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Snipetron Vandal


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I have been thinking of the Snipetron Vandal when it comes out, I was thinking of it being like frost prime and i thought wow, that would really suck. So i thought of some other ideas that i would like to happen and hopefully will happen. Post below what you guys think. I really don't want to go back to the void to search for Snipetron Vandal parts.


1. Give the weapon to us as a whole, not as blueprints.


2. Give us the blueprint for it and make it so you can build it with certain resources already available to us. That way warframe can make some money with the people who would rush it. However it would be cool if they could implicate Fieldron sample into building it. Here is what i think the materials should be.


A. Orokin cell x5

B.Fieldron sample x25

C. Salvage x5000

D.  Contol module x1



Wht do you guys think? I would really hate it if you had to build it through getting resources only available in U9

Edit: As per Vandal weapons it will have a slower reload speed but higher damage and accuracy. Since snipers are almost dead on or ARE dead on what would you guys like to change other than the accuracy. For me i would like the accuracy Boost put into the reload speed or the Velocity and momentum of the bullet.


Also what would you guys like it's stats to be?


Edit 2: It would be cool if DE could post what they are thinking/already have done.

Edited by Fire_Ashes
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Orokin cell fine

Salvage = Dont use salvage us the alloy plate or something else.

Fieldron make it 200 instead.

Control module maybe make it 2 since it is a special wep

It is doable but honestly 200 Fieldron is a little too much for the none-regular players

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it is definetly doable.


Way 2 cheap of what you suggested.


it is a special wep wich got a chance of not coming back Again, so it is worth it.


maybe just 100 then

I geuss you are right but i just think it is a little unfair to the new players and to the people who aren't on that much.


You are right but i still feel bad for the people who wouldn't be able to get it right away like us

Edited by Fire_Ashes
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Lore wise, we won't be getting parts from the Void for a vandal weapon. Vandal weapons are weapons modified by the Tenno. Prime gear (e.g. Latron Prime) are originals of their weapons, so it must be obtained from where it was made: the Void.


Also, the OP suggested the use of fieldron SAMPLES, which should be wrong because:

1) 25 fieldron samples are too easy to get, 25 fieldrons is a different story...

2) Fieldrons are for corpus laser/plasma weapons. Something that snipetron is definitely not (fires bullets) so it wouldn't make sense if super-heated energy is used.

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Super heated chamber creates a combustion propulsion system wich fires the bullet at insane speed.


Like when you fire a gun you just make a small explosion to make the bullet move forward.

Here with the super heated chamber you would actually gain incredible heat in a chamber and make it in a vacuum wich would be released in 1 big push to create an incredible momentum.


vut yeah 100 Fieldron samples I think would be better.

Edited by DeatH-ReapeR
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Lore wise, we won't be getting parts from the Void for a vandal weapon. Vandal weapons are weapons modified by the Tenno. Prime gear (e.g. Latron Prime) are originals of their weapons, so it must be obtained from where it was made: the Void.


Also, the OP suggested the use of fieldron SAMPLES, which should be wrong because:

1) 25 fieldron samples are too easy to get, 25 fieldrons is a different story...

2) Fieldrons are for corpus laser/plasma weapons. Something that snipetron is definitely not (fires bullets) so it wouldn't make sense if super-heated energy is used.

I was using void as showing you what it could be like but snipetron IS corpus based may not fire energy but fieldron sample could still be used because i don't believe it is energy charged until it becomes fieldron correct me if i am wrong but it is what i think.


But from now on i would like you guys to say yes or no in the comments for giving it to us as a whole or a BP that we can build with materials we have now. We can still dispute about how much it would take to build the BP but i would like to hear what you think of having us be able to build it now and not having to wait till U9

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Threads like this, being spawned from the lack of proper and precise information by part of DE, make me feel like we will have a forum-wide flame war as soon as the event ends.

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If it's a blueprint, then I'm not going to be able to use it for possibly months. I have no open slots, no weapons that I could sell, and no ability to buy platinum.
And, depending on the materials needed, even longer.

I'm sorry, but not everyone has 100-200 Fieldron Samples laying around. It would be insane to require THAT much additional play time to someone who just got the 20 kills, and moved on.
It would be restricting an event weapon to an insanely small group of players, and giving a pretty big middle finger to anyone who doesn't play five hours a day, getting massive drops.

It should be relatively easy to make, if it's going to be a blueprint. Otherwise, a huge amount of the people who get it won't be able to make it for a long time.

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Threads like this, being spawned from the lack of proper and precise information by part of DE, make me feel like we will have a forum-wide flame war as soon as the event ends.

I Don't understand, This thread is for people discussing what they want for the new weapon and will hopefully make an impact on the DE's decision on it.

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If it's a blueprint, then I'm not going to be able to use it for possibly months. I have no open slots, no weapons that I could sell, and no ability to buy platinum.

And, depending on the materials needed, even longer.

I'm sorry, but not everyone has 100-200 Fieldron Samples laying around. It would be insane to require THAT much additional play time to someone who just got the 20 kills, and moved on.

It would be restricting an event weapon to an insanely small group of players, and giving a pretty big middle finger to anyone who doesn't play five hours a day, getting massive drops.

It should be relatively easy to make, if it's going to be a blueprint. Otherwise, a huge amount of the people who get it won't be able to make it for a long time.

I Do feel that way but then again for the people who farmed over 600 not making it that exclusive is a middle finger up their &#!

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Fire_Ashes, please, just no which I am sorry that I can't let you to make blueprint too easy for players grab hold, maybe someday a new blueprint as weak sniper that let you do that, but frist sniper isn't going get let go that easy.

Edited by ChaoticEdge
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