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17 hours ago, Sharpstriker said:

((I don't think you ever mentioned how big this salvage site is. For meta gaming purposes, could you give me an idea as to the scale of the ship.))

Zaben walks in first activating his own flashlight. Under his cloak he had his hands on his weapons with confidence he could draw them and intercept any potential hostiles, especially after hearing that sound. He was certain the shield Rakan gave him would protect him, but he wanted to be sure. 

Zaben asked: "do any of you know where the hull is?".

"No, but usually there are maps aboard ships like these. Failing that, we head towards the largest part of the ship."

The crew began to cautiously move forward into the pitch-black corridors. The sounds of safeties begin switched off could be heard.

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8 minutes ago, bowiespoon said:

"No, but usually there are maps aboard ships like these. Failing that, we head towards the largest part of the ship."

The crew began to cautiously move forward into the pitch-black corridors. The sounds of safeties begin switched off could be heard.

Both Zaben and Rakan payed close attention to their surroundings, including the footsteps of everyone in the group in case another sound of footsteps could be heard.

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On 3/17/2017 at 3:34 PM, souldrive11 said:

On the outskirts of Deadwood, it was a typical hot desert day. The sun was shining,  the dust and sand was blowing; and right in the middle of the recently made crater in the ground the pool of white and gold grew ever bigger, pieces of flesh and biometal seeking each other out and fusing like a primordial pool.

Floating within the soup chunks of teal green and white were stirring the pot, like a jigsaw puzzle trying to put itself together.

In the deepest part of the slough; like a beast rising out from the shallow depths a severed clawed hand bursts out while the pool shrinks ever so slightly, it's fingers stretching towards the faint sun.

(anyone else getting hungry? and I should be wrapping this up soontm)

All at once, the bits and piece flies into the air above the puddle, seemingly being picked up by a vacuum. Down below, the severed hand begins to grow longer and more articulate. First a wrist, then an elbow. In another part of the mass, a right clawed foot comes into shape, followed by a knee. A silver white back comes out of the slurry, most of the puddle now consumed by the laborious process.

The parts in the air swirl around like being in the midst of a devil, pieces methodically reconnecting like a jigsaw puzzle. (insert super robot combination theme music of your choice here). With a bright flash of void energy, the pieces are once again made whole, and a Nyx P floats in the air like a being from the heavens.

Then like a light going off, the frame falls out the air and collapses on top of the headless Valkyr P below; lines of white still glowing brightly on Mia's body where the pieces seperated as she desperately tries to hold herself together.

The last of the puddle disappears as metal and flesh is consumed, the material moving upwards through the body and creating a blob on top of the Valkyr's neck. With a final push of wriggling and squirming, the mass forms into detail and Aria's helmet is once again formed, the two weary girls finally pulling themselves back into being.

"*pant* *pant* Well that was *pant* fun~, lets do *pant* that again~!"

"...let's not..." was all Mia could form in her head, the two soaking in the other's ambient aura to keep themselves from collapsing.

Pulling the earlier stunt again was not going to happen again any time soon, as it's taken a huge toil on the both of them. For now though, they made it out of the fight alive.

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11 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:

Svytoj kicked the Ice from his feet as he continued to weave around blasts from Tarnas's redeemer, bullets grazing his shields and armor as he fired on the Loki's location.

Tarnas dodged most of the shots, but a couple of them ended up in his left arm. Tarnas stopped firing his Redeemer. A moment later, he placed a decoy beside Svytoj, and used switch teleporting to get into melee range. Without hesitation, Tarnas started slashing at Svytoj repeatedly.

"Disabling a limb will have more effect than your bullets." Said Tycho to Svytoj.

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On 3/16/2017 at 0:36 AM, bowiespoon said:

[Mars, one month ago]

Abigail crept quietly into the town, several other children dispersing into the night. They each had to find their own target.

This was their test: without being caught, eliminate anyone within the town, with anything you can find. No void powers were permitted - this had to be done with conventional means.

"Can... can I really do this?" Abigail thought nervously. She could barely bring herself to hurt her partners in sparring, let alone-

"I must" the presence responded through Abigail's mind, and Abigail's doubts were quelled

Abigail skulked past a tired salvage crew blearily stumbling into town, then froze. These crews would quickly go their separate ways for the night - tailing one would give her an easy target. Turning back, she watched the crew walk off, laughing and joking with one another. She picked one near the back, not talking to anyone. He looked exhausted, and he didn't so much walk as he did stumble - perfect.

