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Red Sands (Closed, IC)


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21 hours ago, Daakjenaar said:


"So... uh... It's been 9 days since my first mission now... We decided we'd try and train a bit before we're thrown into the middle of a battle on Phobos or something. According to the guy who offered to help us out, a... uh... Volt, was giving us a few tips while we were practicing. Already, Harron has shown an aptitude for heavier weapons. He bought a... uh... Soma, and seems to know what he's doing. Apparently, he's... uh... also a capable healer. Tavus apparently ... Uh... is good with a sniper rifle, and swords or something. Bela, the Equinox, is good with shotguns and... uh... Kronen, or whatever they call those giant blades... Apparently... uh...Equinoxes are very versatile, but Bela seems better at the more destructive abilities. And then there's me. I'm good at hand to hand. Unarmed combat. Seriously, I might already be... uh... the most useless person here. The Volt said I was also decent with a shotgun, but I can tell that Bela's far better with them. I guess... uh... this means I'm good at close range combat, or something? I guess I can cloak, but that won't do much in a fight. Anyway... uh... that's about it."



"It's been two hours since we got back from our first mission as a team. All in all, things went... uh.. . Pretty well, I guess. No one was injured, and we managed to take out the target relatively easily. Harron gunned a lot of them down pretty easily. Tavus... uh... was really helpful with that sniper rifle. He killed the target just before he could escape. Beannihilating injuring most of the Grineer forces nearby when she used Maim, or whatever it's called... And me... I stabbed some grineer, shot one or two, and punched one a few times. Everyone but me accomplished something. They said I'd do better next time... we're being sent to retrieve some information from the Corpus in a few days. I'm still not sure if I'll really be all that helpful... Well, that's about it."


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8 hours ago, souldrive11 said:




6 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:

((If you need Svytoj out of there, sure.))

Svytoj squinted at the Constable, still trying to figure out what was familiar about him.
He then looked to the dying storm; the dust and sand finally beginning to settle.
"I hate to cut this short, but I should probably get my subservience equipment back online before the eye passes." Svytoj said as he moved towards the exit.
"Keep in touch." He said as he picked up his archwing, and took off.


Fenrir waved at the Warframe as it flew off before turning to his partner.

¨The storm has died down for now, so let´s get back to the ship before it picks up again.¨ He said. 
Ymir nodded and got up, tossing a decent sized amount of platinum on the table. The pair headed for the door and stepped outside 

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On 4/9/2017 at 11:47 PM, bowiespoon said:

The Constable pulled out a flask and drank from it, ignoring Svytoj's scrutiny.

Outside, trace particles of the infested wound - released before the man had arrived in the infirmary - had begun to grow into some sort of twisted plant-like structure.

As the winds began to pick up once again, the infestation released a huge cloud of spores, using the sandstorm to spread them.

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On 4/8/2017 at 5:32 PM, bowiespoon said:

Some time later, the two tenno landed on the surface of mars, behind the sandstorm.

"We'll begin our search here. Evidently strange figures have been spotted around here." Sarah said, bulletjumping over the tops of half-buried, half-destroyed ships. Abigail followed behind, albeit not as quickly.

In the distance, a frost prime holding a falx watched them, cloaked.

Sarah and Abigail continued to search the expanse of derelict ships for any sign of the Hierarchy, but they both knew that they were searching for a needle in the system's largest haystack - the storm would have destroyed or blown away any signs of the Hierarchy's presence. The odds of them running into a patrol were pitifully low, but it was all they had.

While they searched, Sarah could have sworn she kept seeing something in the corner of her eye, but when she looked, she was only greeted by the sight of old ships and an endless stretch of sand.

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On 04/09/2017 at 10:30 PM, Daakjenaar said:


"It's been two hours since we got back from our first mission as a team. All in all, things went... uh.. . Pretty well, I guess. No one was injured, and we managed to take out the target relatively easily. Harron gunned a lot of them down pretty easily. Tavus... uh... was really helpful with that sniper rifle. He killed the target just before he could escape. Beannihilating injuring most of the Grineer forces nearby when she used Maim, or whatever it's called... And me... I stabbed some grineer, shot one or two, and punched one a few times. Everyone but me accomplished something. They said I'd do better next time... we're being sent to retrieve some information from the Corpus in a few days. I'm still not sure if I'll really be all that helpful... Well, that's about it."



