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Red Sands (Closed, IC)


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On 4/14/2017 at 9:35 PM, Sharpstriker said:

Zaben to Rakan: "figures as much. Well let's get some sleep before they get back."

Rakan nods and they lay on some of the cots and wait out the storm.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:27 AM, (PS4)SuperShadic445 said:


Fenrir waved at the Warframe as it flew off before turning to his partner.

¨The storm has died down for now, so let´s get back to the ship before it picks up again.¨ He said. 
Ymir nodded and got up, tossing a decent sized amount of platinum on the table. The pair headed for the door and stepped outside 

As the third day begins to tick over in Deadwood, the storm outside finally begins to wane. Strands of light finally start to make it's way through the cloud, as the dust and sand begin to clear out of the chilled dawn air. Over from the various worksites where the storm had finally passed, streams of figures begin to drift their way out of the haphazard derelicts and back towards the small settlement, hauling what extra bits of salvage they could cut out from the wrecks on rickety wagons or on their backs. Baring extenuating circumstances, the salvagers should arrive back in Deadwood by late morning.

On 4/15/2017 at 0:25 AM, EscortAlpha said:

The dust and sand was thick around Svytoj as he worked on one of the radio towers he had placed on the of the towns roofs. the spanner in his hand spinning wildly as he worked to brace the last of his stations against the martian storm, the paint on his odonata slowly beginning to wear with each new swell.
Finally, it looked like this last  surveillance tower would hold.
he looked around the dust covered town, eyeing the tavern in the distance; of all places for that red-cloaked man to strike, why hadn't he expected a tavern in a western town?
He continued to watch the storm as sand began to pelt his shields.
[ENTRY 13]
[As of now, I have only been able to classify three major groups or individuals:
the Hierarchy: a know organization trying to reinstate the older Orokin order. currently have their own 'Tenno' planet side.
Our unknown frost: a survivor of some previously undocumented Tenno purge. Has no trouble or issues dispatching other Tenno.
An unidentified organization trying to contain this frost, whom they've designated 'Unit 53-2' . Current motives remain unknown.
Further more, we've begun decoding in regards to the cipher key provided by J'Taav. It appears that Sarah had been left with a message pertaining to a 'so-called Heir". Who this person is remains unknown at this time. Hopefully, more messages will become available.
A ghost from before the Umbrial Offensive has found His way to me. I was hoping that he hadn't returned, but ever since that girl, Tiki, showed up, the threat of him coming to find me has been looming closer.
With only three classified players on Gravidus, the threat of this Ghost following me, and the approaching Grineer forces, I'm quickly running out of time.
Unless things turn around soon, we may not get-]
The message flickered across Svytoj's HUD. He reached out into the storm, grasping a handful of dust and sand. As he looked into the clump, he could see small tendrils beginning to grow from the sand.
He clenched his hand, freezing over the mass as he threw it at his feet, stomping it out as he continued his report.
[Unless things turn around soon, we may not get ahead of this 'great game' or gain the information we need
Final note: The town of Deadwood is showing signs of infested material; spores are actively growing. We may need to enact WHITE PAINT contingencies. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.]
Svytoj quickly sent of a copy of his report to Embassa and Mia.

Svytoj clenched his fist: he wasn't sure why, but he just kept clenching his left hand.

Infested, Grineer, the great game: Gravidus was quickly falling apart.

[evacuation procedures are already underway. can be ready within the day if necessary. hope for the best, plan for the worst.] Svytoj's radio taps out as the sandstorm finally begins to let up on the beginning on the third day. only four more days at the earliest until the swarms of clones come knocking on Mars' door, possibly with heavy weaponry..

[sitrep possibly falling apart quicker than expected though] the message continues from his train of thought, as Sarah's last interrupted sentence and general navpoint on her radio is sent over into the Frost's HUD [will be heading out to investigate shortly]

Edited by souldrive11
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3 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

"Mia, Aria," Sarah said over the comms. "I found-"

Then her voice broke into a garbled mess of static. Her coordinates were hard to pinpoint due to the storm.

Mia and Aria give their clan leaders and blood sisters a quick look.

