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Red Sands (Closed, IC)


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11 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

"I think I might have a good way of containing this. I just need time. to produce a countermeasure. As for the nullifier, I looked at my scans, and the nullifier appears to have slowness down the growth significantly. This leads me to believe that the strain's symbiotic relationship with Tarnas affected the Warframe itself." Clogori explained.

A moment later, an anonymous message was sent to Svytoj's ship.

Clogori is not what he seems. Do not trust him.

"<{Th̵en ou҉r ͢pl͘a̡n͟ i͟s͏ s͏i͞m̨pl͜e; ́k̸eep͝ ͠nul͢l͡ ͏sph͘e̶res ̵activ͏e̶ ̶thou͡g͠h͠t ͡t̵h́e ͠pŗo͠ces͘s,͞ ͡a͝nd̕ w҉o̕r҉k ͞t̡o̢ co͏mp҉lȩte̡ ͠y͢o͜u͞r ͜c͜on҉t͞ain̷m͜e̸nt meth̡o̧d̵.҉ ̛ẃe ́m̛áy ͟g͏ét lųcḱy;̡ fi͢nd̡ aw̕a͟y ͜t͡ơ k̨i̶l͟l i͘t òff f̛o̷r go̵od͢.}>"

Meanwhile, the voice began working to determine where the other message came from.


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37 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

"<{Th̵en ou҉r ͢pl͘a̡n͟ i͟s͏ s͏i͞m̨pl͜e; ́k̸eep͝ ͠nul͢l͡ ͏sph͘e̶res ̵activ͏e̶ ̶thou͡g͠h͠t ͡t̵h́e ͠pŗo͠ces͘s,͞ ͡a͝nd̕ w҉o̕r҉k ͞t̡o̢ co͏mp҉lȩte̡ ͠y͢o͜u͞r ͜c͜on҉t͞ain̷m͜e̸nt meth̡o̧d̵.҉ ̛ẃe ́m̛áy ͟g͏ét lųcḱy;̡ fi͢nd̡ aw̕a͟y ͜t͡ơ k̨i̶l͟l i͘t òff f̛o̷r go̵od͢.}>"

Meanwhile, the voice began working to determine where the other message came from.


(I'm on mobile, I'll translate it later.)

"I don't have many nullifier bubbles on hand, but I can get some easily." Clogori said. "For the time being, try and find out if the Infested is spreading. If you know where the intruder is, that would be useful."

Please, you have to trust me. Clogori's motives are far more dangerous than he lets on.

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On 5/14/2017 at 4:53 PM, bowiespoon said:

((Sorry for the repeated delays. I was having trouble deciding where to take the story. I've been going through my notes to decide on a path that wouldn't conflict with ))

The mag stopped just below the helm, standing still as if the air blowing against her didn't exist. She extended both hands, dropping her glaive. With a loud groan, the ship's engines were pried off of the vessel, crashing into the ground below. Without any propulsion, the ship immediately began to plummet. The mag ran to the top of the ship, watching the falling ship get closer and closer to the ground.

At the last second, the mag leaped backwards, hitting the warm sands softly. The ship plowed forward, chunks of metal tearing off as it continued on its path even as it slammed into the ground. By the time it finally slowed to a stop, a trench had been carved into the ground, with molten bits of metal lying haphazardly, turning the nearby sand to glass.

The mag extended a hand, and her glaive flew into it. Weapon in hand, she began to sprint towards the scalding pile of rubble, searching for any movement.

Movement. The mag leaped forward, spotting the wounded mesa pinned by a chunk of flaming rubble. She grabbed the injured tenno by the neck, ripping her out from under the piece of smouldering ship. The mesa was covered in scratches - some light, some large gouges in her armor. One of her legs dangled uselessly, and molten metal ran down her chest. Weakly, the mesa lifted its head to make eye contact with the mag.

"Sarah?" Abigail said, sounding dazed by the crash.

Sarah said nothing, letting her fall to the ground, and grabbing her good leg by the ankle. She began to drag Abigail back to her liset, warily scanning for threats.

"Mia," she thought, with a sense of resignation, "I have a favor to ask of you."

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2 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

Movement. The mag leaped forward, spotting the wounded mesa pinned by a chunk of flaming rubble. She grabbed the injured tenno by the neck, ripping her out from under the piece of smouldering ship. The mesa was covered in scratches - some light, some large gouges in her armor. One of her legs dangled uselessly, and molten metal ran down her chest. Weakly, the mesa lifted its head to make eye contact with the mag.

"Sarah?" Abigail said, sounding dazed by the crash.

Sarah said nothing, letting her fall to the ground, and grabbing her good leg by the ankle. She began to drag Abigail back to her liset, warily scanning for threats.

"Mia," she thought, with a sense of resignation, "I have a favor to ask of you."

On 5/15/2017 at 6:36 PM, EscortAlpha said:
On 5/2/2017 at 11:23 PM, EscortAlpha said:

Svytoj crashed though the final door to control room, rocketing to the control panel. As the lights started to dim, Svytoj quickly accessed the ships console, hoping to track the rogue inside the ship. The alert he found instead troubled him.
{"MIa, Aria, We have problem. It looks like they've-"}
The transmission was cut off by the sound of a boar discharging, Svytoj's body slamming against the terminal as he took the shot full force. The frost grunted as he fell to the floor; he tried to right himself as he looked around the area for the source.
"YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LONG I'VE BEEN WAITING TO DO THAT, TIN-MAN!" the intruder said, his voice bleeding into the comm system as he approached the downed frost.
"You've got no one to hide behind; not even that damn Limbo." the man said as he drew his cross bow. "now, how about you play nice and not move? I'd hate to break the chassis any more than I'd have to." He said as he level his weapon at Svytoj's head.
"I'̴m ͢ńot҉ sǫm̛e҉ sic͘ķ ̀dog͜ ́to̧ ̡bę ̧ṕu̵t̢ d͝o͜ẁn̢, ̀B͢ój̢aun̢." Svytoj Growled as he drew his grakata's.
The two men kept their eyes locked.