Her target wandered away from the others, presumably heading home. Tombstone wasn't large by any means, but it was compact. Plenty of alleyways and side-paths for her to ambush her prey. He rounded a corner, and Abigail bit her lip, silently dashing forward to keep up. There was a distinct possibility that another of the children was following the same target, and if they made the kill instead of Abigail, she'd receive no credit. Let her prey out of sight for too long, and she might just find it taken from her. So when she found him unscathed and unaware of his plight, she nearly let out a sigh of relief. Nearly. The hard part was yet to come.

Abigail wasn't a great judge of how sound would carry through the town, but she was fairly certain that if this man started yelling, at least half the population would wake up. She needed to do this silently - and for that, she needed a weapon. Fortunately for her, her target had provided one for her -  a knife hung loosely from his belt.

Nobody was watching him, and he had stopped to look at something on the ground. Now was her chance! She ran over to him, fumbling for his knife. Her hands slipped, however, and brushed against his arm.

"Wha-" the man began, but Abigail had clamped a hand over his mouth. Months of training in martial arts had built up her muscles and honed her reflexes, which she now used. Before he could react, she grabbed his knife from his waist. Raw terror was visible in his eyes, and for a moment, Abigail's resolve wavered.

"No! I don't want to do this! I-" the presence smothered this train of thought, and redirected her mind to the task at hand.

Rather than stab the knife in a spot where it would be a guaranteed kill, she had instead plunged it into his stomach. The man tried to cry out, but Abigail kept her hand held firm over his mouth. Again and again she plunged the knife into his stomach, intestines spilling out. There was no skill, no finesse involved here. Blood coated her hands, making her grip on the knife loosen, but she kept stabbing. Eventually, she had enough sense of mind to stab him through the heart, and her fingers dropped from the blade as she lodged it into his chest. The man fell forward, his corpse pinning her to the ground. Blood poured from numerous wounds, and something squishy had spilled onto her. Abigail emptied the contents of her stomach, and rolled the corpse off of her. She slowly staggered to her feet, leaning heavily against the wall.

She wept softly as she made her way back to the ship that had dropped them off.

"What have I done?"

"What I must."

The next day, Abigail sat alone at a table in the mess hall, unable to bring herself to eat. Though she had long since cleaned the blood and gore off of herself, she still saw blood every time she look at her hands.

"What have I done?"

"What I must." The presence replied smugly, coiling within her mind.

With trembling hands, Abigail tried to bring some food to her lips, but her stomach was to upset to eat. She let the fork fall from her fingers, her body slumping forward in exhaustion. She hadn't been able to sleep at all last night. The terror in the man's eyes was burned into her brain, and she saw it every time she closed her eyes.

She felt an arm wrap around her shoulders comfortingly, and turned to look at whoever had sat next to her. Trestin sat next to her, his eyes containing a similar pain.

"It's okay." he whispered, and drew her closer. Something about that simple gesture broke down the barriers she had put up between herself and the events of the night before. Abigail put her head in her hands and began sobbing uncontrollably. Trestin simply stayed where he was, offering the occasional word of comfort.

After several minutes, Abigail regained control of herself. She opened her eyes, blinking through tears to look at Trestin. He gave her a weak smile, his disfigured face distorting the gesture, but Abigail had long since learned to read his expressions. She gave him a small hug, and rose to her feet. They hadn't noticed, but the Inquisitors were rounding up everyone into a line. That was unusual - typically they simply led them in a cluster to the next area.

Perplexed, Abigail and Trestin shot each other a look before falling into line, waiting for the inquisitors to speak. The last time the Inquisitors had had them deviate from their usual schedule, Abigail had stabbed a man to death with his own knife. What horrors had they concocted for them this time?


"Great news," an Inquisitor said, baring a feral-looking smile. He had more void keys embedded in his arms than the others - a higher-ranking member perhaps?

"Our agents out in pluto recently made a great discovery. Complete blueprints detailing how to construct all known warframes. Our engineers should have working units within a few days. As such, your training for the next few days will be designed to prepare you for transference, and instructions on how each warframe functions.

