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Advice on best status weapons and how status works



I am here again, I sometimes woke up from my endless lethargy just to bother the community with my questions.

I finally reached MR23 but I still have lot of questions about how status works, how status per second works, how multiple status interact with each other, how status work on shotgun and every status related stuff.

Now my question:
Which are the strongest status weapons in your opinion?
Please use this format: nameoftheweapon - status procs - additional info (why did you choose a specific mods, status chance, why did you choose not to reach 100% status and so on)
e.g. Tigris Prime - Viral + Radiation + Slash - achieved by using 4x status + damage mods.

I would really like as many examples as possible.

p.s. if you have any info about how status works exactly (don't link me the wikia page cause that's not what I am looking for) feel free to explain me, I really didn't get how some things interact with others. Specifically:
How many status are applied with a single hit, if I am using a status weapon with multiple status procs?
How does status per second works?

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7 answers to this question

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By getting to MR23, you should already have an idea how status works TBH, unless you power-ranked to MR23...

About your question:

- Amprex - Any 3x or 4x dual-stat mods (element + status) reaches 100%. With a base crit chance of 50%, this thing can crit A LOT. Maybe go gas+elec, corrosive+fire, rad+viral, mag+gas, viral+fire. Watch the ammo consumption. Also bounces around enemies for more status procs.
- Tigris prime - Your example should answer itself.
- Lesion - Gas+cold. Slows, bleeds, gases, staggers, reduces enemy damage output. Passively gives attack speed bonus and poison procs as well.
- Lacera - Refer to Lesion. Change cold to elec. Base stance has bleed procs everywhere.
- Mios - Less status chance, more crit chance. Gas+cold or Gas+elec. Refer to lacera.
- Galatine/Prime - crit chance + status chance. Add in weeping wounds to attain higher status chance.
- Ignis - The only non-crit continuous weapon I'd use with status builds, just because status sucks for continuous weapons. Gives out a lot of procs. Pair with ember for best results. Fire + any other element.
- Staticor - Base radiation damage/proc. Can be paired with corrosive to become anti-grineer/infested/corrupted, or magnetic for anti-corpus. Slow projectiles, but good CC.

Only one status proc applied per hit, unless it forces a proc (e.g. Mios combos force a bleed proc. Can do other procs aside from bleed proc, from experience).

Status per second = Chance of getting a status proc per second (usually damage ticks per second for continuous weapons). E.g. 100% status/sec allows ignis to proc 1 status per damage tic. No, can't go more than 100%.

Wiki explains it better.

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1:  How many status are applied with a single hit, if I am using a status weapon with multiple status procs?
If a weapon at base has only 1 bullet then you will only proc 1 status type (even with multishot). The proc is decided by (weighted) RNG based on damage.

So some random low damage type numbers.
I: 1
P: 2
S: 5
Viral: 12
Radiation: 10
Total: 30

This is where weighted RNG comes in. For starters IPS is counted x4 and elementals as is.
I: 4
P: 8
S: 20
Viral: 12
Radiation: 10
Total: 54

Now you take the % a damage type has of the total. So the slash of this imaginary weapon has a 37% chance to proc when it procs a status effect

And 100% shotguns... 100% shotguns are weird.
My guess is that each original pallet gains 100% status and its own status roll (with the above method) and a multishot of that pallet will proc a copy of the original.


2:  How does status per second works?
I take it you mean the beam types.

The simple explanation is that 10% status/second means what it says. there is 10% chance that a proc will happen in that second. and then there is a chance calculation to spread that out over the RoF. So beam weapons can still proc a status with each tick, its just not as transparent as simple status chance.


I'll leave the weapons in other people their hands :)
you already know my fave Tigris prime anyway.

Edited by Airwolfen
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Status chance shows how high your chance is to cause at least one status proc, but more than one pellet fired can proc.

Without the multishot mod, it shows you the status of one bullet, assuming the weapon only fires one at base.

Example: Your weapon has a 20% status chance (e.g. Braton Prime) without multishot. With 90% multishot, it will be calculated as 1-(1-<status chance>)^<Number of pellets with multishot> = <status with multishot>, so 1-(1-0.2)^1,9=34,6%


For those weapons that fire multiple pellets at base, including, but not limited to shotguns, the chance is spread across all the individual pellets.

If you use the Strun Wraith, one of the best status weapons in the game, you have 10 pellets that make up a 40% chance of at least one proc among the 10 pellets. The chance for an individual pellet to proc is 1-(1-<status chance>)^(1/<number of pellets fired at base>), so 1-(1-0,4)^(1/10)=5%

This has the unique property of causing all shotguns to proc all pellets if they have 100% status chance, since 1-(1-1)^(1/10)=100% status chance per pellet. If you're only slightly below 100% total, that has severe effects on the number of procs. Example with 99% status chance: 1-(1-0,99)^(1/10)=37% status chance per pellet.