The sound of Grakata fire and flying Attica bolt echoed though the halls and over the radio.

"...preoccupied... but go ahead..." breaks into the Mag and Frost's heads, while the radio fills with the roaring sounds of fire, brimstone, and metal as the entire obelisk shudders. Licking at the decloaking Nyx's feet was an inferno straight out of the underworld itself. All around Mia, conduits were going off, walls were flying off the supports, and explosions were ringing in her ears. Already the extreme heat from the fallout is steadily eating through her shields as Mia struggles to find an exit point. 

At the shredded remains of the bridge, the remains of the exit hatch get smashed out and fly haphazardly into the interior.

"EY TOJ~!!!" Aria shouts over the roar of the many pointy objects flying through the air. "YOU NEED A HAND IN THERE~?!" the valkyr bellows out, her greatsword being held one handed in front of her in a ready stance, and her Soma P in her left as another shipwide shake quakes through the ship and an explosion sends a large blunt chunk of shrapnel off the roof and knocking her helmet first into the ground.

Down below, as Mia leaps over a particularly large chasm to the corridor beyond, another round of blasts rocks the room; punching several shards straight through her shields and into her arm and leg, causing the Nyx to trip onto the ground and bang her helmet into the metal wall beside the blast door.

"...ruk..." Mia thinks, the immediate instance of the pain rippling outwards like a firework before she quickly turns down the mental connection. Taking a proverbial deep breath. she yanks out the shard embedded in her leg, and forces herself onto her feet and continue her desperate escape down the passageway.

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On 5/15/2017 at 6:15 PM, Daakjenaar said:

(I'm on mobile, I'll translate it later.)

"I don't have many nullifier bubbles on hand, but I can get some easily." Clogori said. "For the time being, try and find out if the Infested is spreading. If you know where the intruder is, that would be useful."

Please, you have to trust me. Clogori's motives are far more dangerous than he lets on.

"<{ I̛ m̕a͠y ̀h̨a̵ve͏ s҉ơme͝ ҉i̴dea ̀w͏he̕ŗé he͞ i͢s̸. ̸If̢ ̧I'̢m r͞ig̶ht̷,̧ H͡e͞ and Sv̨yt̨oj ̨s͢h͏oul̕d ́b̕e͜ ̵in c̀om͜b͡a̷t rigḩt a͠b̕o͝u͘t̴.̛.̕.͡ N͜O҉W. }>" The voice said as Svytoj's coordinates flashed onto the display.

1 hour ago, souldrive11 said:

"...preoccupied... but go ahead..." breaks into the Mag and Frost's heads, while the radio fills with the roaring sounds of fire, brimstone, and metal as the entire obelisk shudders. Licking at the decloaking Nyx's feet was an inferno straight out of the underworld itself. All around Mia, conduits were going off, walls were flying off the supports, and explosions were ringing in her ears. Already the extreme heat from the fallout is steadily eating through her shields as Mia struggles to find an exit point.

"How long are you going to keep this up?" Svytoj asked, A brief intermission in the gun fire letting both men observe their quarries.
"One of two things is gonna happen here, Tin-Man. either you kill me, or I kill you and get the skin I EARNED!"


1 hour ago, souldrive11 said:

At the shredded remains of the bridge, the remains of the exit hatch get smashed out and fly haphazardly into the interior.

"EY TOJ~!!!" Aria shouts over the roar of the many pointy objects flying through the air. "YOU NEED A HAND IN THERE~?!" the valkyr bellows out, her greatsword being held one handed in front of her in a ready stance, and her Soma P in her left as another shipwide shake quakes through the ship and an explosion sends a large blunt chunk of shrapnel off the roof and knocking her helmet first into the ground.

Down below, as Mia leaps over a particularly large chasm to the corridor beyond, another round of blasts rocks the room; punching several shards straight through her shields and into her arm and leg, causing the Nyx to trip onto the ground and bang her helmet into the metal wall beside the blast door.

"...ruk..." Mia thinks, the immediate instance of the pain rippling outwards like a firework before she quickly turns down the mental connection. Taking a proverbial deep breath. she yanks out the shard embedded in her leg, and forces herself onto her feet and continue her desperate escape down the passageway.

Both parties scattered as the remains of the door blasted inward.
"Perfect timing Mia." Svytoj said.
"Great... just one more thing I have to put up with." the intruder groaned.

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6 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:

"<{ I̛ m̕a͠y ̀h̨a̵ve͏ s҉ơme͝ ҉i̴dea ̀w͏he̕ŗé he͞ i͢s̸. ̸If̢ ̧I'̢m r͞ig̶ht̷,̧ H͡e͞ and Sv̨yt̨oj ̨s͢h͏oul̕d ́b̕e͜ ̵in c̀om͜b͡a̷t rigḩt a͠b̕o͝u͘t̴.̛.̕.͡ N͜O҉W. }>" The voice said as Svytoj's coordinates flashed onto the display.

"Be prepared to enact containment protocol at these coordinates." Clogori ordered, his message being sent to an unknown location. "If all goes according to plan, though, we'll have no need for any assistance."

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19 hours ago, souldrive11 said:

"...preoccupied... but go ahead..." breaks into the Mag and Frost's heads, while the radio fills with the roaring sounds of fire, brimstone, and metal as the entire obelisk shudders. Licking at the decloaking Nyx's feet was an inferno straight out of the underworld itself. All around Mia, conduits were going off, walls were flying off the supports, and explosions were ringing in her ears. Already the extreme heat from the fallout is steadily eating through her shields as Mia struggles to find an exit point. 

