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The Kuva Room


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so i just came across the room in kuva fortress that has the orokin relics and kuva tanks which i find super interesting.

The main reason why I find this interesting is because it means theyve been harvesting kuva for some time, yet kuva has yet to be properly explained as to what it exactly does. Yes teshin gives his speech about it with the staff, but like he says, its more of a novelty than function. So why collect it? 

Not only that, but, in the centre of the room you can find tanks with plants and organisms in them, coloured like kuva stuff. Are these kuva plants or something? Where does kuva come from? Ive seen some theories that the orokin empire was able to thrive and expand so much thanks to kuva, so again...what is it? and where did it come from?


side note: where did worm go? what's she up to?

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There's also what look like a Queen burrow at one end. 

If you haven't, you should collect all of Ordis' Cephalon Fragment scans. There is something about a red liquid in them, which I assume is Kuva, or something similar.

On the stuff in the tanks, I'm pretty sure it's all from the various factions. The plant like things you're referring to are probably the Infested Nerve and Esophage from the Jordas Verdict Raid.

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Teshin says that the Kuva is the blood of the Orokin. It might be methaphorical though, but even then it makes sense, because:
In the trailer of TWW the 'older' Queen seems to be sick, like she is dying, thus she needs Kuva. Why? Because that's the thing that is used to transfer the 'soul' of a dying individual to another body.
In the Cephalon Ordis fragments you will find more about a "red liquid" that "smells like metal" (side-note: blood smells like metal, mostly because of the iron that's in it), they wanted Ordan Karris to drink it thus becoming an Orokin immortal, which is the biggest thing that he could've achieved. He started slaughtering the Orokin instead of taking the 'liquid' but they bursted out in laughter because they can no be killed. Or rather: if they are killed, they will just simply return in another body. So Ballas has Ordan drink the blood and then they transfer his mind, making it a Cephalon, erasing his memories.
Also: they are the Grineer Twin Queens. They are of the same age, and yet one of them looks a LOT older than the other. It must be because the 'younder', the "Worm's" body died earlier than the 'older' one's so she took over a new body before her. Also making new bodies is easy, since the Grineer are 99.99% clones. They can just use a clone's body and they are set for another life. The Orokin also used cloning, they made Grineer worker clones so that might be how they did the soul transfer as well.

This is what we know so far about Kuva, there are still unexplained things, like why the Kuva floats around at some places like a tiny black-red ghost. Or how exactly it works, or how it comes to existence.
It's definitely not extracted from plants though, that would not make any sense. If it was, then they could just plant a bunch of those plants and they would be set, they wouldn't need to go out there and fight the Corpus to get their hands on some Kuva.

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During the kuva siphon fights, isn't there a quote from the operator or Lotus (I can't remember which) about your powers being drained, or something similar? The siphons appear to be sucking some kind of vital force/energy out of living creatures.

Edited by schilds
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