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Crafting the Akbolto


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"How can I do x?" 'You can't.' "Why?" 'Because x doesn't happen.' This is not a useful answer, and the question is not sideways. Here's an answer that is useful, "Because we don't want players to recycle their potatos" or, "Because we didn't consider that potatos would be lost in this manner, but since it's been brought up, we need to look into it more and decide on a policy for these." It really doesn't matter how many posts say one thing or another, the key thing was a developer response to the questions asked. Plenty of people in this thread understood exactly what and why I was asking what I did.

The point to asking why was to get clarification from DE. You expanded upon that, and then called it going beyond the scope after going beyond the scope yourself. It really is silly, and if you feel it's going to detract from the thread, I invite you to join me in not especially caring so we can move on.

Feel free to move on. I wish you the best of luck in getting an answer to your question.

Edited by Zythi
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How about you write a feedback thread, then, instead of having a convoluted topic that builds up to a question? Because, you currently know the answer and the effects of the entire shebang. The current effects aren't to your liking. I suggest you summarize the situation in brief, explain your position and suggest a change to something that is better in your eyes.

PS: You ad hominem jabs are not necessary. I am sure you can verbalize your position without them.

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PS: You ad hominem jabs are not necessary. I am sure you can verbalize your position without them.

Donning the cardboard sandwhich sign of the apocalypse because you did not receive a developer's answer to an already answered thread is a little bit princess-y.

But then again, your perception may already be skewed if you expect a development team to respond to every minuscule thread.

You first.

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Man you're whiny just because you potatoed a Bolto. I did the same thing, you don't see me whining that I can't get my potato back. You have been told by EVERYONE that you can not get your potato back. CAN NOT. The end. I vote for a lock of this thread, since it's devolved into a whinefest.

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Man you're whiny just because you potatoed a Bolto. I did the same thing, you don't see me whining that I can't get my potato back. You have been told by EVERYONE that you can not get your potato back. CAN NOT. The end. I vote for a lock of this thread, since it's devolved into a whinefest.

He didn't do it, he asked why/how it could be gotten back, and if affinity carries over. It can't, and it doesn't. That's the current reality.

It's the principle of the thing. It's a design decision. The devs responded exactly as I expected them to, and exactly how the OP should have expected them to. It's not a whine. If he knew he was sacrificing it, maybe he wouldn't have done it. Granted, I wouldn't assume that it's carried over when doing a craft upgrade, but this user did. The game does not explicitly state that the catalyst is consumed. It does not warn you. It does not explain it. No tooltip references this whatsoever. It should be stated somewhere, somehow, that the catalyst will be consumed, if it is going to be.

I don't know if the OP is asking that it not be consumed. All I ask is that players be warned before consuming it. Especially since they're very hard to come by.

Truth is, everything is considered a "different weapon" by me and by the engine, so I don't see why it should be carried over, but it would mean that there's no reason to even use the lato/bolto/whatever, let alone stick a catalyst in one. And I think having weapons like that in the game is kind of dumb. Like the Mk. 1 Braton. But whatever.

I'll do you one better.

"Rule of Cool" indeed.

Edited by Volume
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As a simple counter, if the behavior was intended she would have said it was intended. Again, assuming anything about what she said past exactly what she said is speculation. She stated what happens, which was not what was asked. If you think these devs specifically aren't going to be obtuse, I would point you to all kinds of threads where the responses were, "Hmm, maybe!" or, "It may happen in the future!" and, "We're looking into it." It's more surprising that you think simple miscommunications can't occur; DERebecca may have thought she was answering the questions that were brought up, but she quite simply didn't.

My bad. I was trying (and apparently failed) to succintly say your Catalyst will be destroyed, but clearly you wanted to know why... which leads us to:

Here's an answer that is useful, "Because we don't want players to recycle their potatos" or, "Because we didn't consider that potatos would be lost in this manner, but since it's been brought up, we need to look into it more and decide on a policy for these."

The point to asking why was to get clarification from DE....

So again, sorry my answer wasn't useful. The "we didn't consider that potatos Catalyst's would be lost,..." is nearest to the truth, but our system is currently not designed to permit the salvaging of Catalysts and Reactors with this type of crafting. I have no answers as to whether it ever will be.

Man you're whiny just because you potatoed a Bolto. I did the same thing, you don't see me whining that I can't get my potato back. You have been told by EVERYONE that you can not get your potato back. CAN NOT. The end. I vote for a lock of this thread, since it's devolved into a whinefest.

He's concerned, not whiny! However, I locked the thread indeed.

P.S lohntron39, if you find this unsatisfactory please feel free to PM me!

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