"We're being sent on another mission tomorrow. There's an isolated Grineer asteroid base that's been hit by the Infestation. We're being sent to destroy the base. We've been planningout how we're going to destroy the base. Our current plan is to get the reactor to melt down and detonate. Harron suggested blocking every way out of the station to starve the Infested. We're still deciding on a plan here, but I think the reactor plan might work better, personally. After we finish this mission, we're going to go to the Kronia Relay and spend some of the credits we saved up. I think I'll probably buy myself a decent gun. I've been thinking about getting one of those Redeemer shotguns. I know Harron wanted a Kubrow, and Tavus wanted a better sniper. I'm not 100% what Bela is going to buy. Anyway, that's about it."


(In case you haven't noticed, I've been trying to make Tarnas less awkward over time. Also, for the record, Clogori is watching all of the audio logs, I'm just posting specific ones.)

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21 hours ago, Daakjenaar said:


"We're being sent on another mission tomorrow. There's an isolated Grineer asteroid base that's been hit by the Infestation. We're being sent to destroy the base. We've been planningout how we're going to destroy the base. Our current plan is to get the reactor to melt down and detonate. Harron suggested blocking every way out of the station to starve the Infested. We're still deciding on a plan here, but I think the reactor plan might work better, personally. After we finish this mission, we're going to go to the Kronia Relay and spend some of the credits we saved up. I think I'll probably buy myself a decent gun. I've been thinking about getting one of those Redeemer shotguns. I know Harron wanted a Kubrow, and Tavus wanted a better sniper. I'm not 100% what Bela is going to buy. Anyway, that's about it."


(In case you haven't noticed, I've been trying to make Tarnas less awkward over time. Also, for the record, Clogori is watching all of the audio logs, I'm just posting specific ones.)

(I'm assuming that either the display's hidden in a super hidden corner of the wreck, or Clogorl's playing it at fast forward, considering he's on his 81th vid and Tarn still hasn't shoved sharp objects into him yet ^^;)

(I don't suppose I could wrangle a rough timeline on when he'll be done binge watching out of you?)

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3 hours ago, souldrive11 said:

(I'm assuming that either the display's hidden in a super hidden corner of the wreck, or Clogorl's playing it at fast forward, considering he's on his 81th vid and Tarn still hasn't shoved sharp objects into him yet ^^;)

(I don't suppose I could wrangle a rough timeline on when he'll be done binge watching out of you?)

(He shot the security camera, and locked the entrance by shooting more stuff (Which tends to fix most problems) Plus, these audio logs are about 30 seconds to a minute, with a few being 15-20 seconds.)

(The binge watching will end relatively soon, after I make several reveals, before Clogori and Tarnas fight.)

Edited by Daakjenaar
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On 4/11/2017 at 5:45 PM, bowiespoon said:

Sarah and Abigail continued to search the expanse of derelict ships for any sign of the Hierarchy, but they both knew that they were searching for a needle in the system's largest haystack - the storm would have destroyed or blown away any signs of the Hierarchy's presence. The odds of them running into a patrol were pitifully low, but it was all they had.

While they searched, Sarah could have sworn she kept seeing something in the corner of her eye, but when she looked, she was only greeted by the sight of old ships and an endless stretch of sand.

((Sorry I haven't been able to do much all week. Let's get this plot rolling again!))

Abigail paused suddenly, eyes widening. Something dark and familiar churned in the back of her mind, quickly reasserting its dominion over her. Or perhaps it had always been there, silently watching her actions - Abigail had no way of knowing. Either way, the presence was making itself known again, and using far less subtlety in directing Abigail's actions. Rather than altering Abigail's thoughts, it was supplanting her control entirely.

The mesa halted abruptly, causing Sarah to skid to a stop.

"Something wrong?" Sarah asked concernedly.

Abigail desperately wanted to warn Sarah, to let her know what was happening, but instead she found herself replying casually, "If we keep going at this rate, we aren't going to find anything. We should split up, cover ground faster. If either of us finds anything, we alert the other over the comms."

Sarah looked like she was going to object, but Abigail continued speaking. "Sarah, relax. If I spot the Hierarchy, I'll wait for you before engaging them."

