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Update 9.0 Ui Change What I Noticed.


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alright start with mods screen.


it is better in that i can see more BPs at once but is worse because it is much harder to see my components because of the necessity to select a whole new panel.


as a rule less clicks is better.


the new system map


the new map scrolling mechanic needs to be explained somewhere. as it is a new mechanic in addition the placement of the planet resources screen is in the way alot it should be moved quite a bit higher and it should say the names of the resources as well as the pictures.


lore screen alright that good people should start asking less useless questions but most likely not.

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Agreed. I haven't bothered remembering the picture associated with the resources yet. And it's even worse for those who haven't gathered any of the resource to even associate a name to the image.

Edited by Casardis
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Definitely agree with the above, here's what I have to add.


There's no way to tell whether you have completed a mission or just unlocked it (unless there are more after it with a red line connected) since all the nodes are gray. Should bring back the yellow/blue scheme. It's not a big deal but I was going for 100% and now I can't tell what I need to do.


Sometimes when I zoom all the way out it just stays focused on the sun so the only planets I can see are Venus and Mercury.


No display for what Aura your squadmates are using making it difficult to coordinate. They also removed the beacon showing what planets have been voted on in your squad, and within a planet it doesn't show which missions have been voted on.

Edited by DrSammich
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Here are the changes I noticed that I deem negative, and here's my feedback on them.

As a reference, I'm playing with a 1680x1050 borderless window.

1. Map UI
1.1 The names for the missions are too small, they need to be bigger or be scalable in some way.
1.2 There's a huge amount of unused space around the list of missions, "zoom in" option please.
1.3 The missions are not colored anymore, so there's no way of knowing which missions your skipped on a given planet as they are all gray.
1.4 The icons for the alerts and the nightmare modes need to be bigger and a different colour for the nightmare one. Gray icon on black background is so hard to see.

1.5 WHERE'S MY ALERT LIST!??!? While I'm waiting, I want to see if an alert is available or not. Having to zoom out to see the alert list sucks. Another option is to have arrows on the border of the screens showing where the alerts are like the way point thing in a mission.
1.6 There's no way of knowing which aura has been equiped with your teammate, as mentioned above.

1.7 The nightmare mode should also have a dedicated list where you can click and go to it quickly, instead of having to dig through all the missions to find the tiny gray icon on the black background.

1.8 The resources icons need to have names below them, as mentioned above.

1.9 There's no way to see which mission your teammates voted for anymore. The blue flashy thing has been removed and their name doesn't show up below the mission.




2. Foundry UI
2.1 As a general feel, the foundry UI looks like it is made for consoles, not PC gaming anymore. Please don't make the same mistake as Bethesda and make a console UI for a mostly PC game (Skyrim), because that frustrates a lot of PC players. A PC game should have a "point and click" UI with large lists. A console game should have a list-based UI where you can scroll with a gamepad. Sure, it's more work to do both, but it also means more happy players.
2.2 There's a huge amount of unused space around the UI which could be used to make the lists so much bigger than 4x3. The bigger your resolution, the bigger the list should be. I personally would like to see something closer to the mod list UI with a 8x5 box list.
2.3 The checkmark next to the materials after you select an item needs to be coloured. Red if you don't have enough mats, green if you do. Same thing for the text and the icon of the material.
2.4 You souldn't have to select a blueprint to see if you have the required mats and what you are missing. I prefered the older Foundry UI for that reason, you could just skip through the list to see what you needed.
2.5 The timer ring looks really need, kudos on that, but I would make the Claim button and the Checkmark once you complete items more apparent (i.e. colored green and white, respectively).
2.6 In all sections, there should be more sorting options, like "List" (the old ui style) and "Small icons" and "Big icons".
2.7 The sorting selection definitely needs to be saved once your exit the UI. Having to reorder by state instead of name every single time is just plain annoying.
2.8 Why seperate the Warframe blueprints and the warframe pieces (systems, helmet, chassis) in different category? Everything should be in the warframe section not in the Miscellaneous section.

Edited by Tokila
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Definitely agree with the above, here's what I have to add.


There's no way to tell whether you have completed a mission or just unlocked it (unless there are more after it with a red line connected) since all the nodes are gray. Should bring back the yellow/blue scheme. It's not a big deal but I was going for 100% and now I can't tell what I need to do.


Sometimes when I zoom all the way out it just stays focused on the sun so the only planets I can see are Venus and Mercury.


No display for what Aura your squadmates are using making it difficult to coordinate. They also removed the beacon showing what planets have been voted on in your squad, and within a planet it doesn't show which missions have been voted on.


Well put for sure.  Things are a bit confusing now and I agree that I cannot see what mission I have to complete when hovering over planets, nor do I know the resources by picture alone (keep the pics, add the item name).  The old yellow/blue style wasn't half bad at all.  I like the new design, but the pick up and play easyness of it isn't there anymore.

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I am especially disappointed in the mission UI, to the point of frustration.

A lot of my pains have already been mentioned by Tokila


- I play in 1920x1080, the names of the missions and the dots are too bloody small!

- There is no way of distinguishing missions you skipped (previously yellow) from ones you've actually done

- there is no way of seeing who voted what

- you need to hover over a mission to see how many squads are playing it: it's ridiculous, what if i want to do ANY mission on a given planed that has a chance of landing me with people quickly? I need to hover everything....

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Sharing our small-but-tight Ghost clans views on some changes that seemed most immediately pressing after the update.


Aura mod system, teamwork: We lost the ability to coordinate amongst our team. Before we knew what mods we had equipped, and depending on mission could offer council to each other on which Artefacts to equip or change. Now coordination is much more complicated.


Aura mod system, UX: We gained precise values for how these affect our stats, but since the Aura Mods are part of the Warframe configuration screen, they are now lost amidst the regular Warframe mods. It is currently difficult to recognize which mods are Aura/general mods, since there's no filtering, and the already long, paged list of Mods is quite slow to use. It takes longer to switch an Aura mod than it did with Artefacts, so now it feels like we don't have time or can't bother to customize the Auras per mission parameters.


Mission select, teamwork: Previously, when a single Tenno voted on a mission, the three remaining could zoom out and view where the vote was cast by observing the "ping" visual originating from any mission/planet with a vote going on in it. Currently it seems the other three Tenno can't see this location, and it becomes unclear what the vote is going out for, and where. It becomes a voice-chat or typing exercise, and gives ground for much confusion.


Mission select, aesthetics: Our resident artist type said the planet labels in the zoomed-out view are helpful, but he'd like to be able to toggle them off once in a while, because they seemed to deter from the view aesthetics for him. This wasn't a shared view, and I doubt it's a big priority, but thought to add it here for a complete report.


There's still lots to chew through, though, so I may update these views.

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