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1 minute ago, souldrive11 said:

(yes, but the conversation was limited strictly to Sarah/Abigail/Svytoj and my ocs. Italicized means the lines were said mentally, remember? ^^; Generally, if you aren't quoted in, your ocs shouldn't be listening in. That said, if you want your chars to learn about it as well, I'm sure you can ask someone quickly and easily enough, as there's now around 8 guys in the bar that knows about the impending tubemen rush (all of my ocs, bowies, and escorts))


(For some reason the font didn´t appear on my screen until I changed computers later. Let me fix that.)

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14 hours ago, souldrive11 said:

(are you ok with your ocs not commenting on the state of affairs that happened in the bar?)

((It's more that they don't care as really it does not concern them, If the others involve them, that'd be a different story.))

They decide to head out to find the guy mentioned by the bartender.

Zaben: "But damn were those guys annoying. Can't a guy eat and drink in peace. Thankfully we managed to stay out of it. Also, thx for the shields that dealt with the rubble."

Rakan nods.

Edited by Sharpstriker
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9 hours ago, Daakjenaar said:

After some really boring wandering through the seemingly endless corridors of the Formorian, Clogori arrived in a room that looked mildly interesting. There was a console, the kind normally used for data storage. Lining the walls were sentinels, and judging by their considerable shinyness  (which is now a word), they were being maintained by someone. And that someone was probably Tarnas. Content that the Rift would mostly hide his presence, Clogori walked across the room to the console, and exited the Rift long enough to interact with the console.

(The next post miiiiight be the big reveal I've been building up to...)

After pressing the same button repeatedly for a couple of minutes, Clogori managed to break through the Grineer cipher. He immediately started reading the list of files stored on the console, all of which clearly belonged to Tarnas.

"Tycho diagnostics... Security systems... Windows XP... Assassination list 7... Nope.avi... Journal..." Clogori read.

(Even an unspecified amount of centuries/millennia later, Windows XP still works.)

Clogori decided to open the Journal folder, expecting to see some kind of mission reports or something to give him an advantage over Tarnas. He found a few thousand different audio files. He probably left status reports every single day. Clogori shot the security cameras in the room and locked the door behind him, and started listening to the audio files, feeling sure that Tarnas wouldn't be able to get in...

(Actually, the big reveal will occur over the next several posts.)

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14 hours ago, souldrive11 said:

"Don't worry about it dear~ We've always meant to tell her one day, the incoming Grineer and Hierarchy have just simply nudged things along~" Lily chimes in as she finishes cleaning up the rest of the room. Most of the bar aside from a layer of dust here and there has returned to a semblance of normalcy.

"...we're going to get ready once things get messy. are you going to stay in contact this time though?..." Mia casually scolds Sarah as she shakily reaches up to relight the gas lanterns that had been blown out by the earlier storm. Aria meanwhile downs the rest of the whiskey bottle in one gulp. 

"Don't worry, I'll keep you posted." Sarah said, rolling her eyes.

She walked over to the door, leaning against the wall adjacent to it and listening for a lull in the storm.

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8 hours ago, (PS4)SuperShadic445 said:

"Surprisingly that isn't the first time I've heard of something like that. Happened all the time while they were trying to create me and Ymir over there" He replied tossing a thumb in Ymir's general direction.

Svytoj looked at Fenrir quizzically. "How many iterations did you guys get up to?"

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9 hours ago, Sharpstriker said:

((It's more that they don't care as really it does not concern them, If the others involve them, that'd be a different story.))

They decide to head out to find the guy mentioned by the bartender.

Zaben: "But damn were those guys annoying. Can't a guy eat and drink in peace. Thankfully we managed to stay out of it. Also, thx for the shields that dealt with the rubble."

Rakan nods.

(considering that escort's figure blew up the door and shutters down completely, that's some hard nerves of steel :s and can I ask what shields you're referring to? the metal slabs were the only thing holding the storm out, and my ocs are cleaning up the debris the old fashioned way)

5 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

"Don't worry, I'll keep you posted." Sarah said, rolling her eyes.

She walked over to the door, leaning against the wall adjacent to it and listening for a lull in the storm.

Outside, the roaring wind has mellowed out considerably, shifting direction to be blowing away from the Valley Lily's entrance: the dust and sand is still blanketing the night sky, but the ferocity has died down enough for the hearty or brave to attempt so head out if they choose.

"Looks like there's a lull in the storm dear guest~" Lily sweetly says as she opens the metal hatch on the door and quickly sweeps the rest of the metal shards and dust back outside. "If you need to be elsewhere I suggest you make the trek now before the storm rolls back in~"

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8 minutes ago, souldrive11 said:

(considering that escort's figure blew up the door and shutters down completely, that's some hard nerves of steel :s and can I ask what shields you're referring to? the metal slabs were the only thing holding the storm out, and my ocs are cleaning up the debris the old fashioned way)

Outside, the roaring wind has mellowed out considerably, shifting direction to be blowing away from the Valley Lily's entrance: the dust and sand is still blanketing the night sky, but the ferocity has died down enough for the hearty or brave to attempt so head out if they choose.