"You go on ahead dears, we'll begin prepping~" Lily says knowingly.

"Your other halves are finished, if still raw off the table. You better not pull off that stunt again, or I'll bring you back to life and then kill you again." Florence remarks, getting up off the sunken chair. "Stay in contact."

Nodding to the two appreciatively, the white and olive girls leap up and out back through the open doorway, through the kitchen and exiting out the bar, locking it behind them. With conditioned training, Mia and Aria brave the remnants of the sandstorm as they shimmy up the canyon wall and onto ledge above, normally overlooking the settlement. Down below, a small section of the cliff wall begins to slide open.

Holding each others hands as they stand on the cliff ledge, they jump off into the shredding storm disappearing into darkness. Shortly after, two crafts begin to rise upwards; on their roofs instead of two splatters of blood were two gold and white kneeling figures. The engines roar, and the crafts take off through the sandy sky, heading towards the general area of Sarah's radio transmission.

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On 04/15/2017 at 8:37 AM, Daakjenaar said:


"I've officially been out of cryo for a year now. This year has been absolutely ridiculous, but still amazing somehow. Our next mission is in two weeks, so we have plenty of time to relax. Lately, Bela has been talking a lot more, which is strange. As she's been talking more, I've been able to pinpoint a way to describe her personality. I can really sum it up in one word: excitable. Seriously. I don't know why she's become more social lately, but it's... strange, to say the least. Additionally, I've been feeling strange around Bela, for some reason. Perhaps she has some sort of contagious disease or something. Anyway, I'll look into it later. Anyway (2.0), that's about it."



"Bela's... dead. She was on the bridge of the Grineer Galleon when it re-entered the atmosphere. It landed in the middle of one of the forests. It was almost completely destroyed in the crash. If she survived, her injuries will kill her very quickly. I... I've been feeling strange since we got back. In fact, it kind of reminds me of how I felt when I was forced to kill another Tenno. I guess I can really only describe it as... regret. I regret letting her die... I could have saved her... Anyway... That's about it..."


Toward the end of the recording, it was clear Tarnas was on the verge of crying.

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Fenrir and Ymir sat aboard their ship after being buffeted around in the storm like a ball of yarn being attacked by a cat. Fenrir was currently fiddling around with the machine they had received from the famorian. 

"Do you even know what you're doing with that thing?"  Ymir asked from the ground. He was currently doing push ups to alleviate the boredom.

Fenrir shook his head and put down the machine for a second. "Vaguely" He muttered looking at the thing. 

The tech. on the machine was very old and very outdated. The blueprints mentioned some parts that were completely unobtainable in the current age. He'd have to search each part individually in his data banks and try to come up with some sort of modern replacement. 

He sighed as he looked at his partner. "This is going to take a long time." 


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5 hours ago, Daakjenaar said:


"Bela's... dead. She was on the bridge of the Grineer Galleon when it re-entered the atmosphere. It landed in the middle of one of the forests. It was almost completely destroyed in the crash. If she survived, her injuries will kill her very quickly. I... I've been feeling strange since we got back. In fact, it kind of reminds me of how I felt when I was forced to kill another Tenno. I guess I can really only describe it as... regret. I regret letting her die... I could have saved her... Anyway... That's about it..."


Toward the end of the recording, it was clear Tarnas was on the verge of crying.

(So I can finally get to the fight scene, I'll fast forward through the binge watching.)


"I killed another Tenno today. This is only the second time I've ever had to do that. I... didn't feel much emotionally... not as much as last time. It just felt like... killing another Grineer soldier. I'm concerned by this. If this is something involving my own sanity, I want to figure out how to fix it soon. I'm not sure if it's an after effect of Bela's death or not... Once we get back to the Relay, I'll see if I can find someone who can help me. Anyway, that's about it."



"Tavus and Harron are definitely concerned about me... I've been telling them not to worry. I'm fine... At least, I think... I've been feeling... well... not much emotionally... I just feel drained mentally. It's been four months since Bela died... All of us have been... depressed, I guess.  We haven't been on any missions lately. I'm not complaining, though... I mean, I don't think I can handle that kind of stress right now. Anyway, that's about it."


