sentients never leave Lua or Uranus... I dunno, food for thought.

As for Orokin enemies, I'd love to have an assassination for both Captain Vor AND another Orokin entity we're heard about but never encountered: the Neural Sentry. I'm not terribly sure what that would look like, but it could potentially tie back into your idea about NPC frames, as I could see a Neural Sentry taking control of a Warframe or something similar that would allow it to be defended. Especially since they're responsible for all of the Corrupted in terms of the Lore... and they also have time-travel powers or something, apparently.

38 minutes ago, TheTrueDeraj said:

-- New Tiles: This can really fall under 'Ongoing Forever', but as the art teams touch up existing tiles, I would very much appreciate NEW tiles as well. Especially for the endless game modes, where you're stuck on one tile. I'm not sure if the devs are trying to keep it as 'this location name MEANS you're playing on this tile' or what, but there's a reason my favorite defense tiles are ones where the objective moves - because the fight moves. Stephano, that Orokin defense one where the pod falls through the floor... Heck, even Helene and that early grineer defense (the shipyard?) where the pod is on a tram going back and forth are decent examples of this. It keeps things fresher, longer.

Yes please! The Tile reworks are welcome--please, don't stop doing that now. We like them. But once those all get updated to standard, more tiles and tilesets would be awesome, especially since the current tilesets are fairly familiar to most if not all of us (Lua and the Kuva Fortress are the exceptions for me, personally). Heck, I'd even be happy with some of the Invasion tilesets (say, the Grineer berths for example) making an appearance in regular gameplay, as in my opinion that added a whole new level of depth and culture to the game that otherwise I never would have gotten. If this is supposed to be the year of culture, touches like that would be quite welcome, even if it is just expanding existing tilesets rather than creating entirely new ones. To summarize, new tiles=good, new tilesets=even better.

To touch on the Stephano thing, I totally agree to a certain point. I think that the Uranus defense tile could use another look/maybe even another tile, since doing that for the bomb sequence as part of Natah feels silly. Running around guarding Warframe cryopods because we want the bomb to detonate doesn't make any sense... so maybe a different tile, at least for the quest, is necessary. Places where the defense target actually, physically moves are cool, and they're a lot of fun (even when they don't make much sense, as in the shipyard). The change of scenery is nice, and the change of focus in terms of gameplay and the dynamicism that sort of phenomenon generates helps with the immersion into the game. 

38 minutes ago, TheTrueDeraj said:

--Visible Progress on, if not the completion of a new Cinematic Quest: I know many of us are still aggravated over 'The Wait Within', especially because of the sour note it initially ended on with the release of Riven mods, but I feel that the quest itself, once all the bugs were worked out, was extremely good. Perhaps the next cinematic quest could include or unlock the focus integration into our spoiler form? (For those who have somehow yet to complete War Within)

Please don't take offense when I say this, but I have to respectfully disagree with you on this one. I'm quite happy not knowing what's coming down the pike, though I already have the feeling that they're working on the next thing and the next thing is gonna be good too. I don't need to know what that looks like, at least, from my perspective, and I don't want them to divert their time from working on all of this other really cool stuff that you have suggested here. I'm happy with the knowledge that more will be coming, even if it's not anytime soon.

38 minutes ago, TheTrueDeraj said:

Cephalon Simaris' Synthesis list would be much appreciated. These seem easy, especially the codex entry and Cephalon Simaris

PLEASE! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! This would make things SO much better, and I'd actually go out of my way to go find synthesis targets again if I knew there was more content to be found. I am all for this, and it looks like there was supposed to be more to be found anyway... so some more synthesis targets would be quite welcome. 


38 minutes ago, TheTrueDeraj said:

On the topic of new characters, this would be more along the lines of new cinematic quests (at least at first), but I would love to have more NPC frames and Tenno! Introduce new friendly and rival characters in cinematic quests (either by having them save your arse or interfere with your mission, just as examples), have NPC frames milling about in syndicate rooms while wearing that syndicate's emblems and/or armor/syandana. This could also be a way to individualize relays - by switching around the unique NPCs that may spawn there. Higher relays would have more kitted-out Frame NPCs. For example, more prime frames casually hanging around.