"Looks like there's a lull in the storm dear guest~" Lily sweetly says as she opens the metal hatch on the door and quickly sweeps the rest of the metal shards and dust back outside. "If you need to be elsewhere I suggest you make the trek now before the storm rolls back in~"

"Thanks for letting us hunker down during the storm, but we'd best be off." Sarah said, heading out the door. Abigail followed close behind. The wall of sand obscured any sign of them seconds after they stepped out.

Minutes later, the sound of a ship taking off could be heard.

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20 minutes ago, souldrive11 said:

(considering that escort's figure blew up the door and shutters down completely, that's some hard nerves of steel :s and can I ask what shields you're referring to? the metal slabs were the only thing holding the storm out, and my ocs are cleaning up the debris the old fashioned way)

(Think of it this way, they are ex-soldiers whom have been in situations both comedically rediculus and depressingly grim. Also, they've been around the block when it comes to bar scuffles. And their motto is "if it does not directly effect you, don't get involved unless you're going to get paid", which in this case, they were in the background, not being directly targeted.)

(As for the shields, remember that Rakan can create and manipulate energy shields to an extent using experimental tech he and Zaben stole. It should be fine holding off rubble or stray bullets from bugging them or ruining their food.)

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4 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:

Svytoj looked at Fenrir quizzically. "How many iterations did you guys get up to?"

¨Normally I´d lie and say around 50...but we´re looking at a number closer to 100¨ He sighed. ¨Ymir has extremely specialized skills that required a crap ton of bodies to harvest to full potential.¨

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Just now, Sharpstriker said:

(Think of it this way, they are ex-soldiers whom have been in situations both comedically rediculus and depressingly grim. Also, they've been around the block when it comes to bar scuffles. And their motto is "if it does not directly effect you, don't get involved unless you're going to get paid", which in this case, they were in the background, not being directly targeted.)

(As for the shields, remember that Rakan can create and manipulate energy shields to an extent using experimental tech he and Zaben stole. It should be fine holding off rubble or stray bullets from bugging them or ruining their food.)

(well alright then. plausible enough for me)

10 hours ago, Sharpstriker said:

((It's more that they don't care as really it does not concern them, If the others involve them, that'd be a different story.))

They decide to head out to find the guy mentioned by the bartender.

Zaben: "But damn were those guys annoying. Can't a guy eat and drink in peace. Thankfully we managed to stay out of it. Also, thx for the shields that dealt with the rubble."

Rakan nods.

(ohhh, I guess Zaben was taking to Rakan. I thought he was directing that towards Lily)

"Well, though the storm's lessened I don't think the salvager, or any of them really are going to attempt to head back until the it passes entirely~ If you have accommodations of your own I suggest you attempt to reach it before the storm rolls in again~" The bartender replies to Zaben.

"Lulls like this are few and far in between, and it's hard to predict when the next break will be~ I'd offer you a chair to sleep on, but-" The bartender waves around the room, referring to the blast scores and metal shards jammed throughout the room caused by the earlier figure blasting his way in. "I'm afraid that it's not in the best shape~ Once the storm clears I'm ...*mostly* certain that the rest of the workers will start to trickle back in~"

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4 minutes ago, souldrive11 said:

(well alright then. plausible enough for me)

(ohhh, I guess Zaben was taking to Rakan. I thought he was directing that towards Lily)

"Well, though the storm's lessened I don't think the salvager, or any of them really are going to attempt to head back until the it passes entirely~ If you have accommodations of your own I suggest you attempt to reach it before the storm rolls in again~" The bartender replies to Zaben.

"Lulls like this are few and far in between, and it's hard to predict when the next break will be~ I'd offer you a chair to sleep on, but-" The bartender waves around the room, referring to the blast scores and metal shards jammed throughout the room caused by the earlier figure blasting his way in. "I'm afraid that it's not in the best shape~ Once the storm clears I'm ...*mostly* certain that the rest of the workers will start to trickle back in~"

Zaben: "Do you know of any good lodging around here?"

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9 hours ago, Daakjenaar said:

After pressing the same button repeatedly for a couple of minutes, Clogori managed to break through the Grineer cipher. He immediately started reading the list of files stored on the console, all of which clearly belonged to Tarnas.

"Tycho diagnostics... Security systems... Windows XP... Assassination list 7... Nope.avi... Journal..." Clogori read.

(Even an unspecified amount of centuries/millennia later, Windows XP still works.)