At the shredded remains of the bridge, the remains of the exit hatch get smashed out and fly haphazardly into the interior.

"EY TOJ~!!!" Aria shouts over the roar of the many pointy objects flying through the air. "YOU NEED A HAND IN THERE~?!" the valkyr bellows out, her greatsword being held one handed in front of her in a ready stance, and her Soma P in her left as another shipwide shake quakes through the ship and an explosion sends a large blunt chunk of shrapnel off the roof and knocking her helmet first into the ground.

Down below, as Mia leaps over a particularly large chasm to the corridor beyond, another round of blasts rocks the room; punching several shards straight through her shields and into her arm and leg, causing the Nyx to trip onto the ground and bang her helmet into the metal wall beside the blast door.

"...ruk..." Mia thinks, the immediate instance of the pain rippling outwards like a firework before she quickly turns down the mental connection. Taking a proverbial deep breath. she yanks out the shard embedded in her leg, and forces herself onto her feet and continue her desperate escape down the passageway.

Sarah's demeanor instantly changed.

"Is there a problem? Do you need backup?"

Sarah's kunai and glaive freeze in midair as her attention turns to the obelisk

Edited by bowiespoon
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13 hours ago, Daakjenaar said:

"Be prepared to enact containment protocol at these coordinates." Clogori ordered, his message being sent to an unknown location. "If all goes according to plan, though, we'll have no need for any assistance."

Clogori's message seemed to echo on the ships speaker system before the voice cut in.
"<{Assi̛st͢a͟nce̸?͝ ýou͟ ̢m͠e̛an t̷o say y̸o͏u ̨a͞r͢e ͠n͟o̡t w̢o͜rking ̀a͜lo̧nè?̀ }>"

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13 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

Clogori's message seemed to echo on the ships speaker system before the voice cut in.
"<{Assi̛st͢a͟nce̸?͝ ýou͟ ̢m͠e̛an t̷o say y̸o͏u ̨a͞r͢e ͠n͟o̡t w̢o͜rking ̀a͜lo̧nè?̀ }>"

"I forgot to mute... oops." Clogori said, sounding annoyed.  His next message wasn't sent to the [Whatever it's called. We need an official name.], but the message could easily be intercepted, as the channel wasn't secure.

"Subject requires containment. We need cargo pods sent to my coordinates immediately. I need nullifier emitters and incendiary ammo. If possible, send a better transmitter. I wish I were using a more secure channel." Clogori requested. "If subject escapes, enact emergency protocols. I repeat: Scorched Earth protocol if subject escapes."

(Just to clarify, this message isn't sent to the ship, but is also on a non-secure channel and the message will be easily intercepted.)

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1 hour ago, Daakjenaar said:

"I forgot to mute... oops." Clogori said, sounding annoyed.  His next message wasn't sent to the [Whatever it's called. We need an official name.], but the message could easily be intercepted, as the channel wasn't secure.

"Subject requires containment. We need cargo pods sent to my coordinates immediately. I need nullifier emitters and incendiary ammo. If possible, send a better transmitter. I wish I were using a more secure channel." Clogori requested. "If subject escapes, enact emergency protocols. I repeat: Scorched Earth protocol if subject escapes."

(Just to clarify, this message isn't sent to the ship, but is also on a non-secure channel and the message will be easily intercepted.)

All of the monitors on Clogori's ship suddenly flashed with the same symbol.
The voice boomed, the images on the screen pulsing with each syllable.
"͡<{I̛F T̀HE̡RE͜ ͠A͞RE MOR̶E ͞PLAYER҉S̀ ͟I͏N ͘THI͞S ͞GA҉M̛E, W̴E̴ ̨M͠US̨T ҉K̛N͘OW͏.̷}>"̨
((I haven't given the voice a name, but for the sake of being on the same page, the ship it occupies [a mantis] does have a name: Vigil Actual. For the sake of this RP, well have both the voice and the ship be synonymous.))

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On 05/18/2017 at 11:24 PM, EscortAlpha said:

All of the monitors on Clogori's ship suddenly flashed with the same symbol.
The voice boomed, the images on the screen pulsing with each syllable.
"͡<{I̛F T̀HE̡RE͜ ͠A͞RE MOR̶E ͞PLAYER҉S̀ ͟I͏N ͘THI͞S ͞GA҉M̛E, W̴E̴ ̨M͠US̨T ҉K̛N͘OW͏.̷}>"̨
((I haven't given the voice a name, but for the sake of being on the same page, the ship it occupies [a mantis] does have a name: Vigil Actual. For the sake of this RP, well have both the voice and the ship be synonymous.))

Clogori remained silent, but whatever had sent the messages about Clogori wasn't staying quiet.

Clogori is not a mercenary. He is very dangerous. Do not trust him.

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On 5/18/2017 at 6:52 PM, bowiespoon said:

Sarah's demeanor instantly changed.

"Is there a problem? Do you need backup?"

Sarah's kunai and glaive freeze in midair as her attention turns to the obelisk

"...attempting to outrun a reactor meltdown, leg's been injured, and I can't *hear* Aria on the bridge anymore..." Mia concernedly whispers between heavy gasps of air as it's all she can do to keep one step ahead of the inferno and rupturing passageways around her.

Half her shields were gone now, and steadily dropping.

How long has she been running now? Realistically it can't have been more than a few minutes at best, but it feels like an eternity; the pain flaring up from her leg only exacerbating the situation. Every single landing after a half decent bullet jump sends needles shooting up into her head, and it's all she can do to telekinetically keep the wound from bleeding out or from ripping further out. In the attempt to keep the obelisk from taking off, the Nyx is now under heavy risk of being burned alive in a nuclear fire and and her ashes buried in molten slag as the ship collapses around her. Already the edges of her vision is starting to go black, and the fleeing frame knows she can't keep this pace up for long.

