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Aura System Discussion 9.1.4 Thread Merger


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This guy right here made a good point.




Yes. The point is Bastille is OP as hell. We have been aware of this for quite some time.

As it is right now, it makes forma almost completely unnecessary for warframes and breaks the game. I should not have 20 mod slots available to use at level 3. Not even with a reactor was this possible.

So basically you're having a cry because you bought some forma and now other people have extra mod energy. Breaking Co-Op PvE games, how awful. Because the game wasn't face roll easy before?

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I have to say I like the new AURA system. And to those who won't agree with me and say it makes the game to easy or something! I think this system makes the game more atractive and a little bit easier for beginner players who don't have patatos on their frames and have millons of mods to play around with. Also I have to say I don't see everybody having maxed out energy siphon and vouban when they start. And to those veteran players who already have maxed out frames and formed five times: Who says you have to use all mod slots and energy points, you can equip your frames with less powerful mods and so making the game more challenging for yourselves. 

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Oh my @(*()$ god auras let you make the minimal cheese build because apparently Vauban has a disproportionately useful ability!


Jesus christ you're complaining it's unbalanced because a single @(*()$ combination of mods aura and frame can perform well. What of the other @(*()$ frames? What about them, huh? What about the new players who don't @(*()$ have potatoes or forma or hours of grinding for bullS#&$?







No how about we don't because that'd be stupid. It's a perfectly godd frame and stuff.

You stay away from Bastille.

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they drop from alerts so why not?

Unfortunately from where I'm from I always miss out on Forma alerts. Now I know that's my own issue (and bad luck) but why should I be punished by Aura taking mod points and my inability to have Forma alert poping up on time?


Why is it an issue for everyone (ok maybe not, most players) whom might find extra point useful, or not using and we HAVE to get screwed up with more mod point sink and sheer bad luck to gain Forma freely in game?

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There's some irony here.

Auras came out and many players- including myself- hated the fact that it reduced our ability to level new frames, wasted slots used equally well if not better on personal utility, and screwed up mod configurations.

Now they buff Auras and you guys complain that it's... too... strong...? Do we want to give DE the wrong impression here?


I can't see any logical reason why this buff is a bad thing, since it actually

1) encourages players to want to help the party,

2) ensures that the auras remain an item worth collecting from alerts,

3) makes leveling new frames significantly easier for veteran players without having to buy affinity boosters or wait on an Orokin Reactor alert,

4) adds a whole new dimension to those previously-screwed mod configurations in general and

5) pre-emptively gives those players who Forma'd their frames a boost to compensate for the materials spent, meaning they're now just ahead of the curve.

You know, as opposed to just reverting it to the old system and making them free, or giving them their own polarity, thereby meaning you wasted those Forma.


Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to invest my capped Energy Siphon into my Rank 0 Nova and get a head start on abilities I can slot throughout Mercury.


You are a man of reason and I agree with your commentary.

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I wonder if people are complaining about the extra mod points because they already used the forma they bought/farmed, or because they actually feel removing a bit of the forma grinding made the game worse.


I mean, last time I checked, games with pointlessly repetative grinds are about as fun as dragging your balls across fresh pavement at 100mph, but you know, that might just be me.


Well, back to the game. 'Scuse me...


Thanks for the new aura system DE.  Love it.

Edited by Ithloniel
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Here's the thing. The forma that we've already used for "D" mods such as Fast Deflection will not fit a "-" nightmare mod  Fortitude which is a slightly lesser version of FD but with stagger resistance. So it's still a forma wasted.


Same goes for the other nightmare mod Constitution which is a version of Redirection and knockdown recovery. Constitution is a "-" polarity while Redirection is "D". Another forma wasted either way. Unless you somehow had Handspring slot formad for a "-". But not many people have Handspring. I sure don't.


Heck, you'd have to use even more forma to undo the "D" polarity to fit the "-" polarities of the Nightmare mods. So to those saying that people who have formad frames are just crying, you need to look at the facts before hurling your childish insults.