(And now the big plot reveal extravaganza)


"I've been unconscious for three days... I have a headache, and my left leg and arm are broken, along with several ribs. The last thing I remember is the Formorian... I detonated the charges, and everything went blank. I'm not sure if Harron and Tavus made it out of the Formorian... I hope they did. I'm not sure how much of the Formorian is intact... I have no rations or medical supplies... I guess my first priority is to scavenge necessities. That will be easier said than done, given my broken limbs and other injuries... Anyway, that's about it."



"I've confirmed several things. First of all, I'm in the Formorian wreckage, in a desert on Mars. Grineer did survive the crash and could pose a threat. Every transmitter I found was destroyed. I have plenty of rations, and enough hot sauce to make them edible (The only condiment the Grineer need). My leg injuries have become infected, and hurts quite a bit. I have no way out of here, for now. Once I can walk straight, I'll look for a nearby settlement or outpost so I can get out of here... Anyway, that about it."



"There's no settlement nearby... I waited for clear weather before finding somewhere I could see around the wreckage. There's nothing but desert for miles in every direction... And every time I try to fix my leg, some Grineer find me, and I hurt my leg fighting them off. The infection is definitely bacterial and is here as a result of the poor cleaning by the Grineer crew. I hope I can find some antibiotics soon... Anyway, that's about it."



"I see strange things in my peripheral vision... after months of my leg injuries worsening, I no longer feel pain... I feel almost nothing emotionally... I forget where I am sometimes... Is the isolation getting to me? Am I finally losing my mind? I've been having strange dreams... Everyone I ever knew... or how I remember them... dying slowly in a fire... and I watch. I don't feel anything anymore... ever..."



"A ship has landed just north of here. Another Loki tried to enter the Formorian. I cloaked myself, and snapped his neck after a few moments of fighting. The years of training with knives and my Redeemer have come in useful. Now that he's dead, I can get off of this planet with his ship, fake his death to avoid suspicion, and finally do what the rest of the Tenno couldn't. Collapse the Grineer empire and the Corpus singlehandedly."



"A communication from a man on Pluto calling himself "Vlad" arrived. It seems he would like help taking control of the Corpus city of New Moscow from the Corpus forces. I'm going to aid him, so I can take out the high ranking Corpus living there and the income generated by the city in order to destabilize the Corpus fleet. Additionally, I've been having to suppress my rage more and more. Perhaps this has to do with concerning myself with recent events and becoming stressed as a result. Finally, Tycho is nearing completion and will likely be capable of combat support within a month. That's all."



"I'm back on Mars. I've been forced to go into hiding to avoid the multi million credit price on my  head. I chose the Formorian as a place to hide out to avoid the bounty hunters. I still have to find and kill Chegar, Tavus, Svytoj, that Valkyr, the Ember, Sergei, the Rhino, and the Spectator. For now, I can take this opportunity to plan everything out. That's all."


By the last few recordings, Tarnas' voice had gained the monotone-like sounds it had now. Clogori copied the files, and sent them to that Frost, Svytoj, in case he was interested in information on Tarnas.

(If the fact that the Tarnas we all know and despise was caused by years of isolation doesn't make you a bit sympathetic, tell me. I basically use these RPs to beta-test idea my ideas for sci-fi stories and would appreciate any criticism.)

(Also, since Svytoj would have just received Tarnas' audio logs from a message sent by Clogori, I would advise you to read my posts since page 30, as that's when my audio log posts started showing up. )

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On 4/16/2017 at 0:28 PM, bowiespoon said:


On 4/16/2017 at 3:34 PM, souldrive11 said:


On 4/16/2017 at 11:12 PM, Daakjenaar said:


The dark of the storm was pierced by the the green lights of Svytoj's Mantis as it descended just outside deadwood. Svytoj watched the ship approach as the flood of data entered his feed: The message from Mia, Tarnas's various recordings; of all the updates, 954 stood out. By͞p͠r͝o̕d̡uct ̡of ̵h̵i͜s i̸nf̨e͝c̢tion̴s?́ ͡pa͡r̶t ́of͠ ͟h͘ís̷ ps̕y̛ćhosìs?͘ Ǫt̢h҉e͡r outside forc̨e?
̢No͠w̧ ̢y͞o̶u ҉ha͏ve my int̴ér͝est̴, ͘Tar͝n̨aş.
Svytoj thought as he played the audio over and over again.
a small swarm of Sentinels spilled from the ship, carrying a mobile foundry and arsenal station towards Svytoj's position.
"We're setting up here." He said as his PDA flashed with various floor plans. "we should have plenty of sandstone around; shouldn't be too difficult to scuttle if we need to." He said as the holographic overly engulfed the few square meters visible to him. Svytoj walked over to the foundry as it touched down inside the overlay, several sentinels beginning to pile sandstone to in several key areas of the overlay. He pulled up a specter interface as scans from the spores finally came in: he was surprised that they weren't germinating yet, the batch in the clump he had grabbed must have been a fluke. Still, Svytoj continued typing on the specter interface.
Several Specters slowly began to render, Most carrying Ignis's or tigris's; While easily disposable. the specters would serve as a first line of defense should the infestation take a turn towards deadwood while Svytoj was away.
But that would take time: the foundry was exposed, and whatever structure Svytoj had in mind was nowhere close to completion.
"Keep me up to date. I want to know when this fort is up and running." Svytoj said as he hopped onto his ship. The various sentinel chirping in compliance.

As Svytoj raced towards the coordinate Mia had forwarded him, Svytoj sent Clogori a sample of video feed; It was low quality, a video of a video really, but it showed a Grineer Galleon slamming into a forest. Tarnas was in frame, Clearly watching the same video. While poor, the audio was easy to make out.
it was the first time Chegar had met with Tarnas.
<We know the damage that's been done to Tarnas, but unless someone can figure a way to break him out of his psychosis, he's a danger to himself and everyone around him. Do what you need to do, Clogori.>
Svytoj sent the message as he speed towards Sarah's last known position.

Edited by EscortAlpha
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4 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:


Clogori left the room, unsheathing his Kronen. He walked through the corridors, not making any attempt to hide his presence. He kept thinking about those last few audio logs, when suddenly, he heard a familiar voice.

"Another bounty hunter?" Tarnas asked. "You're really starting to get on my nerves."

"I was worried you'd just stab me and leave me to bleed out. I'm disappointed." Clogori said.


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On 4/16/2017 at 6:34 PM, souldrive11 said:

As the third day begins to tick over in Deadwood, the storm outside finally begins to wane. Strands of light finally start to make it's way through the cloud, as the dust and sand begin to clear out of the chilled dawn air. Over from the various worksites where the storm had finally passed, streams of figures begin to drift their way out of the haphazard derelicts and back towards the small settlement, hauling what extra bits of salvage they could cut out from the wrecks on rickety wagons or on their backs. Baring extenuating circumstances, the salvagers should arrive back in Deadwood by late morning.

[evacuation procedures are already underway. can be ready within the day if necessary. hope for the best, plan for the worst.] Svytoj's radio taps out as the sandstorm finally begins to let up on the beginning on the third day. only four more days at the earliest until the swarms of clones come knocking on Mars' door, possibly with heavy weaponry..

[sitrep possibly falling apart quicker than expected though] the message continues from his train of thought, as Sarah's last interrupted sentence and general navpoint on her radio is sent over into the Frost's HUD [will be heading out to investigate shortly]

Zaben: "Finally that storm is subsiding." 

He says this while doing some air sparring.

Rakan was sharpening his fang blades.


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5 hours ago, Daakjenaar said:

Clogori left the room, unsheathing his Kronen. He walked through the corridors, not making any attempt to hide his presence. He kept thinking about those last few audio logs, when suddenly, he heard a familiar voice.

"Another bounty hunter?" Tarnas asked. "You're really starting to get on my nerves."

"I was worried you'd just stab me and leave me to bleed out. I'm disappointed." Clogori said.