Down to a third of her shields now.

Running through a blast door, Mia quickly spins around, and slams her hand onto the adjacent console; her frame hard hacking the scanner to quickly seal the door shut.

...That won't last for long... she thinks to herself, the metal wall already beginning to radiate heat onto her hand as she quickly turns around and continues to run. Was she close to where she first went after HIbigail? The girl hardly knew, the money merchants loved the usage of repeating rooms in construction, and any signage on the ship had long since faded to dust and time. No sooner than she sprint staggered halfway down another long trio of hallways overlooking an abyss (I hope everyone knows which corpus tileset I'm talking about) than the entrance behind her explodes with a mighty BANG. The resultant debris flies straight at her head, and although a quickly thrown up absorb takes the brunt of the impact, it's still enough to send for clanging onto the floor.

No sooner than she lands downwards onto the metal bridge when it breaks in two, sending her flying downwards before crashing onto the other side like something out of Aria's old movie collection; it was all Mia could do to keep a firm magnetic aided grip on the remains of the bridge as the tendrils of yellow and white begin to lick at her shields once again. Channeling energy into her limbs, Mia desperately climbs up the dangling bridge with her arms to the top before once again running for the exit, trying gravely to avoid being roasted alive. (Fire conditions during sabotage may be the fastest , but darned if it doesn't get hairy at times)

Up on the bridge, with a violent CREAK, the floor under Aria snaps and cracks apart, sending the unconscious Valkyr tumbling down into the bowels of the derelict.

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16 minutes ago, souldrive11 said:

"...attempting to outrun a reactor meltdown, leg's been injured, and I can't *hear* Aria on the bridge anymore..." Mia concernedly whispers between heavy gasps of air as it's all she can do to keep one step ahead of the inferno and rupturing passageways around her.

Half her shields were gone now, and steadily dropping.

How long has she been running now? Realistically it can't have been more than a few minutes at best, but it feels like an eternity; the pain flaring up from her leg only exacerbating the situation. Every single landing after a half decent bullet jump sends needles shooting up into her head, and it's all she can do to telekinetically keep the wound from bleeding out or from ripping further out. In the attempt to keep the obelisk from taking off, the Nyx is now under heavy risk of being burned alive in a nuclear fire and and her ashes buried in molten slag as the ship collapses around her. Already the edges of her vision is starting to go black, and the fleeing frame knows she can't keep this pace up for long.

Down to a third of her shields now.

Running through a blast door, Mia quickly spins around, and slams her hand onto the adjacent console; her frame hard hacking the scanner to quickly seal the door shut.

...That won't for long... she thinks to herself, the metal wall already beginning to radiate heat onto her hand as she quickly turns around and continues to run. Was she close to where she first went after HIbigail? The girl hardly knew, the money merchants loved the usage of repeating rooms in construction, and any signage on the ship had long since faded to dust and time. No sooner than she sprint staggered halfway down another long trio of hallways overlooking an abyss (I hope everyone knows which corpus tileset I'm talking about) than the entrance behind her explodes with a mighty BANG. The resultant debris flies straight at her head, and although a quickly thrown up absorb takes the brunt of the impact, it's still enough to send for clanging onto the floor.

No sooner than she lands downwards onto the metal bridge when it breaks in two, sending her flying downwards before crashing onto the other side like something out of Aria's old movie collection; it was all Mia could do to keep a firm magnetic aided grip on the remains of the bridge as the tendrils of yellow and white begin to lick at her shields once again. Channeling energy into her limbs, Mia desperately climbs up the dangling bridge with her arms to the top before once again running for the exit, trying gravely to avoid being roasted alive. (Fire conditions during sabotage may be the fastest , but darned if it doesn't get hairy at times)

Up on the bridge, with a violent CREAK, the floor under Aria snaps and cracks apart, sending the unconscious Valkyr tumbling down into the bowels of the derelict.

"Hold tight, I'm coming!" Sarah replied, tossing Abigail onto the ground. She magnetized the mesa's joints, breaking them with an audible crack.

"That should keep you from running off. When I get back, we're going to have a nice long chat." Sarah said coldly.

She shook her head. There'd be time to worry about that later. Right now, Mia and Aria were in trouble. Tapping into her pool of energy, she pulled on the obelisk with as much power as she could. The obelisk was much heavier than her, so she couldn't pull it over to her, but she could pull herself to the ship, like some kind of invisible grappling hook. Given the enormous distance between them, she had to gush energy to cover the distance, but she managed it. As she approached the aging ship, she curled into a ball, knees out in front.

"Ah hell," she muttered, "This is really going to hurt."

Then she hit the ship. The crumbling, rusted hull of the ship caved in instantly, lacerating her legs with jagged metal shards. Sarah skidded across the floor of the ship on all fours for several feet, breaking into a run immediately. A wave of heat hit her as she entered the nearest door, and she dove to the side as molten debris collapsed a portion of the ceiling.

"This ship isn't going to hold together for much longer, we need to get out ASAP. Where did you last see Aria!?" Sarah hollers over the grinding and squealing of metal. Distracted, she was talking aloud rather than letting Mia simply pick up her thoughts.

She tossed a handful of kunai up at the ceiling, pushing on them with her dwindling supply of energy to hold up the roof long enough for her to exit the room.

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On 5/15/2017 at 7:40 AM, Sharpstriker said:

Zaben sticks his head through the door.

Zaben: "Can I assume this gunfight is over?"


A grineer was in the center of the room, clad in grey armor. All around him were dead or dying steel meridian agents.

"Yeah," he said, cracking his neck, "If you could call it a fight."

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1 hour ago, bowiespoon said:

"Hold tight, I'm coming!" Sarah replied, tossing Abigail onto the ground. She magnetized the mesa's joints, breaking them with an audible crack.

