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Lighting inconsistency, leading to either decent or way too dark to see anything


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Perhaps it's intentional, but there are instances where the same tile set, same faction, can have vastly different lighting that makes it really hard to see anything. The only faction that doesn't seem to be affected by this is Corpus, just because everything in those maps are shiny.

The worst offenders are Grineer Shipyard and Galleon, especially problematic on Kuva missions where the machine is placed in a dead end room with a conveyor belt on Shipyard, and a room with lots of ramps going up to a second floor where a MD point is usually placed, having the Kuva machine placed under the ramps, on Galleon. It's borderline impossible to spot the cloud itself without the enemy tag hovering above it.

I'm guessing the darkness is there for the mood, but the problem is that the lighting varies between tiles and even within each tiles. For example, assuming Kuva missions are always poorly lit, when the machine spawns on the tile that's kinda shaped like a bowl with a hologram at the bottom, that tile has never been a problem because it was very well lit by itself, so having reduced lighting is not so much of a problem. But compare that to the ramp example above, the spot itself has barely lighting to begin with, the only main source is from the windows, and the player's flashlight, and the lens flare's not helping. Stack that with more reduced lighting and I really am shooting in the dark here.

I could probably jack up the brightness and drop the contrast to fix this, but really, I don't want to make the rest of the game look like garbage just because of this.

As a summary, not all parts of the map work with a reduced lighting, and those areas really need to be revisited to make sure they don't go into complete darkness, or just remove it, it's not a horror game. After a few games it becomes tedious at best and eye straining at worst.

There's also an inconsistency with player lighting, specifically the flashlight where some weapons don't get them at all, one of them being the throwing weapons. I haven't looked too far into it, but it seems like only rifle like weapons get flash light, which kinda make sense, but as with the examples above, and the moon tileset, like the corridors on the defense tile, without the flashlights it's impossible to see anything. And the area it covers is really small, it's probably smaller than Boar P's spread. It's not so much of problem if the map itself is nicely lit, but in some places it's not.

Shouldn't we be able to manually toggle it on and off, instead of leaving it to the game to decide when the player can see? When it's not permanently on, it won't even trigger until a majority of my screen is complete darkness.

Maybe the sentinels can handle the flashlight, but then that would push the necessity to sentinels instead of a primary weapon....

Heck why are we still using flashlights? Can't we just glow or something?

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So much agree, there are fair portions of a lot of maps where half the screen is just black for me. 100% no vision. 
Eris is hell. And those little tunnels on lua and in corpus maps are completely dark. Like switch to flashlight on my bow and pray dark. 

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Dunno but it was never THAT dark for me. The only time where i really couldnt see a single thing was on that one Sortie where the whole screen went red. Lightning also seems to be pretty much the same between tilesets to me, or maybe i just don't pay enough attention.

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