Several of the children gasps, murmuring excitedly. Once, she'd have reacted like that - with awe and excitement, but now Abigail did not feel the same way. After what she had done just a night ago - how could she? These warframes - they'd just use them for more killing. More slaughter.

Oddly enough, the presence didn't try to change her thoughts. In fact, she hadn't felt it at all the entire night. Why was that?

"Once we feel that you all can use the somatic link properly, you'll be each given your own warframe. From there, you'll be given your second test. The Sovereigns have spent a considerable amount of credits on you, and they want to make sure that their money hasn't gone to waste."

Abigail felt the blood drain from her face. Another test!? She began to fidget uncomfortably, though nobody noticed. She couldn't do another test. She wouldn't do another test.

The Inquisitor presumably in charge opened his mouth to speak, but another Inquisitor burst into the room, chest heaving and covered in sweat. The Inquisitor in charge snarled at the newcomer for interrupting, and was about to speak again, but the newcomer interrupted a second time.

"Sir! We've received word from the branch stationed at pluto! It's the tenno! They'd killed the Hi-"

Abigail heard no more. Her head flooded with excruciating pain, and she let out a throat-shredding scream. In a swift, agonizing motion, Abigail felt the presence be ripped from her mind.

Like a puppet with its strings cut, Abigail slumped to the floor, and darkness consumed her vision.


For three days the Inquisitors confined them to their rooms, giving them three meals a day and double rations of fume. They didn't seem entirely certain what to do with the children now. They seemed to be waiting for the presence to return, and reestablish its hold over their minds.

It never came.

Eventually, the Inquisitors reluctantly allowed to children to resume their training - though usage of somatic links was postponed. The Inquisitors likely wanted to confirm the loyalty of the children before they gave them some of the most dangerous weapons ever created.

They were right to be hesitant. During her confinement, Abigail had come to a conclusion: she couldn't do this. The fume, the training, the..... the tests. Abigail had had enough. She was going to escape, or die trying.

The first day that they were allowed to mingle with each other again, Abigail sought out Trestin. The skin around his cheeks and lower eyelids had begun to darken - a result of taking fume for prolonged periods of time. Though she had no way of knowing, Abigail was certain that the pigment around her own lower eyelids had darkened considerably. His expression brightened considerably when he saw her, and she embraced him as he grew near. She held him in that embrace, and whispered into his ear.

"We need to get out of here. Escape."

She released him, and stepped back to observe his reaction. Something flickered in his expression - doubt, likely - before he grew resolute and nodded.

"When?" he asked, whispering hoarsely. the extra fume they had all been allotted had made his voice even scratchier.

"Tonight," Abigail said, "We have to leave before that... thing... influencing our thoughts returns."

Trestin licked his lips nervously before speaking. "Alright. But don't tell anyone else. We need to be very careful. If word of this gets out...."

Abigail nodded slowly. They wouldn't kill them swiftly. No, they'd make examples of them.

"Don't worry," Abigail said, "I'll be careful. This stays between us."

The Inquisitors began to round up the children once more, and Abigail followed obediently, acting suitably cowed. Soon, they would be away from this wretched place. Soon......


The rest of the day seemed to last an eternity. Everytime Abigail saw an Inquisitor, she cringed slightly, terrified that they had somehow figured out her escape attempt. Her eyes constantly flickered over to the other children, and in her mind she wondered if any of them knew what she was planning. She suspected that most of them would turn her in at the first opportunity, in an attempt to gain an extra ration of fume. The children had grown scarily dependent upon the substance, and Abigail was no exception. Her mouth started to water at the thought of having a third dose, and her fingers got twitchy. Abigail shuddered, and shook her head to clear her mind of those thoughts. She'd have to steal some fume on her way out - but by the stars, how would she manage to ration her stolen stockpile to herself? In her mind, she saw herself gradually weaning herself off of the stuff, eventually no longer needing it. But in reality, she knew that it would be hard enough to simply take her current dose.

"Damn," she muttered to herself, "How am I going to do this?"

As she neared the moment where she would have to make her move, she saw more and more holes in her plan. What had once seemed like the perfect escape plan now felt laughably predictable. The Inquisitors had caught numerous escape attempts before hers - why would she be different. Because the presence was gone? These men could kill her with a snap of their fingers, even without the presence.