Tarnas was having trouble keeping up with Clogori's attacks. Clogori's two Kronen gave him an advantage over Tarnas' Redeemer. Tarnas was blocking almost every attack, and had managed to counterattack a few times, but Clogori entered the Rift every time Tarnas attacked.

"After hearing so much about you, how dangerous you are, I can't help but be disappointed." Clogori taunted. He continued attacking Tarnas, his Kronen barely being blocked by the Redeemer. Clogori finally attempted to Banish Tarnas, but every attempt ended with him hitting a Decoy. Clogori managed to actually hit Tarnas with a Kronen. A moment later, blood covered Tarnas' left arm, but he kept parrying every attack, trying to land at least one attack.

As Tarnas tried to attack again, Clogori finally used a Cataclysm, and put the entire room into Stasis. He walked over to Tarnas, who was frozen mid-attack.

"Tarnas, Tarnas, Tarnas." Clogori said. "You thought you'd be able to evade everyone until the System stopped caring about you. But look at you, finally beaten." Clogori punched Tarnas in the back of the head. "I won't kill you yet, though. That Frost seems to have a history with you. I'll let him talk to you in a less... capable state." Clogori punched Tarnas again, possibly knocking him out, despite him being in stasis.

Clogori released stasis, and Tarnas fell to the ground, unconscious. Clogori picked him up, and a few minutes later, was back at his Scimitar. Tarnas immediately walked into the Scimitar. Inside one of the rooms aboard the small ship, Tarnas was now attached to a wall with restraints (The Alad V ones, basically.) With a small nullifier bubble surrounding him. The only exit was a reinforced door that would be next to impossible to break through normally. Content that Tarnas was restrained, Clogori flew the ship back to Deadwood, landing in the outskirts of the town. He sent a message to Svytoj.

"I have Tarnas restrained in my ship. If you want to talk to him before I kill him, go ahead. I'm on the northern edge of the town."

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6 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

Tarnas was having trouble keeping up with Clogori's attacks. Clogori's two Kronen gave him an advantage over Tarnas' Redeemer. Tarnas was blocking almost every attack, and had managed to counterattack a few times, but Clogori entered the Rift every time Tarnas attacked.

"After hearing so much about you, how dangerous you are, I can't help but be disappointed." Clogori taunted. He continued attacking Tarnas, his Kronen barely being blocked by the Redeemer. Clogori finally attempted to Banish Tarnas, but every attempt ended with him hitting a Decoy. Clogori managed to actually hit Tarnas with a Kronen. A moment later, blood covered Tarnas' left arm, but he kept parrying every attack, trying to land at least one attack.

As Tarnas tried to attack again, Clogori finally used a Cataclysm, and put the entire room into Stasis. He walked over to Tarnas, who was frozen mid-attack.

"Tarnas, Tarnas, Tarnas." Clogori said. "You thought you'd be able to evade everyone until the System stopped caring about you. But look at you, finally beaten." Clogori punched Tarnas in the back of the head. "I won't kill you yet, though. That Frost seems to have a history with you. I'll let him talk to you in a less... capable state." Clogori punched Tarnas again, possibly knocking him out, despite him being in stasis.

Clogori released stasis, and Tarnas fell to the ground, unconscious. Clogori picked him up, and a few minutes later, was back at his Scimitar. Tarnas immediately walked into the Scimitar. Inside one of the rooms aboard the small ship, Tarnas was now attached to a wall with restraints (The Alad V ones, basically.) With a small nullifier bubble surrounding him. The only exit was a reinforced door that would be next to impossible to break through normally. Content that Tarnas was restrained, Clogori flew the ship back to Deadwood, landing in the outskirts of the town. He sent a message to Svytoj.

"I have Tarnas restrained in my ship. If you want to talk to him before I kill him, go ahead. I'm on the northern edge of the town."

"I have some questions for him about 954: I want to know exactly what he was seeing."

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On 4/16/2017 at 6:00 PM, souldrive11 said:

Mia and Aria give their clan leaders and blood sisters a quick look.

"You go on ahead dears, we'll begin prepping~" Lily says knowingly.

