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The Best Defense - Melee Creation Contest!


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tE5bBXY.pngName: Vivoct Roseus

Faction: Tenno

Weapon Type: Dual Daggers

Description: Obviously I wasn't able to do much in terms of artwork, given that it's Microsoft Paint. The Vivoct Roseus' handles would be, if not in use, in the same place as regularly sheathed dual daggers. Upon activation, the handles stick to the side of the forearms (as seen above, like the gammacor), and the blades appear like they are displayed above, in a flash of electricity. The central blade is held in place by arcs of electricity emanating from both of the outermost blades.

An ability that I'd like to give this weapon is that, if a certain button combo is entered, the central blades are thrown from their housing, travelling in a sort of arc, like a boomerang, giving slash damage to enemies in the blade's path, with a lower chance of inflicting status.

Addendum: As this is concept, it is welcome to changes to make it into the game or to balance certain statistics.

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14 minutes ago, (PS4)Frozenfenrir said:

here is the thing your idea gets to be ingame but it get interpreted by DE artist so in a a sense is not your pure idea it needs to be tweaked to fit into game aesthetic. what you are discribing above is an already program running and working on steam you know tennogen, and even that needs to be voted and approved.

here in this contest you only post your concept and artwork, if it get selected they model, rig and adapt it to the game with the needed changes. so even a person with no degrees, but an idea they like can be selected purely on the art they show, even if is technically crude. beyond drawn images in whatever media is created on; you will have no more involment with the weapon or concept (semantics).

though there is no explanation if there is any compensation, which in my case is not needed just some credit. after all this is a contest to draw out ideas, more than just making 3 weapons for the time be, is what the community seems to like and the artist can have so ref to it. because if you read carefully it states all submmision get to be property of DE whether is a winner or not. so basically any idea posted here cannot be used some where else.

that the way i see it, if anyone can correct it do so please.

forgive my poor english im not native speaking.

Maybe you should go look up licensing and copy right law. DE will generate profit off of your idea if you win. Compensation regardless of what is stated is required in the end. Remember we are not employees of DE. :)

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Name: Foeltao

Faction: Tenno

Grip type: Polearms and dual wield


"Originally a symbol of lotus worship, this combination between a detachable hooked spear and mace has adapted over time to become the versatile weapon that it is today"

My notion on the weapon is that it has a certain chance to have enemies fall to the ground on every hit. This would be due to the hooks on the spear side


Edited by vaymar
Forgot to add name
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1 hour ago, Doctor_Fezz said:

Faction: Tenno

Grip type: staff

Long have we seen these mysterious "void trees" throughout our travels, it is time to put them to a more practical use.

Brief Description: This staff, when charged, will release a potent and chaotic orb of energy attuned to your weapon modifications and will ricochet off entities and objects throughout the environment upon ending with a devastating explosion.   


i would say you shall not pass ...way to much if this was in 

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IMG_20170310_172617.jpgThe Mourning Blade

A stave created by the Orokin in their final hours used to combat the sentients and to avenge the fallen, it utilizes Magnetic damage to its fullest potential and it is capable of being used with a Glaive stance in order to be hurled through foes at a distance.

The Mourning Blade possesses a high status proc inorder to eat away at opponents shields.

This weapon is a hybrid weapon similar to the dark split sword
Its pitch black with golden blades and the squiggly lines would be the magnetic energy.

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21 minutes ago, (PS4)Kitsune_shadow said:

Sorry but I have to ask, my design shows grip positions along with 2 images of my weapon. It not much more than the Silva design, would that be ok? It's more details than anything else. I just want to make sure before I post, don't want to get disqualified.

you should combine those images together imo , your only allowed 2 images per rules, and description should be within the range 

[op states] 

Faction: Clearly label which faction this weapon belongs to
Brief Description: Include a grip-type and description of your weapon (max 100 words)
Original Artwork: Maximum 2 images

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Name: Slaig
Faction: Grineer

Brief Description: A massive Heavy Blade style weapon capable of both slashing and smashing into the wielder's enemies. Charging this weapon makes for an unsafe environment to any enemy in close quarters, or at range, as a scorching wave of kinetic energy rages forth in a consuming fire. Should the Tenno choose to, one could expend a larger amount of energy to overcharge the wave slash into increased damage and range. Should anything survive this charge attack, they'll be sent into a panic as the flames will cling to their bodies and heat up any armor they may be wearing, to rather uncomfortable levels.


