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1 minute ago, Daakjenaar said:

"I had an open wound... and I was stuck in a Grineer ship, which aren't exactly the cleanest places... I guess I put two and two together and assumed it was a normal bacterial infection... It's still spreading, though... I doubt I'll live for more than the next two years at this rate... Even though I amputated my legs a few months ago... but that was mostly unrelated..."

"Clogori, make sure you get a sample of the infected material when your done. I want to know exactly what he had." Svytoj said on private line.
"Is there anything else you remember from your time in isolation? Anything that you didn't mention during your updates?" Svytoj asked Tarnas.

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2 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

"Clogori, make sure you get a sample of the infected material when your done. I want to know exactly what he had." Svytoj said on private line.
"Is there anything else you remember from your time in isolation? Anything that you didn't mention during your updates?" Svytoj asked Tarnas.

"You got a hold of my updates?... Never mind... No, I mentioned everything. My time there wasn't exactly exciting..."

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1 minute ago, Daakjenaar said:

"You got a hold of my updates?... Never mind... No, I mentioned everything. My time there wasn't exactly exciting..."

The line when quiet for a spell.
"Alright. That's all the questions I have. Anything you'd like to add or say before I go?" Svytoj said.

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4 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

The line when quiet for a spell.
"Alright. That's all the questions I have. Anything you'd like to add or say before I go?" Svytoj said.

"I'm surprised you didn't... contact Chegar... or something... This guy's going to kill me as soon as this conversation is over..."

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1 minute ago, Daakjenaar said:

"Sure, I guess he'd like to hear that I'm dead..." Tarnas responded.

Once more the line went quiet, a bit longer this time.
The sounds of a busy bazaar could be heard in the background.
"Wasn't expecting a Update, Svy." Chegars voice could be heard on the other end. "What's going on?"
"Someone wanted to speak to you." Svytoj replied, Giving Tarnas the go ahead.
"Oh?" Chegar queried

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2 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

Once more the line went quiet, a bit longer this time.
The sounds of a busy bazaar could be heard in the background.
"Wasn't expecting a Update, Svy." Chegars voice could be heard on the other end. "What's going on?"
"Someone wanted to speak to you." Svytoj replied, Giving Tarnas the go ahead.
"Oh?" Chegar queried

"Hey, guess what...? I'm about to die... just thought you should know..." Tarnas said.

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Just now, Daakjenaar said:

"Hey, guess what...? I'm about to die... just thought you should know..." Tarnas said.

Chegar let out a mixed gasp.
"I..I admit ,that wasn't what I was expecting to hear today." he said, Sounding oddly somber.
"I'm...sorry to hear that." he obviously sounded lost for words.

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3 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

Chegar let out a mixed gasp.
"I..I admit ,that wasn't what I was expecting to hear today." he said, Sounding oddly somber.
"I'm...sorry to hear that." he obviously sounded lost for words.

"I'll admit... You're the last person I was expecting would feel bad for me... Funny, though, I was beaten by the same guy that killed Tavus..."

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5 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

"I'll admit... You're the last person I was expecting would feel bad for me... Funny, though, I was beaten by the same guy that killed Tavus..."

"He's there?" Chegar said: half blurted, half muttered. he pause.
"You know, Tavus was working to turn his life around before he got killed. Hoped you would have gotten a chance to do the same..."

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1 minute ago, EscortAlpha said:

"He's there?" Chegar said: half blurted, half muttered.
"You know, Tavus was working to turn his life around before he got killed. Hoped you would have gotten a chance to do the same..."

"I really don't care at this point... I'll probably be dead in a couple years regardless... this is probably the least terrible way I could die..."

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1 minute ago, Daakjenaar said:

"I really don't care at this point... I'll probably be dead in a couple years regardless... this is probably the least terrible way I could die..."

"hmmm..." Chegar was quiet a minute. "still, I'm sorry I couldn't do more for you... Is there... anything you'd like to say before..."Chegar obviously sounded stressed.

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3 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

"hmmm..." Chegar was quiet a minute. "still, I'm sorry I couldn't do more for you... Is there... anything you'd like to say before..."Chegar obviously sounded stressed.