"If I keep thinking like this, I might as well just quit," Abigail chided herself quietly, "I've made my choice, there's no going back now. Besides, I have Trestin coming with me. Between the two of us, we might be able to take down an Inquisitor or two."

Abigail didn't like to admit it, but if Trestin hadn't agreed to come along, she probably wouldn't have had to courage to try to escape. The idea of going out into the world alone scared her almost as much as staying here.

Shoving her thoughts aside, Abigail tried to focus on the lesson the Inquisitors were teaching them. Their escape wouldn't happen for several more hours, and it was best to learn as much as she could from them.


Around midnight, Abigail crawled out of her bed. Or at least, she tried to. The cables that were fastened into her back nightly refused to detach. She had expected this. Each morning, Inquisitors checked on the readings the monitoring equipment sent to a console outside the room, in order to see if the void energy wasn't integrating with the children properly. A quick burst of void fire melted right through them, leaving several smouldering cables dangling from her back. She'd be long gone before they noticed something was wrong with the machinery.

She quickly donned yesterday's robes - whoever changes them out for a new set hadn't yet come around. The cables made it difficult, and after several minutes of struggling, she simply burned small holes in the robe and let the cables fit through them. Once she got to safety, she'd properly remove them, but for now this would do. Putting on the robes she tied the thin golden rope the white garments came with around her waist, then quietly walked over to the door.

She strained her ears to hear if anyone was on the other side. The doors were thick metal, and blocked out most noise. Was the silence because nobody was there, or because their sound wasn't carrying through the door? After several minutes of indecisiveness, she melted the lock - her void powers were quickly becoming the strongest tool she had - and quietly opened the door. She breathed a silent sigh of relief as she scanned the hallway. Nobody was around. Skulking over to the room Trestin slept in, she tried to rap on the door as quietly as possible. Several tense heartbeats later, a similar rap could be heard from the other side of the door. The lock quietly hissed and melted, and Trestin pushed the door open. Abigail noticed with slight irritation that he had managed to get his cables off without leaving anything hanging from his back - how had he managed that?

"Where do we go next?" Trestin whispered.

"Like it or not, we need fume. We grab as much as we can, then find wherever their hangar is and steal a ship." Abigail whispered back.

"How do you know they have a hangar? And how do you know that there will be a ship in it? Can you even pilot a ship?" he asked in rapid succession, his voice still little more than a whisper.

"Ummm....." Abigail replied. In truth, she didn't know if anything he asked was there - and she had no idea how to fly a ship. Now that he pointed out the holes in her plan, she felt foolish. How could she honestly have considered this plan without knowing these things?

Trestin sighed, "Well, no turning back now. Let's start with what we can do. You know where they store the fume?"

"I do," Abigail said, relieved that she could at least provide some details to her plan. "I saw one carry a large box full of the black powder into a large safe not to far from here. I'm certain that that is where they store the fume."

"Show me," Trestin whispered.

The two of them crept quietly down the hallway, hiding in doorframes whenever one of them thought they heard footsteps. Fortunately, each time it was simply their minds playing tricks on them, and no Inquisitor walked down that hallway. They reached the safe without incident, and several applications of void flame later, the door swung open.

That was where they hit their first major challenge.

Fume was everywhere - both in piles of rolls and in mounds of powder. Abigail dug her fingernails into the palms of her hands until blood started pour out. It took all of her willpower to stop herself from simply throwing herself onto the piles and letting the ecstasy of the drug wash through her. Looking over to Trestin, she could see a similar struggle taking place. Beads of sweat actually ran down both of their faces from the effort of resisting.

"Ignore the powder - take as many rolls as you can." Abigail said with a dry mouth - when had that happened?

"Right," Trestin replied weakly, and with great effort, the two of them began to stuff as many rolls of fume into their robes as possible.

Once they had grabbed enough of the drug to last several weeks - if they rationed it - they closed the door as best they could. The half-melted lock didn't close properly, and they simply had to hope that anyone walking around wouldn't be able to see well enough in the darkness to notice what was wrong.