"That should keep you from running off. When I get back, we're going to have a nice long chat." Sarah said coldly.

She shook her head. There'd be time to worry about that later. Right now, Mia and Aria were in trouble. Tapping into her pool of energy, she pulled on the obelisk with as much power as she could. The obelisk was much heavier than her, so she couldn't pull it over to her, but she could pull herself to the ship, like some kind of invisible grappling hook. Given the enormous distance between them, she had to gush energy to cover the distance, but she managed it. As she approached the aging ship, she curled into a ball, knees out in front.

"Ah hell," she muttered, "This is really going to hurt."

Then she hit the ship. The crumbling, rusted hull of the ship caved in instantly, lacerating her legs with jagged metal shards. Sarah skidded across the floor of the ship on all fours for several feet, breaking into a run immediately. A wave of heat hit her as she entered the nearest door, and she dove to the side as molten debris collapsed a portion of the ceiling.

"This ship isn't going to hold together for much longer, we need to get out ASAP. Where did you last see Aria!?" Sarah hollers over the grinding and squealing of metal. Distracted, she was talking aloud rather than letting Mia simply pick up her thoughts.

She tossed a handful of kunai up at the ceiling, pushing on them with her dwindling supply of energy to hold up the roof long enough for her to exit the room.

Any attempt at finesse has long since left the ragged Mia. The Nyx was in full flight mode as her arms were held in front of her, and she was now limping as much as she was awkwardly bullet jumping and sliding down the crumbling corridors.

"...bridge..." was all she could get out of her mind as another large chunk of ceiling crashes behind her, the shockwave sending her through a web of dangling exposed wires and light and into several dislocated lockers, the pain from wounds her now consuming her entire left side. The air around her is rippling from the shear heat barreling through the bowels of the ship, the hallways behind her collapsing under countless tons of aged metal like a ravenous beast, being embroiled in a dragon's breath, or possibly even both; Mia has no mind to look into details right now.

Frantically unraveling herself out of the mess, out of the corner of her eye she notices another huge problem. Amid the sirens and half dimmed emergency lighte she could see the blast door at the end slowly closing, with the console beside it fallen off it's hinges. Thinking quickly, she detaches her Orthos and hurls it into the space, wedging the blades between edges. The polearm creaks loudly in protest, as the door continues it's descent down in response to the meltdown. Summoning a burst of the void through her limbs, Mia crawls up off the floor and drags herself to the exit, instantly creating a small salvo of psychic bolts into the door to shore up the wedge.

Down to a quarter shields now.

The flames licking at her feet and the blast door halfway down and closing fast, Mia breaks into a mad sprint and slides through the narrow space and pulling the Orthos P with her, the extra thick piece of metal finally closing with a reverberating CLANG.

Gasping for proverbial breath, Mia slowly realizes she has made her way into an empty hanger bay, one of the higher floor ones by the looks, the half torn open cargo doors open to the dry sandy sunlight outside and the ground nowhere in sight on the horizon. A small smile breaks out on her face, she had made it! Getting up unsteadily onto her feet, she swiftly makes her way towards the outside. 

The exit only a few metres away now, she can already feel the cool dry sandy air blowing past her, a welcome reprieve from the blistering inferno behind her. As she's about to take a ragged step outside, the entire ship rocks and shudders again as another explosion, presumably from a large generator goes off, sending her tumbling onto her backwards onto her back. Like a chain of dominoes, the entire rear of the derelict hanger whines and snaps before the tilting dangerously horizontally down and careens back into the broken hull. 

Mia helplessly slides back into the hanger alongside her polearm, the exit being snatched away from her like a treasure out of reach as the entire section of the ship begins to give way. The earlier entrance smashes open, though instead of a ball of fire now only darkness exists, as the floors below is continue to fall in on itself. Her fingers desperately try to claw at the smooth metal surface for something, anything to stop her descent back into the obelisk, before finally managing to grab a loose piece of metal coming off the floor.with her one good hand.

No reprieve would be given though, as with a loud SNAP, a large overhead light breaks off and flies into her, breaking her grip and sending her and her orthos tumbling back down through the open door and into the deathtrap below.

Waves of panic intermixed with pain reverberate over to Sarah alongside a vision Mia's downward spiral, before a CRASH rings in the Mag's proverbial ears and the mental connection goes silent completely, like a phantom limb being severed.

Edited by souldrive11
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4 hours ago, souldrive11 said:

"...attempting to outrun a reactor meltdown, leg's been injured, and I can't *hear* Aria on the bridge anymore..." Mia concernedly whispers between heavy gasps of air as it's all she can do to keep one step ahead of the inferno and rupturing passageways around her.

Half her shields were gone now, and steadily dropping.

How long has she been running now? Realistically it can't have been more than a few minutes at best, but it feels like an eternity; the pain flaring up from her leg only exacerbating the situation. Every single landing after a half decent bullet jump sends needles shooting up into her head, and it's all she can do to telekinetically keep the wound from bleeding out or from ripping further out. In the attempt to keep the obelisk from taking off, the Nyx is now under heavy risk of being burned alive in a nuclear fire and and her ashes buried in molten slag as the ship collapses around her. Already the edges of her vision is starting to go black, and the fleeing frame knows she can't keep this pace up for long.

Down to a third of her shields now.

Running through a blast door, Mia quickly spins around, and slams her hand onto the adjacent console; her frame hard hacking the scanner to quickly seal the door shut.

...That won't last for long... she thinks to herself, the metal wall already beginning to radiate heat onto her hand as she quickly turns around and continues to run. Was she close to where she first went after HIbigail? The girl hardly knew, the money merchants loved the usage of repeating rooms in construction, and any signage on the ship had long since faded to dust and time. No sooner than she sprint staggered halfway down another long trio of hallways overlooking an abyss (I hope everyone knows which corpus tileset I'm talking about) than the entrance behind her explodes with a mighty BANG. The resultant debris flies straight at her head, and although a quickly thrown up absorb takes the brunt of the impact, it's still enough to send for clanging onto the floor.