Sarah still didn't look happy, but she sighed and nodded in resignation.

"Alright then. I'll head that way." Sarah said, pointing in a direction before bulletjumping off.

Through Abigail, the presence grinned maliciously.


As Sarah left, the frost prime decloaked behind Abigail, falx poised to strike.

"Now, is that any way to greet your lord?"

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On 4/7/2017 at 11:26 PM, Sharpstriker said:

Zaben quickly tosses a small bag of credits and yells: "just my way of saying thanks".

Both of them rush to the shed as Rakan uses his shields as a wind block. 

After a little bit of running, they make it.

(apologies for the wait; a break was required so I can once again jump in with fresh eyes)

Just as the duo the quickly make their way below and inside, the storm once again picks up in intensity, bringing the outside back into the hazardous darkness.

The dug out sleeping quarters in the canyon is little more than a hole in the ground. Cots are strewn about haphazardly wtih an occasional metal footlocker lying at the foot of the strewn used mattresses: locked of course, or even boobytrapped depending on how paranoid the salvager is. Unlit gas lanterns dots the ceiling, and a very deep hope in the back of the corner is the only source for relieving one self.

Nobody was inside, as the salvaging teams are all still stuck out in the wilderness hiding out the planetary storm.

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On 4/10/2017 at 3:27 AM, (PS4)SuperShadic445 said:

Fenrir waved at the Warframe as it flew off before turning to his partner.

¨The storm has died down for now, so let´s get back to the ship before it picks up again.¨ He said. 
Ymir nodded and got up, tossing a decent sized amount of platinum on the table. The pair headed for the door and stepped outside 

As the duo heads out the bar's door and into the sandstorm, the howling winds begins to increase volume, sand and debris buffeting the pair like a sandblaster. If the two proxies equivalents (if it's ok with you, I'm going to refer to them as such until you or the ocs say otherwise) don't find a windbreak or shelter soon, they are liable to be consumed entirely by erosion.

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On 04/11/2017 at 8:30 PM, Daakjenaar said:


"We're being sent on another mission tomorrow. There's an isolated Grineer asteroid base that's been hit by the Infestation. We're being sent to destroy the base. We've been planningout how we're going to destroy the base. Our current plan is to get the reactor to melt down and detonate. Harron suggested blocking every way out of the station to starve the Infested. We're still deciding on a plan here, but I think the reactor plan might work better, personally. After we finish this mission, we're going to go to the Kronia Relay and spend some of the credits we saved up. I think I'll probably buy myself a decent gun. I've been thinking about getting one of those Redeemer shotguns. I know Harron wanted a Kubrow, and Tavus wanted a better sniper. I'm not 100% what Bela is going to buy. Anyway, that's about it."


(In case you haven't noticed, I've been trying to make Tarnas less awkward over time. Also, for the record, Clogori is watching all of the audio logs, I'm just posting specific ones.)


"We had to make an emergency landing on Phobos after we got caught in the crossfire between Grineer and Corpus fleets. The ship could probably be fixed, but we lack the necessary spare parts to do so. We moved into a small cave, just large enough to provide us with somewhere we won't be shot. Harron is setting up the emergency transmitter outside of the cave, and Tavus is keeping watch for everyone. I haven't seen Bela in a while, but I saw her walking in the direction of a Grineer outpost a few hundred meters north of here. My arm was broken in the crash, so Harron made me stay in here until he had time to heal it. It's not even that bad. I don't know what he's worrying about. Anyway, I think I see Bela walking over here... Yep, covered in blood. I don't think we have to worry about patrols for a while. Once we get some reinforcements to show up, we're going to repair the Liset, and try to fly our way around the battle this time. Once we get back to the Relay, I'm buying myself a drink. This week has been ridiculous. That's about it."


Throughout the entire recording, Clogori could hear the sounds of Grineer and Corpus forces fighting in the distance.

(I wonder if I can make any of you feel bad for Tarnas. I kind of doubt it, but still.)

