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Light Sabers


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Not for dating, but better gender disparity is never bad.


What? Are you implying that chicks dig Star Wars? I must've missed the memo there.

At least they would be more inclined to express interest in already-popular icons. Yer know, chicks these days likes fashion that are trendy and popular, they're superficial man. IMO I think they'd rather play SWTOR than Warframe.

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Not for dating, but better gender disparity is never bad.


At least they would be more inclined to express interest in already-popular icons. Yer know, chicks these days likes fashion that are trendy and popular, they're superficial man. IMO I think they'd rather play SWTOR than Warframe.

That is the biggest over generalization ever.

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Light saber is the coolest science fiction sword of the modern world. It will be super amazing to have Tennos cutting through mobs of enemies like Jedi Knights. As a Starwars fan myself, it will be an extremely big plus for me to have a light saber in Warframe.

I was thinking that DE can make a Light saber skin instead of a weapon but after some consideration, I feel that it will be better for DE to make a Light Saber sword than a Light Saber skin (should they decide to make Light Saber). Reason: if you watch any Starwars movie, Jedi knights handles their swords in a continuous and flowing motion unlike the current sword fighting styles thus new animation moves a will be needed. However, I can't just stop here... No Jedi will be complete without a cloak (you know... The cloaks they wear during recon missions).

Please share your views on this matter and upvote this if you too will like to cut down enemies with a Light Saber.

Thank you for your time.

 no offense but i would prefer light sabers stay in star wars were they belong they should only be wielded by the jedi and sith since that is there signature weapon plus if they did that it could causes problems like copy right issues and stuff and being a huge starwars fan myself i think light sabers should stay in starwars

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I love star wars. this is a terrible idea. Starting with the copy right issues, ending with the feel of the game. Warframe should not feel like star wars.



What really makes this funny is that whenever I block while approaching enemies that fire at me, my Warframe attempts to block the shots like Kyle Katarn from the Jedi Knight franchise.  I agree that I don't care for a mixing of sci-fi styles, but the similarity in blocking ranged weapons is quite reminiscent.  The irony is killing me =^D.

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Aww man... I wouldn't mind sacrificing a bit of out-of-theme to get more chicks to play.


Remember, when you're online, "girl" is an acronym:


GIRL: Guy IReal Life


Again, repeat it together with me:






Besides, your desire to isolate your interactions with the opposite sex to online games probably speaks to a larger problem...  8^P

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Aww man... I wouldn't mind sacrificing a bit of out-of-theme to get more chicks to play. In fact it'd be funny, not really sacrifice.

Such a heavy theme sometimes contributes to players dozing off during missions, lack of motivation etc.


Moreover, there are too many $&*^s in here. Everywhere you go you can almost guarantee a sausagefest.

Before more lore kicks in, we should probably do something crazy and stuff. Good way to start might be to introduce light sabers? Both have a common futuristic theme. But there are too many Melee weapons, so perhaps add more primary & secondary to balance it first?


Or how about starting with capes? Full body cloaks would probably make it hard to identify your Warframe's class.

Dude, I know a girl irl who warframes with me whenever we can. In fact, she got me interested.


Heck, I just got another one interested today and both of them are good looking, sincere people imo.

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Perhaps OP simply wanted something with certain traits of a lightsaber and not really a carbon copy of it as that would bring about legal actions and issues which isn't really worth the time.


Thus, we can't really  have a weapon that is identical in shape to to a lightsaber due to copyright issues.


I would't say lightsabers, but a full energy sword (no physical blade) maybe.


Maybe with the trait of retracting it when not in use also.



 if anyone remember about light saber is only made out of light energy that cause overkill still, look at the jedi vs stuipd robot, massive overkill for jedi with their light saber and you want bring it in?


It be like 100 dmg permint there cuz your just swinging blow tourch there, a very hot blow tourch.


Agreed. The trait of cutting through everything would indeed be too OP so perhaps that should not be taken.

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I understand why some won't want Starwars and Warframe to be mixed. However, I still think it will be cool to have an energy/light blade sword.

Another suggestion I have is a weapon like the weapon we see in the movie After Earth. Won't it be awesome to have a weapon which has interchangeable blades? Imagine a weapon that's able to change into Orthos, or Hate, or Prova, or Ether blade during the game. The different weapons setting will only unlock when you've actually made those weapons. A weapon fusion concept may be added here where you'll need 12 or 24 hrs to fuse the weapons together. This eliminates the need for players to move their mods around whenever they change their melee weapons (helpful for players who shares mods between their weapons).

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We already have a "Light" Saber.



Whats up guys.

I want to bring back this old thread because I really still want to have gram looking like a normal sword.

Or at least have DE come out with something that looks like the scindo, but a sword..\


And this can either be a new sword all together.


Or maybe a "skin" for the gram.


Why does scindo and fragor have skins, but gram does not?


DE fails to see the potential in giant two handed weapons...



Like this.

Compared to

I mean the gram currently looks just like the plasma sword, And is obviously not even a retexture.

This is something that should be addressed soon.

I would at least like something that looks and FEELS like im swinging around

THIS qgMV2TW.jpg

Would this not make you feel like a total badass?

Were ninjas

We don't swing around flour-sent tube swords.


Hopefully this thread sees new light.

its like two months old, And I would really like to see a BADASS BUSTER SWORD

in warframe.

And if they don't want to remake the gram

At least make something new





Get it?  Light...Saber?  =^D


Anyway, you know you like that "flour-sent" tube.  Or is it "flower scent" tube?  Or maybe "floor cent" tube?  So those crying about mixing, myself included, it's TOO LATE.  We already have it all mixed up!  It's a Dual Lightsaber, except unlike Darth Maul, we get the Herp Derp Version: a Lightsaber on each edge of a giant spanking paddle.  8^P

Edited by Adianoeta
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Dual Ethers.

You now have TWO Lightsabers!


Yeah, I always thought Dual Ethers were the effective equivalent.  I mean, read the description:


"Fast and precise.  The Ether Sword cuts so cleanly that it was considered by the Tenno to be a more humane weapon for 'cleansing' infested allies.  Capable of hitting multiple targets."




A Lightsaber Katana would be nice tho. But i dunno if a curvatur is possible on those stuff.


Ethers make that curvature possible.  =^D

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