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Red Sands (Closed, IC)


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36 minutes ago, bowiespoon said:

"Well, expect to get a lot more familiar with them if you're going out there."

"Crews don't like to talk about what they see outside Deadwood. They don't want the other teams to get any sort of information. I can't help you, you'd have to ask them."

A blast of hot air flew from the Wolf's nose as he breathed in frustration 

"It;s never that easy is it?" He sighs. 

He puts down the credits on the bar plus a 50% tip and both beasts leave the bar. 

"Why'd we leave?" The cat asked. 

"We probably weren't going to find any info in there. At least, not without breaking some laws. We might do better looking somewhere else." 


28 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

"Good." Said Tarnas.

He kept walking as well. He hoped that he would pick up some information on this town.

The duo continued down the road, passing by Tarnas as they walked. 

Edited by (PS4)SuperShadic445
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29 minutes ago, souldrive11 said:

Aria's right arm lashed out like a trap, plucking each round from the air like a Kavat on snacks. Between her heightened reflexes and senses, the Valkyr was in a good enough state that catching incoming objects was child's play.

"Haven't had your morning coffee I take it~?" Aria cheerfully muses, dropping the bullets on the table with a slight clink.

"Don't you tenno have better things to do than bother an old man?" Dalton snapped irritably, expert hands rebuilding the vipers in seconds. "I'm not going to build you weapons - I don't do that anymore. So be on your way, and leave me in peace."

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32 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

"Good." Said Tarnas.

He kept walking as well. He hoped that he would pick up some information on this town.

"Try to kill any more civilans though, and I will see you hung." The Constable said as he walked off.

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2 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

Tarnas appeared directly behind The Constable.

"Was that a threat?"

"Only if you're intending on murdering innocents again. I'd rather not have to fight you, so don't put me in that position." The Constable said, not breaking stride.

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1 minute ago, bowiespoon said:

"Only if you're intending on murdering innocents again. I'd rather not have to fight you, so don't put me in that position." The Constable said, not breaking stride.

There was no response from Tarnas. A moment later, he decloaked again, walking away.

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Just now, bowiespoon said:

"Don't you tenno have better things to do than bother an old man?" Dalton snapped irritably, expert hands rebuilding the vipers in seconds. "I'm not going to build you weapons - I don't do that anymore. So be on your way, and leave me in peace."

"What about fixing~? That's not building is it~?" Aria asks, leaning back against the wall.

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2 minutes ago, bowiespoon said:

"I've no interest in fixing a weapon that I didn't make." Dalton said, growing even more irritated.

(required memory for details is lacking, so might be inconsistent)

"Huh, I was hoping that if anyone here would know about~," Aria raises her hand to the side with the flourish of a stage magician, before a Reaper P materializes into view. "this, it'd be you~"

(open to change, idea tank is running on empty right now, and another long day ahead in the morning)

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Just now, souldrive11 said:

(required memory for details is lacking, so might be inconsistent)

"Huh, I was hoping that if anyone here would know about~," Aria raises her hand to the side with the flourish of a stage magician, before a Reaper P materializes into view. "this, it'd be you~"

(open to change, idea tank is running on empty right now, and another long day ahead in the morning)

((No, you're correct, the reaper prime was damaged.))

"I make guns, not blades." Dalton said bluntly, "Besides, even I can tell that that blade is damaged beyond repair. Only thing left to do with a broken lump of metal like that is melt it down into bar stock."

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1 hour ago, bowiespoon said:

"Well, expect to get a lot more familiar with them if you're going out there."

Zaben: "My only hope is that they get more familiar with us. Joking aside, the heat should be subsiding soon, so whenever you're ready." He says after finishing his drink.

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7 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

((No, you're correct, the reaper prime was damaged.))

"I make guns, not blades." Dalton said bluntly, "Besides, even I can tell that that blade is damaged beyond repair. Only thing left to do with a broken lump of metal like that is melt it down into bar stock."

"Well you just leave that to me then~" Aria waves Dalton off, her upbeat attitude completely unhindered.

"Might I be able to take those~," she points at the vipers on the table. "off your hands when you're done with them~? They were part of a set along with this~" the Reaper P disappears from view once again with a snap of the Valkyr's fingers. "and it seemed like a good present~"

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8 hours ago, souldrive11 said:

"Well you just leave that to me then~" Aria waves Dalton off, her upbeat attitude completely unhindered.

"Might I be able to take those~," she points at the vipers on the table. "off your hands when you're done with them~? They were part of a set along with this~" the Reaper P disappears from view once again with a snap of the Valkyr's fingers. "and it seemed like a good present~"

"No." Dalton said, "I fully intended on reclaiming these weapons once their previous owner was done with them. I don't let my work go into circulation anymore."

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15 hours ago, Sharpstriker said:

Zaben: "My only hope is that they get more familiar with us. Joking aside, the heat should be subsiding soon, so whenever you're ready." He says after finishing his drink.

The leader nodded, motioning for the men to get up.

"Suppose now's as good a time as any." he said, "One thing before we leave. If you try to copy down our route in any way, you won't see a single credit. Understand?"

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Sarah's eyes snapped open.

Blinding light burned her eyes, and she almost squeezed them shut again, but she clenched her teeth and looked around. Everything was blurry and distorted - she couldn't make out anything. Why couldn't her vision focus? What was going on? She tried to take a deep breath and clear her mind, but cold water rushed down her throat.