Clogori decided to open the Journal folder, expecting to see some kind of mission reports or something to give him an advantage over Tarnas. He found a few thousand different audio files. He probably left status reports every single day. Clogori shot the security cameras in the room and locked the door behind him, and started listening to the audio files, feeling sure that Tarnas wouldn't be able to get in...

(Actually, the big reveal will occur over the next several posts.)

Clogori started with the first audio log...

"Uh... is this thing on?" Said a much more innocent sounding Tarnas. "Alright... uh... day 6 out of cryogenic stasis...  I've been on this... uh... Relay, for the last 5 days, trying to get a grip on what's happened so far this week. This Excalibur has been helping me out with stuff. He was the only surviving member of the team that got ,me out of stasis. He's given me enough credits to buy a gun and this audio recorder... I'm actually going on my first mission next week... we're recovering two more cryopods that were found on Earth. I guess that's about it... so... uh... bye..."

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7 minutes ago, Sharpstriker said:

Zaben: "Do you know of any good lodging around here?"

"Lodging yes, but *good* is subjective~ Most of the salvagers bunk up in an underground communal motel or wherever's capable of blocking the wind and retaining the heat from a fire~ The motel's open to everyone as long as you don't make trouble I believe: it's just on the other side of the settlement, small as it is~ Just look for a  wide hole dug into the ground with the entrance blocked by a small shed of scrap metal hammered into the dirt~"

Slowly but surely, the wind and dust outside is beginning to pick up in intensity again.

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18 minutes ago, souldrive11 said:

"Lodging yes, but *good* is subjective~ Most of the salvagers bunk up in an underground communal motel or wherever's capable of blocking the wind and retaining the heat from a fire~ The motel's open to everyone as long as you don't make trouble I believe: it's just on the other side of the settlement, small as it is~ Just look for a  wide hole dug into the ground with the entrance blocked by a small shed of scrap metal hammered into the dirt~"

Slowly but surely, the wind and dust outside is beginning to pick up in intensity again.

Zaben quickly tosses a small bag of credits and yells: "just my way of saying thanks".

Both of them rush to the shed as Rakan uses his shields as a wind block. 

After a little bit of running, they make it.


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3 hours ago, (PS4)SuperShadic445 said:

¨Normally I´d lie and say around 50...but we´re looking at a number closer to 100¨ He sighed. ¨Ymir has extremely specialized skills that required a crap ton of bodies to harvest to full potential.¨

Svytoj went silent for a moment
"...How would you even consolidate that many bodies...?"

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16 hours ago, Daakjenaar said:

Clogori started with the first audio log...

"Uh... is this thing on?" Said a much more innocent sounding Tarnas. "Alright... uh... day 6 out of cryogenic stasis...  I've been on this... uh... Relay, for the last 5 days, trying to get a grip on what's happened so far this week. This Excalibur has been helping me out with stuff. He was the only surviving member of the team that got ,me out of stasis. He's given me enough credits to buy a gun and this audio recorder... I'm actually going on my first mission next week... we're recovering two more cryopods that were found on Earth. I guess that's about it... so... uh... bye..."


"Uh... we just got back from the recovery mission. We found two Tenno there in cryo... We brought them back to the relay. The Excalibur, uh... Tavus, was with us. The other two we recovered... uh... Harron and.... what was her name again... uh... Bela, ... are a bit disoriented. The Oberon, Harron, already decided... uh... he wants to work with Tavus and me... The Equinox, Bela... hasn't said much so far... All we really know is her name. Anyway... uh... that's about it."


(How are you liking the really awkward and not insane version of Tarnas so far?)

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5 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:


"Uh... we just got back from the recovery mission. We found two Tenno there in cryo... We brought them back to the relay. The Excalibur, uh... Tavus, was with us. The other two we recovered... uh... Harron and.... what was her name again... uh... Bela, ... are a bit disoriented. The Oberon, Harron, already decided... uh... he wants to work with Tavus and me... The Equinox, Bela... hasn't said much so far... All we really know is her name. Anyway... uh... that's about it."


(How are you liking the really awkward and not insane version of Tarnas so far?)

((I'm interested, though I'm curious what exactly he was talking about between update 1 and 8.....))

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On 4/7/2017 at 10:54 PM, bowiespoon said:

"Thanks for letting us hunker down during the storm, but we'd best be off." Sarah said, heading out the door. Abigail followed close behind. The wall of sand obscured any sign of them seconds after they stepped out.

Minutes later, the sound of a ship taking off could be heard.

Some time later, the two tenno landed on the surface of mars, behind the sandstorm.

"We'll begin our search here. Evidently strange figures have been spotted around here." Sarah said, bulletjumping over the tops of half-buried, half-destroyed ships. Abigail followed behind, albeit not as quickly.