They stalked around the base for what felt like an eternity, though in actuality was probably around an hour. Despite living at this base for months, they actually saw very little of it before now. They passed a room full of strange pod-like chairs, and another full of inanimate warframes. It had been tempting to bring one or two with them, but neither of them knew how to make them work, and they couldn't afford to be dragging them around with them. So in the end, they left the priceless treasures in a glorified supply closet.

Just as Abigail began to despair that they would never find a way out, the pair ran straight into a door simply labeled 'Hangar'

"We did it Trestin!" Abigail whispered excitedly, "We did it!"

Throwing caution to the wind, she dashed into the darkhangar. Then she froze. Lights flashed on overhead, revealing eight Inquisitors waiting for her, smiling casually. Several had their arms folded, exposing gleaming void keys crackling with energy.

"No," Abigail said, horrified. How had they known?

"I'm sorry." Trestin said, stepping forward. One of the Inquisitor's grins grew even larger, and he tossed Trestin a small bag full of fume. The boy caught it, sparing one last glance at Abigail before running off.

"Looks like you trusted the wrong person, girl." one of the Inquisitors laughed.

"No.... this can't be! We... I was so close!" Abigail thought as she slumped to her knees, defeated


Abigail let out a weak groan, and tried to open her eyes to take a look at her surroundings. Only one eye responded - her other eyelid was crusted over with blood. She was in some sort of cell, chained to the wall. A guard watched her silently - a Hierarchy soldier, not an Inquisitor. He had a rifle trained on her at all times, and orders to shoot her if she looked like she was going try something.

"I was right there!" she thought tiredly, "Barely half a dozen yards away from freedom!"

But they had caught her. Trestin had turned her in, for nothing more than an extra allotment of fume. That hurt more than anything else - she had trusted him! How could he have done this?

The Inquisitors hadn't been kind once Trestin had left. They had beaten her mercilessly, only letting up when she started to slip into unconsciousness. She was covered in cuts and bruises, and her left arm was bent at an odd angle. She had tried to fight at first, but what could a child do against eight fully-grown, trained fighters?

 Eventually, they had grown bored, and threw her into this cell. Abigail was under no allusions about her fate - nobody who tried to escape had ever returned. She should try to break free - maybe if she could get these chains off, overpower the guard.... No, that wouldn't work. He'd start shooting the second she tried to remove her shackles.

Tired both mentally and physically, Abigail closed her eyes. She had no options, no plans. All she could do was wait for her execution. As she drifted into sleep, she could have sworn she heard the presence.

"Fortunately for you, you are far to valuable a pawn to be allowed to die here. I will see that you continue to serve..."


Abbot Ptolemy - the Inquisitor in charge of the facility - looked up from his stack of paperwork, narrowing his eyes. He could have sworn he had heard something. Was it simply his imagina-

No. There it was again. The sound of a void beam, followed by screams. Barely audible.

He rose from his seat, rolling up his sleeves to reveal six void keys embedded in his arms. He ran his fingers along them, void energy crackling from the center of each key as he touched them. Lines of energy connected each key, forming an array. With an array, Inquisitors could perform various abilities similar to tenno powers.

Footsteps could be heard in the distance, growing louder. Whoever was out there was heading straight for him.

Ptolemy gulped, mentally going through his arsenal of powers.

More screams, and the footsteps grew louder. Who was this mysterious person who could tear through one of the most fortified Hierarchy strongholds in the system?

Ptolemy took a step back, nearly tripping over his chair. The footsteps had reached the door. The screams had gone silent. Other than Ptolemy's panicked breathing, there were no sounds.

Then the solid metal door began to melt. Ptolemy watched in undisguised horror and fascination as a gleaming puddle steamed and burned the floor as it spread outward. He stared at the rapidly expanding pool, until he realized that the entire door had been melted. His head snapped up to catch a glimpse at who had done this.

It was.... one of the children?

Ptolemy didn't remember the name of the one who stood in front of him, but he recognized them by their red hair. The child gave Ptolemy a savage grin, and began to walk towards him. That was when he noticed their eyes.

"Merciful sovereigns," he thought, "Those eyes...."

Those eyes burned with cruelty and hatred, and were fixed right on him.

The child continued walking towards him, stepping through the boiling puddle. They were barefoot, and the smell of burnt flesh wafted through the room, but they showed no sign of pain. What was this thing!? It wasn't the child he had overseen, of that he was certain.

"Ptolemy," the child said, "A coward, as ever."