Ah, that was why.

Her eyes widened, and she began to frantically try to swim out. But where was up? Her chest was already starting to burn, and the water sliding down her throat threatened to make her cough up what little air she had. Remembering an age-old trick, she looked around for air bubbles. They would float upwards, revealing which direction to swim in. But there was one problem - there were no air bubbles around her. Nothing to orient herself with.

Her chest ached and burned, and Sarah knew that she didn't have much time left. With a grimace, she started to swim in a random direction, hoping she wasn't swimming downwards. She was suddenly glad for the physical training Veros had forced her to go through - most operators never went through any sort of conditioning. And why would they ever need to? Their warframes were unrivaled in strength, after all. Well, Veros had never thought very highly of other operators.

But no matter how much power she put into her strokes, she never felt the pressure of the water lessen. Her vision was starting to grow blurry, and her lungs were on fire. Was she even swimming in the right direction? As her mind began to panic, her lungs finally forced her to exhale her depleted breath and inhale.

Sarah's eyes closed as the water filled her mouth and chest, and her frantic motions ceased.

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17 hours ago, (PS4)SuperShadic445 said:

A blast of hot air flew from the Wolf's nose as he breathed in frustration 

"It;s never that easy is it?" He sighs. 

He puts down the credits on the bar plus a 50% tip and both beasts leave the bar. 

"Why'd we leave?" The cat asked. 

"We probably weren't going to find any info in there. At least, not without breaking some laws. We might do better looking somewhere else." 


The duo continued down the road, passing by Tarnas as they walked. 


19 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

Tarnas continued wandering the streets, listening in on any conversations he heard as he walked by.


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1 hour ago, bowiespoon said:

The leader nodded, motioning for the men to get up.

"Suppose now's as good a time as any." he said, "One thing before we leave. If you try to copy down our route in any way, you won't see a single credit. Understand?"

Zaben jokingly: "Does copying it down in my memory count?"

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18 hours ago, (PS4)SuperShadic445 said:

A blast of hot air flew from the Wolf's nose as he breathed in frustration 

"It;s never that easy is it?" He sighs. 

He puts down the credits on the bar plus a 50% tip and both beasts leave the bar. 

"Why'd we leave?" The cat asked. 

"We probably weren't going to find any info in there. At least, not without breaking some laws. We might do better looking somewhere else." 


The duo continued down the road, passing by Tarnas as they walked. 

Tarnas looked at them. Confused for a moment, he kept walking.

That's... unusual.

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23 minutes ago, Sharpstriker said:

Zaben jokingly: "Does copying it down in my memory count?"

The leader laughed.

"Nah, a few rounds when we get back'll take care of that."

The crew began to exit the building, walking over to a large metal wagon.

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32 minutes ago, bowiespoon said:

The leader laughed.

"Nah, a few rounds when we get back'll take care of that."

The crew began to exit the building, walking over to a large metal wagon.

Zaben laughed while thinking (I wouldn't count on that, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it)

Zaben talking in a low enough voice that only the leader and the crew could hear: "Don't worry about Rakan, he'll be acting as our shadow and our eyes incase some uninvited guests decide to join this little excursion of ours. By now he's found his method of transport and will be following us."

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4 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

"No." Dalton said, "I fully intended on reclaiming these weapons once their previous owner was done with them. I don't let my work go into circulation anymore."

"I don't think she was *done* with them myself, but whatever floats your boat~" Aria muses, as she gets up off the wall.

"I'll let her know when I get to her~" the Valkyr replies, before turning behind a wall, disappearing out of sight.

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2 minutes ago, souldrive11 said:

"I don't think she was *done* with them myself, but whatever floats your boat~" Aria muses, as she gets up off the wall.

"I'll let her know when I get to her~" the Valkyr replies, before turning behind a wall, disappearing out of sight.

"Well, she's making friends with the worms now. If she comes around, I'll be sure to give them back." Dalton muttered sarcastically, setting the weapons down on the table. He stared at the pair of pistols for a long time, deep in thought.

"So," he finally said, "That's what J'Taav is planning huh? Hell, this is going to be bloody....."

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2 hours ago, Sharpstriker said:

Zaben laughed while thinking (I wouldn't count on that, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it)

Zaben talking in a low enough voice that only the leader and the crew could hear: "Don't worry about Rakan, he'll be acting as our shadow and our eyes incase some uninvited guests decide to join this little excursion of ours. By now he's found his method of transport and will be following us."

The leader nodded, and the group began their trek into the vast expanse of crashed warships. The massive structures loomed overhead, blocking out the sun.

The group fell quiet soon after leaving Deadwood. The leaden silence out here just felt wrong to break.

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24 minutes ago, bowiespoon said:

The leader nodded, and the group began their trek into the vast expanse of crashed warships. The massive structures loomed overhead, blocking out the sun.

The group fell quiet soon after leaving Deadwood. The leaden silence out here just felt wrong to break.

Zaben sends an encrypted message through his helmet to Rakan that reads: "What's your sitrep?"

Rakan sends back a message that reads: "currently on one of the spaceships, I have a good view of you guys and I can provide support should it be necessary."

message from Zaben to Rakan: "Do you see anything or anyone?"

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