This one percent difference makes you cause only an average of 3.7 procs per shot instead of 10. This mechanic makes shotguns pretty much the best weapons for status effects, but only if they can reach that sweet 100% status chance.

For weapons that only fire one pellet at base, reaching 100% status chance is pretty unnecessary.

Other weapons that cause tons of procs are weapons like the Torid or Pox, which can cause a status effect with every damage tick of the gas cloud in addition to the direct hit.

This strips enemies off their armor in absolutely no time at all and if you also mod blast, they can't even fight back, since they get knocked down nonstop.

1 hour ago, Prepotenza said:

How many status are applied with a single hit, if I am using a status weapon with multiple status procs?

If you want to calculate the expected number of procs per shot, that is quite simple. <status chance per pellet>*<Number of pellets>=<average number of procs per shot>

For the unmodded Strun Wraith, this means 0,05*10=0,5 procs per shot, whereas a fully modded Strun Wraith with 120% multishot and 100% status chance would have 1*22=22 procs per shot.


Also keep in mind that the damage types are weighted by how much of the total damage they make up, though physical damage types are weighted 4x as much as elemental damage types. This means that if you had a Strun Wraith with a Riven with -100% impact damage, it would proc elemental status like nobody's business, allowing it to e.g. strip armor with Corrosive procs like nobody's business, since the massive number of impact procs you'd normally get is completely gone.

1 hour ago, Prepotenza said:

How does status per second works?

Status per second I don't know the exact mechanics because I never bother. It's practically never worth it. An unmodded Braton Prime fires 9.6 bullets per second at a 20% status chance, so you cause a total of 1.92 status procs per second, which would be 192% status/second, which barely any continuous weapon can even reach at all.


Messy post is messy, but that should explain most of the important stuff.

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20 hours ago, Tyrian3k said:


Thank you, you were able to clarify most of my doubts. I now got how status works on shotgun and especially how the status is calculated per pellet.

21 hours ago, p3z1 said:


Mastery rank means nothing.
I am really thankful for your answer, I'll be looking into those weapons.

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Hey. I don't know exactly how status work but I know a bit. When you add status mods to your weapons the weapon will deal that status damage as base damage. For example if you have lecta and with status mods the statistics say tha you have 3k viral damge then that means that at any given point in the game when you hit an enemy that damage is dealt. It is independent from the status chance... Status chance is for when you will be able to deal status damage for an extended period of time. For example lets say that you have the same lecta with 3k corrosive damage and a 40% status chance. That means that when you hit an enemy you deal that 3k viral damage but also that you have a 40% chance that you will also deal a corrosive  proc on the enemy. That means that if you deal the proc (status damage for an extended period of time) then your enemy will be striped of his armor due to the corrosive proc. If you do not deal the proc then the enemy will have his armor but the status damage (the 3k corrosive) will be dealt and then the game will calculate the damage you dealt and make the mob's life go down. I hope I helped you. If you think anything I say is wrong please respond to me ASAP in order not to confuse any other players with the same question. Sorry I can't help you on how the status proc is calculated per second from the time it is aplied

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On 15 February 2017 at 6:02 PM, p3z1 said:

Amprex - Any 3x or 4x dual-stat mods (element + status) reaches 100%.

Amprex is a status per second weapon. It's not worth building for status. A full crit build will deliver better results with its 20% status per second.


OP, status per second weapons are nowhere near as beneficial as a shotgun with 100% status as u are guaranteed a proc on each trigger pull, rather than waiting for a timed sequence proc to occur. shotguns enter a special realm here in regards to 100% status with every pellet proccing. i am unsure whether u can proc multiple different statuses on each trigger pull. i have seen mixed results here over the few years i have been playing. certainly u can stack various status procs on a single enemy with repeated trigger pulls. try the simulacrum out.

status per second is not worth it mostly. a continous trigger pull for 1 second will deliver a chance per second as listed in the arsenal regardless of ur fire rate. u could expend 50 rounds or 200 rounds in that second, it still wont improve ur chances of a proc. bursting the trigger is another matter entirely, delivering more chances of a proc to occur.

i may need correction, clarification or confirmation of status per second if needed, but after 150,000+ kills with the Amprex my experience tells me the above to be the case. it procs a goddamn lot to be sure but still not worth building for status. 

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15 hours ago, (PS4)redman74 said:

Amprex is a status per second weapon. It's not worth building for status. A full crit build will deliver better results with its 20% status per second.

Tested, confirmed.

Cheers, take his advice on the amprex.

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