"My sources tell me that you were among the first to bend the knee to that pretender, Tz'aan."

Then it clicked in Ptolemy's mind. The incredible power, those eyes, the ability to alter and control minds on a whim.... this was the High Inquisitor.

Ptolemy felt his mouth go dry.

"I... I had no idea that you were still alive, my lord. If I had known-" he said, tripping over his words as he went to his knees.

The child's mouth twisted into a sneer. Caked in ash and blood, the child actually looked rather menacing.

"Stop your groveling. I'm not going to kill you."

Ptolemy blinked in surprise.

"No, I'm going to use you. Your position here, as Abbot over these newly minted tenno, makes you far too useful to simply discard."

Ptolemy suddenly felt a foreign tendril worm its way into his mind, taking control. What formerly was Ptolemy grinned, and sat back down in its chair.

The High Inquisitor/Abigail nodded once, and walked out, tacking half molten metal as they walked away. A thin layer of iron had already cooled and hardened around their feet. Hours later, the Inquisitors would find these metallic footprints led straight to the hangar. In the hangar, a single ship was missing, the flight computer saying that it had charted a course for mars.

Abbot Ptolemy had told the Inquisitors not to worry, explaining that strange events were common in areas with constant exposure to void energy. Most considered this a perfectly acceptable answer, and those who didn't...... found their minds changed after a visit to the Abbot.


Abigail's eyes snapped open. She felt... off.... in a way she couldn't explain. Like someone had taken sandpaper to her insides.  She rubbed her stiff shoulders, rising to her feet.

And promptly fell in shock. She couldn't feel anything on the bottom of her feet. Her pulled one of her legs up, trying to get a look at what was wrong with them. Her eyes widened as she saw a thin sheet of steel melted to the bottom of them. When... no, how had this happened!? She didn't feel any pain, and there were no burns around the edges, as one might expect.

Despite how startling this change was, her attention moved elsewhere. She took in her surroundings, noticing that she was in a small escape pod. The single exit hatch had been blown off in reentry, revealing a massive expanse of sand, only broken by a small town on the horizon.

"Where..... where am I?" she wondered aloud, trying once again to put pressure on her foot. No pain, which was good, but it was hard to get a good grip on the metal floor. She half-walked, half-crawled out of the ship, squinting as she entered the harsh light of the sun. Regaining her feet, she looked down at herself. She gasped as she saw her once-pristine Hierarchy robes now plastered with Ash, soot, and now sand. What had happened?

Mind filled to the brim with questions, and no obvious answers, Abigail began to walk towards the town on the horizon.




((This is what happens when I'm stuck in a car for a week with nothing but microsoft word and the world's worst wifi hotspot))

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5 hours ago, Sharpstriker said:

Both Zaben and Rakan payed close attention to their surroundings, including the footsteps of everyone in the group in case another sound of footsteps could be heard.

The group stumbled around in the dark for a while before coming upon a map of the area painted on a wall.

"We're close," the nearest crewmember said, "Cargo hold's this way."

he began to walk down one of several nearby hallways. Then he froze, motioning for the others to do the same. The sound from earlier returned, closer this time. Whatever was causing the noise wasn't heading towards them though, and soon the dragging sound faded into silence

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13 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:

Svytoj kicked the Ice from his feet as he continued to weave around blasts from Tarnas's redeemer, bullets grazing his shields and armor as he fired on the Loki's location.

During the firefight, Svytoj's HUD was pinged with the same manner of message earlier; the earlier static on the radio line had ceased, instead filled with silence.. The text was even shorter, with only one word. "Complete." As to what this entailed, Svytoj would have to investigate this on his own.


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11 minutes ago, bowiespoon said:

((This is what happens when I'm stuck in a car for a week with nothing but microsoft word and the world's worst wifi hotspot))

(now you have to write it in french, spanish, russian, and orokin for the relay bookstores ^^)

Edited by souldrive11
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2 hours ago, Daakjenaar said:

Tarnas dodged most of the shots, but a couple of them ended up in his left arm. Tarnas stopped firing his Redeemer. A moment later, he placed a decoy beside Svytoj, and used switch teleporting to get into melee range. Without hesitation, Tarnas started slashing at Svytoj repeatedly.