"Your other halves are finished, if still raw off the table. You better not pull off that stunt again, or I'll bring you back to life and then kill you again." Florence remarks, getting up off the sunken chair. "Stay in contact."

Nodding to the two appreciatively, the white and olive girls leap up and out back through the open doorway, through the kitchen and exiting out the bar, locking it behind them. With conditioned training, Mia and Aria brave the remnants of the sandstorm as they shimmy up the canyon wall and onto ledge above, normally overlooking the settlement. Down below, a small section of the cliff wall begins to slide open.

Holding each others hands as they stand on the cliff ledge, they jump off into the shredding storm disappearing into darkness. Shortly after, two crafts begin to rise upwards; on their roofs instead of two splatters of blood were two gold and white kneeling figures. The engines roar, and the crafts take off through the sandy sky, heading towards the general area of Sarah's radio transmission.

The location of the transmission's was uncertain, with the distortion from the raging storm. Even with the liset, they had a large area to cover.


11 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:

The dark of the storm was pierced by the the green lights of Svytoj's Mantis as it descended just outside deadwood. Svytoj watched the ship approach as the flood of data entered his feed: The message from Mia, Tarnas's various recordings; of all the updates, 954 stood out. By͞p͠r͝o̕d̡uct ̡of ̵h̵i͜s i̸nf̨e͝c̢tion̴s?́ ͡pa͡r̶t ́of͠ ͟h͘ís̷ ps̕y̛ćhosìs?͘ Ǫt̢h҉e͡r outside forc̨e?
̢No͠w̧ ̢y͞o̶u ҉ha͏ve my int̴ér͝est̴, ͘Tar͝n̨aş.
Svytoj thought as he played the audio over and over again.
a small swarm of Sentinels spilled from the ship, carrying a mobile foundry and arsenal station towards Svytoj's position.
"We're setting up here." He said as his PDA flashed with various floor plans. "we should have plenty of sandstone around; shouldn't be too difficult to scuttle if we need to." He said as the holographic overly engulfed the few square meters visible to him. Svytoj walked over to the foundry as it touched down inside the overlay, several sentinels beginning to pile sandstone to in several key areas of the overlay. He pulled up a specter interface as scans from the spores finally came in: he was surprised that they weren't germinating yet, the batch in the clump he had grabbed must have been a fluke. Still, Svytoj continued typing on the specter interface.
Several Specters slowly began to render, Most carrying Ignis's or tigris's; While easily disposable. the specters would serve as a first line of defense should the infestation take a turn towards deadwood while Svytoj was away.
But that would take time: the foundry was exposed, and whatever structure Svytoj had in mind was nowhere close to completion.
"Keep me up to date. I want to know when this fort is up and running." Svytoj said as he hopped onto his ship. The various sentinel chirping in compliance.

As Svytoj raced towards the coordinate Mia had forwarded him, Svytoj sent Clogori a sample of video feed; It was low quality, a video of a video really, but it showed a Grineer Galleon slamming into a forest. Tarnas was in frame, Clearly watching the same video. While poor, the audio was easy to make out.
it was the first time Chegar had met with Tarnas.
<We know the damage that's been done to Tarnas, but unless someone can figure a way to break him out of his psychosis, he's a danger to himself and everyone around him. Do what you need to do, Clogori.>
Svytoj sent the message as he speed towards Sarah's last known position.

One by one, the spectres are dropped by silenced sniper fire. Who was doing the shooting was uncertain, but they weren't working alone; numerous armed individuals began to move throughout the town - able to temporarily resist the storm using a combination of grineer riot shields and powerful energy shields.

They moved in groups, breaking down doors and searching through homes. These weren't simple looters though, they were far too organized, and didn't take anything from the houses they entered.

Edited by bowiespoon
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11 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

"I have some questions for him about 954: I want to know exactly what he was seeing."

"Alright, I'll be waiting here." Clogori responded.

"I may be able to help answer some questions." Tycho interrupted.

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25 minutes ago, bowiespoon said:

The location of the transmission's was uncertain, with the distortion from the raging storm. Even with the liset, they had a large area to cover.