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Just now, Daakjenaar said:


"We had to make an emergency landing on Phobos after we got caught in the crossfire between Grineer and Corpus fleets. The ship could probably be fixed, but we lack the necessary spare parts to do so. We moved into a small cave, just large enough to provide us with somewhere we won't be shot. Harron is setting up the emergency transmitter outside of the cave, and Tavus is keeping watch for everyone. I haven't seen Bela in a while, but I saw her walking in the direction of a Grineer outpost a few hundred meters north of here. My arm was broken in the crash, so Harron made me stay in here until he had time to heal it. It's not even that bad. I don't know what he's worrying about. Anyway, I think I see Bela walking over here... Yep, covered in blood. I don't think we have to worry about patrols for a while. Once we get some reinforcements to show up, we're going to repair the Liset, and try to fly our way around the battle this time. Once we get back to the Relay, I'm buying myself a drink. This week has been ridiculous. That's about it."


Throughout the entire recording, Clogori could hear the sounds of Grineer and Corpus forces fighting in the distance.

(I wonder if I can make any of you feel bad for Tarnas. I kind of doubt it, but still.)

(you won't know until you try :s in the present though, unless the vids are made public and/or the other ocs actually manage to see Tarn's sliding off the slippery slope, it's hard to garner pity without it feeling artificial imo. His actions from TUL to TRS haven't exactly inspired empathy after all)

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6 minutes ago, souldrive11 said:

(you won't know until you try :s in the present though, unless the vids are made public and/or the other ocs actually manage to see Tarn's sliding off the slippery slope, it's hard to garner pity without it feeling artificial imo. His actions from TUL to TRS haven't exactly inspired empathy after all)

(I planned on making these public within the RP once I'm done, but I was mostly referring to Escort, Bowie, Shadic, you, etc.)

(Unless, of course, I'm in the Matrix and all of you are fake.)

Edited by Daakjenaar
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13 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

(I planned on making these public within the RP once I'm done, but I was mostly referring to Escort, Bowie, Shadic, you, etc.)

(Unless, of course, I'm in the Matrix and all if you are fake.)

6 minutes ago, bowiespoon said:

((I'm fake))

(we're all fake, unless we're actually real underneath the fakes, that are fake underneath the real that are underneath the fakes. Full blown Frameception)

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On 4/7/2017 at 10:26 PM, souldrive11 said:

(well alright then. plausible enough for me)

(ohhh, I guess Zaben was taking to Rakan. I thought he was directing that towards Lily)

"Well, though the storm's lessened I don't think the salvager, or any of them really are going to attempt to head back until the it passes entirely~ If you have accommodations of your own I suggest you attempt to reach it before the storm rolls in again~" The bartender replies to Zaben.

"Lulls like this are few and far in between, and it's hard to predict when the next break will be~ I'd offer you a chair to sleep on, but-" The bartender waves around the room, referring to the blast scores and metal shards jammed throughout the room caused by the earlier figure blasting his way in. "I'm afraid that it's not in the best shape~ Once the storm clears I'm ...*mostly* certain that the rest of the workers will start to trickle back in~"

Closing the metal replacement doors and locking them for the night, the quintet spend the remainder of the night finishing up cleaning the bar, before heading back behind the kitchen and into their humble abode, using the remainder of the prepared foodstuffs for a light supper.

As the group winds down over tea, Jane's the first to speak up, the earlier evening's events still playing in her mind.

"That was a crazy night, even more than usual I mean." Jane says, disbelief still dripping out of her voice while she paces around the small living room. "I can't believe so many fancy weirdos decided to drop in tonight, and I think the two guys in fancy suits were those mystical Tennoes!"

"Speaking of which dear~" Lily notes, that porcelain smile never leaving her face. "There's something Florence and I need to tell you, if you haven't figured it out already~"

"...Sure?" Jane says, sliding down and squeezing between her two moms.

Lily reaches up to her choker and flips the small switch, and shortly after the telltale white scars reappears on her face. Lily opens her one eye fully, the touch of the void glowing out.

"Everyone in this room, including your aunts are the Tenno from your storybooks~"

A silence blankets the room, the air so still you could hear a pin drop. Jane's mouth hangs down so low one might think she would trip over it. Finally after what seems like an eternity, Jane can only get one thought out.

"........WhaaaATTT?!!!" escapes her lips. If she wasn't sitting on the sunken couch already, Jane would have dropped to the floor, her legs losing all feeling.

"So you mom," Jane points at Lily, "mother, Aunt A, and Aunt M are all the space warrior ninja boogeymen from ancient times?!!" Jane's finger travels around the room, point to each of them as she lists them down. Finally point at herself, Jane can only utter: "....am I a Tenno too?"