"Disabling a limb will have more effect than your bullets." Said Tycho to Svytoj.

Several deep slashes opened up on Svytoj as dark fluid spewed from each new cut.
As Tarnas went for another strike, Svytoj's blade emerged from behind the black veil, the redeemer tearing into the muscle and sinew of Tarnas's dominant arm.

16 minutes ago, souldrive11 said:

During the firefight, Svytoj's HUD was pinged with the same manner of message earlier; the earlier static on the radio line had ceased, instead filled with silence.. The text was even shorter, with only one word. "Complete." As to what this entailed, Svytoj would have to investigate this on his own.


<Good to see you two back in the land of the living.> the message few onto Aria's and Mia's HUDs.

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Before he could do anything else, Fenrir grabbed his partner by the arm. 

"Let them settle this themselves, remember what we're here for?" He reminded Ymir.

Ymir stopped and nodded, rather annoyed. The duo left the room, heading down the hall. Fenrir scanned the Grineer words they found on signposts, usually above the room they were entering. Eventually, they reached a room entitled; 


"It should be in here." Ymir thought aloud as they stepped into the dark and rusted room. 

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)SuperShadic445 said:

Before he could do anything else, Fenrir grabbed his partner by the arm. 

"Let them settle this themselves, remember what we're here for?" He reminded Ymir.

Ymir stopped and nodded, rather annoyed. The duo left the room, heading down the hall. Fenrir scanned the Grineer words they found on signposts, usually above the room they were entering. Eventually, they reached a room entitled; 


"It should be in here." Ymir thought aloud as they stepped into the dark and rusted room. 

<Sorry about that. Should have warned you two about this.>
Looks like Svytoj had managed to get a hold of their COMM signal.
<If you'd like an extra hand, I'll rejoin you once this issue gets resolved>

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36 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

Several deep slashes opened up on Svytoj as dark fluid spewed from each new cut.
As Tarnas went for another strike, Svytoj's blade emerged from behind the black veil, the redeemer tearing into the muscle and sinew of Tarnas's dominant arm.

<Good to see you two back in the land of the living.> the message few onto Aria's and Mia's HUDs.

Tarnas switched with another decoy at the last second. A moment later, he planted some explosives he had planted under Svytoj's current position a while ago.

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)SuperShadic445 said:

Before he could do anything else, Fenrir grabbed his partner by the arm. 

"Let them settle this themselves, remember what we're here for?" He reminded Ymir.

Ymir stopped and nodded, rather annoyed. The duo left the room, heading down the hall. Fenrir scanned the Grineer words they found on signposts, usually above the room they were entering. Eventually, they reached a room entitled; 


"It should be in here." Ymir thought aloud as they stepped into the dark and rusted room. 

(I'm now officially DM of the Formorian. Time for my reign of terror! Muhahahaha!)
The laboratory, as would be expected for a crash like this, was full of corpses belonging to the Grineer "scientists" who had been in here during the crash.
(I'm not sure what you have planned, but I can still do some worldbuilding.)

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1 minute ago, Daakjenaar said:

Tarnas switched with another decoy at the last second. A moment later, he planted some explosives he had planted under Svytoj's current position a while ago.

A column of smoke erupted around Svytoj. for a while, there was no sign of movement.

Suddenly, Tarnas found himself flung towards the Column as a globe expanded behind him; obviously planted on him at some point during the struggle.
As Tarnas was sent flying, Svytoj's burned silhouette burst from the column, dark fluid glistening in the dim light as the frost dove towards the Loki, Redeemer primed for another go.

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Just now, EscortAlpha said:

A column of smoke erupted around Svytoj. for a while, there was no sign of movement.

Suddenly, Tarnas found himself flung towards the Column as a globe expanded behind him; obviously planted on him at some point during the struggle.
As Tarnas was sent flying, Svytoj's burned silhouette burst from the column, dark fluid glistening in the dim light as the frost dove towards the Loki, Redeemer primed for another go.

Tarnas leaped to his feet, and rolled to the left to dodge the Redeemer. He holstered his own Redeemer, and pulled out two Kunai knives.

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3 minutes ago, bowiespoon said:

((Uh oh, what have I done.....))