One by one, the spectres were dropped by silenced sniper fire. Who was doing the shooting was uncertain, but they weren't working alone; numerous armed individuals began to move throughout the town - able to temporarily resist the storm using a combination of grineer riot shields and powerful energy shields.

They moved in groups, breaking down doors and searching through homes. These weren't simple looters though, they were far too organized, and didn't take anything from the houses they entered.

Over his PDA, he could see several specters go offline before they could be fully rendered.
He looked over some of the observer feed he had managed to restore, hoping to identify these individuals through the fading storm.

19 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

"Alright, I'll be waiting here." Clogori responded.

"I may be able to help answer some questions." Tycho interrupted.

"Tarnas stated he was having odd dreams and seeing things out of the corners of his eyes. I want to know exactly what those things were." Svytoj stated as he looked over his video feeds.

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1 minute ago, EscortAlpha said:

"Tarnas stated he was having odd dreams and seeing things out of the corners of his eyes. I want to know exactly what those things were." Svytoj stated as he looked over his video feeds.

"Since I was created after the event you're referring to, I can't be completely accurate. However, studying Tarnas and his audio logs led me to believe it was caused by a lack of audio input and socialization. This tends to cause hallucinations. However, they also seemed very vivid, possibly too vivid to be caused by isolation." Tycho said.

"If you want to question him yourself, I have him mildly sedated, nullified, and sufficiently restrained in my ship." Clogori said.

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3 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

"Since I was created after the event you're referring to, I can't be completely accurate. However, studying Tarnas and his audio logs led me to believe it was caused by a lack of audio input and socialization. This tends to cause hallucinations. However, they also seemed very vivid, possibly too vivid to be caused by isolation." Tycho said.

"If you want to question him yourself, I have him mildly sedated, nullified, and sufficiently restrained in my ship." Clogori said.

"put him on."

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1 minute ago, Daakjenaar said:

A moment later, Tarnas responded.

"...Well... I guess you won... No point  in me resisting... What do you want?" Said Tarnas.

"your visions, when you were trapped on the Fomorian. What exactly where you seeing?" Svytoj ask Calmly.

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Just now, EscortAlpha said:

Over his PDA, he could see several specters go offline before they could be fully rendered.
He looked over some of the observer feed he had managed to restore, hoping to identify these individuals through the fading storm.

"Tarnas stated he was having odd dreams and seeing things out of the corners of his eyes. I want to know exactly what those things were." Svytoj stated as he looked over his video feeds.

Though it was hard to get a clear look, the armed figured appeared to be a mixture of grineer and human combatants, armed predominantly with grineer weaponry.

When one of them kicked open a run-down bar (the one mentioned at the start, not Soul's), they began to surround it, four of them entering with weapons raised.

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4 minutes ago, bowiespoon said:

Though it was hard to get a clear look, the armed figured appeared to be a mixture of grineer and human combatants, armed predominantly with grineer weaponry.

When one of them kicked open a run-down bar (the one mentioned at the start, not Soul's), they began to surround it, four of them entering with weapons raised.

On a hunch, Svytoj began scanning for a particular Com-channel, looking for everyones favorite Grineer deserter.
He recorded the siege, watching for anything that may provide a clue to these men or their target.

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29 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

"your visions, when you were trapped on the Fomorian. What exactly where you seeing?" Svytoj ask Calmly.

"Shadows... humanoid, mostly... I never looked at one directly... It was always in my peripheral vision." Tarnas said.

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13 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

"They were very blurry... that's all I know... Why are you asking?"

"Just making sure I've dotted my 'I's and crossed my 'T's." Svytoj replied. "Were you able to figure out what caused your infection? or was it a generalized case?"

Edited by EscortAlpha
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9 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

"Just making sure I've doted my 'I's and crossed my 'T's." Svytoj replied. "Were you able to figure out what caused your infection? or was it a generalized case?"

"I had an open wound... and I was stuck in a Grineer ship, which aren't exactly the cleanest places... I guess I put two and two together and assumed it was a normal bacterial infection... It's still spreading, though... I doubt I'll live for more than the next two years at this rate... Even though I amputated my legs a few months ago... but that was mostly unrelated..."

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