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[Revisit in comments] [Warframe Concept] Manibus the Symbiotic Frame with artwork


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Manibus is based on symbiosis, two lifeforms working together to strengthen their ability to live. Manibus is an infested being that has attached himself to an old, broken warframe which has gained a new arm because of this.



At first the frame was called Lanio (Disrupt) for its ability to use radioactive energy to disrupt enemies around him. Its abilities were very basic for many of the warframes and was chosen to become one of the standards in use frames. One day a Lanio warframe was gone after a battle against an old Infested being, the frame was never retrieved and was replaced by a new one. The frame layed there in the Infested nest for a few days when a weakened Infested lifeform crawled towards it, searching for shelter to regrow. It nestles itself inside of the hole were the frames arm should be, slowly growing, one day the Tenno who used the frame regained connection with the frame, the Tenno felt something odd, yet he still returned the frame back. Soon they would learn that the warframe and Infested had grown into eachother forming one being with a whole set of new capabilities, its new name, Manibus (Hand).

Manibus new abilities gave it a stronger capability in combat and also in support, making it become a well rounded frame in any situation, the Infested being didn't grow further, instead it lived off the energy from the frame, seeing no reason to assimilate anymore. The Infested deemed harmless stayed on the frame, It had tainted the cloth around the frame a bit but the spores didn't spread any further, the spores even stopped spreading entirely.

Eventually after the fall of the Orokin, the Manibus project was lost in a now by infested claim



  • Skill Strength: 100%
  • Skill Range: 100%
  • Skill Duration: 100%
  • Energy Efficiency: 100%
  • Sprinting: 1.12
  • Shield: 100 (Rank 30: 150)
  • Armor: 40 
  • Health: 120 (Rank 30: 240)
  • Energy: 120 (Rank 30: 220)



  • Passive Ability - Disrupting Aura: Manibus still lets out his radioactive energy, enemies that hit Manibus with melee attacks have a 10% chance to get radioactive procced.
  • First Ability - Essence Snatcher: The new arm of Manibus grasps the very essence of a living being, taking all energy, being it just electricity or life itself. The damage inflicted / the total energy capacity of Manibus is how much energy he refills with this ability. (for example. 8000 damage and a capacity of 400 means he gets 20 energy per attack.) Also the amount of enemies killed with this ability stack, the stack slightly increases the duration of all his other abilities.
  • First Ability Aug - Soulless Wander: Enemies killed by Essence Snatcher have a 10-20-35-50% to become a soulless puppet for 5-8-14-20 seconds, the max amount of puppets created by this aug are 3, the oldest you made will desolve if you decide to make another one.
  • Second Ability - Infesting Pulse: Going back to the roots of his new arm, Manibus lets out a burst of radioactive energy and veil spores which infects enemies in a cone infront of him. This inflicts enemies with a radioactive and viral proc.
  • Third Ability - Symbiotic Sanctum: Manibus creates a strange cracked field which grants a small energy regen per second when on it. Enemies that step in this field will very slowly start losing health while increasing the energy regen amount. The standard is 5 energy per second, increasing towards 30 if 10 enemies at the same time are standing in the field. (5-7-10-13-15-17-19-21-24-27-30)
  • Third Ability Aug - Natural Disadvantage: Enemies that stand in Manibus' Symbiotic Sanctum will also be slowed by 25%, giving them a high disadvantage. Also this makes them slower to leave the circle when they want to take cover.
  • Fourth Ability - Nebula Stream: Manibus channels all his energy through his right arm creating a stream of pure energy. This damages enemies per tick and grants allies a quick shield regen of 20 per tick. Manibus can slowly move while this ability is activated. The abilities effect is standard radioactivity but because of the instability of the original frame its abilities can change with the colour of the frames energy. Yellow/Orange/Red gives him a fire proc, Green/Dark blue gives him an electric proc. White gives him an ice proc and light blue gives him a radioactive proc. Purple gives him a strange proc of Viral damage.



Here is some concept art I made myself, it is my first actual time trying to do an actual worked out design, it also contains the colours I used, an alt helmet design and how his first ability works because that might be kind of vauge to some. I hope you like it and get a good idea with the concept.




Well, this was the concept of Manibus, I thought it would be cool that we had more of these infested wonders just like Nidus, that is why I started writing this out, hope you liked it, if you have any comments please make sure to drop em and don't forget to press that big fat green button.

Tenno, have fun.

Edited by DeadNexus_
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1 minute ago, MokutoBunshi said:

Technically. Chroma is an infested-ish frame. So I guess this will be cool. After all we have a sound frame and now we are getting another on!

Oh yeh, Chroma is kind of infested, that is true. I just always saw him as "That one dragon frame".

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 21.01.2017 at 5:02 AM, wtfbomb153 said:

who hasn't?

Me, my first though when I saw Chroma: "poor creature, it probably hurt when it was run over by a truck".


Anyways, that's quite an interresting concept. Not sure if I 100% understand how it's supposed to work, but I'll get to it.. eventually ;)

Really nice artwork too :) Although I prefer the first one, (that middle finger on the second is abit too much ;) ).

Also, if this is supposed to be a male frame, I guess it doesn't have a huge enough bulge for current DE's needs :P

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