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July 11Th: Community Hot Topics


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HUGE snip

A free colour box per mastery is stupid, people only want 1 or two of them so DE would lose lots of money. Perhaps inventory slots is the way to go? Also there is a world of difference between difficulty and annoyance, the roller balls can stun lock you for ages, most people would rather fight a Minigunner or a Commander than a roller ball even though they are harder they are not as frustrating.

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I built a Bo staff recently. The description promised me that I'd be taking my enemies for a ride to knockdown city, but the only time they actually go flying is when I beat them over the head for two days and they finally die of either boredom or sheer embarrassment.

So, are you going to fix it? I would really like to send things flying as soon as possible. :)

May I suggest the Fragor sir? My friend bought to Bo staff and was dissapointed, then my Rhino came in with Scindos and Fragors. Needless to say he uses a Fragor now.

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Why did they take away energy color customization on powers?


They left it partial now. As in, my energy color is green on frost, yet snow globe is still white on the outside. Vauban is orange, yet his Tesla and jump pads are default color. So is vortex.

Edited by Vitalidad
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I agree with some others that knock backs atm seem fine. I wish more mobs had unique mechanics like this versus simply shooting you or gnawing on your leg.

How about making when a Ancient Disrupter dies, it always drops a few energy orbs, since they seem to always steal all my energy and I never get to do anything except melee or pew pew with my primary/secondary.

Also dual hammers, like mini Fragors. Forgot to add this earlier.

Edited by gpturismo
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4) Events:


Having the Spy Drone event showed us a lot: a great reward like the Snipetron Vandal that our players know about before hand does a lot to keep Drones at bay. However, valid complaints emerged that focused on:


This event felt like it did not encourage co-op play.

This event did not have enough notice.

Tiered rewards should be introduced.

Drones as content could have been more challenging.

I'd say knowing about snipetron actually made people bother less, instead of trying to fill the progress bar to get the reward like on moa event some of them killed 20 and stopped and some tried to get in top 100. When you clearly say people who will spend the most time in game on this will get more rewards you make getting on leaderboards a focus of the event, while IMO that should be just an extra. I felt like the statue should be the main reward, given like snipetron at for example 1000 total clan kills. Also if you want to make it competetive then leaderboards where people who killed the most are at the top is the worst way to go, if it was some unique mission and players would get in leaderboards based on how good they performed it would be more competetive and would actually make players who are good at the game get on top and not those who can play the longest.


7) Energy Customization: Optional


We have been seeing a lot of discussion on this, the team is informed of the request to have energy colour customization be optional.

Would be great if it included melee weapon trail, on some darker energy colours it is nearly invisible.

Edited by Gorzagorz
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#4: Events.


We need to talk about this one.  Having rewards for top placement is cool.  It would be great to give those guys a nice trophy for their efforts. This trophy, however, should NOT come in the form of an EXCLUSIVE game advantage.  Give them an exclusive skin for the snipetron vandal or some other cosmetic reward.  Give them the mod as early and guaranteed access.  DO NOT make the mod exclusive to them.  Release it to the drop tables in a later update.  It's good enough that they get it early, and don't need to farm for the really rare mod.  An extra cosmetic trophy would be nice as a permanent reminder of their hard work.  Something like an informer skin for their sentinel would be a great piece of memorabilia. 


Making a reward mod exclusive unbalances the game in the worst way.  It is elitism, 100 out of over a million players get to be stronger than the rest?  Only people who can afford a 72 hour sleepless spree in their schedule should even be eligible to have this?  No.  Imagine if in baseball, they made it so that World Series Champions were allowed to use a corked bat.  It would ruin the sport.


DE, please do the right thing.  Make it fair.  Give these guys a trophy to show off so that their work feels worthwhile.  Release primed chamber to the public, albeit hella rare.  Set a good precedent for future events.

Edited by Callback
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Same goes for the alienware promo. Seems it was limited and allready over when I got there hours ago. I like warframe but this didnt exactly help me to like it more.

Edited by _II_
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Same goes for the alienware promo. Seems it was limited and allready over when I got there hours ago. I like warframe but this didnt exactly help me to like it more.

I agree with you ! But we muss admit that it's very practical for person who can't pay or buy platinium ! =) Thanks for understanding...

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#4: Events.


