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Nova antimatter drop not dealing damage


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For the third time now within the last week, I have loaded into a mission with my nova prime and my 2nd ability (antimatter drop) will not deal damage.  The animations/particle effects all appear to be working correctly (I see 0's for the damage numbers) and it energy cost is unaffected.  The problem will start at the beginning of a mission and last for its duration.  It does not seem to matter whether or not the projectile is charged (my usual charging method being two shots from a tigris prime, but that does not seem to make a difference).  My other abilities appear to function properly, but I didn't test null star.

I have been having difficultly reproducing this in either the simulacrum or in PUG groups.  I know the last time I had this issue I was in a PUG that I was not the host of (the 1st mission of today's sortie, a defense in the kuva fortress).  A limbo was there (protecting the objective), but neither I nor the targeted enemies in question were in the rift (plus weapons did work).

I will make edits to this post if I manage to reproduce the issue again, hopefully with more information and screenshots.

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1 hour ago, MobyTheDuck said:

It happens on Elemental Resistance sorties, Nova's MP always deals 0 damage there for some reason.

Is this intended?  According to the wiki, antimatter drop (which I assume you were intended) deals radiation damage.  Does this bug/feature also apply to other abilities that deal radiation damage e.g. Mirage's prism or is it just a Nova thing?

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I assume it was because the grineer (if it was grineer always) level was so high that the elemental resistance + their huge armor rating completely negated the elemental damage. Has it only happened in sorties? Was it only on elemental resist maps?

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11 minutes ago, Saturn_VII said:

Is this intended?  According to the wiki, antimatter drop (which I assume you were intended) deals radiation damage.  Does this bug/feature also apply to other abilities that deal radiation damage e.g. Mirage's prism or is it just a Nova thing?

Yes, I mean Antimatter Drop.

I cant say on other frame skills, but we had another Grineer Elemental sortie some days ago, Antimatter wasnt dealing any damage there too.

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I want to say that the time before when I noticed this was also a sortie.  It was a grineer interception mission on the grineer settlement tile set (like mars).  I do not recall the modifier.  That said, even with extremely high resistance values, you still should expect anything with as much raw damage an antimatter drop to do 0 damage.  Resistance cut your damage by a percentage, so some damage should have been getting through even if it was a small percentage.  I did some testing and a syniod simulor which does only deals magnetic damage was able to damage them.  I also tried a detron which only deals radiation damage and that did 0 damage.  However, that might just be because my detron is not all forma'd up like my simulor is.  Radiation damage is supposed to be strong against alloy armor, so I wouldn't expect radiation in particular to be bad against grineer.

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