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Soo Can We Get Rare Mod Alert Missions?


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Nah. They would end up like artifacts. Great at first, or when you start, but once you have them, they just take up space.

yah but no one forces you to do the alerts although if a mod alert comes up instead of vauban systems I would be mad. so I see what you are getting at. It would be nice occasionaly though so I can get split chamber or thunderbolt

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Mods, why not...


Slots... Game needs more customization, that it currently doesnt have and colors are not enough. Potatoes, slots and rare stuff is what keeps the game alive right now and provides majority of revenue for DE, so dont expect cutting that one out anytime soon.

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I kind of agree putting in slot alerts would be bad at least now, but Plat can only get you a chance at rare mods


Never buy mod packs with platinum that's a waste D:

Platinum is for slots and tatos if you really need them. If you have plenty of each get a pallete. All of this is up to you ofc :D

But I don't really think DE would put up slots for "free" in alerts.

I think they would do it faster with the mastery rank that we earn.

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How about instead of mods in the Alert mission reward table, make mods easier to find in them (picking them up) so it encourages more alert playing :P


Slots would actually work if they were rare... a Once a week kind of rare or longer... but not as rare as a Gold Potato.... right now it's a famine on that (none for over a month).

I need those too D:

For in case I want to Grind Nova parts when she comes out... then potato her.

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Never buy mod packs with platinum that's a waste D:

Platinum is for slots and tatos if you really need them. If you have plenty of each get a pallete. All of this is up to you ofc :D

But I don't really think DE would put up slots for "free" in alerts.

I think they would do it faster with the mastery rank that we earn.

ok but what do you think about the title about mod alerts

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How about instead of mods in the Alert mission reward table, make mods easier to find in them (picking them up) so it encourages more alert playing :P


Slots would actually work if they were rare... a Once a week kind of rare or longer... but not as rare as a Gold Potato.... right now it's a famine on that (none for over a month).

I need those too D:

For in case I want to Grind Nova parts when she comes out... then potato her.

yah that way people would actually do the credit alerts

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They are already adding a whole raft of new missions that have a higher chance to drop loot, under the "nightmare" mode that's coming. Would pay to do some research before making suggestions about the game, you should start with the Q&A's they have done over on twitch, the last one talked about the new nightmare mode and gave brief details about what it will bring to the game.


As for the deadbeats whining about paying for slots, deal with it, or take a hike. The game cannot continue without a reasonable revenue stream, if you don't want to pay towards a game that you enjoy, accept the limitations. Free to play doesn't mean have a triple A game and all its content for nothing, it simply means play the base game without having to pay for the client, developer and support staff wages don't grow on trees.

Edited by HexCaliber
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we already got a free slot with the snipetron vandal, what else do you want? i never bought any plat but i have 6 warframe slots, 13 weapon slots, so i can get 1 weaapon of every time (since i always use the same ones as main weapons) tons of secondary helmet prints, potatoe prints forma, void keys, and you sill want more free stuff? they need that stuff at the pay for it side of things

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I think resources (when it comes out), blueprints, and artifacts should are sufficient as the only alert rewards. Add in mods and slots too, and there's one less way for DE to make money and another reason for people to sit around and not play the game because they can get pretty much everything they want from alerts. There's all ready a lot of "No reason to play the game, just watch Twitter for alerts" posts out there. "Why should I bother farming for that one rare mod when I can just play other games until an alert comes up?"

The devs showed interest in the idea of slots from certain mastery ranks. That would be cool, but no, I disagree with them being in alerts. Modules, too, because there's plenty of ways to get them (and more to come) as it is.

Edited by Aramet
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The credit alerts could very well have a mod.


And if anyone noticed, there are 3 'slots' when you click on an alert. They could very well even put resources into it.


On the topic of mods, I don't think DE will take any step to reduce the grind involved in obtaining it.


After all they have their shiny mod packs for people who love playing lottery.

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nah don't add mods to the alert system. They already implemented the rotation system to RNG but adding more stuff will dilute the pool anyways making the rotations longer. So say you missed a potato alert? Well you're gonna have to wait longer than usual now that there's more items in Alerts.

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It'd be nice if they did it by replacing some of the low credit alerts with low credit and a random rare mod/resource alerts instead of adding them to the already large ? alert pool.  Basically we'd just be seeing less credit only alerts and the ones that do come out will be like the 7k+ credit missions.  Once you can start doing Void runs credits are pretty easy to get anyway so it'd be nice if I could do an alert and maybe get a neurode instead of having to run Hek for an hour or have a chance of getting one of the rarer rare mods instead.  It'd make me actually start caring about alerts again.

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I rather have circuits, circuits, circuits, circuits, and more and more circuits!  Getting 35,000 x 4 for the dojo is driving me nuts.


Though, the rare mod thing might be an interesting bonus, but to be honest, I would even take common and uncommon mods as rewards too (because you can never have enough redirection).  Dump them all into the pool.  Anything is better than alerts just for money, which I have stopped doing now that I have a surplus of that, or at least I do until at least the Oracle is built, but I need more circuits for that.  Or you can put in resources... and give us circuits, circuits, circuits. ;)


Oh, did I mention circuits? 


So in conclusion, toss in all the mods as rewards..... and circuits :P

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They could also set it up like Raid, Capture, and Spy missions where you get an extra reward at the end.  Make the reward pool consist of various rare mods and all resource types and there ya go, an extra incentive to do alerts even if it isn't a ? alert.

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