We need to talk about this one.  Having rewards for top placement is cool.  It would be great to give those guys a nice trophy for their efforts. This trophy, however, should NOT come in the form of an EXCLUSIVE game advantage.  Give them an exclusive skin for the snipetron vandal or some other cosmetic reward.  Give them the mod as early and guaranteed access.  DO NOT make the mod exclusive to them.  Release it to the drop tables in a later update.  It's good enough that they get it early, and don't need to farm for the really rare mod.  An extra cosmetic trophy would be nice as a permanent reminder of their hard work.  Something like an informer skin for their sentinel would be a great piece of memorabilia. 


Making a reward mod exclusive unbalances the game in the worst way.  It is elitism, 100 out of over a million players get to be stronger than the rest?  Only people who can afford a 72 hour sleepless spree in their schedule should even be eligible to have this?  No.  Imagine if in baseball, they made it so that World Series Champions were allowed to use a corked bat.  It would ruin the sport.


DE, please do the right thing.  Make it fair.  Give these guys a trophy to show off so that their work feels worthwhile.  Release primed chamber to the public, albeit hella rare.  Set a good precedent for future events.


Primed Chamber is dropping as a loot reward. A few people have collected it at Xini.


Or at least, they claim to have and I've no reason to disbelieve them.

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Very practical indeed. Id love to get some colours (and consider myself one of those people). Looks are one of the reason I like warframe more then other games. But this promo leaves me with o free plat, a weird alienware account, and a weird feeling. Reading the comments on the alienware arena page makes me wonder if theres more people happy or frustrated after this.

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Some amazing updates and fixes lately thanks DE!

P.S  the knockback issue is a HUGE ONE

My suggestion?  

Make BLOCKING useful!  blocking a Lancer Stomp or MOA/Hyena/Jackal shockwave while BLOCKING should STILL knock us BACK but it should NOT knock us DOWN

it would look awesome too to be blasted back while 'weathering the storm'

also make blocking Disruptors WORK please!

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Some amazing updates and fixes lately thanks DE!

P.S  the knockback issue is a HUGE ONE

My suggestion?  

Make BLOCKING useful!  blocking a Lancer Stomp or MOA/Hyena/Jackal shockwave while BLOCKING should STILL knock us BACK but it should NOT knock us DOWN

it would look awesome too to be blasted back while 'weathering the storm'

also make blocking Disruptors WORK please!


sucks that we cant block captain vor's laser beams like in the E3 trailer

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hi there im fairly new to this game and i see that various issues are being discussed, but i cant help feel that some of the discussion is one sided. Mastery rank is being expanded, yet i see no talk of revisions of what it already covers. Event formats are being revised, but the rewards are seemingly neglected. (if you dont like stroies just skip a bit down)


the biggest examples that i gathered over several pages of posts is the mastery rank and the event rewards. both of which i have issues with as well. you see, i like sniper rifles. However at first it seemed that only one would be available to me, but upon seaching the wiki pages and other resources i discovered the snipertron. this was a weapon i preffered in style and function over the Vulkar: it was also a weapon introduced and removed before i even heard of this game. Adding insult to that there was the Vandal version, for the players who were awarded it from an event. twice the preffered weapon was outside my reach. Having searched further i discovered the lanka counterpart. The glimmer of hope for my primary weapon: Until recently. When i first started playing i had no interest in clans, though i joined my best friends clan (consisting of us and maybe 3-4 others) and thus we began the hefty task of collecting materials to build the oracle and energy lab. this wouldnt be our first large undertaking. Then i saw what would be needed to research the Lanka. OK fine more grinding and collecting. Then i saw that i have to research several things befor the lanka. OK MORE COLLECTING! Then i saw that the original mastery level 0 blueprint was replaced by the mastery 7 blueprint. just recently struggling to level two and FINALLY buying the kunai blueprint was annoying, but finding a way to build enough and grind to become level 7 is grueling! level two for the kunai is understandable (sortof as i type this my kunai are being built) and maybe a level of three for a few weapons like the gorgon (hey its a heavy machine gun) but level 7? because of this i dont know if i even want to keep playing.


ANYHOW, here are my suggestions:


if you want to do something with a mastery level, make it go towards cosmetics NOT any useful in game items. because you wouldnt have to become a general in an army before they let you use any of the guns.



if there are nice event rewards, at least find a way to make them to new players as well. i dont mean like give it away or make it pay exclusive or anything, but perhaps make a pool of items only obtainable in events, offered over a span of several events.

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