Um. I am of the opinion that this wouldn't really be fitting to the theme or lore of the game. If this were more of a single-player focused game with the option to play multiplayer, then yes, I would be for this, but at the moment I don't think that's really the focus nor the intent for the game. We can agree to disagree on this one, though.

38 minutes ago, TheTrueDeraj said:

Some, if not most of these can fall into the 2-6 month category, but personally, I want to see more characters, and more fleshed-out characters. I, personally, want the Origin system to feel more alive, not just in adding new tiles, but new characters, new voice clips, different voice clips for the same situations, more variety! Ordis is a reasonable example of this, but just having more than one or two or three voice clips for a situation does WONDERS for extending how long said clips wear out their welcome.

I remember from the Dev stream that Steve said that they wanted to add culture into the game in a way that they haven't before, and I'm of the opinion that this in particular would be a step in the right direction in terms of adding culture into the game. New Ordis clips, interactions between Ordis and the Operator, even random snippits of transmissions between the Lotus and Ordis would be welcome. 

Overall, I think your post has a lot of really good ideas bouncing around in there. Thanks for giving your feedback!

Edited by Angrados
added an O in conculysts.
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1 hour ago, Angrados said:

I'd like for this to happen too, especially this in particular. However, in terms of lore there's not really any good reasons for Conculysts to be popping out of Orokin fissures... maybe they show up? I'd love for Oculyst spawning to become a more common thing in the upper tiers of the game, especially since then it would shake things up and give a whole new raid-ish feel to the game, kind of like an attack by the Grustrag 3 in particular feels like. It's always felt odd that the Sentients never leave Lua or Uranus... I dunno, food for thought.

As for Orokin enemies, I'd love to have an assassination for both Captain Vor AND another Orokin entity we're heard about but never encountered: the Neural Sentry. I'm not terribly sure what that would look like, but it could potentially tie back into your idea about NPC frames, as I could see a Neural Sentry taking control of a Warframe or something similar that would allow it to be defended. Especially since they're responsible for all of the Corrupted in terms of the Lore... and they also have time-travel powers or something, apparently.

Well, I was thinking, on the case of the sentients popping out of fissures, if they are holes in time/the void like I think they are, that they could have been ripped out of a battle between the Orokin and the Sentients. The Orokin would have gone mad from the exposure to the void and would start attacking anyone (including us), and the sentients attack warframes on principle anyway.

Again, that only works if fissures work the way I think they do. If they don't, I've really got nothing. XD


As for your other points, I'm glad you liked so much of my post. I do see where some problems may arise, and I do know that new Warframe NPCs and the like would be a fairly large departure from what is currently the norm (the only NPC that we currently have that's done anything like this would be Teshin, and even then he's more of a superior than an equal peer like other frames might be seen as) and seeing NPC frames hanging around relays would be quite odd for the players who have been around for 3+ years. Part of that suggestion was really just another way of showing that Syndicates actually do have the support of the Tenno, and even giving some of those NPC Frames some clear alliances and personality without having to give them lines, but I do understand that something like that isn't for everyone, or every game. Maybe better suited for the realm of a fan-project.


As for knowing or not knowing what's coming down the pike, I honestly leave that to personal tastes. Some people do like to know, others like to be surprised. No offense taken. :D

Edited by TheTrueDeraj
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RPG, sandboxy, open world type of environment. More of a focus on being "in the world/universe," exploring and stuff rather than the current episodic nature of "complete a mission and back to the ship, complete a mission and back to the ship."

More interactive content concerning the Liset, like ship battles and so on, or actually, manually traveling to a mission and exploring space while en route. Something similar to how Destiny handles this, but better.

Essentially, we already have all these cool notions or ideas, semi-realized in-game... just expound upon them.

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A lot of things but now just a minor. A fix or a command button in the chat if you kill all enemies but you can't finish it because the last one not spawn. This one minor thing exist from long times ago and now on the ember helmet alert this happend. Pls add a spawn fix option or force spawn if nothing spawn which needs.

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