In the distance, a frost prime holding a falx watched them, cloaked.

Edited by bowiespoon
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9 hours ago, Daakjenaar said:


"Uh... we just got back from the recovery mission. We found two Tenno there in cryo... We brought them back to the relay. The Excalibur, uh... Tavus, was with us. The other two we recovered... uh... Harron and.... what was her name again... uh... Bela, ... are a bit disoriented. The Oberon, Harron, already decided... uh... he wants to work with Tavus and me... The Equinox, Bela... hasn't said much so far... All we really know is her name. Anyway... uh... that's about it."


(How are you liking the really awkward and not insane version of Tarnas so far?)


"So... uh... It's been 9 days since my first mission now... We decided we'd try and train a bit before we're thrown into the middle of a battle on Phobos or something. According to the guy who offered to help us out, a... uh... Volt, was giving us a few tips while we were practicing. Already, Harron has shown an aptitude for heavier weapons. He bought a... uh... Soma, and seems to know what he's doing. Apparently, he's... uh... also a capable healer. Tavus apparently ... Uh... is good with a sniper rifle, and swords or something. Bela, the Equinox, is good with shotguns and... uh... Kronen, or whatever they call those giant blades... Apparently... uh...Equinoxes are very versatile, but Bela seems better at the more destructive abilities. And then there's me. I'm good at hand to hand. Unarmed combat. Seriously, I might already be... uh... the most useless person here. The Volt said I was also decent with a shotgun, but I can tell that Bela's far better with them. I guess... uh... this means I'm good at close range combat, or something? I guess I can cloak, but that won't do much in a fight. Anyway... uh... that's about it."


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20 hours ago, (PS4)SuperShadic445 said:

¨Our bodies were genetically engineered husks that awaited a mind. If it was compatible then they sent us out. If not, we were sent back to test the next body.¨ He explained. 

"Fair enough." Svytoj said as he continued to look at both the Constable, or where he had been, and the shards of the rift torn cascade bomb.

On 4/5/2017 at 6:59 PM, bowiespoon said:

The Constable ignored him, walking back over to the table he had been sitting at. He sat down, the shadows of the room obscuring him from sight unusually well.

Where do I know that man from..?

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On 4/8/2017 at 5:26 AM, (PS4)SuperShadic445 said:


17 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:


(any chance I can convince you to move your chars out of the bar for the rest to the night while the storm's lightened up? the other two players are already gone, and it feels like your ocs are glued to the floor ^^;)

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1 hour ago, souldrive11 said:

(any chance I can convince you to move your chars out of the bar for the rest to the night while the storm's lightened up? the other two players are already gone, and it feels like your ocs are glued to the floor ^^;)

((If you need Svytoj out of there, sure.))

On 4/8/2017 at 4:26 AM, (PS4)SuperShadic445 said:

¨Our bodies were genetically engineered husks that awaited a mind. If it was compatible then they sent us out. If not, we were sent back to test the next body.¨ He explained. 

18 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:


Svytoj squinted at the Constable, still trying to figure out what was familiar about him.
He then looked to the dying storm; the dust and sand finally beginning to settle.
"I hate to cut this short, but I should probably get my subservience equipment back online before the eye passes." Svytoj said as he moved towards the exit.
"Keep in touch." He said as he picked up his archwing, and took off.

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2 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:

((If you need Svytoj out of there, sure.))

Svytoj squinted at the Constable, still trying to figure out what was familiar about him.
He then looked to the dying storm; the dust and sand finally beginning to settle.
"I hate to cut this short, but I should probably get my subservience equipment back online before the eye passes." Svytoj said as he moved towards the exit.
"Keep in touch." He said as he picked up his archwing, and took off.

The Constable pulled out a flask and drank from it, ignoring Svytoj's scrutiny.

On 4/7/2017 at 10:43 PM, souldrive11 said:

(considering that escort's figure blew up the door and shutters down completely, that's some hard nerves of steel :s and can I ask what shields you're referring to? the metal slabs were the only thing holding the storm out, and my ocs are cleaning up the debris the old fashioned way)

Outside, the roaring wind has mellowed out considerably, shifting direction to be blowing away from the Valley Lily's entrance: the dust and sand is still blanketing the night sky, but the ferocity has died down enough for the hearty or brave to attempt so head out if they choose.

"Looks like there's a lull in the storm dear guest~" Lily sweetly says as she opens the metal hatch on the door and quickly sweeps the rest of the metal shards and dust back outside. "If you need to be elsewhere I suggest you make the trek now before the storm rolls back in~"

Outside, trace particles of the infested wound - released before the man had arrived in the infirmary - had begun to grow into some sort of twisted plant-like structure.

Edited by bowiespoon
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