At that comment both Aria and Lily break into laughter: Aria's loud and hearty, Lily's polite and serene, covering her mouth with the back of her hand.

"No silly, unless you want to be one by association~" 

"Physically speaking, becoming a Tenno is painful on many levels, and sometimes fatal: both for yourself and everyone around you." Florence calmly states, putting an arm around Jane's shoulder. "To us though, you pretty much *are* one in everything but name."

"...don't dwell on it too much..." Mia whispers gently to Jane as she takes off her blindfold, revealing her own set of glowing ghostly eyes. "...even without being touched by the abyss we care for you all the same..."

"Aunt M?" Jane asks, flabbergasted. Did she just talk, without moving her mouth? Into the back of her head?!

"Telepathy dear~" Lily answers, putting a covered arm over Jane's other shoulder. "Our latent talents aren't always controllable, and that's how Mia deals with hers~"

"That...is...awesome!" Jane shouts, a grin plastered from ear to ear. Her entire family is made up of the the secret warriors of the sword and gun, trying to bring balance to the solar system?! This beats the earlier bar debacle by a mile! "...But, why tell me this now?"

"Because dear~" Lily conveys sweetly. "Your mother and I think it's time for you to spread your wings and see the world beyond the sand and rock~ After Mia and Aria arrived bearing news, we think you're ready to take a bigger step forward, both into our world, and the sea of stars~"

"...I get to go into space...? Alongside my space ninja family?! HOLYSMOKES, THAT'S AWESOME!!!!!" Jane yells at the top of her lungs with excitement. If her smile grew any wider it would fuse at the top and turn into a circle. "When do we go?what should I pack?what am I going to see?-" Jane gets interrupted by a paper bag shoved into her face, courtesy of Florence.

"Breathe, it's required for most things to stay alive." Florence evenly says. "We're heading out within a week, maybe sooner depending on circumstance. We're going to be packing everything here that isn't nailed down, and possibly the nails too. As for the sights," Florence cracks a faint smile while Jane brings her breathing under control, the first she's shown since Mia and Aria arrived, and in a long time. "It's a big solar system, so there's going to be a lot."

"Well isn't that just *Mah-velous, Jane~?" Aria muses, as she slides over the table and places her head on Jane's lap. "You're finally going to be going on an adventure of a lifetime with your aunts~"

"We start packing tonight, containers and crates can go in the living room~ We'll take care of the lugging transport while you get yourself sorted out~"

Jane can only nod her head in amazement. Within one night her entire worldview has been turned upside down, and now she gets to go sailing off into the stars and planets above with some of the most well trained family members that have ever existed! It'll be a wonder if she gets any sleep tonight.

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1 hour ago, souldrive11 said:

(apologies for the wait; a break was required so I can once again jump in with fresh eyes)

Just as the duo the quickly make their way below and inside, the storm once again picks up in intensity, bringing the outside back into the hazardous darkness.

The dug out sleeping quarters in the canyon is little more than a hole in the ground. Cots are strewn about haphazardly wtih an occasional metal footlocker lying at the foot of the strewn used mattresses: locked of course, or even boobytrapped depending on how paranoid the salvager is. Unlit gas lanterns dots the ceiling, and a very deep hope in the back of the corner is the only source for relieving one self.

Nobody was inside, as the salvaging teams are all still stuck out in the wilderness hiding out the planetary storm.

Zaben to Rakan: "figures as much. Well let's get some sleep before they get back."

Rakan nods and they lay on some of the cots and wait out the storm.

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3 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

((Nope :D ))

((Well, maybe, but its not going to be easy))

(Prepare to be depressed... in a few posts.)

3 hours ago, Daakjenaar said:


"We had to make an emergency landing on Phobos after we got caught in the crossfire between Grineer and Corpus fleets. The ship could probably be fixed, but we lack the necessary spare parts to do so. We moved into a small cave, just large enough to provide us with somewhere we won't be shot. Harron is setting up the emergency transmitter outside of the cave, and Tavus is keeping watch for everyone. I haven't seen Bela in a while, but I saw her walking in the direction of a Grineer outpost a few hundred meters north of here. My arm was broken in the crash, so Harron made me stay in here until he had time to heal it. It's not even that bad. I don't know what he's worrying about. Anyway, I think I see Bela walking over here... Yep, covered in blood. I don't think we have to worry about patrols for a while. Once we get some reinforcements to show up, we're going to repair the Liset, and try to fly our way around the battle this time. Once we get back to the Relay, I'm buying myself a drink. This week has been ridiculous. That's about it."


