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8 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

"Go on." The frost said.

"This isn't the same stuff I found on the Formorian, which was the bacteria he was infected with originally. All in all, it was just generic bacteria. However, the... thing currently infecting Tarnas is very different. Do you have any infested tissue on hand I can compare it to?" Clogori asked.

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6 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

"This isn't the same stuff I found on the Formorian, which was the bacteria he was infected with originally. All in all, it was just generic bacteria. However, the... thing currently infecting Tarnas is very different. Do you have any infested tissue on hand I can compare it to?" Clogori asked.

"Not on hand no..." He said.
"Bring up a map of its genetics: should be able to pick up on some common markers."

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2 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

"Not on hand no..." He said.
"Bring up a map of its genetics: should be able to pick up on some common markers."

Clogori did so. What appeared was almost identical to the Infestation, with subtle differences.

"So? How concerned should I be?" Clogori asked, curious.

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3 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

Clogori did so. What appeared was almost identical to the Infestation, with subtle differences.

"So? How concerned should I be?" Clogori asked, curious.

The Frost looked over Clogori's shoulder as He looked at the strain.
"It's infestation. That alone is the concerning part. We won't know how dangerous it is until we do some tests..."

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1 minute ago, EscortAlpha said:

The Frost looked over Clogori's shoulder as He looked at the strain.
"It's infestation. That alone is the concerning part. We won't know how dangerous it is until we do some tests..."

"What kind of tests?" Clogori asked. "I don't have much equipment with me most of the time. Too expensive."

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3 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

"What kind of tests?" Clogori asked. "I don't have much equipment with me most of the time. Too expensive."

"I think I have an Idea..."
Just then, Clogori felt something sharp quickly enter his spinal column. It was hard to tell over the pain and how the two were positioned, If felt like the bayonet of a Sarpa.
(Now who do we know that uses Sarpas?)
Just then something crackled over the private line.
"Scans are taking longer than I thought. I'll have to get back to you." Svytoj's voice crackled over the Private line.

Svytoj had never been on Clogori's ship.

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34 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

"I think I have an Idea..."
Just then, Clogori felt something sharp quickly enter his spinal column. It was hard to tell over the pain and how the two were positioned, If felt like the bayonet of a Sarpa.
(Now who do we know that uses Sarpas?)
Just then something crackled over the private line.
"Scans are taking longer than I thought. I'll have to get back to you." Svytoj's voice crackled over the Private line.

Svytoj had never been on Clogori's ship.

As the blades entered Clogori's back, he entered the Rift, minimizing the damage he took. He slowly turned around, to look at "Svytoj".

"Oh, you just made a big mistake..." Clogori said menacingly, unsheathing his Kronen.

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1 minute ago, Daakjenaar said:

As the blades entered Clogori's back, he entered the Rift, minimizing the damage he took. He slowly turned around, to look at "Svytoj".

"Oh, you just made a big mistake..." Clogori said menacingly, unsheathing his Kronen.

"Maybe..." the figure said as the visage of the Frost disappeared, relieving the mans deep red cloak as a thick column of void energy surrounded him. 
"But then again, you're the one who let me in. Did you get that, Diastol?"
" I did. You are clear to engage."
"...PERFECT..." the man said as he spun his Sarpa.

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On 4/18/2017 at 8:38 PM, souldrive11 said:

The salvagers continue their trek back to civilization or what passees for it in Deadwood, however more pressing concerns were afoot. Up above the manmade cavern quarters where Rakan and Zaben are loitering, the rumble of precision footsteps resonates above as the unknown assailants begin methodically searching the settlement.

((I'm just going to follow along with this story thread rather than what I did before.))

Zaben: "Quite the commotion out there, by the sound of it, it might be a military unit."

Zaben quickly prepares his gear, and so does Rakan. Though they aren't looking for a fight, they wanted to be ready to end one should it occur.

Zaben then takes out a spira blade and holds in his hands. 

Rakan lays back facing the entrance with a grakata he had hidden under a sheet within arms reach.

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3 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

"Maybe..." the figure said as the visage of the Frost disappeared, relieving the mans deep red cloak as a thick column of void energy surrounded him. 
"But then again, you're the one who let me in. Did you get that, Diastol?"
" I did. You are clear to engage."
"...PERFECT..." the man said as he spun his Sarpa.

Clogori stood there, still in the Rift, completely safe from the Intruder.

"This is the funniest thing I've seen in a while." Clogori taunted.

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Just now, Daakjenaar said:

Clogori stood there, still in the Rift, completely safe from the Intruder.

"This is the funniest thing I've seen in a while." Clogori taunted.

"Then by all means, deliver the punchline." the man said as he walked closer to Tarnas, keeping a keen eye on Clogori.

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16 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

"Then by all means, deliver the punchline." the man said as he walked closer to Tarnas, keeping a keen eye on Clogori.

"Do you really want him? I can almost guarantee this will end badly for you." Clogori warned.

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Just now, Daakjenaar said:

"Do you really want him? I can almost guarantee this will end badly for you." Clogori warned.