No sooner than she lands downwards onto the metal bridge when it breaks in two, sending her flying downwards before crashing onto the other side like something out of Aria's old movie collection; it was all Mia could do to keep a firm magnetic aided grip on the remains of the bridge as the tendrils of yellow and white begin to lick at her shields once again. Channeling energy into her limbs, Mia desperately climbs up the dangling bridge with her arms to the top before once again running for the exit, trying gravely to avoid being roasted alive. (Fire conditions during sabotage may be the fastest , but darned if it doesn't get hairy at times)

Up on the bridge, with a violent CREAK, the floor under Aria snaps and cracks apart, sending the unconscious Valkyr tumbling down into the bowels of the derelict.

3 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

"Hold tight, I'm coming!" Sarah replied, tossing Abigail onto the ground. She magnetized the mesa's joints, breaking them with an audible crack.

"That should keep you from running off. When I get back, we're going to have a nice long chat." Sarah said coldly.

She shook her head. There'd be time to worry about that later. Right now, Mia and Aria were in trouble. Tapping into her pool of energy, she pulled on the obelisk with as much power as she could. The obelisk was much heavier than her, so she couldn't pull it over to her, but she could pull herself to the ship, like some kind of invisible grappling hook. Given the enormous distance between them, she had to gush energy to cover the distance, but she managed it. As she approached the aging ship, she curled into a ball, knees out in front.

"Ah hell," she muttered, "This is really going to hurt."

Then she hit the ship. The crumbling, rusted hull of the ship caved in instantly, lacerating her legs with jagged metal shards. Sarah skidded across the floor of the ship on all fours for several feet, breaking into a run immediately. A wave of heat hit her as she entered the nearest door, and she dove to the side as molten debris collapsed a portion of the ceiling.

"This ship isn't going to hold together for much longer, we need to get out ASAP. Where did you last see Aria!?" Sarah hollers over the grinding and squealing of metal. Distracted, she was talking aloud rather than letting Mia simply pick up her thoughts.

She tossed a handful of kunai up at the ceiling, pushing on them with her dwindling supply of energy to hold up the roof long enough for her to exit the room.

2 hours ago, souldrive11 said:

Any attempt at finesse has long since left the ragged Mia. The Nyx was in full flight mode as her arms were held in front of her, and she was now limping as much as she was awkwardly bullet jumping and sliding down the crumbling corridors.

"...bridge..." was all she could get out of her mind as another large chunk of ceiling crashes behind her, the shockwave sending her through a web of dangling exposed wires and light and into several dislocated lockers, the pain from wounds her now consuming her entire left side. The air around her is rippling from the shear heat barreling through the bowels of the ship, the hallways behind her collapsing under countless tons of aged metal like a ravenous beast, being embroiled in a dragon's breath, or possibly even both; Mia has no mind to look into details right now.

Frantically unraveling herself out of the mess, out of the corner of her eye she notices another huge problem. Amid the sirens and half dimmed emergency lighte she could see the blast door at the end slowly closing, with the console beside it fallen off it's hinges. Thinking quickly, she detaches her Orthos and hurls it into the space, wedging the blades between edges. The polearm creaks loudly in protest, as the door continues it's descent down in response to the meltdown. Summoning a burst of the void through her limbs, Mia crawls up off the floor and drags herself to the exit, instantly creating a small salvo of psychic bolts into the door to shore up the wedge.

Down to a quarter shields now.

The flames licking at her feet and the blast door halfway down and closing fast, Mia breaks into a mad sprint and slides through the narrow space and pulling the Orthos P with her, the extra thick piece of metal finally closing with a reverberating CLANG.

Gasping for proverbial breath, Mia slowly realizes she has made her way into an empty hanger bay, one of the higher floor ones by the looks, the half torn open cargo doors open to the dry sandy sunlight outside and the ground nowhere in sight on the horizon. A small smile breaks out on her face, she had made it! Getting up unsteadily onto her feet, she swiftly makes her way towards the outside. 

The exit only a few metres away now, she can already feel the cool dry sandy air blowing past her, a welcome reprieve from the blistering inferno behind her. As she's about to take a ragged step outside, the entire ship rocks and shudders again as another explosion, presumably from a large generator goes off, sending her tumbling onto her backwards onto her back. Like a chain of dominoes, the entire rear of the derelict hanger whines and snaps before the tilting dangerously horizontally down and careens back into the broken hull. 

Mia helplessly slides back into the hanger alongside her polearm, the exit being snatched away from her like a treasure out of reach as the entire section of the ship begins to give way. The earlier entrance smashes open, though instead of a ball of fire now only darkness exists, as the floors below is continue to fall in on itself. Her fingers desperately try to claw at the smooth metal surface for something, anything to stop her descent back into the obelisk, before finally managing to grab a loose piece of metal coming off the floor.with her one good hand.

No reprieve would be given though, as with a loud SNAP, a large overhead light breaks off and flies into her, breaking her grip and sending her and her orthos tumbling back down through the open door and into the deathtrap below.

Waves of panic intermixed with pain reverberate over to Sarah alongside a vision Mia's downward spiral, before a CRASH rings in the Mag's proverbial ears and the mental connection goes silent completely, like a phantom limb being severed.

