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[Sentinel] Hunter - Long Range Supporter


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So, what's Hunter? It's a Sentinel specialized around annoying enemies from a long distance, making it generally easier to snipe enemies. It'd look like a bit like an enlarged Leech (the ones that Leech Ospreys deploy) with a Tenno design, colored mostly green and brown. What sets this apart from other Sentinels is that instead of using a gun at a medium distance, it will leave it's master and go directly towards it's prey to use it's Precept abilities, one of which brings it right in an enemy's face.


It comes equipped with a well-sharpened Energy Spear. The weapon is Melee and can use Melee mods. It will repeatedly slice the enemy it is leeching with a spear of pure energy. It has the range of an Orthos and it has a base damage of 25, lowered by enemy armor. Has a default V (Attack) polarity.


It's Precepts are Leech and Radial Paralysis. By default, Hunter will stay close to his master. If it sees any enemies, it will target it and latch on to it. The enemy will be slowed down just a bit. It will then proceed to repeatedly stab the enemy in the face until it is dead. Once it dies, it will find any other enemy nearby the enemy it was leeching to and leech onto it. The slicing is silent.


Then there's Radial Paralysis. It's used as commonly as Crowd Dispersion, and it stuns/shocks all enemies in a small radius. The stun lasts for just a second. Probably 3 seconds when maxed. It also attaches even smaller leeches to every enemy that deal 5 electric damage.


The Sentinel is constantly open to enemy fire, so it can tank a bit more. I don't know if Sentinels have different health. If they do, this one would have higher shields/armor than the others. It comes with the 4 Sentinel Precept polarities by default.


Feedback is appreciated. Lemme know if any ideas are too OP or impractical. Preferably with reason. Thanks for reading!

Edited by AlchemistMute
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A melee based seninel is certainly an interesting idea, but I don't know how I feel about it leaving the player. I foresee it flying around a room drawing all the aggro and dying, leaving you to deal with all the enemies. I also don't see how this would help with sniping as the enemies would following the thing around and be jolted by each attack. This already happens with Dethcube and Wyrm. I zoom in to shoot, pull the trigger, and before the shot even connects my sentinel shoots and staggers the enemy. (No I don't use stagger mods on their weapons for this reason). A tanky sentinel also doesn't make much sense, and would be pretty OP in my opinion. 

Going off of the Leech idea, it would be more interesting and more useful in my opinion, if it worked pretty much like a tenno leech osprey, firing mini leeches that take down armor without the target being alerted. Perhaps it could also be combined with the bomb osprey and drop similar land mine/time bombs. 


Hope I'm not being too harsh, just doesn't seem practical to me. 

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+1 simply for the fact that it flies up to an enemy and stabs it in the face with a laser cutter.


About the Precepts:

IMHO Leech sounds like it'd be better changed to "fly to an enemy and attack it with the weapon", because as it is right now Hunter doesn't have a weapon-use Precept. Other sentinels have one weapon precept, and one 'ability' precept, which Radial Paralysis falls into.


Size of attacking radius for the weapon-use Precept is another thing to think about, as a melee Sentinel wouldn't be burdened by targets getting out of weapon range. Question is:

Does the targeting range center around the Sentinel so that it may continue acquiring other targets around the initial enemy, effectively going on a murder rampage until all enemies in its its vicinity are dead, even if the player is three rooms away


Does it center around us, and he stops attacking enemy A which is more than 15 meters away, and moves to maul enemy B who is now inside the player-centric 10m circle?


And Radial Paralysis sounds rad, and would probably trigger more when Hunter is off slashing someone's face, which is a bigger plus since it gives us Tenno more time to shoot the electrified enemies. But because it deals electric damage, it'll only stun Corpus human units, though...

Edited by Shion963
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A melee based seninel is certainly an interesting idea, but I don't know how I feel about it leaving the player. I foresee it flying around a room drawing all the aggro and dying, leaving you to deal with all the enemies. I also don't see how this would help with sniping as the enemies would following the thing around and be jolted by each attack. This already happens with Dethcube and Wyrm. I zoom in to shoot, pull the trigger, and before the shot even connects my sentinel shoots and staggers the enemy. (No I don't use stagger mods on their weapons for this reason). A tanky sentinel also doesn't make much sense, and would be pretty OP in my opinion. 

Going off of the Leech idea, it would be more interesting and more useful in my opinion, if it worked pretty much like a tenno leech osprey, firing mini leeches that take down armor without the target being alerted. Perhaps it could also be combined with the bomb osprey and drop similar land mine/time bombs. 


Hope I'm not being too harsh, just doesn't seem practical to me. 



1. A Warframe could do that better and actually survive aggro'ing enemies.


2. Good point there. I was actually considering having enemies slowed as if they were frozen by a weapon with an ice mod, but for some reason I didn't put it in the thread. Definitely changing it.


3. It would be hard to imagine a tanky Sentinel, but a Sentinel like this kind of needs the extra HP or it will die while leeching an enemy. If it's only defense while leeching is it's spear, an enemy with a gun and stand a couple meters away and destroy it.


4. I dunno. I was thinking of Hunter being the leech itself. Removing armor without alerting an enemy would be much more of a support, however, so I'll use this idea as well.


5. The tone you read the post in completely changes what you think of the poster/post.


+1 simply for the fact that it flies up to an enemy and stabs it in the face with a laser cutter.


About the Precepts:

IMHO Leech sounds like it'd be better changed to "fly to an enemy and attack it with the weapon", because as it is right now Hunter doesn't have a weapon-use Precept. Other sentinels have one weapon precept, and one 'ability' precept, which Radial Paralysis falls into.


Size of attacking radius for the weapon-use Precept is another thing to think about, as a melee Sentinel wouldn't be burdened by targets getting out of weapon range. Question is:

Does the targeting range center around the Sentinel so that it may continue acquiring other targets around the initial enemy, effectively going on a murder rampage until all enemies in its its vicinity are dead, even if the player is three rooms away


Does it center around us, and he stops attacking enemy A which is more than 15 meters away, and moves to maul enemy B who is now inside the player-centric 10m circle?


And Radial Paralysis sounds rad, and would probably trigger more when Hunter is off slashing someone's face, which is a bigger plus since it gives us Tenno more time to shoot the electrified enemies. But because it deals electric damage, it'll only stun Corpus human units, though...


... Aww. Yer' right. That sucks. D:


Being a Leech itself, I'd like it to still have the "hugsquish enemy" concept. I suppose Leech could be changed to latch onto enemies and then proceed to repeatedly stab the enemy with it's spear. Revenge requires the enemy to have attacked Shade's master before it uses it, so having the enemy hug be a requirement before weapon-use wouldn't be too bad.


It's centered around the player when there is no enemy in it's range, but the radius for targeting is changed to the enemy it attaches to. It will immediately attach onto any other nearby enemies, so think of a mobile murder-rampage.


The stun is part of the ability. The electric damage is just a bonus.

EDIT: Changes made to main post based off of these.

Edited by AlchemistMute
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Sounds like a pretty awesome idea, I don't know if it qualifies as long-range support, but thats a good thing, it sounds like it'd be pratical in any situation really. Plus who wouldn't want a sentinel that cuts people? Anyway, you've inspired me to come up with a sniper sentinel, so I'm off to make a seperate post!

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