"Okay... now I'm a bit suspicious... I thought all of you still wanted me dead..."

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2 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

"Okay... now I'm a bit suspicious... I thought all of you still wanted me dead..."

"Tarnas, You have done terrible things, and terrible things have happened to you... for all that you've done, you've only given us so many options: kill, die, run, drive off." Chegar began. "But for all you've done, I've only ever wanted you dead as much as I wanted you to stop. That's it."

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On 4/16/2017 at 7:59 PM, (PS4)SuperShadic445 said:

Fenrir and Ymir sat aboard their ship after being buffeted around in the storm like a ball of yarn being attacked by a cat. Fenrir was currently fiddling around with the machine they had received from the famorian. 

"Do you even know what you're doing with that thing?"  Ymir asked from the ground. He was currently doing push ups to alleviate the boredom.

Fenrir shook his head and put down the machine for a second. "Vaguely" He muttered looking at the thing. 

The tech. on the machine was very old and very outdated. The blueprints mentioned some parts that were completely unobtainable in the current age. He'd have to search each part individually in his data banks and try to come up with some sort of modern replacement. 

He sighed as he looked at his partner. "This is going to take a long time." 



It had been a while since Ymir had said anything. He was silently watching his partner work. He couldn't take it anymore. He was bored. Insanely bored. He kicked up from his position on the floor and headed to the ship exit. 

"Where are you going?" Fenrir asked. Not that he was too interested really, as it would actually be a blessing not to hear the rapid foot taps of his impatient partner. 

Ymir turned around.  "I'm going out because I'm insanely bored here." He huffed

Fenrir nodded.  "Fine. Just make sure to activate your locator beacon and get your heavy armor. That storm is still going on out there." He advised. 

"All right dad!" He called as he left the ship. 

Outside, Ymir pressed a button on his left wrist, activating his beacon. It beeped twice to confirm its activation. Then he tapped a different button. His normal suit was encased in a sky blue armor, composed of a crystalline looking metal. Each panel was surrounded quickly and efficiently, with the helmet coming last. His eyes were covered by two glowing triangles that dimmed themselves once they scanned the area. With a huff, Ymir pressed forward into Deadwood, with loud clanking steps. Once in the town, he stopped for a second in order to get a bearing on his surroundings. 

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12 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

"Tarnas, You have done terrible things, and terrible things have happened to you... for all that you've done, you've only given us so many options: kill, die, run, drive off." Chegar began. "But for all you've done, I've only ever wanted you dead as much as I wanted you to stop. That's it."

"Well, I guess it's a bit late for that..." Tarnas said.

(When is the Grineer invasion starting?)

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5 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

"... I know..."

"Listen... if you find out any of my old teammates are still alive... tell them I said 'hi'." Tarnas said. His tone was the most emotional any of them had heard from him, sounding very close to his voice in the audio logs.

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1 minute ago, Daakjenaar said:

"Listen... if you find out any of my old teammates are still alive... tell them I said 'hi'." Tarnas said. His tone was the most emotional any of them had heard from him, sounding very close to his voice in the audio logs.

"I will." Svytoj and Chegar said at once.

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1 hour ago, EscortAlpha said:

On a hunch, Svytoj began scanning for a particular Com-channel, looking for everyones favorite Grineer deserter.
He recorded the siege, watching for anything that may provide a clue to these men or their target.

J'Taav's comm-channel was silent. (He's no longer planetside. He's doing other things.)

However, encrypted comm-channels normally utilized by the steel meridian were very active in the area.

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1 minute ago, bowiespoon said:

J'Taav's comm-channel was silent. (He's no longer planetside. He's doing other things.)

However, encrypted comm-channels normally utilized by the steel meridian were very active in the area.

Oh God... what the hell they doing here..? Svytoj thought, practically groaning at the idea of having to deal with the syndicates.
(Always worth double-checking)

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5 hours ago, Sharpstriker said:

Zaben: "Finally that storm is subsiding." 

He says this while doing some air sparring.