Svytoj and the intruder were sent tumbling into the same Abyss that Aria had been plunged into before the even could register what had happend. The now wrecked bridge when silent.
A set of hoarse coughing broke the silence as Svytoj pushed a slab of metal off of him, several deep cuts leaking dark fluid.
The Frost scanned the area for signs of life. He could hear his attacker scrambling and raging against the fallen debris.
As the Frost looked around the area, he could see the downed Valkyr. He began limping towards Aria, scanning for injuries. Svytoj could hear Sarah over the comms, barely making out what she was asking.
" *Cough* I'm on the bridge with her..! *COUGH* Don't worry 'bout us. Get Mia and Get out of here!" Svytoj desperately broadcast as he worked to free  Aria from the rubble.
"I'm not done with you, TIN-MAN! When I find you I'm gonna rip your GUTS OUT!" the intruder could be heard ranting as he tried to dig himself out of the rubble.
Svtyoj worked to heft the Valkyr onto his shoulders as he tried to climb out of the rubble; One of his legs was badly bent from the fall.

((Man you guys move fast. :D I've gotta up my game.))

Edited by EscortAlpha
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10 hours ago, souldrive11 said:

Any attempt at finesse has long since left the ragged Mia. The Nyx was in full flight mode as her arms were held in front of her, and she was now limping as much as she was awkwardly bullet jumping and sliding down the crumbling corridors.

"...bridge..." was all she could get out of her mind as another large chunk of ceiling crashes behind her, the shockwave sending her through a web of dangling exposed wires and light and into several dislocated lockers, the pain from wounds her now consuming her entire left side. The air around her is rippling from the shear heat barreling through the bowels of the ship, the hallways behind her collapsing under countless tons of aged metal like a ravenous beast, being embroiled in a dragon's breath, or possibly even both; Mia has no mind to look into details right now.

Frantically unraveling herself out of the mess, out of the corner of her eye she notices another huge problem. Amid the sirens and half dimmed emergency lighte she could see the blast door at the end slowly closing, with the console beside it fallen off it's hinges. Thinking quickly, she detaches her Orthos and hurls it into the space, wedging the blades between edges. The polearm creaks loudly in protest, as the door continues it's descent down in response to the meltdown. Summoning a burst of the void through her limbs, Mia crawls up off the floor and drags herself to the exit, instantly creating a small salvo of psychic bolts into the door to shore up the wedge.

Down to a quarter shields now.

The flames licking at her feet and the blast door halfway down and closing fast, Mia breaks into a mad sprint and slides through the narrow space and pulling the Orthos P with her, the extra thick piece of metal finally closing with a reverberating CLANG.

Gasping for proverbial breath, Mia slowly realizes she has made her way into an empty hanger bay, one of the higher floor ones by the looks, the half torn open cargo doors open to the dry sandy sunlight outside and the ground nowhere in sight on the horizon. A small smile breaks out on her face, she had made it! Getting up unsteadily onto her feet, she swiftly makes her way towards the outside. 

The exit only a few metres away now, she can already feel the cool dry sandy air blowing past her, a welcome reprieve from the blistering inferno behind her. As she's about to take a ragged step outside, the entire ship rocks and shudders again as another explosion, presumably from a large generator goes off, sending her tumbling onto her backwards onto her back. Like a chain of dominoes, the entire rear of the derelict hanger whines and snaps before the tilting dangerously horizontally down and careens back into the broken hull. 

Mia helplessly slides back into the hanger alongside her polearm, the exit being snatched away from her like a treasure out of reach as the entire section of the ship begins to give way. The earlier entrance smashes open, though instead of a ball of fire now only darkness exists, as the floors below is continue to fall in on itself. Her fingers desperately try to claw at the smooth metal surface for something, anything to stop her descent back into the obelisk, before finally managing to grab a loose piece of metal coming off the floor.with her one good hand.

No reprieve would be given though, as with a loud SNAP, a large overhead light breaks off and flies into her, breaking her grip and sending her and her orthos tumbling back down through the open door and into the deathtrap below.

Waves of panic intermixed with pain reverberate over to Sarah alongside a vision Mia's downward spiral, before a CRASH rings in the Mag's proverbial ears and the mental connection goes silent completely, like a phantom limb being severed.


8 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:

Svytoj and the intruder were sent tumbling into the same Abyss that Aria had been plunged into before the even could register what had happend. The now wrecked bridge when silent.
A set of hoarse coughing broke the silence as Svytoj pushed a slab of metal off of him, several deep cuts leaking dark fluid.
The Frost scanned the area for signs of life. He could hear his attacker scrambling and raging against the fallen debris.
As the Frost looked around the area, he could see the downed Valkyr. He began limping towards Aria, scanning for injuries. Svytoj could hear Sarah over the comms, barely making out what she was asking.
" *Cough* I'm on the bridge with her..! *COUGH* Don't worry 'bout us. Get Mia and Get out of here!" Svytoj desperately broadcast as he worked to free  Aria from the rubble.
"I'm not done with you, TIN-MAN! When I find you I'm gonna rip your GUTS OUT!" the intruder could be heard ranting as he tried to dig himself out of the rubble.
Svtyoj worked to heft the Valkyr onto his shoulders as he tried to climb out of the rubble; One of his legs was badly bent from the fall.

((Man you guys move fast. :D I've gotta up my game.))

"Mia? What goin-" Sarah begins, but grasps her head and stumbles as waves of Mia's pain strike her. She tasted something coppery - she must have bit her tongue when she got hit by Mia's mental spike.

"Mia? Mia! Can you hear me!?" Sarah called out, rising to her feet. Smoke was filling the deck, obscuring her vision. The outermost layers of her armor were beginning to crack and peel from the intense heat, and she didn't have the energy to replenish her shields.

She didn't have much time left before the heat cooked her alive, but she couldn't just leave Mia and Aria behind. She refused to. 

"Svytoj!" Sarah said into her comms, "Mia's gone dark on me, do you have any idea of her last known location?"

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On 05/19/2017 at 5:54 AM, Daakjenaar said:

Clogori remained silent, but whatever had sent the messages about Clogori wasn't staying quiet.

