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Stalker Prime?


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When the whole game is complete, how about getting stalked by a Prime? Would that be great or what?


Stalker Prime Warframe is made by the Orokin Engineers, designed it and built it, for a super charged weapon. But the Rogue Tenno went to the Void, terminated every corrupted enemy on one of the Void keys then stole the warframe. He learnt the abilities and techniques he could perform, and became stronger than before.


His weapons are Dread Prime, Despair Prime and Scythe Prime, and he has golden textures on his suit. And every foe he kills, turns into a corrupted unit, under control of the Stalker Prime, and he could make an entire army in the end of time. And in the end, all Primes will destroy him once and for all.


Health: 1000


Shield: 4500


Speed: 1.8


Difficulty: 5/5


Here are all the abilities of Stalker Prime that he can perform to destroy all species


1st ability: Slash Dash, Sonic Boom, Pull, Decoy and Rhino Charge


2nd ability: Smoke Screen, Radial Blind, Sonar, Energy Vampire and Psychic Bolts


3rd ability: Electric Shield, Contagion, Teleport, Bullet Attractor and Switch Teleport


4th ability: Miasma, Molecular Prime and Absorb



Careful Tenno, this could be the last of you.

Edited by The7thGuardian
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Well, Stalker Prime will be The Last Boss of the warframe Game to make it more Fun.


And his weapons are Primes, and his minions are also Primes. Only the best players can defeat this Boss and will unlock The Orokin Technology, very rare that only few Warframes can discover this.

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this stalker should also have

Mind Control (affect Tennos making them attking his allies and/or running/jumping around) in his 1st skill

Iron Skin included in his 2nd skill

and Crush / Blessings / Avalanche / Blade Storm in his 4th skill


the Decoy should be able to move and attack as per normal like non-prime stalker.

Edited by KaoKill123
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I think he should fly, be invisible and permanently disable your shields and abilities while he's in the level. His weapons should be a Gorgon that shoots Rollers and a Dread that shoots Fragors, and he should have the Toxic Ancient poison cloud except five times as large and it also constantly staggers you while you're in range. He should also be able to teleport any player to himself from anywhere in the map, and summon three clones that have all his powers but cannot be killed until the original is killed. He should drop his weapons upon death with 0.001% probability.

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Dude i know stalker is too easy but this......your logic would crash the game, what are you on!

That's why, in the end of the game, when all the legendary and strong Warframes meet, they can destroy the Prime Stalker once and for all.


This guys will appear if Stalker is dead.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You have it all wrong. The Stalker Prime should be Hayden Tenno with all his mutant powers upgraded. These Tenno abilities are far too weak. After you break open his Stalkerframe, he should jump out as an ancient infested where you battle his true form and he will scream that he's taking revenge for your destruction of Vor, Nadia and Hayden's son. That's the only end content Stalker Prime worth battling.

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I think he should fly, be invisible and permanently disable your shields and abilities while he's in the level. His weapons should be a Gorgon that shoots Rollers and a Dread that shoots Fragors, and he should have the Toxic Ancient poison cloud except five times as large and it also constantly staggers you while you're in range. He should also be able to teleport any player to himself from anywhere in the map, and summon three clones that have all his powers but cannot be killed until the original is killed. He should drop his weapons upon death with 0.001% probability.

Have my babies. Please.

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