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How do people manage to stick with warframe?


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Warframe's movement system ruins you for other games... It's the best I've seen in any game I've ever played, when I try playing other games it's like I'm stuck in the mud.


Warframe has so many fun entertaining ways to commit genocide... There is always something new to try...


Also if you have lots of plat you can start warframes true end game by buying all the cosmetics and doing fashion frame at straha relay.


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I dunno. I played it at what might constitute burnout pace - started after Christmas by picking up my old account (MR2, Excalibur, had finished just the starter quest) and just powered into it. Played almost every day since then, and I'm now at MR13, and have almost all the warframes and tons of other crap.

I guess I just like the grind. I enjoy the shooting, the sense of speed (I played Destiny the other day to do some PVP, and it's like a stately, slow tactical shooter compared to Warframe), the funky weapons, and so forth. I also think that for me, the endgame has become prime farming, while the trading "minigame" is endlessly fascinating. 

I dunno. It's just fun, but then I'm a guy with 2000 hours in Destiny, half of which were on Patrol. 

I wish the controls in Warframe were a little...tighter? No. More streamlined - there's too many things going on with the control scheme (at least on console), and there are certainly other issues with the game, but I keep coming back. 

Edited by (XB1)CannyJack
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I guess because I tend to do everything available. 

Like, I have a couple of friends who stopped playing and claimed they had nothing do go, just to discover later that they missed several quests, never tried to complete enemies codex nor Cephalon fragments, never tried a Raid, didn't tried to get all the mods(not even all the corrupted/nightmare ones only).. 

I mean, only these things are weeks if not months of content. 

As for how can I enjoy almost everything Warframe has to offer(PvP and Hema farming can go f*CLEM*ck themselves) I guess the answer is simple: I don't play Warframe, the game plays me. 

Edited by Sir_Alex_Traffo
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