Edited by (PS4)Sin-of-Hatred
Image wasn't showing up, I think it's fixed now.
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On 08/03/2017 at 5:17 PM, XxIngridxX said:

Faction: Corpus

Description/Grip: Latest-a Is a Corpus Heavy Blade, with high eletricity and puncture damage, performing a heavy atack discharges a strong burst of eletricity that chains and stun enemies. (optional:  charge could deal  more damage similar to how Volt charges his powers.)

Latest-a was a Corpus prototype weapon under construction, i'ts construction was halted during an grineer invasion, the engineer behind it dead... a Prodman took it for it's defense, he got out alive, but now the sword lies in the hand of the Tenno, who knows now that the prototype is unstable and even more deadly...


I like the design, interesting backstory too.

Edited by Aytanay
changed my mind on comment
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Faction: TENNO
Name: Thoth Daggers
Grip: Dual Dagger stances 

The Thoth daggers are a Tenno weapon named after the Egyptian god of the moon and meditation. They have the unique ability to put targets to sleep within a small area of effect when a slam is performed. This opens the target up to a finishing move and massive damage.

Edit: One of my clan mates Silas6 mocked up a 3d version check it out here.




Edited by Endless_Agony
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On 3.3.2017 at 7:09 PM, zaxiade said:

Original Image:

Faction: Tenno

Brief Description: As title says. I'd like to introduce my first Weapon concept/idea. This is Morthaine, A sacred spawned SCYTHE that utilizes the scythe grip/stances (i.e: Stalking Fan) had appeared long ago from unknown origin.. Slow but powerful, it has innate electricity with high slash damage.

Specialty: Using a charge attack; this weapon would sent a lightning bolt of energy, with pinpoint aim. Channeling and aiming at a target chains the lightning.

YEEEEESSSSS givvvve meee thaaaat :O!

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Here's a dank looking scythe (at least for me) forgive me i don't have much experience with digital arts but i love drawing.


Karoma (ka'orokin'ma)

An Orokin era scythe bound by a Tenno's good intention. Wielded by Tenno a long time ago, this was a weapon that was a blessing of the Void itself and destroyed hordes of Sentient Fighters in the Old war. 

Features :

Faction : Tenno

Grip type : scythe (obviously xD)

Not only it was a regular sharp edge under the blade of a typical scythe, it also has sharp edges on the front and back of the weapon making it an axe/scythe hybrid allowing it to have advanced stances to it. It also has a pointed tip that can be used for thrusting into enemies.

And it looks like Lotus' head just for good measures.

Edited by _HexaTech_
forgot to clarify which faction it belongs to
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Name: Occultus

Faction: Tenno

Grip: Nikana 

"Favored by Tenno assassins, the occultus was the highest symbol of elegance. Underneath it's graceful appearance, however, lies a deadly blade, perfect for killing an unsuspecting foe."

The occultus is incredibly fast and has a chance to stealth kill and enemy even when that enemy has detected you. 

Credit Nerox5z3 and myself. It was a shared idea

Edited by (PS4)shdw117
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Faction: Tenno

Desc: This weapon uses the polearm grip [The rope straightens out when attacking and loosens when idling]. Weapon has fast attack speed and has sounds similar to the orthos prime. High crit chance and crit damage. Average status chance.



Edited by Arclet
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Faction: Tenno

Brief description: Viserax is a heavy two handed Tenno sword. There is a heavy bond between the sword and the energy of the Tenno allowing the sword to share its power. With medium base slash damage, this weapons also grants a small effect depending on the color of your war frame energy, similar to chroma, red for fire, blue for electricity, white for cold and green for toxic.

All of this has its negatives too, when wielding this weapon your speed decreases and your attacks are slow to.

Image: it won't let me put images

the design would be similar to transformers 5 megaton sword but with energy on the blade and center of the weapon.

hope you guys like it;)



Edited by (XB1)TestIplayer
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