The man simply looked that the nullifier bubble surrounding the loki.
"Maybe... But I know exactly what I'm looking for." He said as his hand stated reaching for the emitter.

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12 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

The man simply looked that the nullifier bubble surrounding the loki.
"Maybe... But I know exactly what I'm looking for." He said as his hand stated reaching for the emitter.

Without warning or the sound of a gunshot, Clogori exited the Rift, fired at the intruder's head several times with a (silenced) Magnus pistol, and re-entered the Rift.

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2 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

Without warning or the sound of a gunshot, Clogori exited the Rift, fired at the intruder's head several times with a (silenced) Magnus pistol, and re-entered the Rift.

The first shot slammed into his shields and armor, the second cracked the visor.
The man ducked away from the remaining shots as he latched onto the emitter.
But he didn't turn it off, he didn't shrink the range.
No, it looked like he was trying to increase the size of the nullifier.

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2 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

The first shot slammed into his shields and armor, the second cracked the visor.
The man ducked away from the remaining shots as he latched onto the emitter.
But he didn't turn it off, he didn't shrink the range.
No, it looked like he was trying to increase the size of the nullifier.

Clogori fired rapidly at the bubble with his two Magnus pistols, hoping the impact-based weapons would hold back the Nullifier bubble.

"Why did I make that so easy to access?" Clogori muttered to himself.

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4 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

Clogori fired rapidly at the bubble with his two Magnus pistols, hoping the impact-based weapons would hold back the Nullifier bubble.

"Why did I make that so easy to access?" Clogori muttered to himself.

the bubble began slowly collapsing around the man as he fiddled with the emitter.
As one of rounds from Clogori's pistols slammed into his back, the found the connection he was looking for.
with one final trigger pull, the bubble expanded around the room: The man, Tarnas, Clogori, They were all capsuled in the nullifiers field.
The man cracked his neck.

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2 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

the bubble began slowly collapsing around the man as he fiddled with the emitter.
As one of rounds from Clogori's pistols slammed into his back, the found the connection he was looking for.
with one final trigger pull, the bubble expanded around the room: The man, Tarnas, Clogori, They were all capsuled in the nullifiers field.
The man cracked his neck.

Clogori holstered his pistols, and unsheathed his Kronen again.

"Powers or no powers, I'm still a Tenno." Clogori said, getting into a combat stance.

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Just now, Daakjenaar said:

Clogori holstered his pistols, and unsheathed his Kronen again.

"Powers or no powers, I'm still a Tenno." Clogori said, getting into a combat stance.

"Tenno or Not, You're still just a kid." The man said as he faced the limbo.
"and given the embarrassment you put me though in that bar..." He crack his neck "...something about kickin' your a$$ the old fashion way feels oh so RIGHT..." he finished as he spun his sapra's.

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4 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

"Tenno or Not, You're still just a kid." The man said as he faced the limbo.
"and given the embarrassment you put me though in that bar..." He crack his neck "...something about kickin' your a$$ the old fashion way feels oh so RIGHT..." he finished as he spun his sapra's.

"So you came here to kill me? That's it?" Clogori asked, sounding annoyed. He blocked with one Kronen and slashed with the other, aiming for the intruder's throat.

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4 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

"So you came here to kill me? That's it?" Clogori asked, sounding annoyed. He blocked with one Kronen and slashed with the other, aiming for the intruder's throat.

The man parried with one Sarpa as he aimed the other at Clogori's stomach.
"Please... Don't tell me that you weren't gonna do the same to that one man puppet-show over there..." He said as he gestured at Tarnas.
"At the end of the day, we're all out to kill someone..."
He pulled the trigger.

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3 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

The man parried with one Sarpa as he aimed the other at Clogori's stomach.
"Please... Don't tell me that you weren't gonna do the same to that one man puppet-show over there..." He said as he gestured at Tarnas.
"At the end of the day, we're all out to kill someone..."
He pulled the trigger.

The first shots were stopped by the shield and armor, but a few went right into Clogori's torso. He fell backwards, dropping his Kronen beside him.

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2 hours ago, Daakjenaar said:

The first shots were stopped by the shield and armor, but a few went right into Clogori's torso. He fell backwards, dropping his Kronen beside him.

In a flash, The man pulled out his Attica, firing several bolts into Clogori's limbs in an attempt to pin him to the floor.

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On 4/18/2017 at 7:13 PM, bowiespoon said:

No trace of Sarah for miles - she had never come this way.

Why then, would the radio transmission point to here?

On 4/18/2017 at 6:57 PM, EscortAlpha said:

Svytoj arrived just behind Mia and Aria. As he touched down, he worked to decrypt the meridians com traffic.
Svytoj carefully approached Aria, watching as she did here blood hound impersonation.

"Nothin', not even traces from wildlife~" Aria nonchalantly says as she gets back upright. "It's like the place was scrubbed clean, I mean aside form the sandstorm earlier~"

"...this feels like a trap..." Mia whispers, up in the air as the two stealthed crafts' engines get ready to hit the accelerator. The question is, whom?

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