((You've doomed the entire origin system. Good job) 


4 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

(I'm now officially DM of the Formorian. Time for my reign of terror! Muhahahaha!)
The laboratory, as would be expected for a crash like this, was full of corpses belonging to the Grineer "scientists" who had been in here during the crash.
(I'm not sure what you have planned, but I can still do some worldbuilding.)

The two stepped over a corpse missing its lower half and continued inside

"Mind shedding some light on our situation?" Ymir asked Fenrir

Fenrir only rolled his eyes as his arms caught ablaze, illuminating the room with light. The duo stepped over, and around corpses toward a rack filled with vials. 

"Let's hope it didn't shatter during the crash" Fenrir mumbled 

((I may have to do a small amount of world building myself if that's okay with you.)) 

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)SuperShadic445 said:

((You've doomed the entire origin system. Good job) 


The two stepped over a corpse missing its lower half and continued inside

"Mind shedding some light on our situation?" Ymir asked Fenrir

Fenrir only rolled his eyes as his arms caught ablaze, illuminating the room with light. The duo stepped over, and around corpses toward a rack filled with vials. 

"Let's hope it didn't shatter during the crash" Fenrir mumbled 

((I may have to do a small amount of world building myself if that's okay with you.)) 


Besides the corpses, not much else really stood out in the laboratory.

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7 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

Tarnas leaped to his feet, and rolled to the left to dodge the Redeemer. He holstered his own Redeemer, and pulled out two Kunai knives.

Something dark and glossy flew past Tarnas's head.  upon closer inspection, it would appear to be a spike made of whatever that fluid was Svytoj was bleeding, frozen over by the frost's ambient cold.
As the object wizzed past, Svytoj bullet jumped towards the Loki, his blade rippling as he channeled into it,

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Just now, EscortAlpha said:

Something dark and glossy flew past Tarnas's head.  upon closer inspection, it would appear to be a spike make of whatever that fluid was Svytoj was bleeding, frozen over by the frost's ambient cold.
As the object wizzed past, Svytoj bullet jumped towards the Loki, his blade rippling as he channeled into it,

(I don't know why, but the fact that he has weaponized, dark colored blood seems strangely familiar. I can't remember where I've seen that before.)
Tarnas appeared behind Svytoj, who was actually just bullet jumping at another decoy. Tarnas stabbed both Kunai into Svytoj's back.

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6 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

(I don't know why, but the fact that he has weaponized, dark colored blood seems strangely familiar. I can't remember where I've seen that before.)
Tarnas appeared behind Svytoj, who was actually just bullet jumping at another decoy. Tarnas stabbed both Kunai into Svytoj's back.

((there are plenty of series that use weaponized blood, but the one I'm most familiar with is Soul Eater.))

Several large spikes of ice erupted from Svytoj's back as the blades pierced the skin, some managing to embed themselves the the Loki's arms

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8 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:


Besides the corpses, not much else really stood out in the laboratory.

The Wolf looked through the vials when he spotted it. The vial was filled with a deep purple liquid that seemed almost like Jello. Ymir plucked the vial from its spot at Fenrir's instruction.

"Now we just need the damn machine" Fenrir grunts looking around the desolate room

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Just now, EscortAlpha said:

((there are plenty of series that use weaponized blood, but the one I'm most families with is Soul Eater.))

Several large spikes of ice erupted from Svytoj's back as the blades pierced the skin, some managing to embed themselves the the Loki's arms

(Thanks for reminding me. That is the ONLY anime I've ever managed to watch for more than two episodes before giving up on it. I finished the series quite a while ago.)

Tarnas switch teleported away, and started removing them from his arms.
I have to find a way of attacking him without drawing blood. Tarnas thought to himself. Suddenly, he pulled out his Tigris, and loaded some incendiary ammo into the weapon.
"I said it would have more effect. Unfortunately, it would only slow him down." Said Tycho. "I wish I could help you more, but I had to exploit a loophole in my programming to help you this much. I can give you information. That's it."

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Just now, (PS4)SuperShadic445 said:

The Wolf looked through the vials when he spotted it. The vial was filled with a deep purple liquid that seemed almost like Jello. Ymir plucked the vial from its spot at Fenrir's instruction.

"Now we just need the damn machine" Fenrir grunts looking around the desolate room

There wasn't much other stuff in the room, so it would be easy to find. Clearly, the Grineer on this ship didn't make research a priority.

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