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An People Said We Wouldnt Make The Event...


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To me, progress bar autofills unless hard evidence is given. Unless there is a personal goal, I don't give a damn about global events.


Only way to show real progress is by having a set number of kills (like 6 millions), you could check the event's legitimacy by adding up in leaderboards.

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we did fail


apparently this event was super dramatic for people and they quit their clans and the game and raged off to mcdonalds.


but seriously the last 20% seemed fake as hell. it increased twice as fast at any point of this event.


i vote DE caved into to cry babies...they are nice people so it wouldn't surprise me at all.

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Adding on to this:

Those guys are INSULTING those who actually participated till last minute with something that has no proof or even convincing "signs". The "trend" and fallacious assumptions/reasons are not convincing.

Initially, I thought the thead/OP was a little to incitable when I first read it, but maybe it is right after all. Maybe some just insisted the event was rigged to make themselves appear/feel less stupid.


JFI,the leadership board kill alone adds up to more than 700k kills. And at least 1 out of the top 3 clans above 1000 is from asia/oceanic. Do not underestimate the number of players from those regions (esp Japan I think). And just for info, near to where the event ends (~6 hours?) was also where most in asia/oceanic got back from school/work on Monday. And I think a lot of the final climb was due to people who initially stopped but saw that there is a good chance of completing, so they rejoin participation. Event times is not "normal", so quoted poster is right about not to assume "normal" peak time and such. Though without exact stats, there is no proof enough that these are responsible for the final climb rate (I think a lot of people outside asia/oceanic are playing as well), I think it beats the the "observing the trend and jump to conclusions" stances. If we want to settle the argument for sure: ask DE to  release the stats. Then these people can go waste efforts trying to prove that the stats are rigged. Though it still doesn't change the fact that people making the "accusations" are discrediting those who really spent efforts on it.


Also, do not overlook that participants get more efficient. I am not among even the good players (I play very little TPS/FPS before this), but my end-event efficiency still easily more than twice of my starting one. It is not great, but I can still manage at least 1-1.5 done kill per minute of mission time on average. If it can be done by even somebody like me, I think many people can do better.


This post is not directed at the strange ironic people who plays a game and then tries to take all fun out of it. It is merely an "observation".


don't bother, for all the forum cares those regions are nonexistant at best.


as to how the event succeeds? ninjas.

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don't bother, for all the forum cares those regions are nonexistant at best.


as to how the event succeeds? ninjas.

there could be more truth in that than expected.

At least I know that the Japanese forums elsewhere seems pretty active, but showed very little signs here (due to obvious reasons).


ninjas. (nod)

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Being cynical for cynicism's sake does not make you a rational skeptic. It just makes you paranoid.


People need to learn to explore different perspectives and revel in the intricacies of possibility and causality.


Just because it's possible that you're being lied to doesn't mean you are. What do you have to gain from doubting what you're told? What do you have to lose? Peace of mind? If you're perceptive enough to sense that something is amiss you should be confident that you won't be taken advantage of.

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I love when people claim conspiracy theory without ANY evidence whatsoever. Being cynical for cynicism's sake does not make you a rational skeptic. It just makes you paranoid.

their ideology is you cant prove their wrong, the same argument used by the ignorant and irrational (not insults actual definition if you dont know them people google it)

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People need to learn to explore different perspectives and revel in the intricacies of possibility and causality.


Just because it's possible that you're being lied to doesn't mean you are. What do you have to gain from doubting what you're told? What do you have to lose? Peace of mind? If you're perceptive enough to sense that something is amiss you should be confident that you won't be taken advantage of.


I don't choose to wonder if I'm being lied to: I simply do. There's enough people that find it implausible that we made it that I'll always wonder if we really did.


And let's set aside the issue of "whether or not" for a second, because only DE has all the information and the doubters would only believe them if they admitted to fixing the event. In the absence of that... frankly Occam's Razor cuts both ways here.