Edited by EetNotErn
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Seriously, just without being sarcastic this time:


Thank god for the aura system.  Forma'ing a frame STILL has purpose, but you don't need to blow 5 forma on a hopeless venture.  Instead, you get to start working on forma'ing your OTHER frames, old weapons, new weapons, dojo goodies, etc..  Forma is one of the most necessary commodities in this game, and wasting it just to try and mitigate space on the frame feels like a waste.  It has far greater uses for weapon polarities and dojo research.



Edited by Ithloniel
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There is a term in any RPG/Progression style game. "Power Creep".


Sorry but there's little power creep involved in the aura system. You could already get virtually infinite drain before by polarizing all of your mod slots, it just took more time. The power levels are the same, you just reach them faster now.


Only power creep is in the fact that auras are stronger when maxed but I expect DE to nerf some of them.

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Now you have taken away any reason for me to want to forma my warframe.

My Rhino still needs a forma or two for maximum performance.


Stop being so melodramatic. Personally, i hope the system stays like this.

Edited by krisp
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Just silly. And awesome. I think its hilarious.


Let's just leave it as is now. I think this is the better option, and now we'll get to see some seriously powerful frames. As well, this lets me save forma for dojo building.

I still would have liked them using Mastery Rank. It keeps them OUT of the mod pools so you can datamax your frame before you forma it. It also lets you swap them without fear of overlapping capacity.


Yes these new mod points help New Players, and really I am fine with that. Keeping new players is what ensures us Veterans have people to play with. When a game stops attracting new players is when it starts to die.

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Ok... Just confused about what your beef is now.


You get extra mod points to use for your frame?


So what's the issue, you don't have to use them if you don't want.


I usually end up having to sacrifice a skill just to fit a health mod or such. Now i'll be able to equip all four skills as originally intended.


I'm not sure why some people are complaining about getting free points to use or not to use. It's ultimately your choice if you want to use them or not.


Maybe it's just me, but I honestly cannot see an issue with this.


My beef is that from a design point of view the old system looked better for long term balance.[at first glance, and from very little knowledge of what DE is planning.]

Edited by Orthusaku
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stop complaining

sooner or later they will probably give more mods and give frame/weapon mor mod slot to put stuff in which we would need these extra pts anyways, as well as if u alreayd forma and has extra energy. so what the problem u wasted a forma so what wait, till they add more stuff and ur problem is fixed, unless ur OCD then we cant help u on that

Edited by luanle21
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I forma'd my frost prime.

Im so glad I didnt put the slot on Aura.


But now all my mods can be maxed with.


I actually LIKE This update, as I'd rather be ranking something new for my mastery level, instead of having to forma 3 more times.

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stop complaining

sooner or later they will probably give more mods and give frame/weapon mor mod slot to put stuff in which we would need these extra pts anyways, as well as if u alreayd forma and has extra energy. so what the problem u wasted a forma so what wait till they add more stuff and ur problem is fixed unless ur OCD then we cant help u on that


Haven't used any forma on any of my equipment... GJ for making an &#! out of you and me.

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I smell same old topic, about hate toward new Aura again. ^^

You should read several hours old thread 1st & tell us.


Weren't there multiple threads hating the aura system when it costed energy? so why can't we have multiple thread about liking it costing energy? Seems only fair.

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- Playing this game like it's already perfectly launched and theres no bugs etc...
- Putting formas like there's no tomorrow

- Expecting endgame 

- Expecting nightmare mode to live up to it's name so soon

- Game is in OPEN BETA(in other words people have access to a game that is still being developed to the point of being good enough to be said it's "fully released")


Dude seriously you're playing a game in Beta like it's been fully released for 3 years or something, I got 15 forma and I didn't use a single one yet and I've had plenty of reasons to use them, so stop being so dramatic and always expect the worst when a game is still in development/testing.


And to all of you asking for challenging stuff to do, do nightmare modes or Raptor without any mods or powers to pass the time I guarantee you that it will be challenging unless you exploit or something then it'll just be boring.

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