Rakan was sharpening his fang blades.

On 4/16/2017 at 6:59 PM, (PS4)SuperShadic445 said:

Fenrir and Ymir sat aboard their ship after being buffeted around in the storm like a ball of yarn being attacked by a cat. Fenrir was currently fiddling around with the machine they had received from the famorian. 

"Do you even know what you're doing with that thing?"  Ymir asked from the ground. He was currently doing push ups to alleviate the boredom.

Fenrir shook his head and put down the machine for a second. "Vaguely" He muttered looking at the thing. 

The tech. on the machine was very old and very outdated. The blueprints mentioned some parts that were completely unobtainable in the current age. He'd have to search each part individually in his data banks and try to come up with some sort of modern replacement. 

He sighed as he looked at his partner. "This is going to take a long time." 

The salvagers continue their trek back to civilization or what passees for it in Deadwood, however more pressing concerns were afoot. Up above the manmade cavern quarters where Rakan and Zaben are loitering, the rumble of precision footsteps resonates above as the unknown assailants begin methodically searching the settlement.

2 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

The location of the transmission's was uncertain, with the distortion from the raging storm. Even with the liset, they had a large area to cover.


One by one, the spectres are dropped by silenced sniper fire. Who was doing the shooting was uncertain, but they weren't working alone; numerous armed individuals began to move throughout the town - able to temporarily resist the storm using a combination of grineer riot shields and powerful energy shields.

They moved in groups, breaking down doors and searching through homes. These weren't simple looters though, they were far too organized, and didn't take anything from the houses they entered.

As the red sun begins it's slow ascent over the red planet, the pair's cloaked ships have stealthily arrived over the last general area of Sarah's comm. burst. Though leads were slim, they had to start somewhere; as the crafts begin sweeping the area, a figure leaps out of the Scimitar and glides down onto the ground, before landing with a slight *thump* on all fours. Taking a proverbial deep breath Aria ops to to low tech, doing what she instinctively knows as she absorbes the surrounding senses. Up above in the Lisets, Mia sits floating cross legged in the cockpit, casting her mind out like a net over the seas while the two cephalons monitor the radio waves.

Jane stifles a yawn as she finishes packing the last of her few belongings into a storage crate and moving it into the living room. She didn't get a wink of sleep that night, the entire family was in a hustle of activity as her parents moved like there feet were on hot coals, emptying their respective stores and then moving the supplies into their bedroom. Strangely, the boxes seem to disappear as soon as either Lily or Florence haul them inside before coming back out shortly to grab another load. 

As dawn approaches Deadwood, Jane sits down in the now empty stone room with a tired *sigh*. It seems almost surreal now, within the span of a single night the entirety the family's living quarters, clinic, and bar have been emptied entirely; leaving nothing but cold and empty space inside. The only things left to pack is her own personal gear, weapons and her hovercycle by her side she managed to squeeze between the small tunnel between the post office and the bar's kitchen., and that she plans to carry personally. 

Despite the flurry of activity, the couples' eyes are alert as ever; the movement outside not unnoticed by either of the old veterans. 

"Are we good to go~?" Lily asks Florence as she sweeps her midnight hair back over her shoulders as she slides open a hidden floor where the sunken table used to be.

"Looks like it." Florence replies as she and her hound walk into the barren living room, finishing moving the last of her medical gear. The beats of the artificial hearts and blood outside are pounding as clear as day in her head. Tossing Jane a water bottle, Florence and Lily exchange glances. Jane recognizes that look; it's the look they make whenever something serious was about to happen in the clinic or the bar. Quickly downing the water bottle and storing it into her rucksack, the wired teen suits and holsters up.

"Glad to see you're staying on top of things." Florence flatly remarks, giving Jane a nod. "Hopefully we can start this trip uneventfully, but we'll see what the people outside do. For now though, we're all ready to head out." 

Lily finishes fiddling with the small space under the rockspace, slides the floor back into place and climbs back out and makes her way towards the duo. "Yes we are~" she sweetly says. 

Down in the small space, the unmistakable numbers of a timer glows brightly red.

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