Throughout the entire recording, Clogori could hear the sounds of Grineer and Corpus forces fighting in the distance.

(I wonder if I can make any of you feel bad for Tarnas. I kind of doubt it, but still.)


"We're currently in orbit around Mars. Our assignment is to assault a small Grineer outpost. As I speak, Tavus is commencing a final scan of the outpost. At the moment, our plan is relatively simple. Tavus will be on a cliff south of the outpost, using it as a sniping position. Harron and Bela will distract the guards, likely with a lot of gunfire and stabbing. Meanwhile, I'll be getting into the base itself, to free our target, a prisoner with vital Intel on Grineer fleet movements. Afterwards, I'll get the prisoner to the evac point and wait for everyone else. Unfortunately, there are several other outposts nearby which can get reinforcements to the-" Tarnas was interrupted by someone.

"What are you doing?" The person who interrupted asked. The voice was definitely female.

"Daily status report. Why are you in here, Bela?" Tarnas asked.

"Tavus told me to check on you. ETA on the outpost is 5 minutes." The voice was high pitched  (Sorry about the video not being a link, but I can't fix it on my phone.)

"Tell Tavus I'll be there in a minute." Tarnas responded.

"Anyway, that's about it."

(Yes, Bela interrupted the audio log.)

(And no, you aren't supposed to be depressed yet.)

3 hours ago, souldrive11 said:

(you won't know until you try :s in the present though, unless the vids are made public and/or the other ocs actually manage to see Tarn's sliding off the slippery slope, it's hard to garner pity without it feeling artificial imo. His actions from TUL to TRS haven't exactly inspired empathy after all)

 (If I do tjis correctly, I should be able to genuinely make people feel bad for Tarnas.)

(Then again, after re-reading a chapter of my new Sci-fi story, I am likely severely overestimating my writing skills.)

Edited by Daakjenaar
Everything went wrong
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On 4/14/2017 at 0:19 AM, bowiespoon said:

((Sorry I haven't been able to do much all week. Let's get this plot rolling again!))

Abigail paused suddenly, eyes widening. Something dark and familiar churned in the back of her mind, quickly reasserting its dominion over her. Or perhaps it had always been there, silently watching her actions - Abigail had no way of knowing. Either way, the presence was making itself known again, and using far less subtlety in directing Abigail's actions. Rather than altering Abigail's thoughts, it was supplanting her control entirely.

The mesa halted abruptly, causing Sarah to skid to a stop.

"Something wrong?" Sarah asked concernedly.

Abigail desperately wanted to warn Sarah, to let her know what was happening, but instead she found herself replying casually, "If we keep going at this rate, we aren't going to find anything. We should split up, cover ground faster. If either of us finds anything, we alert the other over the comms."

Sarah looked like she was going to object, but Abigail continued speaking. "Sarah, relax. If I spot the Hierarchy, I'll wait for you before engaging them."

Sarah still didn't look happy, but she sighed and nodded in resignation.

"Alright then. I'll head that way." Sarah said, pointing in a direction before bulletjumping off.

Through Abigail, the presence grinned maliciously.


As Sarah left, the frost prime decloaked behind Abigail, falx poised to strike.

"Now, is that any way to greet your lord?"

The frost staggered back as if struck. That voice...... he knew that voice...... It belonged to the man who had created his sect. Lord Octavius, the orokin who had founded an order of tenno-hunters.

"My liege," the frost said shakily, dropping to one knee.

"Stand. I have a task for you."

The frost rose to his feet, eyeing the mesa warily. Given that Octavius wasn't speaking aloud, he could safely assume that this was a proxy of his, not a yuvan.

"How may I serve?" the frost said.

"Many of the tenno here are aware of the game, and attempt to intervene in its politics. It is highly likely that they will attempt to kill the IRIS Grandmaster assigned here, or Xerxes. You are to create an opening for them to do so should the occasion arise. Should they try to go after the Hierarchy, cut them down."