What's FAR more important here is the doubt itself. There shouldn't be any. That fact that people are even questioning the results says something about how the event was structured and presented.



I favor Vandaltron

Edited by KF_Kenobi
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I won't say whether DE rigged the event to help us win, because i can't confirm that either way, but if DE knew what was good for them they would have made sure we win the event, or at least give rewards to those who participated significantly anyway.

If the event failed, and DE, true to their word, revoked ALL rewards for EVERYONE, all of those "carefree" people who only got 20 kills or outright didn't take part in the event wouldn't care less, or even enjoy the schadenfreude because they themselves didn't put a single bit of effort into the event. But what about those who actually tried hard? What about those who were aiming for Top 100, or Top Clan, and spent hours upon hours farming the same content over and over to raise their drone killcount? If all rewards were revoked because the rest of the community were lazy leeches, these players who actually tried hard would be infuriated, and they have the right to be infuriated for not being rewarded for their hard effort. In a worst case scenario, a significant portion of the hardcore community who actually put dozens of hours of effort into the event would ragequit over the failure, and DE does not need that. Moreover, a failed event creates a bad image for the game, that the community is so small/useless that they can't complete a simple extermination event, or that DE is so incompetent that they can't raise their playerbase's motivation to take part in the event at all. I bet the forums would be flooded with "this game is dying" threads then.

If DE decides to give rewards anyway to those who participated significantly, such as giving rewards to the Top 100, Top Clans and people who got over 100-200 kills anyway despite the failure, yes it would mitigate the backlash from the hardcore community and it would be the smart thing to do in case the event does fail, but then the casual crowd would start whining about DE "lying" to them.

So regardless of whether the Informer event actually was rigged, it would have been the smart decision for DE to rig it if it became clear the event was doomed without external assistance, because they cannot risk the consequences of a failed event.

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there could be more truth in that than expected.

At least I know that the Japanese forums elsewhere seems pretty active, but showed very little signs here (due to obvious reasons).


ninjas. (nod)

where are these Japanese forums?  I would like to know (since im from Japan)

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I don't choose to wonder if I'm being lied to: I simply do. There's enough people that find it implausible that we made it that I'll always wonder if we really did.


And let's set aside the issue of "whether or not" for a second, because only DE has all the information and the doubters would only believe them if they admitted to fixing the event. In the absence of that... frankly Occam's Razor cuts both ways here.


What's FAR more important here is the doubt itself. There shouldn't be any. That fact that people are even questioning the results says something about how the event was structured and presented.



I favor Vandaltron

You can choose. You know that, right? It's not as though I'm telling you to indulge in willful ignorance or anything.


Consider the situation from other perspectives. You're clearly clever enough to surmise that the progress bar may have been linked to some kind of timer, but you're too eager lash out against that doubt. Perhaps the Fusion Moa event finished too early and DE wanted more control over the timing? Perhaps the user-base has expanded significantly, and DE just didn't know how many drones would be a reasonable goal to set. We can't know. The only thing we can know is that the only reason we all have Snipetron Vandal right now is because DE wanted to give it to us.


So why squabble over the little details? People who cry "Occam's Razor," I've noticed, are too caught up trying to use reason as a blade to use against those who they disagree with when in reality it should be treated more like a light to illuminate the situation for everyone. In this case, we should acknowledge the possibility, but we shouldn't let it drive us to make senseless accusatory remarks towards DE. 

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You can choose. You know that, right? It's not as though I'm telling you to indulge in willful ignorance or anything.


I don't see how I can choose here. Doubt strikes me as a natural consequence of two mutually exclusive arguments, and the absence of enough information to decide between them. How can I have not enough information, AND not have doubts?


So for me, it's not so much a matter of which camp is right, but rather -since we can't know- that it's right that there are two camps.


So why squabble over the little details?


Well that's an easy one. The details are directly relevant and significant to how future events are put together. If we want events that don't end with these kinds of accusations, then doubts about the results are a necessary discussion.

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