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Ideas For New Warframes


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Now I'll admit I'm not exactly sure if this is allowed in the forums with the founders program, but a game like Warframe is a heavily community dependent game and the idea of restricting community involvement to those who pay is a bit silly.

So the whole point of this thread is for those of you who haven't paid a ton of cash (due to low income or other reasons) for the Founders pack to contribute ideas for Warframes or items we know are going to be in the game. Now this isn't an official thread or nothing so I don't really expect the devs to take it overly seriously like the founders program.

I'll starts us off I guess.


As we all should know the next Warframe is going to be anti-matter based, all of her abilities (and design I assume) has been chosen and now the final part is her name. As a lot of the names for current Warframes are currently just abbreviations or simple words I thought I'd try something different and use words from a different language.

So, for this new frame my suggestion for a name is "Contra" which is Spanish for anti or un.

Edited by Vividlyfriendlydragon
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In response to the design council comment. We really don't get to decide that much. I don't see how nova won that. I just doesn't make any sense! Also I really wish they would use a bubble design with the antimatter warframe. It would look so cool! 

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you have spell "please write in english next time" wrong.

i hope you mean that.


How could I knew you know English? If you didn't there was no point of me writing so, that concluding my thought, I wanted to write something sarcastic.

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