Clogori is not a mercenary. He is very dangerous. Do not trust him.

(I think this was lost in the onslaught of words.)

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On 5/19/2017 at 5:54 AM, Daakjenaar said:

Clogori remained silent, but whatever had sent the messages about Clogori wasn't staying quiet.

Clogori is not a mercenary. He is very dangerous. Do not trust him.

The symbols on the monitors remained, oppressively waiting for Clogori to respond.



2 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

"Mia? What goin-" Sarah begins, but grasps her head and stumbles as waves of Mia's pain strike her. She tasted something coppery - she must have bit her tongue when she got hit by Mia's mental spike.

"Mia? Mia! Can you hear me!?" Sarah called out, rising to her feet. Smoke was filling the deck, obscuring her vision. The outermost layers of her armor were beginning to crack and peel from the intense heat, and she didn't have the energy to replenish her shields.

She didn't have much time left before the heat cooked her alive, but she couldn't just leave Mia and Aria behind. She refused to. 

"Svytoj!" Sarah said into her comms, "Mia's gone dark on me, do you have any idea of her last known location?"

Svytoj began frantically poring over his IFF data, working to track Mia's last known location.
"Come on..." Svytoj huffed as he worked his way out of the pit, looking for an exit. "...Come on..."
As he reached the top of the pit, he got a hit. "YES! Sarah, I'm sending you Mia's last know coordinates."
A small Icon flashed onto the map of Sarah's HUD: with any luck, Mia should still be there.
"As soon as I get Aria out of here, I'm coming back!" The Frost said as he spotted a crack in the hull. "Until then, Good luck."
Before Svytoj could cut the line, The sound of a boar discharging filled the room. Svytoj looked into the pit as the intruder began pushing the wrecked rebar and metal debris off of him.
"...Sh!t..." Svytoj muttered, looking back to the crack in the hull. He carefully set Aria down as he limped over to the opening, pressing his hand against the metal as he began to super-cool the cracked section of hall.
Don't turn around.. Don't look at me.. He thought as ice began to form over the metal.

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13 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

A grineer was in the center of the room, clad in grey armor. All around him were dead or dying steel meridian agents.

"Yeah," he said, cracking his neck, "If you could call it a fight."

Zaben: "call it what you will, you drew your gun, they drew theirs, and now these schmucks are lying on the ground with an extra hole in them. So… who's you tick off to have these guys after you?"

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11 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:

The symbols on the monitors remained, oppressively waiting for Clogori to respond.



"Listen, I know it looks like I lied, but you have to trust me. I don't want anyone here to die."


"Right now, if any of this goes wrong, if the Infested get out of containment, everything I've tried to accomplish will be wiped out." Clogori said.

I know I haven't given you too much of a reason to trust me, but I have information on Clogori. The next message said.

Edited by Daakjenaar
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19 minutes ago, Sharpstriker said:

Zaben: "call it what you will, you drew your gun, they drew theirs, and now these schmucks are lying on the ground with an extra hole in them. So… who'd you tick off to have these guys after you?"

The grineer just laughed as he knelt down and went through the dead Steel Meridian agent's pockets. From each corpse, he took a medallion and fastened it to his belt, where several others hung.

"What, you think I just go around pouring out my life's story to every stranger I run across?"

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28 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

The symbols on the monitors remained, oppressively waiting for Clogori to respond.



Svytoj began frantically poring over his IFF data, working to track Mia's last known location.
"Come on..." Svytoj huffed as he worked his way out of the pit, looking for an exit. "...Come on..."
As he reached the top of the pit, he got a hit. "YES! Sarah, I'm sending you Mia's last know coordinates."
A small Icon flashed onto the map of Sarah's HUD: with any luck, Mia should still be there.
"As soon as I get Aria out of here, I'm coming back!" The Frost said as he spotted a crack in the hull. "Until then, Good luck."
Before Svytoj could cut the line, The sound of a boar discharging filled the room. Svytoj looked into the pit as the intruder began pushing the wrecked rebar and metal debris off of him.
"...Sh!t..." Svytoj muttered, looking back to the crack in the hull. He carefully set Aria down as he limped over to the opening, pressing his hand against the metal as he began to super-cool the cracked section of hall.
Don't turn around.. Don't look at me.. He thought as ice began to form over the metal.

Sarah unslung her javlok, firing at the roof. It gave out easily, and Sarah shot out of the ship, using her frames magnetic capabilities to amplify her bulletjump. She landed on the outside of the ship, running towards the coordinates Svytoj sent. The outside of the ship had largely collapsed from Abigail ramming it forward and Mia overloading the core, but Sarah navigated to ruins as quickly as she could.

"Oh Mia," she muttered, "Why'd you have to go and nuke the ship?"

Nearing Mia's location, she hurled her javlok at the ship nearby, creating an opening. With a grimace, she dove back into the boiling-hot ship.

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2 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

The grineer just laughed as he knelt down and went through the dead Steel Meridian agent's pockets. From each corpse, he took a medallion and fastened it to his belt, where several others hung.

"What, you think I just go around pouring out my life's story to every stranger I run across?"

Zaben: "Not at all, but obviously these folk are going to be a problem for myself, my associate, and dare say everyone else in this town. So who are they, and for what reason did they need to bring a half decent sized military force to hunt down a single person."

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3 hours ago, Sharpstriker said:

Zaben: "Not at all, but obviously these folk are going to be a problem for myself, my associate, and dare say everyone else in this town. So who are they, and for what reason did they need to bring a half decent sized military force to hunt down a single person."

The grineer rose to his feet, dangling a Steel Meridian medallion in front of them briefly before clipping it to his belt with the others.

"Amaryn offers a bounty for every medallion brought to her. I don't quite understand the squabbling between the syndicates, but I might as well make a profit from my current situation."

He walked out of the building, passing Zaben without saying a word.

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