"Do not give the IRIS Foundation a reason to suspect you. For now, follow their orders, become the perfect pawn."

"Yes, my liege."

The tendril withdrew from the frost's mind, and he cloaked, continuing to follow the path Sarah had taken.


Abigail stumbled backwards, suddenly able to move again.

"Did you really think?" the presence taunted, "That just because you were free of the station where they trained you, you were free of me? I'm sorry to disappoint, Abigail, but you are far too useful a tool to let go."

A flood of emotions surged through Abigail. Dismay, fear...... rage. For the first time since the presence had first taken root in her mind, she fought against it.

"Cute, but ultimately pointless. Marcus could not defy me. Sarah could not defy me. You can not defy me."

Then Abigail collapsed to the ground, writhing in agony. Waves of pain pounded in her skull, consuming all rational thought.

"I need to go look for the Hierarchy. Nobody needs to know about what happened here." The presence said. Abigail obeyed.


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4 hours ago, souldrive11 said:


The dust and sand was thick around Svytoj as he worked on one of the radio towers he had placed on the of the towns roofs. the spanner in his hand spinning wildly as he worked to brace the last of his stations against the martian storm, the paint on his odonata slowly beginning to wear with each new swell.
Finally, it looked like this last  surveillance tower would hold.
he looked around the dust covered town, eyeing the tavern in the distance; of all places for that red-cloaked man to strike, why hadn't he expected a tavern in a western town?
He continued to watch the storm as sand began to pelt his shields.
[ENTRY 13]
[As of now, I have only been able to classify three major groups or individuals:
the Hierarchy: a know organization trying to reinstate the older Orokin order. currently have their own 'Tenno' planet side.
Our unknown frost: a survivor of some previously undocumented Tenno purge. Has no trouble or issues dispatching other Tenno.
An unidentified organization trying to contain this frost, whom they've designated 'Unit 53-2' . Current motives remain unknown.
Further more, we've begun decoding in regards to the cipher key provided by J'Taav. It appears that Sarah had been left with a message pertaining to a 'so-called Heir". Who this person is remains unknown at this time. Hopefully, more messages will become available.
A ghost from before the Umbrial Offensive has found His way to me. I was hoping that he hadn't returned, but ever since that girl, Tiki, showed up, the threat of him coming to find me has been looming closer.
With only three classified players on Gravidus, the threat of this Ghost following me, and the approaching Grineer forces, I'm quickly running out of time.
Unless things turn around soon, we may not get-]
The message flickered across Svytoj's HUD. He reached out into the storm, grasping a handful of dust and sand. As he looked into the clump, he could see small tendrils beginning to grow from the sand.
He clenched his hand, freezing over the mass as he threw it at his feet, stomping it out as he continued his report.
[Unless things turn around soon, we may not get ahead of this 'great game' or gain the information we need
Final note: The town of Deadwood is showing signs of infested material; spores are actively growing. We may need to enact WHITE PAINT contingencies. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.]
Svytoj quickly sent of a copy of his report to Embassa and Mia.

1 hour ago, bowiespoon said:


Svytoj clenched his fist: he wasn't sure why, but he just kept clenching his left hand.

Infested, Grineer, the great game: Gravidus was quickly falling apart.

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1 hour ago, Daakjenaar said:


The man in the red cloak staggered to his ship, the wounds inflicted by the limbo finally taking their toll. The aged lights on the patchwork ship burst to life as he entered his ship, ripping his helmet from his head.
His face was ragged and aged, wrinkles and scars running in all directions; ashen from the blood loss he had suffered.
as he walked, he tore the damaged armor from his chest; it clattered to he ground as a shattered derelict key tumbled from the back, several blood clots being torn from the mans chest as it fell.
He shakily reached a work bench near the back, grabbing what looked like an arch welder, and pressing it against the stab marks as it sparked at his flesh.
The deep wounds began to simmer and fade as he dragged the 'welder' across his chest. He set down the welder, picking up a large syringe gun; the massive bulb at the back engorged with a bright red fluid.
He plunge the needle deep into his carotid and pulled the trigger, the pre-oxygenated blood pouring into his body as his ashen skin regained some color. He 'welded' the hole in the carotid shut and pressed his hands against against the workbench, rapping his fingers against the cold steel surface.
He let out a roar as he launched the contents of the bench onto the floor.
"Systol! Diastol! What the hell happened back there?"
"PROCESSING" Two voices came in unison as the display at the front of the ship flickered to life. Recordings of Clogori's attack playing over and over.
"it appears you rushed things again." A Helios said as it began hovering at the mans left. "OR, you didn't push hard enough." a Carabus retorted as it hovered to the mans right.
"Systol. you know that derelict keys do not output the same level of power." the Helios said
"Which is why we've been making extensive collection efforts for tier fours. or have you forgotten so easily, Diastol?" stated the Carabus.
"ENOUGH." The man said. "What I WANT to know is WHY a limbo managed to lock me in place."
Lines of code and static flickered over the video feed of Clogori's attacks.
"It appears that the limbo framework recently underwent restructuring," Diastol stated as the code began to settle. "the only reason you managed to stay alert to the attack was the shards of that key attached to your armor."Systol interjected.
the man walked over to the display as he began running his fingers across the interface, studying the movement and void signature of the Limbo.
"What can we do to negate this?"
"Given enough time, I can compile a work around to keep you mobile during this attack: you may be slower, but you won't be frozen." Diastol stated.
"OR, we can find this Limbo, speed the development time, and remove this threat before he can interfere again."
"NOT VIABLE: we cannot let one lone Tenno separate us from our goal."
"This limbo HAS separated us from our goal."
"We can't assume he will interfere in the future."
"We can't assume that he won't".
"ENOUGH!" The man shouted as he inserted a pristine tier four key into his armor, slipping back into it as void energy rippled over the scars on his arms.
"Sir, we must focus on hunting that Frost."
"Sir, This limbo has aided them. we can't let it happen again."
"WHAT IS YOUR DECISION?" The two sentinels asked in unison.

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9 hours ago, Daakjenaar said:

(Prepare to be depressed... in a few posts.)


"We're currently in orbit around Mars. Our assignment is to assault a small Grineer outpost. As I speak, Tavus is commencing a final scan of the outpost. At the moment, our plan is relatively simple. Tavus will be on a cliff south of the outpost, using it as a sniping position. Harron and Bela will distract the guards, likely with a lot of gunfire and stabbing. Meanwhile, I'll be getting into the base itself, to free our target, a prisoner with vital Intel on Grineer fleet movements. Afterwards, I'll get the prisoner to the evac point and wait for everyone else. Unfortunately, there are several other outposts nearby which can get reinforcements to the-" Tarnas was interrupted by someone.

"What are you doing?" The person who interrupted asked. The voice was definitely female.

"Daily status report. Why are you in here, Bela?" Tarnas asked.

"Tavus told me to check on you. ETA on the outpost is 5 minutes." The voice was high pitched  (Sorry about the video not being a link, but I can't fix it on my phone.)

"Tell Tavus I'll be there in a minute." Tarnas responded.

"Anyway, that's about it."

(Yes, Bela interrupted the audio log.)

(And no, you aren't supposed to be depressed yet.)

 (If I do tjis correctly, I should be able to genuinely make people feel bad for Tarnas.)

(Then again, after re-reading a chapter of my new Sci-fi story, I am likely severely overestimating my writing skills.)


"I've officially been out of cryo for a year now. This year has been absolutely ridiculous, but still amazing somehow. Our next mission is in two weeks, so we have plenty of time to relax. Lately, Bela has been talking a lot more, which is strange. As she's been talking more, I've been able to pinpoint a way to describe her personality. I can really sum it up in one word: excitable. Seriously. I don't know why she's become more social lately, but it's... strange, to say the least. Additionally, I've been feeling strange around Bela, for some reason. Perhaps she has some sort of contagious disease or something. Anyway, I'll look into it later. Anyway (2.0), that's about it."


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the infested spores did not release in deadwood - the winds were too extreme, and this was not their purpose. Instead, they opened once two criteria were met: they were in the shade, and there were no winds. In other words, once they were inside the derelict ships.

Once inside the ship, the spores grew into vine-like organisms that quickly grew across the ship, with multiple sensory apparatus sprouting from it. It was almost like the infestation was searching for something.

Edited by bowiespoon
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